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\____/ 2.4 - 26.12.2003
WStech doc v2.4 made by Judge and Dox
Special thanks to -anonymous- contributor for some usefull info.
For more info please visit http://www.pocketdomain.net
Comments/updates/infos please send to dox@space.pl
What's new in version 2.4:
- corect info about Sprite Table, BG Map and FG Map locations
(ports $04 and $07 - section 10)
Special thanks to mika-n
2. CPU
Bandai SPGY-1001 ASWAN 9850KK003
NEC V30 MZ - fast version of V30 with internal pipeline (16 bytes prefatch buffer) running at 3.072 MHz.
V30 MZ is aprox 4 times faster than V30.
The V30MZ performs pipeline processing internally, performing instruction fetch (prefetch), instruction decode, and
instruction execution in parallel. For this reason, it is difficult to determine what part of the program is currently being
executed by monitoring the output of the address bus for the instruction code fetch.
If there are conditional branch instructions, even in case branching does not occur, the address of the branch
destination is prefetched (only one time), so that further monitoring of the program is difficult.
The V30MZ has 8 prefetch queues (16 bytes).
There are a few other differences between V30MZ and V30 cpu (unsupported opcodes , different flag handling after mul/div).
Hblank : 256 CPU cycles
Vblank : 159 Hblank = 159*256/3072000 = 75.47Hz
20 bit addressing space = 1 Megabyte. Memory is splitted into 64KB blocks (segments/banks).
0 - RAM - 16 KB (WS) / 64 KB (WSC) internal RAM (see below)
1 - SRAM (cart) SRAM is BSI device BS62LV256TC - 256K(32Kx8) Static RAM - TSOP 0 - 70 c, 70 ns (http://www.bsi.com.tw/product/bs62lv256.pdf)
2 - ROM Bank (initial bank = last)
3 - ROM Bank (lnitial bank = last)
4 - ROM Bank (initial bank = last - 11)
5 - ROM Bank (initial bank = last - 10)
6 - ROM Bank (initial bank = last - 9)
7 - ROM Bank (initial bank = last - 8)
8 - ROM Bank (initial bank = last - 7)
9 - ROM Bank (initial bank = last - 6)
A - ROM Bank (initial bank = last - 5)
B - ROM Bank (initial bank = last - 4)
C - ROM Bank (initial bank = last - 3)
D - ROM Bank (initial bank = last - 2)
E - ROM Bank (initial bank = last - 1)
F - ROM Bank (initial bank = last)
Segments 2-$F are switchable using ports :
$C2 - Segment 2 (value written to port is ROM Bank number ($FF means last ROM bank (last 64 kbytes of ROM file) , $FE = last - 1 .. etc)
$C3 - Segment 3 (same as above)
$C0 - Segments 4-$F - bits 0,1,2 and 3 of port $C0 are bits 4,5,6 and 7 of ROM bank number in segments 4-$F . Bits 0-3
are taken form segment number ( for example , IO[$C0]=$4E -> segment 9 contains ROM bank $E9).
