1480 lines
48 KiB
1480 lines
48 KiB
//TODO - disable scanline controls if box is unchecked
//TODO - overhaul the BG display box if its mode7 or direct color (mode7 more important)
//TODO - draw `1024` label in red if your content is being scaled down.
//TODO - maybe draw a label (in lieu of above, also) showing what scale the content is at: 2x or 1x or 1/2x
//TODO - add eDisplayType for BG1-Tiles, BG2-Tiles, etc. which show the tiles available to a BG. more concise than viewing all tiles and illustrating the relevant accessible areas
// . could this apply to the palette too?
//TODO - show the priority list for the current mode. make the priority list have checkboxes, and use that to control whether that item displays (does bsnes have that granularity? maybe)
//TODO - use custom checkboxes for register-viewing checkboxes to make them green and checked
//TODO - make freeze actually save the info caches, and re-render in realtime, so that you can pick something you want to see animate without having to hover your mouse just right. also add a checkbox to do the literal freeze (stop it from updating)
//TODO - sprite wrapping is not correct
//TODO - add "scroll&screen" checkbox which changes BG1/2/3/4 display modes to render scrolled and limited to 256x224 (for matching obj screen)
// alternatively - add "BG1 Screen" as a complement to BG1
//TODO - make Sprites mode respect priority toggles
//TODO - add "mode" display to BG info (in addition to bpp) so we can readily see if its mode7 or unavailable
//. 256bpp modes (difficult to use)
//. non-mode7 directcolor (no known examples, perhaps due to difficulty using the requisite 256bpp modes)
//hiding the tab control headers.. once this design gets solid, ill get rid of them
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using BizHawk.Common.NumberExtensions;
using BizHawk.Client.Common;
using BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Nintendo.SNES;
using BizHawk.Emulation.Common;
using BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk;
using BizHawk.Common;
namespace BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk
public unsafe partial class SNESGraphicsDebugger : Form, IToolFormAutoConfig
List<DisplayTypeItem> displayTypeItems = new List<DisplayTypeItem>();
public bool UpdateBefore { get { return false; } }
public bool AskSaveChanges() { return true; }
private LibsnesCore Emulator { get; set; }
public bool UseUserBackdropColor
get { return checkBackdropColor.Checked; }
set { checkBackdropColor.Checked = value; }
public int UserBackdropColor { get; set; }
public void Restart()
public SNESGraphicsDebugger()
viewerTile.ScaleImage = true;
viewer.ScaleImage = false;
displayTypeItems.Add(new DisplayTypeItem("Sprites", eDisplayType.Sprites));
displayTypeItems.Add(new DisplayTypeItem("OBJ", eDisplayType.OBJ));
displayTypeItems.Add(new DisplayTypeItem("BG1 Screen", eDisplayType.BG1));
displayTypeItems.Add(new DisplayTypeItem("BG2 Screen", eDisplayType.BG2));
displayTypeItems.Add(new DisplayTypeItem("BG3 Screen", eDisplayType.BG3));
displayTypeItems.Add(new DisplayTypeItem("BG4 Screen", eDisplayType.BG4));
displayTypeItems.Add(new DisplayTypeItem("BG1", eDisplayType.BG1));
displayTypeItems.Add(new DisplayTypeItem("BG2",eDisplayType.BG2));
displayTypeItems.Add(new DisplayTypeItem("BG3",eDisplayType.BG3));
displayTypeItems.Add(new DisplayTypeItem("BG4",eDisplayType.BG4));
displayTypeItems.Add(new DisplayTypeItem("OBJ Tiles",eDisplayType.OBJTiles0));
displayTypeItems.Add(new DisplayTypeItem("2bpp tiles",eDisplayType.Tiles2bpp));
displayTypeItems.Add(new DisplayTypeItem("4bpp tiles",eDisplayType.Tiles4bpp));
displayTypeItems.Add(new DisplayTypeItem("8bpp tiles",eDisplayType.Tiles8bpp));
displayTypeItems.Add(new DisplayTypeItem("Mode7 tiles",eDisplayType.TilesMode7));
displayTypeItems.Add(new DisplayTypeItem("Mode7Ext tiles",eDisplayType.TilesMode7Ext));
displayTypeItems.Add(new DisplayTypeItem("Mode7 tiles (DC)", eDisplayType.TilesMode7DC));
comboDisplayType.DataSource = displayTypeItems;
comboDisplayType.SelectedIndex = 2;
var paletteTypeItems = new List<PaletteTypeItem>();
paletteTypeItems.Add(new PaletteTypeItem("BizHawk", SnesColors.ColorType.BizHawk));
paletteTypeItems.Add(new PaletteTypeItem("bsnes", SnesColors.ColorType.BSNES));
paletteTypeItems.Add(new PaletteTypeItem("Snes9X", SnesColors.ColorType.Snes9x));
suppression = true;
comboPalette.DataSource = paletteTypeItems;
comboPalette.SelectedIndex = 0;
suppression = false;
comboBGProps.SelectedIndex = 0;
//tabctrlDetails.SelectedIndex = 1;
UserBackdropColor = -1;
LibsnesCore currentSnesCore;
protected override void OnClosed(EventArgs e)
if (currentSnesCore != null)
currentSnesCore = null;
string FormatBpp(int bpp)
if (bpp == 0) return "---";
else return bpp.ToString();
string FormatVramAddress(int address)
int excess = address & 1023;
if (excess != 0) return $"@{address.ToHexString(4)}";
else return $"@{address.ToHexString(4)} ({address / 1024}K)";
