283 lines
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283 lines
10 KiB
namespace BizHawk.MultiClient
public class Config
public Config()
SMSController[0] = new SMSControllerTemplate(true);
SMSController[1] = new SMSControllerTemplate(false);
PCEController[0] = new PCEControllerTemplate(true);
PCEController[1] = new PCEControllerTemplate(false);
PCEController[2] = new PCEControllerTemplate(false);
PCEController[3] = new PCEControllerTemplate(false);
PCEController[4] = new PCEControllerTemplate(false);
NESController[0] = new NESControllerTemplate(true);
NESController[1] = new NESControllerTemplate(false);
NESController[2] = new NESControllerTemplate(false);
NESController[3] = new NESControllerTemplate(false);
// General Client Settings
public int TargetZoomFactor = 2;
public string LastRomPath = ".";
public bool AutoLoadMostRecentRom = false; //TODO: eventually make a class or struct for all the auto-loads, which will include recent roms, movies, etc, as well as autoloading any modeless dialog
public RecentFiles RecentRoms = new RecentFiles(8);
public bool PauseWhenMenuActivated = true;
public bool SaveWindowPosition = true;
public bool StartPaused = false;
public int MainWndx = -1; //Negative numbers will be ignored
public int MainWndy = -1;
// Run-Control settings
public int FrameProgressDelayMs = 500; //how long until a frame advance hold turns into a frame progress?
public int FrameSkip = 0;
public int SpeedPercent = 100;
public bool LimitFramerate = true;
public bool AutoMinimizeSkipping = true;
public bool DisplayVSync = false;
public bool RewindEnabled = true;
// Display options
public bool DisplayFPS = false;
public bool DisplayFrameCounter = false;
public bool DisplayLagCounter = false;
public bool DisplayInput = false;
// Sound options
public bool SoundEnabled = true;
public bool MuteFrameAdvance = true;
// RamWatch Settings
public bool AutoLoadRamWatch = false;
public RecentFiles RecentWatches = new RecentFiles(8);
public bool RamWatchSaveWindowPosition = true;
public int RamWatchWndx = -1; //Negative numbers will be ignored even with save window position set
public int RamWatchWndy = -1;
public int RamWatchWidth = -1; //Negative numbers will be ignored
public int RamWatchHeight = -1;
public bool RamWatchShowChangeColumn = true;
public bool RamWatchShowPrevColumn = false;
public bool RamWatchShowChangeFromPrev = true;
public int RamWatchAddressWidth = 59;
public int RamWatchValueWidth = 59;
public int RamWatchPrevWidth = 59;
public int RamWatchChangeWidth = 54;
public int RamWatchNotesWidth = 130;
// RamSearch Settings
public bool AutoLoadRamSearch = false;
public bool RamSearchSaveWindowPosition = true;
public RecentFiles RecentSearches = new RecentFiles(8);
public int RamSearchWndx = -1; //Negative numbers will be ignored even with save window position set
public int RamSearchWndy = -1;
public int RamSearchWidth = -1; //Negative numbers will be ignored
public int RamSearchHeight = -1;
public int RamSearchPreviousAs = 0;
public bool RamSearchPreviewMode = true;
public bool AlwaysExludeRamWatch = false;
// HexEditor Settings
public bool AutoLoadHexEditor = false;
public bool HexEditorSaveWindowPosition = true;
public int HexEditorWndx = -1; //Negative numbers will be ignored even with save window position set
public int HexEditorWndy = -1;
public int HexEditorWidth = -1;
public int HexEditorHeight = -1;
// NESPPU Setings
public bool AutoLoadNESPPU = true;
public bool NESPPUSaveWindowPosition = true;
public int NESPPUWndx = -1;
public int NESPPUWndy = -1;
//Movie Settings
public RecentFiles RecentMovies = new RecentFiles(8);
// Client Hotkey Bindings
//TODO: These should be allowed to be "", not every hotkey should have to be mapped somewhere
public string HardResetBinding = "LeftShift+Tab"; //TODO: This needs to be Ctrl+R but how?
