
210 lines
6.5 KiB

#ifdef PPU_CPP
//called once at the start of every rendered scanline
void PPU::update_bg_info() {
const unsigned hires = (regs.bg_mode == 5 || regs.bg_mode == 6);
const unsigned width = (!hires ? 256 : 512);
for(unsigned bg = 0; bg < 4; bg++) {
bg_info[bg].th = (regs.bg_tilesize[bg] ? 4 : 3);
bg_info[bg].tw = (hires ? 4 : bg_info[bg].th);
bg_info[bg].mx = (bg_info[bg].th == 4 ? (width << 1) : width);
bg_info[bg].my = bg_info[bg].mx;
if(regs.bg_scsize[bg] & 0x01) bg_info[bg].mx <<= 1;
if(regs.bg_scsize[bg] & 0x02) bg_info[bg].my <<= 1;
bg_info[bg].scy = (regs.bg_scsize[bg] & 0x02) ? (32 << 5) : 0;
bg_info[bg].scx = (regs.bg_scsize[bg] & 0x01) ? (32 << 5) : 0;
if(regs.bg_scsize[bg] == 3) bg_info[bg].scy <<= 1;
template<unsigned bg>
uint16 PPU::bg_get_tile(uint16 x, uint16 y) {
x = (x & bg_info[bg].mx) >> bg_info[bg].tw;
y = (y & bg_info[bg].my) >> bg_info[bg].th;
uint16 pos = ((y & 0x1f) << 5) + (x & 0x1f);
if(y & 0x20) pos += bg_info[bg].scy;
if(x & 0x20) pos += bg_info[bg].scx;
const uint16 addr = regs.bg_scaddr[bg] + (pos << 1);
return vram[addr] + (vram[addr + 1] << 8);
#define setpixel_main(x) \
if(pixel_cache[x].pri_main < tile_pri) { \
pixel_cache[x].pri_main = tile_pri; \
pixel_cache[x].bg_main = bg; \
pixel_cache[x].src_main = col; \
pixel_cache[x].ce_main = false; \
#define setpixel_sub(x) \
if(pixel_cache[x].pri_sub < tile_pri) { \
pixel_cache[x].pri_sub = tile_pri; \
pixel_cache[x].bg_sub = bg; \
pixel_cache[x].src_sub = col; \
pixel_cache[x].ce_sub = false; \
template<unsigned mode, unsigned bg, unsigned color_depth>
void PPU::render_line_bg(uint8 pri0_pos, uint8 pri1_pos) {
if(layer_enabled[bg][0] == false) pri0_pos = 0;
if(layer_enabled[bg][1] == false) pri1_pos = 0;
if(pri0_pos + pri1_pos == 0) return;
if(regs.bg_enabled[bg] == false && regs.bgsub_enabled[bg] == false) return;
const bool bg_enabled = regs.bg_enabled[bg];
const bool bgsub_enabled = regs.bgsub_enabled[bg];
const uint16 opt_valid_bit = (bg == BG1) ? 0x2000 : (bg == BG2) ? 0x4000 : 0x0000;
const uint8 bgpal_index = (mode == 0 ? (bg << 5) : 0);
const uint8 pal_size = 2 << color_depth; //<<2 (*4), <<4 (*16), <<8 (*256)
const uint16 tile_mask = 0x0fff >> color_depth; //0x0fff, 0x07ff, 0x03ff
//4 + color_depth = >>(4-6) -- / {16, 32, 64 } bytes/tile
//index is a tile number count to add to base tile number
const unsigned tiledata_index = regs.bg_tdaddr[bg] >> (4 + color_depth);
const uint8 *bg_td = bg_tiledata[color_depth];
const uint8 *bg_td_state = bg_tiledata_state[color_depth];
const uint8 tile_width = bg_info[bg].tw;
const uint8 tile_height = bg_info[bg].th;
const uint16 mask_x = bg_info[bg].mx; //screen width mask
const uint16 mask_y = bg_info[bg].my; //screen height mask
uint16 y = regs.bg_y[bg];
uint16 hscroll = regs.bg_hofs[bg];
uint16 vscroll = regs.bg_vofs[bg];