public void NewUpdate(ToolFormUpdateType type) { }
public void UpdateValues()
if (Visible && !checkScanlineControl.Checked)
public void FastUpdate()
// To do
public void UpdateToolsLoadstate()
if (Visible)
private void nudScanline_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (suppression) return;
suppression = true;
sliderScanline.Value = 224 - (int)nudScanline.Value;
suppression = false;
private void sliderScanline_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (suppression) return;
checkScanlineControl.Checked = true;
suppression = true;
nudScanline.Value = 224 - sliderScanline.Value;
suppression = false;
void SyncCore()
if (currentSnesCore != Emulator && currentSnesCore != null)
if (currentSnesCore != Emulator && Emulator != null)
suppression = true;
comboPalette.SelectedValue = Emulator.CurrPalette;
suppression = false;
currentSnesCore = Emulator;
if (currentSnesCore != null)
if (Visible && checkScanlineControl.Checked)
currentSnesCore.ScanlineHookManager.Register(this, ScanlineHook);
void ScanlineHook(int line)
int target = (int)nudScanline.Value;
if (target == line)
SNESGraphicsDecoder gd;
SNESGraphicsDecoder.ScreenInfo si;
SNESGraphicsDecoder.TileEntry[] map;
byte[,] spriteMap = new byte[256, 224];
SNESGraphicsDecoder.BGMode viewBgMode;
void RegenerateData()
if (gd != null) gd.Dispose();
gd = null;
if (currentSnesCore == null) return;
gd = NewDecoder();
using (gd.EnterExit())
if (checkBackdropColor.Checked)
si = gd.ScanScreenInfo();
private void InternalUpdateValues()
if (currentSnesCore == null) return;
using (gd.EnterExit())
txtOBSELSizeBits.Text = si.OBSEL_Size.ToString();
txtOBSELBaseBits.Text = si.OBSEL_NameBase.ToString();
txtOBSELT1OfsBits.Text = si.OBSEL_NameSel.ToString();
txtOBSELSizeDescr.Text = $"{SNESGraphicsDecoder.ObjSizes[si.OBSEL_Size, 0]}, {SNESGraphicsDecoder.ObjSizes[si.OBSEL_Size, 1]}";
txtOBSELBaseDescr.Text = FormatVramAddress(si.OBJTable0Addr);
txtOBSELT1OfsDescr.Text = FormatVramAddress(si.OBJTable1Addr);
checkScreenExtbg.Checked = si.SETINI_Mode7ExtBG;
checkScreenHires.Checked = si.SETINI_HiRes;
checkScreenOverscan.Checked = si.SETINI_Overscan;
checkScreenObjInterlace.Checked = si.SETINI_ObjInterlace;
checkScreenInterlace.Checked = si.SETINI_ScreenInterlace;
txtScreenCGWSEL_ColorMask.Text = si.CGWSEL_ColorMask.ToString();
txtScreenCGWSEL_ColorSubMask.Text = si.CGWSEL_ColorSubMask.ToString();
txtScreenCGWSEL_MathFixed.Text = si.CGWSEL_AddSubMode.ToString();
checkScreenCGWSEL_DirectColor.Checked = si.CGWSEL_DirectColor;
txtScreenCGADSUB_AddSub.Text = si.CGWSEL_AddSubMode.ToString();
txtScreenCGADSUB_AddSub_Descr.Text = si.CGADSUB_AddSub == 1 ? "SUB" : "ADD";
txtScreenCGADSUB_Half.Checked = si.CGADSUB_Half;
txtModeBits.Text = si.Mode.MODE.ToString();
txtScreenBG1Bpp.Text = FormatBpp(si.BG.BG1.Bpp);
txtScreenBG2Bpp.Text = FormatBpp(si.BG.BG2.Bpp);
txtScreenBG3Bpp.Text = FormatBpp(si.BG.BG3.Bpp);
txtScreenBG4Bpp.Text = FormatBpp(si.BG.BG4.Bpp);
txtScreenBG1TSize.Text = FormatBpp(si.BG.BG1.TileSize);
txtScreenBG2TSize.Text = FormatBpp(si.BG.BG2.TileSize);
txtScreenBG3TSize.Text = FormatBpp(si.BG.BG3.TileSize);
txtScreenBG4TSize.Text = FormatBpp(si.BG.BG4.TileSize);
int bgnum = comboBGProps.SelectedIndex + 1;
var bg = si.BG[bgnum];
txtBG1TSizeBits.Text = bg.TILESIZE.ToString();
txtBG1TSizeDescr.Text = string.Format("{0}x{0}", bg.TileSize);
txtBG1Bpp.Text = FormatBpp(bg.Bpp);
txtBG1SizeBits.Text = bg.SCSIZE.ToString();
txtBG1SizeInTiles.Text = bg.ScreenSizeInTiles.ToString();
int size = bg.ScreenSizeInTiles.Width * bg.ScreenSizeInTiles.Height * 2 / 1024;
txtBG1MapSizeBytes.Text = $"({size}K)";
txtBG1SCAddrBits.Text = bg.SCADDR.ToString();
txtBG1SCAddrDescr.Text = FormatVramAddress(bg.ScreenAddr);
txtBG1Colors.Text = (1 << bg.Bpp).ToString();
if (bg.Bpp == 8 && si.CGWSEL_DirectColor) txtBG1Colors.Text = "(Direct Color)";
txtBG1TDAddrBits.Text = bg.TDADDR.ToString();
txtBG1TDAddrDescr.Text = FormatVramAddress(bg.TiledataAddr);
txtBG1Scroll.Text = $"({bg.HOFS},{bg.VOFS})";
if (bg.Bpp != 0)
var pi = bg.PaletteSelection;
txtBGPaletteInfo.Text = $"{pi.size} colors from ${pi.start:X2} - ${pi.start + pi.size - 1:X2}";
else txtBGPaletteInfo.Text = "";
var sizeInPixels = bg.ScreenSizeInPixels;
txtBG1SizeInPixels.Text = $"{sizeInPixels.Width}x{sizeInPixels.Height}";
checkTMOBJ.Checked = si.OBJ_MainEnabled;
checkTMBG1.Checked = si.BG.BG1.MainEnabled;
checkTMBG2.Checked = si.BG.BG2.MainEnabled;
checkTMBG3.Checked = si.BG.BG3.MainEnabled;
checkTMBG4.Checked = si.BG.BG4.MainEnabled;
checkTMOBJ.Checked = si.OBJ_SubEnabled;
checkTSBG1.Checked = si.BG.BG1.SubEnabled;
checkTSBG2.Checked = si.BG.BG2.SubEnabled;
checkTSBG3.Checked = si.BG.BG3.SubEnabled;
checkTSBG4.Checked = si.BG.BG4.SubEnabled;
checkTSOBJ.Checked = si.OBJ_MainEnabled;
checkMathOBJ.Checked = si.OBJ_MathEnabled;
checkMathBK.Checked = si.BK_MathEnabled;
checkMathBG1.Checked = si.BG.BG1.MathEnabled;
checkMathBG2.Checked = si.BG.BG2.MathEnabled;
checkMathBG3.Checked = si.BG.BG3.MathEnabled;