public string FastForwardBinding = "J1 B6, Tab";
public string RewindBinding = "J1 B5, LeftShift+R, RightShift+R";
public string EmulatorPauseBinding = "Pause";
public string FrameAdvanceBinding = "F";
public string ScreenshotBinding = "F12";
public string ToggleFullscreenBinding = "LeftAlt+Return, RightAlt+Return";
public string QuickSave = "I";
public string QuickLoad = "P";
public string SelectSlot0 = "0";
public string SelectSlot1 = "1";
public string SelectSlot2 = "2";
public string SelectSlot3 = "3";
public string SelectSlot4 = "4";
public string SelectSlot5 = "5";
public string SelectSlot6 = "6";
public string SelectSlot7 = "7";
public string SelectSlot8 = "8";
public string SelectSlot9 = "9";
public string SaveSlot0 = "LeftShift+F10";
public string SaveSlot1 = "LeftShift+F1";
public string SaveSlot2 = "LeftShift+F2";
public string SaveSlot3 = "LeftShift+F3";
public string SaveSlot4 = "LeftShift+F4";
public string SaveSlot5 = "LeftShift+F5";
public string SaveSlot6 = "LeftShift+F6";
public string SaveSlot7 = "LeftShift+F7";
public string SaveSlot8 = "LeftShift+F8";
public string SaveSlot9 = "LeftShift+F9";
public string LoadSlot0 = "F10";
public string LoadSlot1 = "F1";
public string LoadSlot2 = "F2";
public string LoadSlot3 = "F3";
public string LoadSlot4 = "F4";
public string LoadSlot5 = "F5";
public string LoadSlot6 = "F6";
public string LoadSlot7 = "F7";
public string LoadSlot8 = "F8";
public string LoadSlot9 = "F9";
// SMS / GameGear Settings
public bool SmsEnableFM = true;
public bool SmsAllowOverlock = false;
public bool SmsForceStereoSeparation = false;
public string SmsReset = "Tab";
public string SmsPause = "J1 B10, Space";
public SMSControllerTemplate[] SMSController = new SMSControllerTemplate[2];
// PCEngine Settings
public PCEControllerTemplate[] PCEController = new PCEControllerTemplate[5];
// Genesis Settings
public string GenP1Up = "J1 Up, UpArrow";
public string GenP1Down = "J1 Down, DownArrow";
public string GenP1Left = "J1 Left, LeftArrow";
public string GenP1Right = "J1 Right, RightArrow";
public string GenP1A = "J1 B1, Z";
public string GenP1B = "J1 B2, X";
public string GenP1C = "J1 B9, C";
public string GenP1Start = "J1 B10, Return";
//GameBoy Settings
public NESControllerTemplate GameBoyController = new NESControllerTemplate(true);
public NESControllerTemplate[] NESController = new NESControllerTemplate[4];
public class SMSControllerTemplate
public string Up;
public string Down;
public string Left;
public string Right;
public string B1;
public string B2;
public bool Enabled;
public SMSControllerTemplate() { }
public SMSControllerTemplate(bool defaults)
if (defaults)
Enabled = true;
Up = "J1 Up, UpArrow";
Down = "J1 Down, DownArrow";
Left = "J1 Left, LeftArrow";
Right = "J1 Right, RightArrow";
B1 = "J1 B1, Z";
B2 = "J1 B2, X";
Enabled = false;
Up = "";
Down = "";
Right = "";
Left = "";
B1 = "";
B2 = "";
public class PCEControllerTemplate
public string Up;
public string Down;
public string Left;
public string Right;
public string I;
public string II;
public string Run;
public string Select;
public bool Enabled;
public PCEControllerTemplate() { }
public PCEControllerTemplate(bool defaults)
if (defaults)
Enabled = true;
Up = "J1 Up, UpArrow";
Down = "J1 Down, DownArrow";
Left = "J1 Left, LeftArrow";
Right = "J1 Right, RightArrow";
I = "J1 B1, Z";
II = "J1 B2, X";
Run = "J1 B10, C";
Select = "J1 B9, V";
Enabled = false;
Up = "";
Down = "";
Right = "";
Left = "";
I = "";
II = "";
Run = "";
Select = "";
public class NESControllerTemplate
public string Up;
public string Down;
public string Left;
public string Right;
public string A;
public string B;
public string Start;
public string Select;
public bool Enabled;
public NESControllerTemplate() { }
public NESControllerTemplate(bool defaults)
if (defaults)
Enabled = true;
Up = "J1 Up, UpArrow";
Down = "J1 Down, DownArrow";
Left = "J1 Left, LeftArrow";
Right = "J1 Right, RightArrow";
A = "J1 B1, X";
B = "J1 B2, Z";
Start = "J1 B10, Return";
Select = "J1 B9, Space";
Enabled = false;
Up = "";
Down = "";
Right = "";
Left = "";
A = "";
B = "";
Start = "";
Select = "";
} |