RAM Map :
$0000 - $1FFF WS/WSC
$2000 - $3FFF 4 Col Tiles WS/WSC
$4000 - $7FFF 16 Col Tiles Bank 0 WSC only
$8000 - $BFFF 16 Col Tiles Bank 1 WSC only
$C000 - $FDFF WSC only
$FE00 - $FFFF Palettes (WSC) WSC only
Some games required initialized (?) part of RAM, for example:
$75AC = $41 = "A"
$75AD = $5F = "_"
$75AE = $43 = "C"
$75AF = $31 = "1"
$75B0 = $6E = "n"
$75B1 = $5F = "_"
$75B2 = $63 = "c"
$75B3 = $31 = "1"
Screen size - 224 x 144 pixels (28 x 18 tiles)
Tile size - 8 x 8 dots , 16 bytes/tile (4 col modes) or 32 bytes/tile (16 col modes)
Map size - 256 x 256 pixels (32 x 32 tiles)
Layers - Two layers - Background and Foreground (top layer)
Maps locations - Selectable using port $07
Tiles locations - Fixed, two banks - one at $4000 , second at $8000
Map format - Each position in the map is defined by one word:
bits 0 - 8 - Tile number (0-511)
bits 9 - 12 - Palette number (0-15)
bit 13 - WS = unused / WSC = tile bank
bit 14 - Horizontal flip
bit 15 - Vertical flip
Tile formats - Depends on video mode (port $60)
Sprites - Max 128 sprites , limited to max 32 on scanline
sprite format:
byte 0,1 - bits
0 - 8 - Tile number (0-511)
9 - 11 - Palette number (0-7) + 8 -> (8-15)
12 - Sprite window clipping on/off
13 - Priority with respect to the layers
0 - appear between the 2 background and foreground layers
1 - appear on top of both layers
14 - Horizontal flip
15 - Vertical flip
byte 2 - Y position on the screen
byte 3 - X position on the screen
Sprite table is buffered durning frame display.
Probably up to scanline 140 (1238-144?)
Colors - Wonderswan (Mono) is capable of showing 16 shades of gray(only 8 can be selected at any one time)
These 8 shades form a pool from which the palette definition can select shades. There are 16 palettes.
All 16 palettes are used by BG and FG layers , the last 8 are used also by sprites.
Which 8 colors are used for palette generation is defined by ports 1C and 1E- port 1C
defines palette colors 0 - 3, port 1E defines 4 - 7. Each palette selection is 4 bits in
1C : 11110000
1D : 33332222
1E : 55554444
1F : 77776666
(where color 15 is the darkest one)
Ports 20 - 3E are used to define the palettes themselves.
20 : x111x000 - palette #0
21 : x333x222
In color video modes each color is defined using one word,
where bits:
0 - 3 Blue
4 - 7 Green
8 - 11 Red
12 - 14 unused
Color palettes are stored in the RAM (segment 0) , at address $FE00
Scrolling - Each of layers can be scrolled horizontal or vertical using ports $10 - $13
Transparency - Wonderswan - if bit 3 on palette number is set - color 0 of that palette is transparent
Wonderswan color - color 0 of each palette is transparent
Windows - There are two windows - rectangular areas for disabling /enabling FG layer (FG window) or sprites(Sprite window)
4 Audio channels.
Each channel can play short samples ( 4 bit , 16 bytes ( 32 sampels = 2 samples in byte (bits 0-3 and 4-7))
with selectable frequency = 3,072 *10e6 / ((2048 - N) x 32 ) Hz , where N = 11 bit value.
Location of that samples is unknown.
Volume of each audio channle is controlled by writing two 4 bit values ( for left/right output
channel) into ports $88 - $8B. Master volume is controlled by port $91
(2 bit value = first 'used' bit in master volume output (11 bit wide) , D/A converter can
read only 8 bits , starting from bit set in port $91 , for example if first 'used' bit
is set to 2 , D/A using bits 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 for audio output)
Additional (selectable) functions :
- channel 2 - voice - can play 8 bit samples writing frequently data to ch2 volume I/O port
- channel 3 - sweep - two parameters:
- step = 2.667 x (N + 1) ms , where N = 5 bit value
- value - signed byte (-128 - 127)
- channel 4 - noise - 7 selectable noise generators (probably I/O port $8E)
For detailed info please check ports $80 - $91 in section I/O Ports.
There's also Audio DMA (please chec ports $4a - $52).
Transfer rate is 12KHz (HBlank).
I/O ports $4A-$4B and $4E-$4F are autupdated durning data transfer .
Header taking last 10 bytes of each ROM file.
Bytes :
0 - Developer ID
1 - Minimum support system
00 - WS Mono
01 - WS Color
2 - Cart ID number for developer defined at byte 0
3 - ??
4 - ROM Size
01 - ?
02 - 4Mbit
03 - 8Mbit
04 - 16Mbit
05 - ?