checkMathBG4.Checked = si.BG.BG4.MathEnabled;
if (si.Mode.MODE == 1 && si.Mode1_BG3_Priority)
lblBG3.ForeColor = Color.Red;
if (toolTip1.GetToolTip(lblBG3) != "Mode 1 BG3 priority toggle bit of $2105 is SET")
toolTip1.SetToolTip(lblBG3, "Mode 1 BG3 priority toggle bit of $2105 is SET");
lblBG3.ForeColor = Color.Black;
if (toolTip1.GetToolTip(lblBG3) != "Mode 1 BG3 priority toggle bit of $2105 is CLEAR")
toolTip1.SetToolTip(lblBG3, "Mode 1 BG3 priority toggle bit of $2105 is CLEAR");
//these are likely to be changing all the time
//maybe bg settings changed, or something
eDisplayType CurrDisplaySelection { get { return (comboDisplayType.SelectedValue as eDisplayType?).Value; } }
//todo - something smarter to cycle through bitmaps without repeatedly trashing them (use the dispose callback on the viewer)
private void RenderView()
Bitmap bmp = null;
System.Drawing.Imaging.BitmapData bmpdata = null;
int* pixelptr = null;
int stride = 0;
Action<int, int> allocate = (w, h) =>
bmp = new Bitmap(w, h);
bmpdata = bmp.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, w, h), System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageLockMode.WriteOnly, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
pixelptr = (int*)bmpdata.Scan0.ToPointer();
stride = bmpdata.Stride;
var selection = CurrDisplaySelection;
if (selection == eDisplayType.OBJ)
var objBounds = si.ObjSizeBounds;
int width = objBounds.Width * 8;
int height = objBounds.Height * 16;
allocate(width, height);
for (int i = 0; i < 128; i++)
int tx = i % 8;
int ty = i / 8;
int x = tx * objBounds.Width;
int y = ty * objBounds.Height;
gd.RenderSpriteToScreen(pixelptr, stride / 4, x,y, si, i);
if (selection == eDisplayType.Sprites)
//render sprites in-place
allocate(256, 224);
for (int y = 0; y < 224; y++) for (int x = 0; x < 256; x++) spriteMap[x, y] = 0xFF;
for(int i=127;i>=0;i--)
var oam = new SNESGraphicsDecoder.OAMInfo(gd, si, i);
gd.RenderSpriteToScreen(pixelptr, stride / 4, oam.X, oam.Y, si, i, oam, 256, 224, spriteMap);
if (selection == eDisplayType.OBJTiles0 || selection == eDisplayType.OBJTiles1)
allocate(128, 256);
int startTile;
startTile = si.OBJTable0Addr / 32;
gd.RenderTilesToScreen(pixelptr, 16, 16, stride / 4, 4, currPaletteSelection.start, startTile, 256, true);
startTile = si.OBJTable1Addr / 32;
gd.RenderTilesToScreen(pixelptr + (stride/4*8*16), 16, 16, stride / 4, 4, currPaletteSelection.start, startTile, 256, true);
if (selection == eDisplayType.Tiles2bpp)
allocate(512, 512);
gd.RenderTilesToScreen(pixelptr, 64, 64, stride / 4, 2, currPaletteSelection.start);
if (selection == eDisplayType.Tiles4bpp)
allocate(512, 512);
gd.RenderTilesToScreen(pixelptr, 64, 32, stride / 4, 4, currPaletteSelection.start);
if (selection == eDisplayType.Tiles8bpp)
allocate(256, 256);
gd.RenderTilesToScreen(pixelptr, 32, 32, stride / 4, 8, currPaletteSelection.start);
if (selection == eDisplayType.TilesMode7)
//256 tiles
allocate(128, 128);
gd.RenderMode7TilesToScreen(pixelptr, stride / 4, false, false);
if (selection == eDisplayType.TilesMode7Ext)
//256 tiles
allocate(128, 128);
gd.RenderMode7TilesToScreen(pixelptr, stride / 4, true, false);
if (selection == eDisplayType.TilesMode7DC)
//256 tiles
allocate(128, 128);
gd.RenderMode7TilesToScreen(pixelptr, stride / 4, false, true);
if (IsDisplayTypeBG(selection))
int bgnum = (int)selection;
var bg = si.BG[bgnum];
map = new SNESGraphicsDecoder.TileEntry[0];
viewBgMode = bg.BGMode;
//bool handled = false;
if (bg.Enabled)
//TODO - directColor in normal BG renderer
bool DirectColor = si.CGWSEL_DirectColor && bg.Bpp == 8; //any exceptions?
int numPixels = 0;
//TODO - could use BGMode property on BG... too much chaos to deal with it now
if (si.Mode.MODE == 7)
bool mode7 = bgnum == 1;
bool mode7extbg = (bgnum == 2 && si.SETINI_Mode7ExtBG);
if (mode7 || mode7extbg)
//handled = true;
allocate(1024, 1024);
gd.DecodeMode7BG(pixelptr, stride / 4, mode7extbg);
numPixels = 128 * 128 * 8 * 8;
if (DirectColor) gd.DirectColorify(pixelptr, numPixels);
else gd.Paletteize(pixelptr, 0, 0, numPixels);
//get a fake map, since mode7 doesnt really have a map
map = gd.FetchMode7Tilemap();
//handled = true;
var dims = bg.ScreenSizeInPixels;
dims.Height = dims.Width = Math.Max(dims.Width, dims.Height);
allocate(dims.Width, dims.Height);
numPixels = dims.Width * dims.Height;
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(stride / 4 == dims.Width);
map = gd.FetchTilemap(bg.ScreenAddr, bg.ScreenSize);
int paletteStart = 0;
gd.DecodeBG(pixelptr, stride / 4, map, bg.TiledataAddr, bg.ScreenSize, bg.Bpp, bg.TileSize, paletteStart);
gd.Paletteize(pixelptr, 0, 0, numPixels);
gd.Colorize(pixelptr, 0, numPixels);
if (bmp != null)
enum eDisplayType
BG1 = 1, BG2 = 2, BG3 = 3, BG4 = 4, OBJTiles0, OBJTiles1, Tiles2bpp, Tiles4bpp, Tiles8bpp, TilesMode7, TilesMode7Ext, TilesMode7DC, Sprites, OBJ,
BG1Screen = 101, BG2Screen = 102, BG3Screen = 103, BG4Screen = 104,
