144 lines
4.4 KiB
144 lines
4.4 KiB
#ifdef PPU_CPP
//bsnes mode7 renderer
//base algorithm written by anomie
//bsnes implementation written by byuu
//supports mode 7 + extbg + rotate + zoom + direct color + scrolling + m7sel + windowing + mosaic
//interlace and pseudo-hires support are automatic via main rendering routine
//13-bit sign extend
//--s---vvvvvvvvvv -> ssssssvvvvvvvvvv
#define CLIP(x) ( ((x) & 0x2000) ? ( (x) | ~0x03ff) : ((x) & 0x03ff) )
template<unsigned bg>
void PPU::render_line_mode7(uint8 pri0_pos, uint8 pri1_pos) {
if(layer_enabled[bg][0] == false) pri0_pos = 0;
if(layer_enabled[bg][1] == false) pri1_pos = 0;
if(pri0_pos + pri1_pos == 0) return;
if(regs.bg_enabled[bg] == false && regs.bgsub_enabled[bg] == false) return;
int32 px, py;
int32 tx, ty, tile, palette;
int32 a = sclip<16>(cache.m7a);
int32 b = sclip<16>(cache.m7b);
int32 c = sclip<16>(cache.m7c);
int32 d = sclip<16>(cache.m7d);
int32 cx = sclip<13>(cache.m7x);
int32 cy = sclip<13>(cache.m7y);
int32 hofs = sclip<13>(cache.m7_hofs);
int32 vofs = sclip<13>(cache.m7_vofs);
int _pri, _x;
bool _bg_enabled = regs.bg_enabled[bg];
bool _bgsub_enabled = regs.bgsub_enabled[bg];
uint8 *wt_main = window[bg].main;
uint8 *wt_sub = window[bg].sub;
int32 y = (regs.mode7_vflip == false ? line : 255 - line);
uint16 *mtable_x, *mtable_y;
if(bg == BG1) {
mtable_x = (uint16*)mosaic_table[(regs.mosaic_enabled[BG1] == true) ? regs.mosaic_size : 0];
mtable_y = (uint16*)mosaic_table[(regs.mosaic_enabled[BG1] == true) ? regs.mosaic_size : 0];
} else { //bg == BG2
//Mode7 EXTBG BG2 uses BG1 mosaic enable to control vertical mosaic,
//and BG2 mosaic enable to control horizontal mosaic...
mtable_x = (uint16*)mosaic_table[(regs.mosaic_enabled[BG2] == true) ? regs.mosaic_size : 0];
mtable_y = (uint16*)mosaic_table[(regs.mosaic_enabled[BG1] == true) ? regs.mosaic_size : 0];
int32 psx = ((a * CLIP(hofs - cx)) & ~63) + ((b * CLIP(vofs - cy)) & ~63) + ((b * mtable_y[y]) & ~63) + (cx << 8);
int32 psy = ((c * CLIP(hofs - cx)) & ~63) + ((d * CLIP(vofs - cy)) & ~63) + ((d * mtable_y[y]) & ~63) + (cy << 8);
for(int32 x = 0; x < 256; x++) {
px = psx + (a * mtable_x[x]);
py = psy + (c * mtable_x[x]);
//mask floating-point bits (low 8 bits)
px >>= 8;
py >>= 8;
switch(regs.mode7_repeat) {
case 0: //screen repetition outside of screen area
case 1: { //same as case 0
px &= 1023;
py &= 1023;
tx = ((px >> 3) & 127);
ty = ((py >> 3) & 127);
tile = vram[(ty * 128 + tx) << 1];
palette = vram[(((tile << 6) + ((py & 7) << 3) + (px & 7)) << 1) + 1];
} break;
case 2: { //palette color 0 outside of screen area
if((px | py) & ~1023) {
palette = 0;
} else {
px &= 1023;
py &= 1023;
tx = ((px >> 3) & 127);
ty = ((py >> 3) & 127);
tile = vram[(ty * 128 + tx) << 1];
palette = vram[(((tile << 6) + ((py & 7) << 3) + (px & 7)) << 1) + 1];
} break;
case 3: { //character 0 repetition outside of screen area
if((px | py) & ~1023) {
tile = 0;
} else {
px &= 1023;
py &= 1023;
tx = ((px >> 3) & 127);
ty = ((py >> 3) & 127);
tile = vram[(ty * 128 + tx) << 1];
palette = vram[(((tile << 6) + ((py & 7) << 3) + (px & 7)) << 1) + 1];
} break;
if(bg == BG1) {
_pri = pri0_pos;
} else {
_pri = (palette >> 7) ? pri1_pos : pri0_pos;
palette &= 0x7f;
if(!palette) continue;
_x = (regs.mode7_hflip == false) ? (x) : (255 - x);
uint32 col;
if(regs.direct_color == true && bg == BG1) {
//direct color mode does not apply to bg2, as it is only 128 colors...
col = get_direct_color(0, palette);
} else {
col = get_palette(palette);
if(regs.bg_enabled[bg] == true && !wt_main[_x]) {
if(pixel_cache[_x].pri_main < _pri) {
pixel_cache[_x].pri_main = _pri;
pixel_cache[_x].bg_main = bg;
pixel_cache[_x].src_main = col;
pixel_cache[_x].ce_main = false;
if(regs.bgsub_enabled[bg] == true && !wt_sub[_x]) {
if(pixel_cache[_x].pri_sub < _pri) {
pixel_cache[_x].pri_sub = _pri;
pixel_cache[_x].bg_sub = bg;
pixel_cache[_x].src_sub = col;
pixel_cache[_x].ce_sub = false;
#undef CLIP