06 - 32Mbit
07 - ?
08 - 64Mbit
09 - 128Mbit
00 - 0k
01 - 64k SRAM
02 - 256k SRAM
03 - 1M SRAM (Taikyoku Igo Heisei Kiin)
04 - 2M SRAM (WonderWitch)
10 - 1k EEPROM
20 - 16k EEPROM
50 - 8k EEPROM
6 - Additional capabilities(?)
- bit 0 - 1 - vertical position , 1 - horizontal position
- bit 2 - always 1
7 - 1 - RTC (Real Time Clock)
8,9 - Checksum = sum of all ROM bytes except two last ones ( where checksum is stored)
The Wonderswan CPU recognizes 7 interrupts from the hardware, these are:
7 - HBlank Timer
6 - VBlank
5 - VBlank Timer
4 - Drawing line detection
3 - Serial Recieve
2 - RTC Alarm (cartridge)
1 - Key press
0 - Serial Send
Whether the CPU should indeed take action when one of these interrupts come in
is determined by port B2. The above mentioned interrupts correspond with the bit
numbers of port B2. When an interrupt occurs the corresponding bit of port B6 gets
set to 1 and, if enabled, an interrupt to the CPU is generated. This bit of port B6
will have to be cleared through code when the interrupt has been handled.
The Wonderswan is set to react to VBlank begin interrupts. Then bit 7 of B6 is set high
and keeps the interrupt line high until the CPU is able to take action upon this interrupt.
A typical VBlank interrupt routine is as follows:
<push registers>
<do some useful work>
out B6,40
<pop registers>
The mentioned interrupts do not correspond with the same interrupt numbers for the vectors
in the vector table. The base for the actual interrupt numbers is set through port B0. If B0
is set to 20h then a VBlank begin interrupt routine must be set at vector 26h. (Base is 20h
and VBlank begin interrupt is 6)
8. CONTROLS - It's easy to check buttons status reading/writing port $B5(see below).
There's required some delay between writing and reading port $B5 ( few NOP-s)
9. Internal EEPROM Communication(?) and 'owner' info structure
I/O Ports in range 0xBA -0xBE seems to be used for serial reading of internal
WS EEPROM (for example - 'owner' info).
0xBA (Word) - Data
0xBC (Word) - Address (calculated probably Modulo EEPROM size (unknown))
0xBE (Byte) - Communication (?)
bit 4 set before reading data
bit 1 set by hardware , when data is ready to read
Example :
mov ax, $1B9
out $BC, ax
mov al, $10
out $BE, al
xor dx, dx
inc dx
cmp dl, 32
jnc bad_data
in al, $BE
and al, 1
jz miniloop
in ax, $BA ; Month and Day of birth
'Owner' info structure :
- Name - 16 bytes ( 0 = Space, 1 = '0' ... 0xA = '9', 0xB = 'A'... )
- Year of birth - 2 bytes (BCD)
- Month of birth - 1 byte (BCD)
- Day of birth - 1 byte (BCD)
- Sex - 1 byte (1 - male , 2 - female)
- Blood - 1 byte (1 - A, 2 - B, 3 - 0, 4 - AB)
Struct size - 22 bytes = 11 reads,
Address range = 0x1B0 - 0x1BA
10. I/O PORTS (port number /initial value / description)
- $00 - $00 - Display control
bit 0 - background layer on/off
bit 1 - foreground layer on/off
bit 2 - sprites on/off
bit 3 - sprite window on/off (window coords defined in ports $0C - $0F)
bit 4,5 - fg win inside on/off (window coords defined in ports $08 - $0B)
Meaning of bits 4 and 5 :
5 4
0 0 FG layer is displayed inside and outside FG window area
0 1 ??
1 0 FG layer is displayed only inside window
1 1 FG layer is displayed outside window
- $01 - $00 - Determines the background color
bit 0-3 - background color
bit 4-7 - background palette (WSC only)
- $02 - ??? - Current Line (0 - 158) (159 ???)