static bool IsDisplayTypeBG(eDisplayType type) { return type == eDisplayType.BG1 || type == eDisplayType.BG2 || type == eDisplayType.BG3 || type == eDisplayType.BG4; }
static bool IsDisplayTypeOBJ(eDisplayType type) { return type == eDisplayType.OBJTiles0 || type == eDisplayType.OBJTiles1; }
static int DisplayTypeBGNum(eDisplayType type) { if(IsDisplayTypeBG(type)) return (int)type; else return -1; }
static SNESGraphicsDecoder.BGMode BGModeForDisplayType(eDisplayType type)
switch (type)
case eDisplayType.Tiles2bpp: return SNESGraphicsDecoder.BGMode.Text;
case eDisplayType.Tiles4bpp: return SNESGraphicsDecoder.BGMode.Text;
case eDisplayType.Tiles8bpp: return SNESGraphicsDecoder.BGMode.Text;
case eDisplayType.TilesMode7: return SNESGraphicsDecoder.BGMode.Mode7;
case eDisplayType.TilesMode7Ext: return SNESGraphicsDecoder.BGMode.Mode7Ext;
case eDisplayType.TilesMode7DC: return SNESGraphicsDecoder.BGMode.Mode7DC;
case eDisplayType.OBJTiles0: return SNESGraphicsDecoder.BGMode.OBJ;
case eDisplayType.OBJTiles1: return SNESGraphicsDecoder.BGMode.OBJ;
default: throw new InvalidOperationException();
class DisplayTypeItem
public eDisplayType Type { get; private set; }
public string Descr { get; private set; }
public DisplayTypeItem(string descr, eDisplayType type)
Type = type;
Descr = descr;
class PaletteTypeItem
public SnesColors.ColorType Type { get; private set; }
public string Descr { get; private set; }
public PaletteTypeItem(string descr, SnesColors.ColorType type)
Type = type;
Descr = descr;
private void comboDisplayType_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
//change the bg props viewer to match
if (IsDisplayTypeBG(CurrDisplaySelection))
comboBGProps.SelectedIndex = DisplayTypeBGNum(CurrDisplaySelection) - 1;
private void exitToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void SNESGraphicsDebugger_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (UserBackdropColor != -1)
pnBackdropColor.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(UserBackdropColor);
if (checkBackdropColor.Checked)
bool suppression = false;
private void rbBGX_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (suppression) return;
//sync the comboBGProps dropdown with the result of this check
suppression = true;
if (rbBG1.Checked) comboBGProps.SelectedIndex = 0;
if (rbBG2.Checked) comboBGProps.SelectedIndex = 1;
if (rbBG3.Checked) comboBGProps.SelectedIndex = 2;
if (rbBG4.Checked) comboBGProps.SelectedIndex = 3;
suppression = false;
private void comboBGProps_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (suppression) return;
//sync the radiobuttons with this selection
suppression = true;
if (comboBGProps.SelectedIndex == 0) rbBG1.Checked = true;
if (comboBGProps.SelectedIndex == 1) rbBG2.Checked = true;
if (comboBGProps.SelectedIndex == 2) rbBG3.Checked = true;
if (comboBGProps.SelectedIndex == 3) rbBG4.Checked = true;
suppression = false;
const int paletteCellSize = 16;
const int paletteCellSpacing = 3;
int[] lastPalette;
int lastColorNum = 0;
int selectedColorNum = 0;
SNESGraphicsDecoder.PaletteSelection currPaletteSelection;
Rectangle GetPaletteRegion(int start, int num)
var ret = new Rectangle();
ret.X = start % 16;
ret.Y = start / 16;
ret.Width = num;
ret.Height = num / 16;
if (ret.Height == 0) ret.Height = 1;
if (ret.Width > 16) ret.Width = 16;
return ret;
Rectangle GetPaletteRegion(SNESGraphicsDecoder.PaletteSelection sel)
int start = sel.start, num = sel.size;
return GetPaletteRegion(start, num);
void DrawPaletteRegion(Graphics g, Color color, Rectangle region)
int cellTotalSize = (paletteCellSize + paletteCellSpacing);
int x = paletteCellSpacing + region.X * cellTotalSize - 2;
int y = paletteCellSpacing + region.Y * cellTotalSize - 2;
int width = cellTotalSize * region.Width;
int height = cellTotalSize * region.Height;
var rect = new Rectangle(x, y, width, height);
using (var pen = new Pen(color))
g.DrawRectangle(pen, rect);
//if a tile set is being displayed, this will adapt the user's color selection into a palette to be used for rendering the tiles
SNESGraphicsDecoder.PaletteSelection GetPaletteSelectionForTileDisplay(int colorSelection)
int bpp = 0;
var selection = CurrDisplaySelection;
if (selection == eDisplayType.Tiles2bpp) bpp = 2;
if (selection == eDisplayType.Tiles4bpp) bpp = 4;
if (selection == eDisplayType.Tiles8bpp) bpp = 8;
if (selection == eDisplayType.TilesMode7) bpp = 8;
if (selection == eDisplayType.TilesMode7Ext) bpp = 7;
if (selection == eDisplayType.OBJTiles0) bpp = 4;
if (selection == eDisplayType.OBJTiles1) bpp = 4;
SNESGraphicsDecoder.PaletteSelection ret = new SNESGraphicsDecoder.PaletteSelection();
if(bpp == 0) return ret;
//mode7 ext is fixed to use the top 128 colors
if (bpp == 7)
ret.size = 128;
ret.start = 0;
return ret;
ret.size = 1 << bpp;
ret.start = colorSelection & (~(ret.size - 1));
return ret;
SNESGraphicsDecoder NewDecoder()
if (currentSnesCore != null)
return new SNESGraphicsDecoder(currentSnesCore.Api, currentSnesCore.CurrPalette);
return null;
void RenderPalette()
//var gd = NewDecoder(); //??
