
127 lines
3.4 KiB

Complete - what it sounds like
Good - thought to be complete
Decent - mostly compatible, but many significant edge cases not tested
Minimal - Important games are playable, but emulation is known not to be complete
Needed - Someone should do this
Nothing - Not implemented
Junk - Who cares about this. Not enough games, or unlicensed junk or no interesting games
Mapper compatibility does not warrant game compatibility, which may be contingent on other aspects of emulation.
It is just a rough guide for future work.
Open bus and bus conflict emulation is not considered complete or thorough in any event.
000 NROM Complete
001 SxROM=MMC1 Decent
002 UxROM Good
003 CNROM Good
004 MMC3 Decent
005 ExRom=MMC5 Minimal
007 AxROM Good
009 PxROM=MMC2 Complete
010 MMC4 Complete
011 Misc Complete
013 CPROM Complete
015 Multicart Junk
016 Bandai Decent
018 Jaleco* Nothing
019 Namcot106 Decent (but no sound) (+210)
021 VRC4 Decent
022 VRC2 Decent
023 VRC2/4 Decent
024 VRC6 Decent (no sound)
025 VRC4? Decent
026 VRC6(newer) Decent (but no sound)
032 Irem_G101 Complete
033 Taito Complete
034 Misc Complete
044 Multicart Complete
045 Multicart Junk
046 Multicart Complete
047 MMC3Multi Decent
048 MMC3Variant Decent
049 Multicart Complete
050 Pirate Junk
052 Multicart Junk
057 Multicart Junk
058 Multicart Junk
060 Multicart Junk
061 Multicart Junk
062 Multicart Junk
064 Tengen Good
065 Misc (J) Nothing
066 GxROM Complete
067 Sunsoft-3 Nothing
068 Sunsoft-4 Complete
069 FME7 Minimal
070 Misc Complete
071 Camerica Complete
072 Misc (J) Nothing
073 VRC3 Good
074 Pirate (CN) Junk
075 VRC1 Complete
076 Misc (J) Nothing
077 Misc (J) Complete
078 Misc Complete
079 NINA-06 Complete
080 Misc (J) Good
082 Misc (J) Complete
085 VRC7 Decent (no OPL sound)
086 Misc (J) Decent (no sound)
087 Misc (J) Complete
088 Misc (J) Nothing
089 Sunsoft-2 Complete
090 Garbage Junk (+209)
091 Pirate Junk
092 Misc (J) Nothing (similar to 072)
093 Sunsoft-2 Good
094 Misc (J) Complete
095 MMC3Variant Complete
096 Misc (J) Nothing
097 Misc (J) Complete
105 NES-EVENT Minimal (not entirely tested, no timer/IRQ, no dip switches)
107 Unlicensed Complete
112 Misc (CN) Nothing
113 =USELESS= Junk
115 MMC3Variant Decent
118 TLSROM Complete
119 TQROM Complete
140 Misc (J) Complete
152 Misc (J) Complete
154 Misc (J) Nothing
159 Bandai {{See 016}}
164 Pirate Junk - Started
165 Pirate Junk
180 Misc (J) Complete (but we don't implement the crazy climber controller)
182 MMC3Variant Decent
184 Sunsoft-1 Complete
185 Misc (J) Complete
189 MMC3Variant Decent
*191 Pirate Minimal (mmc3 variant) - No known game uses this (extant dumps of Sugoro Quest use mapper 4). So this isn't tested.
192 Pirate Nothing (mmc3 variant) - No known game uses this (extant dumps of Ying Lie Qun Xia Zhuan use mapper 245)
193 Unlicensed Junk - Started
194 Pirate Junk
200 Multicart Junk
201 Multicart Junk
203 Multicart Junk
205 Multicart Junk
*206 Namcot109 Complete (missing from disch docs)
207 Misc (J) Nothing
209 Garbage {{See 090}}
210 Namcot Decent {{See 019}}
225 Multicart Junk
226 Multicart Junk
227 Multicart Junk
228 Unlicensed Nothing
230 Multicart Junk
231 Multicart Junk
232 Camerica Complete
233 Multicart Junk
234 Misc Nothing
240 Misc (CN) Complete
242 Misc (CN) Complete
243 Misc Nothing
245 Pirate Junk
246 Misc (CN) Nothing