- $03 - $BB - Line compare (for drawning line detection interrupt)
- $04 - $00 - Determines the base address for the sprite table.
To get the address of the table, shift this value left 9 times
and clear MSB. (bits 0..5 are effective to determines the base,
bits 6,7 are unknown)
0 0xxxxxx0 00000000
(Sprite Attribute Table Base can move from $00000-$07E00 with 512 bytes step)
- $05 - $00 - Determines the number of the sprite to start drawing with
- $06 - $00 - Determines the number of the sprite to stop drawing.
- $07 - $26 - Determines the location of the foreground and background screens in RAM.
bits 7-0 : ?fff?bbb
bit 7 - Unknown
bits 6-4 - Determines foreground location (address is 00fff000 00000000)
bit 3-? - Unknown
bits 2-0 - Determines background location (address is 00bbb000 00000000)
Back Ground Tile Map Base can move from $00000-$03800 (2048 bytes step)
- $08 - $FE - x0 of FG window (x0,y0) = top left corner, (x1,y1) = bottom right corner
- $09 - $DE - y0 of FG window
- $0A - $F9 - x1 of FG window
- $0B - $FB - y1 of FG window
- $0C - $DB - x0 of SPR window
- $0D - $D7 - y0 of SPR window
- $0E - $7F - x1 of SPR window
- $0F - $F5 - y1 of SPR window
- $10 - $00 - Background layer X scroll register
- $11 - $00 - Background layer Y scroll register
- $12 - $00 - Foreground layer X scroll register
- $13 - $00 - Foreground layer Y scroll register
- $14 - $01 - LCD Control (???)
bit 0 - 1 - LCD on
0 - LCD off
- $15 - $00 - LCD Icons
bit 0 - LCD Sleep
bit 1 - Vertical Position
bit 2 - Horizontal Position
bit 3 - Dot 1
bit 4 - Dot 2
bit 5 - Dot 3
bit 6 - Not Used ?
bit 7 - Not Used ?
- $16 - $9E - ???
- $17 - $9B - ???
- $18 - $00 - ???
- $19 - $00 - ???
- $1A - $00 - ???
- $1B - $00 - ???
- $1C - $99 - PALCOL10
- $1D - $FD - PALCOL32
- $1E - $B7 - PALCOL54
- $1F - $DF - PALCOL76
- $20 - $30 - PAL00
- $21 - $57 - PAL01
- $22 - $75 - PAL10
- $23 - $76 - PAL11
- $24 - $15 - PAL20
- $25 - $73 - PAL21
- $26 - $77 - PAL30
- $27 - $77 - PAL31
- $28 - $20 - PAL40
- $29 - $75 - PAL41
- $2A - $50 - PAL50
- $2B - $36 - PAL51
- $2C - $70 - PAL60
- $2D - $67 - PAL61
- $2E - $50 - PAL70
- $2F - $77 - PAL70
- $30 - $57 - PAL00
- $31 - $54 - PAL01
- $32 - $75 - PAL10
- $33 - $77 - PAL11
- $34 - $75 - PAL20
- $35 - $17 - PAL21
- $36 - $37 - PAL30
- $37 - $73 - PAL31
- $38 - $50 - PAL40
- $39 - $57 - PAL41
- $3A - $60 - PAL50
- $3B - $77 - PAL51
- $3C - $70 - PAL60
- $3D - $77 - PAL61
- $3E - $10 - PAL70
- $3F - $73 - PAL70
- $40 - $00 - DMA (?) copy source address
- $41 - $00 - ^^^
- $42 - $00 - copy source bank
- $43 - $00 - copy destination bank
- $44 - $00 - copy destination address
- $45 - $00 - ^^^
- $46 - $00 - size of copied data (in bytes)
- $47 - $00 - ^^^
- $48 - $00 - bit 7 = 1 -> copy start
(bit 7=0 when data transfer is finished)
DMA(?) isn't immediate and not stopping
the main cpu operations (like gbc GDMA)
ports $40-$48 are updated durning copy process
- $49 - $00 - ???