lastPalette = gd.GetPalette();
int pixsize = paletteCellSize * 16 + paletteCellSpacing * 17;
int cellTotalSize = (paletteCellSize + paletteCellSpacing);
var bmp = new Bitmap(pixsize, pixsize, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
using (var g = Graphics.FromImage(bmp))
for (int y = 0; y < 16; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < 16; x++)
int rgb555 = lastPalette[y * 16 + x];
int color = gd.Colorize(rgb555);
using (var brush = new SolidBrush(Color.FromArgb(color)))
g.FillRectangle(brush, new Rectangle(paletteCellSpacing + x * cellTotalSize, paletteCellSpacing + y * cellTotalSize, paletteCellSize, paletteCellSize));
//draw selection boxes:
//first, draw the current selection
var region = GetPaletteRegion(selectedColorNum, 1);
DrawPaletteRegion(g, Color.Red, region);
//next, draw the rectangle that advises you which colors could possibly be used for a bg
if (IsDisplayTypeBG(CurrDisplaySelection))
var ps = si.BG[DisplayTypeBGNum(CurrDisplaySelection)].PaletteSelection;
region = GetPaletteRegion(ps);
DrawPaletteRegion(g, Color.FromArgb(192, 128, 255, 255), region);
if (IsDisplayTypeOBJ(CurrDisplaySelection))
var ps = new SNESGraphicsDecoder.PaletteSelection(128, 128);
region = GetPaletteRegion(ps);
DrawPaletteRegion(g, Color.FromArgb(192, 128, 255, 255), region);
//finally, draw the palette the user has chosen, in case he's viewing tiles
if (currPaletteSelection.size != 0)
region = GetPaletteRegion(currPaletteSelection.start, currPaletteSelection.size);
DrawPaletteRegion(g, Color.FromArgb(192,255,255,255), region);
static string BGModeShortName(SNESGraphicsDecoder.BGMode mode, int bpp)
if (mode == SNESGraphicsDecoder.BGMode.Unavailable) return "Unavailable";
if (mode == SNESGraphicsDecoder.BGMode.Text) return $"Text{bpp}bpp";
if (mode == SNESGraphicsDecoder.BGMode.OBJ) return string.Format("OBJ", bpp);
if (mode == SNESGraphicsDecoder.BGMode.Mode7) return "Mode7";
if (mode == SNESGraphicsDecoder.BGMode.Mode7Ext) return "Mode7Ext";
if (mode == SNESGraphicsDecoder.BGMode.Mode7DC) return "Mode7DC";
throw new InvalidOperationException();
void UpdateOBJDetails()
if (currObjDataState == null) return;
var oam = new SNESGraphicsDecoder.OAMInfo(gd, si, currObjDataState.Number);
txtObjNumber.Text = $"#${currObjDataState.Number:X2}";
txtObjCoord.Text = $"({oam.X}, {oam.Y})";
cbObjHFlip.Checked = oam.HFlip;
cbObjVFlip.Checked = oam.VFlip;
cbObjLarge.Checked = oam.Size == 1;
txtObjSize.Text = SNESGraphicsDecoder.ObjSizes[si.OBSEL_Size, oam.Size].ToString();
txtObjPriority.Text = oam.Priority.ToString();
txtObjPalette.Text = oam.Palette.ToString();
txtObjPaletteMemo.Text = $"${oam.Palette * 16 + 128:X2}";
txtObjName.Text = $"#${oam.Tile:X3}";
txtObjNameAddr.Text = $"@{oam.Address:X4}";
void UpdateTileDetails()
if (currTileDataState == null) return;
var mode = BGModeForDisplayType(currTileDataState.Type);
int bpp = currTileDataState.Bpp;
txtTileMode.Text = BGModeShortName(mode, bpp);
txtTileBpp.Text = currTileDataState.Bpp.ToString();
txtTileColors.Text = (1 << currTileDataState.Bpp).ToString();
txtTileNumber.Text = $"#${currTileDataState.Tile:X3}";
txtTileAddress.Text = $"@{currTileDataState.Address:X4}";
txtTilePalette.Text = $"#{currTileDataState.Palette:X2}";
void UpdateMapEntryDetails()
if (currMapEntryState == null) return;
txtMapEntryLocation.Text = $"({currMapEntryState.Location.X},{currMapEntryState.Location.Y}), @{currMapEntryState.entry.address:X4}";
txtMapEntryTileNum.Text = $"${currMapEntryState.entry.tilenum:X3}";
txtMapEntryPrio.Text = $"{((currMapEntryState.entry.flags & SNESGraphicsDecoder.TileEntryFlags.Priority) != 0 ? 1 : 0)}";
txtMapEntryPalette.Text = $"{currMapEntryState.entry.palette}";
checkMapEntryHFlip.Checked = (currMapEntryState.entry.flags & SNESGraphicsDecoder.TileEntryFlags.Horz) != 0;
checkMapEntryVFlip.Checked = (currMapEntryState.entry.flags & SNESGraphicsDecoder.TileEntryFlags.Vert) != 0;
//calculate address of tile
var bg = si.BG[currMapEntryState.bgnum];
int bpp = bg.Bpp;
int tiledataBaseAddr = bg.TiledataAddr;
int tileSizeBytes = 8 * bpp;
int baseTileNum = tiledataBaseAddr / tileSizeBytes;
int tileNum = baseTileNum + currMapEntryState.entry.tilenum;
int addr = tileNum * tileSizeBytes;
//mode7 takes up 128 bytes per tile because its interleaved with the screen data
if (bg.BGModeIsMode7Type)
addr *= 2;
addr &= 0xFFFF;
txtMapEntryTileAddr.Text = $"@{addr.ToHexString(4)}";
void UpdateColorDetails()
if (lastPalette == null) return;
int rgb555 = lastPalette[lastColorNum];
//var gd = NewDecoder(); //??
int color = gd.Colorize(rgb555);
pnDetailsPaletteColor.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(color);
txtDetailsPaletteColor.Text = $"${rgb555:X4}";
txtDetailsPaletteColorHex.Text = $"#{color & 0xFFFFFF:X6}";
txtDetailsPaletteColorRGB.Text = $"({(color >> 16) & 0xFF},{(color >> 8) & 0xFF},{(color & 0xFF)})";
txtPaletteDetailsIndexHex.Text = $"${lastColorNum:X2}";
txtPaletteDetailsIndex.Text = $"{lastColorNum}";
//not being used anymore
//if (lastColorNum < 128) lblDetailsOBJOrBG.Text = "(BG:)"; else lblDetailsOBJOrBG.Text = "(OBJ:)";
//txtPaletteDetailsIndexHexSpecific.Text = $"${lastColorNum & 0x7F:X2}";
//txtPaletteDetailsIndexSpecific.Text = $"{lastColorNum & 0x7F}";
txtPaletteDetailsAddress.Text = $"${lastColorNum * 2:X3}";
bool TranslatePaletteCoord(Point pt, out Point outpoint)
pt.X -= paletteCellSpacing;
pt.Y -= paletteCellSpacing;
int tx = pt.X / (paletteCellSize + paletteCellSpacing);
int ty = pt.Y / (paletteCellSize + paletteCellSpacing);
outpoint = new Point(tx, ty);
if (tx >= 16 || ty >= 16) return false;
return true;
private void paletteViewer_MouseClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
Point pt;
bool valid = TranslatePaletteCoord(e.Location, out pt);
if (!valid) return;
selectedColorNum = pt.Y * 16 + pt.X;
if (currTileDataState != null)
currTileDataState.Palette = currPaletteSelection.start;
void SyncColorSelection()
currPaletteSelection = GetPaletteSelectionForTileDisplay(selectedColorNum);
private void pnDetailsPaletteColor_DoubleClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
//not workign real well...