const unsigned hires = (mode == 5 || mode == 6);
const unsigned width = (!hires ? 256 : 512);
if(hires) {
hscroll <<= 1;
if(regs.interlace) y = (y << 1) + field();
uint16 hval, vval;
uint16 tile_pri, tile_num;
uint8 pal_index, pal_num;
uint16 hoffset, voffset, opt_x, col;
bool mirror_x, mirror_y;
const uint8 *tile_ptr;
const uint16 *mtable = mosaic_table[regs.mosaic_enabled[bg] ? regs.mosaic_size : 0];
const bool is_opt_mode = (mode == 2 || mode == 4 || mode == 6);
const bool is_direct_color_mode = (regs.direct_color == true && bg == BG1 && (mode == 3 || mode == 4));
const uint8 *wt_main = window[bg].main;
const uint8 *wt_sub = window[bg].sub;
uint16 prev_x = 0xffff, prev_y = 0xffff, prev_optx = 0xffff;
for(uint16 x = 0; x < width; x++) {
hoffset = mtable[x] + hscroll;
voffset = y + vscroll;
if(is_opt_mode) {
opt_x = (x + (hscroll & 7));
//tile 0 is unaffected by OPT mode...
if(opt_x >= 8) {
//cache tile data in hval, vval if possible
if((opt_x >> 3) != (prev_optx >> 3)) {
prev_optx = opt_x;
hval = bg_get_tile<BG3>((opt_x - 8) + (regs.bg_hofs[BG3] & ~7), regs.bg_vofs[BG3]);
if(mode != 4) {
vval = bg_get_tile<BG3>((opt_x - 8) + (regs.bg_hofs[BG3] & ~7), regs.bg_vofs[BG3] + 8);
if(mode == 4) {
if(hval & opt_valid_bit) {
if(!(hval & 0x8000)) {
hoffset = opt_x + (hval & ~7);
} else {
voffset = y + hval;
} else {
if(hval & opt_valid_bit) {
hoffset = opt_x + (hval & ~7);
if(vval & opt_valid_bit) {
voffset = y + vval;
hoffset &= mask_x;
voffset &= mask_y;
if((hoffset >> 3) != prev_x || (voffset >> 3) != prev_y) {
prev_x = (hoffset >> 3);
prev_y = (voffset >> 3);
tile_num = bg_get_tile<bg>(hoffset, voffset); //format = vhopppcc cccccccc
mirror_y = (tile_num & 0x8000);
mirror_x = (tile_num & 0x4000);
tile_pri = (tile_num & 0x2000) ? pri1_pos : pri0_pos;
pal_num = ((tile_num >> 10) & 7);
pal_index = bgpal_index + (pal_num << pal_size);
if(tile_width == 4) { //16x16 horizontal tile mirroring
if((bool)(hoffset & 8) != mirror_x) tile_num++;
if(tile_height == 4) { //16x16 vertical tile mirroring
if((bool)(voffset & 8) != mirror_y) tile_num += 16;
tile_num &= 0x03ff;
tile_num += tiledata_index;
tile_num &= tile_mask;
if(bg_td_state[tile_num] == 1) {
if(mirror_y) voffset ^= 7; //invert y tile pos
tile_ptr = bg_td + (tile_num * 64) + ((voffset & 7) * 8);
if(mirror_x) hoffset ^= 7; //invert x tile pos
col = *(tile_ptr + (hoffset & 7));
if(col) {
if(is_direct_color_mode) {
col = get_direct_color(pal_num, col);
} else {
col = get_palette(col + pal_index);
if(!hires) {
if(bg_enabled == true && !wt_main[x]) { setpixel_main(x); }
if(bgsub_enabled == true && !wt_sub[x]) { setpixel_sub(x); }
} else {
int hx = x >> 1;
if(x & 1) {
if(bg_enabled == true && !wt_main[hx]) { setpixel_main(hx); }
} else {
if(bgsub_enabled == true && !wt_sub[hx]) { setpixel_sub(hx); }
#undef setpixel_main
#undef setpixel_sub