- $4A - $00 - sound DMA source address
- $4B - $00 - ^^^
- $4C - $00 - DMA source memory segment bank
- $4D - $00 - ???
- $4E - $00 - DMA transfer size (in bytes)
- $4F - $00 - ^^^
- $50 - $00 - ???
- $51 - $00 - ???
- $52 - $00 - bit 7 = 1 -> DMA start
- $53 - $00 - ???
- $54 - $00 - ???
- $55 - $00 - ???
- $56 - $00 - ???
- $57 - $00 - ???
- $58 - $00 - ???
- $59 - $00 - ???
- $5A - $00 - ???
- $5B - $00 - ???
- $5C - $00 - ???
- $5D - $00 - ???
- $5E - $00 - ???
- $5F - $00 - ???
- $60 - $0A - video mode
Meaning of bits 5-7:
111 16 col/tile 'packed' mode - tiles like in Genesis, 16 col/tile
110 16 col/tile 'layered' mode - tiles like in GameGear, 16 col/tile
010 4 col/tile - the same as mono (below) but using color palettes, 4 cols/tile, one tile = 16 bytes, WSC only
000 4 col/tile mono - tiles like in GameBoy,
[bit 7 = 16/4 color/tile , bit 6 - color/mono mode, bit 5 - 'packed' mode on/off]
- $61 - $00 - ???
- $62 - $00 - ???
- $63 - $00 - ???
- $64 - $00 - ???
- $65 - $00 - ???
- $66 - $00 - ???
- $67 - $00 - ???
- $68 - $00 - ???
- $69 - $00 - ???
- $6A - $00 - ???
- $6B - $0F - ???
- $6C - $00 - ???
- $6D - $00 - ???
- $6E - $00 - ???
- $6F - $00 - ???
- $70 - $00 - ???
- $71 - $00 - ???
- $72 - $00 - ???
- $73 - $00 - ???
- $74 - $00 - ???
- $75 - $00 - ???
- $76 - $00 - ???
- $77 - $00 - ???
- $78 - $00 - ???
- $79 - $00 - ???
- $7A - $00 - ???
- $7B - $00 - ???
- $7C - $00 - ???
- $7D - $00 - ???
- $7E - $00 - ???
- $7F - $00 - ???
- $80 - $00 - Audio 1 Freq
- $81 - $00 - ^^^
- $82 - $00 - Audio 2 Freq
- $83 - $00 - ^^^
- $84 - $00 - Audio 3 Freq
- $85 - $00 - ^^^
- $86 - $00 - Audio 4 Freq
- $87 - $00 - ^^^
- $88 - $00 - Audio 1 volume
- $89 - $00 - Audio 2 volume
- $8A - $00 - Audio 3 volume
- $8B - $00 - Audio 4 volume
- $8C - $00 - ?? Sweep value
- $8D - $1F - ?? Sweep step
- $8E - $00 - Noise control
Bits :
0 - Noise generator type
1 - ^^^
2 - ^^^
3 - Reset
4 - Enable
5 - ???
6 - ???
7 - ???
- $8F - $00 - Sample location
To get the address of samples, shift this value left 6 times.
0 00xxxxxx xx000000
- $90 - $00 - Audio control
0 - Audio 1 on/off
1 - Audio 2 on/off
2 - Audio 3 on/off
3 - Audio 4 on/off
4 - ???
5 - Audio 2 Voice
6 - Audio 3 Sweep
7 - Audio 4 Noise
- $91 - $00 - Audio Output
Bits :
0 - Mono
1 - Output Volume
2 - ^^^
3 - External Stereo
4 - ???
5 - ???
6 - ???
7 - External Speaker (set by hardware)
- $92 - $00 - Noise Counter Shift Register (15 bits)
- $93 - $00 - ^^^
- $94 - $00 - Volume (4 bit)
- $95 - $00 - ???