//var cd = new ColorDialog();
//cd.Color = pnDetailsPaletteColor.BackColor;
private void rbQuad_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
void SyncViewerSize()
if (check2x.Checked)
viewer.Size = new Size(1024, 1024);
viewer.Size = new Size(512, 512);
private void checkScanlineControl_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void check2x_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
bool viewerPan = false;
Point panStartLocation;
private void viewer_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
viewer.Capture = true;
if ((e.Button & MouseButtons.Middle) != 0)
viewerPan = true;
panStartLocation = viewer.PointToScreen(e.Location);
Cursor = Cursors.SizeAll;
if ((e.Button & MouseButtons.Right) != 0)
void Freeze()
Win32.SendMessage(groupFreeze.Handle, 11, (IntPtr)0, IntPtr.Zero); //WM_SETREDRAW false
var tp = tabctrlDetails.SelectedTab;
//clone the currently selected tab page into the destination
var oldControls = new ArrayList(pnGroupFreeze.Controls);
foreach (var control in tp.Controls)
pnGroupFreeze.Controls.Add((control as Control).Clone());
foreach (var control in oldControls)
(control as Control).Dispose();
//set the freeze caption accordingly
if (tp == tpMapEntry) groupFreeze.Text = "Freeze - Map Entry";
if (tp == tpPalette) groupFreeze.Text = "Freeze - Color";
if (tp == tpTile) groupFreeze.Text = "Freeze - Tile";
if (tp == tpOBJ) groupFreeze.Text = "Freeze - OBJ";
Win32.SendMessage(groupFreeze.Handle, 11, (IntPtr)1, IntPtr.Zero); //WM_SETREDRAW true
enum eFreezeTarget
private void viewer_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
viewerPan = false;
viewer.Capture = false;
Cursor = Cursors.Default;
private void viewer_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
if (viewerPan)
var loc = viewer.PointToScreen(e.Location);
int dx = loc.X - panStartLocation.X;
int dy = loc.Y - panStartLocation.Y;
panStartLocation = loc;
int x = viewerPanel.AutoScrollPosition.X;
int y = viewerPanel.AutoScrollPosition.Y;
x += dx;
y += dy;
viewerPanel.AutoScrollPosition = new Point(-x, -y);
if(si != null)
class MapEntryState
public SNESGraphicsDecoder.TileEntry entry;
public int bgnum;
public Point Location;
MapEntryState currMapEntryState;
class TileDataState
public eDisplayType Type;
public int Bpp;
public int Tile;
public int Address;
public int Palette;
TileDataState currTileDataState;
class ObjDataState
public int Number;
ObjDataState currObjDataState;
void RenderTileView()
if (currMapEntryState != null)
//view a BG tile
int paletteStart = 0;
var bgs = currMapEntryState;
var oneTileEntry = new SNESGraphicsDecoder.TileEntry[] { bgs.entry };
int tileSize = si.BG[bgs.bgnum].TileSize;
int pixels = tileSize * tileSize;
var bmp = new Bitmap(tileSize, tileSize, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
var bmpdata = bmp.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, tileSize, tileSize), System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageLockMode.WriteOnly, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
if (viewBgMode == SNESGraphicsDecoder.BGMode.Mode7)
gd.RenderMode7TilesToScreen((int*)bmpdata.Scan0, bmpdata.Stride / 4, false, false, 1, currMapEntryState.entry.tilenum, 1);
else if (viewBgMode == SNESGraphicsDecoder.BGMode.Mode7Ext)
gd.RenderMode7TilesToScreen((int*)bmpdata.Scan0, bmpdata.Stride / 4, true, false, 1, currMapEntryState.entry.tilenum, 1);
else if (viewBgMode == SNESGraphicsDecoder.BGMode.Mode7DC)
gd.RenderMode7TilesToScreen((int*)bmpdata.Scan0, bmpdata.Stride / 4, false, true, 1, currMapEntryState.entry.tilenum, 1);
gd.DecodeBG((int*)bmpdata.Scan0, bmpdata.Stride / 4, oneTileEntry, si.BG[bgs.bgnum].TiledataAddr, SNESGraphicsDecoder.ScreenSize.Hacky_1x1, si.BG[bgs.bgnum].Bpp, tileSize, paletteStart);
gd.Paletteize((int*)bmpdata.Scan0, 0, 0, pixels);
gd.Colorize((int*)bmpdata.Scan0, 0, pixels);
else if (currTileDataState != null)
//view a tileset tile
int bpp = currTileDataState.Bpp;
var bmp = new Bitmap(8, 8, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
var bmpdata = bmp.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, 8, 8), System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageLockMode.WriteOnly, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
if (currTileDataState.Type == eDisplayType.TilesMode7)
gd.RenderMode7TilesToScreen((int*)bmpdata.Scan0, bmpdata.Stride / 4, false, false, 1, currTileDataState.Tile, 1);
else if (currTileDataState.Type == eDisplayType.TilesMode7Ext)
gd.RenderMode7TilesToScreen((int*)bmpdata.Scan0, bmpdata.Stride / 4, true, false, 1, currTileDataState.Tile, 1);
else if (currTileDataState.Type == eDisplayType.TilesMode7DC)
gd.RenderMode7TilesToScreen((int*)bmpdata.Scan0, bmpdata.Stride / 4, false, true, 1, currTileDataState.Tile, 1);
else if (currTileDataState.Type == eDisplayType.OBJTiles0 || currTileDataState.Type == eDisplayType.OBJTiles1)
//render an obj tile
int tile = currTileDataState.Address / 32;
gd.RenderTilesToScreen((int*)bmpdata.Scan0, 1, 1, bmpdata.Stride / 4, bpp, currPaletteSelection.start, tile, 1);
else gd.RenderTilesToScreen((int*)bmpdata.Scan0, 1, 1, bmpdata.Stride / 4, bpp, currPaletteSelection.start, currTileDataState.Tile, 1);
else if (currObjDataState != null)
var bounds = si.ObjSizeBoundsSquare;
int width = bounds.Width;
int height = bounds.Height;
var bmp = new Bitmap(width, height, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
var bmpdata = bmp.LockBits(new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height), System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageLockMode.WriteOnly, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
gd.RenderSpriteToScreen((int*)bmpdata.Scan0, bmpdata.Stride / 4, 0, 0, si, currObjDataState.Number);
var bmp = new Bitmap(8, 8, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
void HandleTileViewMouseOver(int pxacross, int pxtall, int bpp, int tx, int ty)
int tilestride = pxacross / 8;
int tilesTall = pxtall / 8;
if (tx < 0 || ty < 0 || tx >= tilestride || ty >= tilesTall)
int tilenum = ty * tilestride + tx;
currTileDataState = new TileDataState();
currTileDataState.Bpp = bpp;
currTileDataState.Type = CurrDisplaySelection;
currTileDataState.Tile = tilenum;
currTileDataState.Address = (bpp==7?8:bpp) * 8 * currTileDataState.Tile;
currTileDataState.Palette = currPaletteSelection.start;
if (CurrDisplaySelection == eDisplayType.OBJTiles0 || CurrDisplaySelection == eDisplayType.OBJTiles1)
if (tilenum < 256)
currTileDataState.Address += si.OBJTable0Addr;
currTileDataState.Address += si.OBJTable1Addr - (256*32);
currTileDataState.Address &= 0xFFFF;
else if (SNESGraphicsDecoder.BGModeIsMode7Type(BGModeForDisplayType(CurrDisplaySelection)))
currTileDataState.Address *= 2;
void HandleSpriteMouseOver(int px, int py)
if (px < 0 || py < 0 || px >= 256 || py >= 224) return;
int sprite = spriteMap[px,py];
if(sprite == 0xFF) return;
currObjDataState = new ObjDataState();
currObjDataState.Number = sprite;
void HandleObjMouseOver(int px, int py)
int ox = px / si.ObjSizeBounds.Width;
int oy = py / si.ObjSizeBounds.Height;
if (ox < 0 || oy < 0 || ox >= 8 || oy >= 16)
int objNum = oy * 8 + ox;
currObjDataState = new ObjDataState();
currObjDataState.Number = objNum;
//RenderView(); //remember, we were going to highlight the selected sprite somehow as we hover over it
void SetTab(TabPage tpSet)
//doesnt work well
//foreach (var tp in tabctrlDetails.TabPages)
// ((TabPage)tp).Visible = tpSet != null;
if (tpSet != null)
tpSet.Visible = true;
tabctrlDetails.SelectedTab = tpSet;
void UpdateViewerMouseover(Point loc)
using (gd.EnterExit())
currMapEntryState = null;
currTileDataState = null;
currObjDataState = null;
int tx = loc.X / 8;
int ty = loc.Y / 8;
switch (CurrDisplaySelection)
case eDisplayType.OBJTiles0:
case eDisplayType.OBJTiles1:
HandleTileViewMouseOver(128, 256, 4, tx, ty);
case eDisplayType.OBJ:
HandleObjMouseOver(loc.X, loc.Y);
case eDisplayType.Sprites:
HandleSpriteMouseOver(loc.X, loc.Y);
case eDisplayType.Tiles2bpp:
HandleTileViewMouseOver(512, 512, 2, tx, ty);
case eDisplayType.Tiles4bpp:
HandleTileViewMouseOver(512, 256, 4, tx, ty);
case eDisplayType.Tiles8bpp:
HandleTileViewMouseOver(256, 256, 8, tx, ty);
case eDisplayType.TilesMode7:
case eDisplayType.TilesMode7DC:
HandleTileViewMouseOver(128, 128, 8, tx, ty);
case eDisplayType.TilesMode7Ext:
HandleTileViewMouseOver(128, 128, 7, tx, ty);
case eDisplayType.BG1:
case eDisplayType.BG2:
case eDisplayType.BG3:
case eDisplayType.BG4:
var bg = si.BG[(int)CurrDisplaySelection];
//unavailable BG for this mode
if (bg.Bpp == 0)
if (bg.TileSize == 16) { tx /= 2; ty /= 2; } //worry about this later. need to pass a different flag into `currViewingTile`
int tloc = ty * bg.ScreenSizeInTiles.Width + tx;
if (tx >= bg.ScreenSizeInTiles.Width) break;
if (ty >= bg.ScreenSizeInTiles.Height) break;
if (tx < 0) break;
if (ty < 0) break;
currMapEntryState = new MapEntryState();
currMapEntryState.bgnum = (int)CurrDisplaySelection;
currMapEntryState.entry = map[tloc];
currMapEntryState.Location = new Point(tx, ty);
//public void DecodeBG(int* screen, int stride, TileEntry[] map, int tiledataBaseAddr, ScreenSize size, int bpp, int tilesize, int paletteStart)
//var map = gd.FetchTilemap(bg.ScreenAddr, bg.ScreenSize);
//int paletteStart = 0;
//gd.DecodeBG(pixelptr, stride / 4, map, bg.TiledataAddr, bg.ScreenSize, bg.Bpp, bg.TileSize, paletteStart);
//gd.Paletteize(pixelptr, 0, 0, numPixels);
private void viewer_MouseLeave(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void paletteViewer_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
if ((e.Button & MouseButtons.Right) != 0)
private void paletteViewer_MouseEnter(object sender, EventArgs e)
tabctrlDetails.SelectedIndex = 0;
private void paletteViewer_MouseLeave(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void paletteViewer_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
Point pt;
bool valid = TranslatePaletteCoord(e.Location, out pt);
if (!valid) return;
lastColorNum = pt.Y * 16 + pt.X;
static int DecodeWinformsColorToSNES(Color winforms)
int r = winforms.R;
int g = winforms.G;
int b = winforms.B;
r >>= 3;
g >>= 3;
b >>= 3;
int col = r | (g << 5) | (b << 10);
return col;
void SyncBackdropColor()
//if (checkBackdropColor.Checked)
// int col = DecodeWinformsColorToSNES(pnBackdropColor.BackColor);
// LibsnesDll.snes_set_backdropColor(col);
// LibsnesDll.snes_set_backdropColor(-1);
private void checkBackdropColor_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
private void pnBackdropColor_MouseDoubleClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
var cd = new ColorDialog();
cd.Color = pnBackdropColor.BackColor;
if (cd.ShowDialog(this) == DialogResult.OK)
pnBackdropColor.BackColor = cd.Color;
UserBackdropColor = pnBackdropColor.BackColor.ToArgb();
protected override bool ProcessCmdKey(ref Message msg, Keys keyData)
if(keyData == (Keys.C | Keys.Control))
// find the control under the mouse
Point m = Cursor.Position;
Control top = this;
Control found = null;
found = top.GetChildAtPoint(top.PointToClient(m), GetChildAtPointSkip.Invisible);