- $96 - $00 - ???
- $97 - $00 - ???
- $98 - $00 - ???
- $99 - $00 - ???
- $9A - $00 - ???
- $9B - $00 - ???
- $9C - $00 - ???
- $9D - $00 - ???
- $9E - $03 - ???
- $9F - $00 - ???
- $A0 - $87 - Hardware type
bit 1 - 1 - color
0 - mono
- $A1 - $00 - ???
- $A2 - $0C - Timer Control
bit 0 - Hblank Timer on/off
bit 1 - Hblank Timer Mode
0 - One Shot
1 - Auto Preset
bit 2 - Vblank Timer(1/75s) on/off
bit 3 - Vblank Timer Mode
0 - One Shot
1 - Auto Preset
- $A3 - $00 - ???
- $A4 - $00 - Hblank Timer 'frequency'
0 = no HBLANK Interrupt
n = HBLANK Interrupt every n lines (???)
- $A5 - $00 - ^^^
- $A6 - $4F - Vblank Timer 'frequency'
- $A7 - $FF - ^^^
- $A8 - $00 - Hblank Counter - 1/12000s
- $A9 - $00 - Hblank Counter - 1/(12000>>8)s
- $AA - $00 - Vblank Counter - 1/75s
- $AB - $00 - Vblank Counter - 1/(75>>8)s
- $AC - $00 - ???
- $AD - $00 - ???
- $AE - $00 - ???
- $AF - $00 - ???
- $B0 - $00 - Interrupt Base
- $B1 - $DB - Communication byte
- $B2 - $00 - Interrupt enable
bit 7 - HBlank Timer
bit 6 - VBlank begin
bit 5 - VBlank Timer
bit 4 - Drawing line detection
bit 3 - Serial receive
bit 2 - RTC Alarm
bit 1 - Key press
bit 0 - Serial transmit
- $B3 - $00 - Communication direction
bit 7 - Recieve data interrupt generation
bit 6 - Connection Speed
0 - 9600 bps
1 - 38400 bps
bit 5 - Send data interrupt generation
bit 4 - ???
bit 3 - ???
bit 2 - Send Complete
bit 1 - Error
bit 0 - Recieve Complete
write $00-$7f = read $00
write $80-$bf = read $84
write $c0-$cf = read $c4
- $B4 - $00 - ???
- $B5 - $40 - Controls
bits 4-7 : read/write - Select line of inputs to read
0001 - read vertical cursors
0010 - read hozizontal cursors
0100 - read buttons
bits 0-3 : read only - Read the current state of the input lines (positive logic) after having written 10h,20h, or 40h.
Meaning of the bits when reading cursors:
bit 0 - cursor up
bit 1 - cursor right
bit 2 - cursor down
bit 3 - cursor left
Meaning of the bits when reading buttons:
bit 0 - ???
bit 1 - START
bit 2 - A
bit 3 - B
- $B6 - $00 - Interrupt Acknowledge
bit 7 - HBlank Timer
bit 6 - VBlank begin
bit 5 - VBlank Timer
bit 4 - Drawing line detection
bit 3 - Serial receive
bit 2 - RTC Alarm
bit 1 - Key press
bit 0 - Serial transmit
- $B7 - $00 - ???
- $B8 - $00 - ???
- $B9 - $00 - ???
- $BA - $01 - Internal EEPROM (?) Data
- $BB - $00 - ^^^
- $BC - $42 - Internal EEPROM (?) Address (calculated probably Modulo EEPROM (1kbit?) size (mirroring for read/write))
- $BD - $00 - ^^^
- $BE - $83 - Internal EEPROM (?) Command
bit 7 - Initialize ?
bit 6 - Protect ?
bit 5 - Write
bit 4 - Read
bit 3 - ???
bit 2 - ???
bit 1 - Write Complete (Read only)
bit 0 - Read Complete (Read only)
- $BF - $00 - ???
- $C0 - $2F - ROM Bank Base Selector for segments 4-$F
- $C1 - $3F - SRAM Bank selector (???)
- $C2 - $FF - BNK2SLCT - ROM Bank selector for segment 2
- $C3 - $FF - BNK3SLCT - ROM Bank selector for segment 3
- $C4 - $00 - EEPROM Data
- $C5 - $00 - ^^^
- $C6 - $00 - 1kbit EEPROM (16bit*64) :
- bits 0-5 - address
- bits 6-7 - command :
0 - Extended Comand Address bits 4-5
0 - Write Disable
1 - Write All
2 - Erase All
3 - Write Enable
1 - Write
2 - Read
3 - Erase
- 16 kbit EEPROM (16bit*1024) - bits 0-7 - address (low)
- $C7 - $00 - 1kbit EEPROM (16bit*64) :
bit 0 - Start
- 16 kbit EEPROM (16bit*1024) :
- bits 0-1 - address (high)
- bits 2-3 - command :
0 - Extended Comand Address bits 0-1
0 - Write Disable
1 - Write All
2 - Erase All
3 - Write Enable
1 - Write
2 - Read
3 - Erase
- bit 4 - Start
- $C8 - $D1 - EEPROM Command :
bit 7 - Initialize ???
bit 6 - Protect ???
bit 5 - Write
bit 4 - Read
bit 3 - ???
bit 2 - ???
bit 1 - Write Complete (Read only)
bit 0 - Read Complete (Read only)
- $C9 - $D1 - ???
- $CA - $D1 - RTC Command
Write :
- $10 - Reset
- $12 - ??? Alarm ???
- $13 - ???
- $14 - Set Time
- $15 - Get Time
- bit 7 - Ack [HACK = 1]
- $CB - $D1 - RTC Data
Write :
Sometimes $40 , and wait for bit 7 = 1
After Command ($CA):
- $14 - 7 writes (all BCD):
- Year ( + 2000)
- Month
- Day
- Day Of Week
- Hour
- Min
- Sec
After Command ($CA) :
- $13 - bit 7 - Ack [HACK = 1]
- $15 - 7 reads (all BCD)
- Year ( + 2000)
- Month
- Day
- Day Of Week
- Hour
- Min
- Sec
- $CC - $D1 - ???
- $CD - $D1 - ???
- $CE - $D1 - ???
- $CF - $D1 - ???
- $D0 - $D1 - ???
- $D1 - $D1 - ???
- $D2 - $D1 - ???
- $D3 - $D1 - ???
- $D4 - $D1 - ???
- $D5 - $D1 - ???
- $D6 - $D1 - ???
- $D7 - $D1 - ???
- $D8 - $D1 - ???
- $D9 - $D1 - ???
- $DA - $D1 - ???
- $DB - $D1 - ???
- $DC - $D1 - ???
- $DD - $D1 - ???
- $DE - $D1 - ???
- $DF - $D1 - ???
- $E0 - $D1 - ???
- $E1 - $D1 - ???
- $E2 - $D1 - ???
- $E3 - $D1 - ???
- $E4 - $D1 - ???
- $E5 - $D1 - ???
- $E6 - $D1 - ???
- $E7 - $D1 - ???
- $E8 - $D1 - ???
- $E9 - $D1 - ???
- $EA - $D1 - ???
- $EB - $D1 - ???
- $EC - $D1 - ???
- $ED - $D1 - ???
- $EE - $D1 - ???
- $EF - $D1 - ???
- $F0 - $D1 - ???
- $F1 - $D1 - ???
- $F2 - $D1 - ???
- $F3 - $D1 - ???
- $F4 - $D1 - ???
- $F5 - $D1 - ???
- $F6 - $D1 - ???
- $F7 - $D1 - ???
- $F8 - $D1 - ???
- $F9 - $D1 - ???
- $FA - $D1 - ???
- $FB - $D1 - ???
- $FC - $D1 - ???
- $FD - $D1 - ???
- $FE - $D1 - ???
- $FF - $D1 - ???