top = found;
} while (found != null && found.HasChildren);
if (found != null && found is SNESGraphicsViewer)
var v = found as SNESGraphicsViewer;
lock (v)
var bmp = v.GetBitmap();
string label = "";
if (found.Name == "viewer")
label = displayTypeItems.Find((x) => x.Type == CurrDisplaySelection).Descr;
if (found.Name == "viewerTile")
label = "Tile";
if (found.Name == "viewerMapEntryTile")
label = "Map Entry";
if (found.Name == "paletteViewer")
label = "Palette";
labelClipboard.Text = $"{label} copied to clipboard.";
return true;
return base.ProcessCmdKey(ref msg, keyData);
private void messagetimer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
labelClipboard.Text = "CTRL+C copies the pane under the mouse.";
private void comboPalette_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (suppression) return;
var pal = (SnesColors.ColorType)comboPalette.SelectedValue;
Console.WriteLine("set {0}", pal);
var s = Emulator.GetSettings();
s.Palette = pal.ToString();
if (currentSnesCore != null)
void RefreshBGENCheckStatesFromConfig()
var s = Emulator.GetSettings();
checkEN0_BG1.Checked = s.ShowBG1_0;
checkEN0_BG2.Checked = s.ShowBG2_0;
checkEN0_BG3.Checked = s.ShowBG3_0;
checkEN0_BG4.Checked = s.ShowBG4_0;
checkEN1_BG1.Checked = s.ShowBG1_1;
checkEN1_BG2.Checked = s.ShowBG2_1;
checkEN1_BG3.Checked = s.ShowBG3_1;
checkEN1_BG4.Checked = s.ShowBG4_1;
checkEN0_OBJ.Checked = s.ShowOBJ_0;
checkEN1_OBJ.Checked = s.ShowOBJ_1;
checkEN2_OBJ.Checked = s.ShowOBJ_2;
checkEN3_OBJ.Checked = s.ShowOBJ_3;
private void checkEN_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if(suppression) return;
var snes = Emulator;
var s = snes.GetSettings();
if (sender == checkEN0_BG1) s.ShowBG1_0 = checkEN0_BG1.Checked;
if (sender == checkEN0_BG2) s.ShowBG2_0 = checkEN0_BG2.Checked;
if (sender == checkEN0_BG3) s.ShowBG3_0 = checkEN0_BG3.Checked;
if (sender == checkEN0_BG4) s.ShowBG4_0 = checkEN0_BG4.Checked;
if (sender == checkEN1_BG1) s.ShowBG1_1 = checkEN1_BG1.Checked;
if (sender == checkEN1_BG2) s.ShowBG2_1 = checkEN1_BG2.Checked;
if (sender == checkEN1_BG3) s.ShowBG3_1 = checkEN1_BG3.Checked;
if (sender == checkEN1_BG4) s.ShowBG4_1 = checkEN1_BG4.Checked;
if (sender == checkEN0_OBJ) s.ShowOBJ_0 = checkEN0_OBJ.Checked;
if (sender == checkEN1_OBJ) s.ShowOBJ_1 = checkEN1_OBJ.Checked;
if (sender == checkEN2_OBJ) s.ShowOBJ_2 = checkEN2_OBJ.Checked;
if (sender == checkEN3_OBJ) s.ShowOBJ_3 = checkEN3_OBJ.Checked;
if ((ModifierKeys & Keys.Shift) != 0)
if (sender == checkEN0_BG1) s.ShowBG1_1 = s.ShowBG1_0;
if (sender == checkEN1_BG1) s.ShowBG1_0 = s.ShowBG1_1;
if (sender == checkEN0_BG2) s.ShowBG2_1 = s.ShowBG2_0;
if (sender == checkEN1_BG2) s.ShowBG2_0 = s.ShowBG2_1;
if (sender == checkEN0_BG3) s.ShowBG3_1 = s.ShowBG3_0;
if (sender == checkEN1_BG3) s.ShowBG3_0 = s.ShowBG3_1;
if (sender == checkEN0_BG4) s.ShowBG4_1 = s.ShowBG4_0;
if (sender == checkEN1_BG4) s.ShowBG4_0 = s.ShowBG4_1;
if (sender == checkEN0_OBJ) s.ShowOBJ_1 = s.ShowOBJ_2 = s.ShowOBJ_3 = s.ShowOBJ_0;
if (sender == checkEN1_OBJ) s.ShowOBJ_0 = s.ShowOBJ_2 = s.ShowOBJ_3 = s.ShowOBJ_1;
if (sender == checkEN2_OBJ) s.ShowOBJ_0 = s.ShowOBJ_1 = s.ShowOBJ_3 = s.ShowOBJ_2;
if (sender == checkEN3_OBJ) s.ShowOBJ_0 = s.ShowOBJ_1 = s.ShowOBJ_2 = s.ShowOBJ_3;
suppression = true;
suppression = false;
private void lblEnPrio0_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
bool any = checkEN0_OBJ.Checked || checkEN0_BG1.Checked || checkEN0_BG2.Checked || checkEN0_BG3.Checked || checkEN0_BG4.Checked;
bool all = checkEN0_OBJ.Checked && checkEN0_BG1.Checked && checkEN0_BG2.Checked && checkEN0_BG3.Checked && checkEN0_BG4.Checked;
bool newval;
if (all) newval = false;
else newval = true;
checkEN0_OBJ.Checked = checkEN0_BG1.Checked = checkEN0_BG2.Checked = checkEN0_BG3.Checked = checkEN0_BG4.Checked = newval;
private void lblEnPrio1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
bool any = checkEN1_OBJ.Checked || checkEN1_BG1.Checked || checkEN1_BG2.Checked || checkEN1_BG3.Checked || checkEN1_BG4.Checked;
bool all = checkEN1_OBJ.Checked && checkEN1_BG1.Checked && checkEN1_BG2.Checked && checkEN1_BG3.Checked && checkEN1_BG4.Checked;
bool newval;
if (all) newval = false;
else newval = true;
checkEN1_OBJ.Checked = checkEN1_BG1.Checked = checkEN1_BG2.Checked = checkEN1_BG3.Checked = checkEN1_BG4.Checked = newval;
private void lblEnPrio2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
checkEN2_OBJ.Checked ^= true;
private void lblEnPrio3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
checkEN3_OBJ.Checked ^= true;
} //class SNESGraphicsDebugger
static class ControlExtensions
static string[] secondPass = new[] { "Size" };
public static T Clone<T>(this T controlToClone)
where T : Control
PropertyInfo[] controlProperties = typeof(T).GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);
Type t = controlToClone.GetType();
T instance = Activator.CreateInstance(t) as T;
t.GetProperty("AutoSize").SetValue(instance, false, null);
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
foreach (PropertyInfo propInfo in controlProperties)
if (!propInfo.CanWrite)
if (propInfo.Name == "AutoSize")
{ }
else if (propInfo.Name == "WindowTarget")
{ }
propInfo.SetValue(instance, propInfo.GetValue(controlToClone, null), null);
if (instance is RetainedViewportPanel)
var clonebmp = ((controlToClone) as RetainedViewportPanel).GetBitmap().Clone() as Bitmap;
((instance) as RetainedViewportPanel).SetBitmap(clonebmp);
return instance;
} //namespace BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk