
1271 lines
47 KiB

Target CPU: ARM946E-S (Nintendo DS main CPU) and ARM7TDMI (Nintendo DS secondary CPU, Nintendo GBA main CPU)
Target Architecture: ARMv5TE and ARMv4T
ARM version: 5, 4
THUMB version: 2, 1
/* Instructions marked with an asterisk * are not available in ARMv4T */
/* Alphabetical list of ARM instructions (number of variants) */
ADC Add with Carry
AND Logical AND
B Branch
BL Branch and Link
BIC Bit Clear
BKPT Breakpoint*
BLX (2) Branch with Link and Exchange*
BX Branch and Exchange
CDP Coprocessor Data Processing
CLZ Count Leading Zeros*
CMN Compare Negative
CMP Compare
EOR Logical Exclusive OR
LDC Load Coprocessor
LDC2 Load Coprocessor 2*
LDM (3) Load Multiple
LDR Load Register
LDRB Load Register Byte
LDRBT Load Register Byte with Translation
LDRH Load Register Halfword
LDRSB Load Register Signed Byte
LDRSH Load Register Signed Halfword
LDRT Load Register with Translation
MCR Move to Coprocessor from ARM Register
MCR2 Move to Coprocessor from ARM Register 2*
MLA Multiply Accumulate
MOV Move
MRC Move to ARM Register from Coprocessor
MRC2 Move to ARM Register from Coprocessor 2*
MRS Move PSR to General-purpose Register
MSR Move to Status Register from ARM Register
MUL Multiply
MVN Move Negative
ORR Logical OR
RSB Reverse Substract
RSC Reverse Substract with Carry
SBC Substract with Carry
SMLAL Signed Multply Accumulate Long
SMULL Signed Multply Long
STC Store Coprocessor
STC2 Store Coprocessor 2*
STM (2) Store Multiple
STR Store Register
STRB Store Register Byte
STRBT Store Register Byte with Translation
STRH Store Register Halfword
STRT Store Register with Translation
SUB Substract
SWI Software Interrupt
SWP Swap
SWPB Swap Byte
TEQ Test Equivalence
TST Test
UMLAL Unsigned Multply Accumulate Long
UMULL Unsigned Multply Long
//DSP enhanced (ARMv5TE exclusive)
LDRD Load Register Dual
MCRR Move to Coprocessor from Registers
MRRC Move to Registers from Coprocessor
PLD Preload Data
QADD Saturating signed Add
QDADD ;Performs a saturated integer doubling of one operand followed by a saturated integer addition with the other operand
QDSUB ;Performs a saturated integer doubling of one operand followed by a saturated integer substraction from the other operand
QSUB Saturating signed Subtraction
SMLA Signed Multiply Accumulate
SMLAL Signed Multiply Accumulate Long
SMLAW Signed Multiply Accumulate Word
SMUL Signed Multiply
SMULW Signed Multiply Word
STRD Store Register Dual
/* Alphabetical list of THUMB instructions (number of variants) */
ADC Add with Carry
ADD (7) Add
AND Logical AND
ASR (2) Arithmetic Shift Right
B (2) Branch
BIC Bit Clear
BKPT Breakpoint*
BL Branch with Link
BLX (2) Branch with Link and Exchange*
BX Branch and Exchange
CMN Compare Negative
CMP (3) Compare
EOR Logical Exclusive OR
LDMIA Load Multiple Increment After
LDR (4) Load Register
LDRB (2) Load Register Byte
LDRH (2) Load Register Halfword
LDRSB Load Register Signed Byte
LDRSH Load Register Signed Halfword
LSL (2) Logical Shift Left
LSR (2) Logical Shift Right
MOV (3) Move
MUL Multiply
NEG Negate
ORR Logical OR
POP Pop Multiple Registers
PUSH Push Multiple Registers
ROR Rotate Right Register
SBC Substract with Carry
STMIA Store Multiple Increment After
STR (3) Store Register
STRB (2) Store Register Byte
STRH (2) Store Register Halfword
SUB (4) Substract
SWI Software Interrupt
TST Test
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
/* MACROS */
#define STRING_LENGTH (80) //can fail at 64 in SubstituteSubString
#define CONDITIONS_MAX (16)
#define BITS(x, b, n) ((x >> b) & ((1 << n) - 1)) //retrieves n bits from x starting at bit b
#define SIGNEX32_BITS(x, b, n) ((BITS(x,b,n) ^ (1<<(n-1))) - (1<<(n-1))) //convert n-bit value to signed 32 bits
#define SIGNEX32_VAL(x, n) ((x ^ (1<<(n-1))) - (1<<(n-1))) //convert n-bit value to signed 32 bits
#define ROR(x, n) ((x>>n)|(x<<(32-n))) //rotate right 32-bit value x by n bits
typedef uint32_t u32;
typedef uint16_t u16;
typedef uint8_t u8;
typedef enum {
typedef enum {
ARMv4T, //ARM v4, THUMB v1
ARMv5TE, //ARM v5, THUMB v2
ARMv6 //ARM v6, THUMB v3
}ARMARCH; //only 32-bit legacy architectures with THUMB support
typedef enum {
EQ, //equal, Z set
NE, //not equal, Z clear
CS, //carry set, C set (or HS, unsigned higher or same)
CC, //carry clear, C clear (or LO, unsigned lower)
MI, //minus/negative, N set
PL, //plus/positive/zero, N clear
VS, //overflow, V set
VC, //no overflow, V clear
HI, //unsigned higher, C set and Z clear
LS, //unsigned lower or same, C clear or Z set
GE, //signed greater than or equal, N==V
LT, //signed less than, N!=V
GT, //signed greater than, Z==0 and N==V
LE, //signed less than or equal, Z==1 or N!=V
AL, //unconditional, only with IT instructions
NV //unconditional, usually undefined
//todo: maybe put "2" instead of "nv" (or nothing) in the last one
const char Conditions[CONDITIONS_MAX][3] = { "eq", "ne", "cs", "cc", "mi", "pl", "vs", "vc", "hi", "ls", "ge", "lt", "gt", "le", "", "" }; //last two are "al" and "nv", but never displayed
const char AddressingModes[4][3] = {
"da", //Decrement after
"ia", //Increment after
"db", //Decrement before
"ib" //Increment before
const char DataProcessing_thumb[16][4] = {
const char DataProcessing_arm[16][4] = {
"tst", //no s
"teq", //no s
"cmp", //no s
"cmn", //no s
"mov", //only 1 source operand
"mvn" //only 1 source operand
const char MSR_cxsf[16][5] = {
const char LoadStoreRegister[8][6] = {
"str", //STR (2)
"strh", //STRH (2)
"strb", //STRB (2)
"ldrsb", //LDRSB
"ldr", //LDR (2)
"ldrh", //LDRH (2)
"ldrb", //LDRB (2)
"ldrsh" //LDRSH
const char DSP_AddSub[4][6] = { "qadd", "qsub", "qdadd", "qdsub" };
const char DSP_Multiplies[4][6] = { "smla", "", "smlal", "smul" }; //slot 1 empty, decided elsehow
const char MultiplyLong[4][6] = { "umull", "umlal", "smull", "smlal" };
const char AddCmpMovHighRegisters[3][4] = { "add", "cmp", "mov" };
const char MovCmpAddSubImmediate[4][4] = { "mov", "cmp", "add", "sub" };
const char Shifters[4][4] = { "lsl", "lsr", "asr", "ror" }; //+rrx
const char ShiftImmediate[4][4] = { "lsl", "lsr", "asr", "" }; //thumb
u32 debug_na_count = 0;
static void SubstituteSubString(char dst[STRING_LENGTH], u32 index, const char* sub, u32 size) {
/* Insert sub string of length size (< STRING_LENGTH) at dst[index] */
char tmp[STRING_LENGTH] = { 0 }; //zinit
memcpy(&tmp, sub, size); //init
memcpy(&tmp[size], &dst[index + size + 1], STRING_LENGTH - index - size - 1); //save
memcpy(&dst[index], tmp, STRING_LENGTH - index - 1); //restore
static void CheckSpecialRegister(char* str, int size) {
/* Replace special registers by their common names */
//(r12->ip), r13->sp, r14->lr, r15->pc
//todo: check for size != -1
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) //when using a variable string size (return value of sprintf), 10% faster than constant size of STRING_LENGTH 64
if (str[i] == 'r')
switch (*(u16*)&str[i + 1])
case 0x3331: //"13"
SubstituteSubString(str, i, "sp", sizeof("sp") - 1);
case 0x3431: //"14"
SubstituteSubString(str, i, "lr", sizeof("lr") - 1);
case 0x3531: //"15"
SubstituteSubString(str, i, "pc", sizeof("pc") - 1);
static u32 FormatStringRegisterList_thumb(char str[STRING_LENGTH], u16 reg, const char* pclr, u8 pclr_size) {
/* Format str according to the reg bifield, group consecutive registers together */
/* Support for a special 9th register name */
u32 bits = 0; //return value, number of 1 bits in reg
u32 streak = 0; //current streak, used to group registers together
u32 pos = 0; //position in the str array
char tmp[4] = { 0 }; //temporary buffer for register write
for (u32 i = 0; i < 9; i++) //reg is a 9-bit value
if (BITS(reg, i, 1))
switch (streak)
case 0: //streak ended, print current register
if (i == 8)
sprintf(tmp, "%s", pclr); //pc or lr override
memcpy(&str[pos], tmp, sizeof(tmp)); //write
pos += pclr_size; //sizeof(pclr)
sprintf(tmp, "r%u,", i); //r0-r7
memcpy(&str[pos], tmp, sizeof(tmp)); //write
pos += 3; //sizeof("r0")
case 1: break; //used to catch default cases later
case 2: //hyphenation if at least 3 in a row
str[pos - 1] = '-'; //replaces the comma
//todo: a bit repetitive, tidy up
if (i == 8) //if on last bit, close the current streak by writing previous and last register
sprintf(tmp, "r%u,", i - 1); //previous register (can't be LR/PC)
memcpy(&str[pos], tmp, sizeof(tmp)); //write
pos += 3; //depends on size of tmp
sprintf(tmp, "%s", pclr); //pc or lr override
memcpy(&str[pos], tmp, sizeof(tmp)); //write
pos += pclr_size; //sizeof(pclr)
streak = (i < 8) ? streak + 1 : 0; //avoids grouping LR/PC
if (streak > 1) //if broke with at least 3 in a row, close
sprintf(tmp, "r%u,", i - 1); //previous register (can't be LR/PC)
memcpy(&str[pos], tmp, sizeof(tmp)); //write
pos += 3; //depends on size of tmp
streak = 0; //reset
if (pos) str[pos - 1] = 0; //removes the coma on the last register
return bits; //number of 1 bits
static u32 FormatStringRegisterList_arm(char str[STRING_LENGTH], u16 reg) {
/* Format str according to the reg bifield, group consecutive registers together */
u32 bits = 0; //return value, number of 1 bits in reg
u32 streak = 0; //current streak, used to group registers together
u32 pos = 0; //position in the str array
char tmp[5] = { 0 }; //temporary buffer for register write
for (u32 i = 0; i < 16; i++) //all registers
if (BITS(reg, i, 1))
switch (streak)
case 0: //streak started, print current register
sprintf(tmp, "r%u,", i); //r0-r15
memcpy(&str[pos], tmp, sizeof(tmp)); //write
pos = (i < 10) ? pos + sizeof("r0") : pos + sizeof("r10");
case 1: break;
case 2: //hyphenation if at least 3 in a row
str[pos - 1] = '-'; //replaces the comma
if (i == 15) //if on last bit, close the current streak by writing last register
str[pos++] = 'p';
str[pos++] = 'c';
str[pos++] = ','; //comma will get deleted later
if (streak > 1) //if broke with at least 3 in a row, close
sprintf(tmp, "r%u,", i - 1); //previous register
memcpy(&str[pos], tmp, sizeof(tmp)); //write
pos = (i - 1 < 10) ? pos + sizeof("r0") : pos + sizeof("r10");
streak = 0; //reset
if (pos) str[pos - 1] = 0; //removes the coma on the last register
return bits; //number of 1 bits
static int FormatExtraLoadStore(u32 c, char* str, u8 cond, const char* op) {
/* */
u8 rd = BITS(c, 12, 4);
u8 rn = BITS(c, 16, 4);
u8 w = BITS(c, 21, 1);
u8 p = BITS(c, 24, 1);
if (BITS(c, 22, 1)) //immediate
u8 ofs = (BITS(c, 8, 4) << 4) | BITS(c, 0, 4);
const char* sign = BITS(c, 23, 1) ? "+" : "-";
if (p) //offset, pre-indexed
const char* pre = w ? "!" : "";
return sprintf(str, "%s%s r%u, [r%u, #%s0x%X]%s", op, Conditions[cond], rd, rn, sign, ofs, pre);
else //post-indexed
if (w) return 0; //w must be 0, else UNPREDICTABLE //todo: check if really invalid
return sprintf(str, "%s%s r%u, [r%u], #%s0x%X", op, Conditions[cond], rd, rn, sign, ofs);
else //register
u8 rm = BITS(c, 0, 4);
const char* sign = BITS(c, 23, 1) ? "" : "-"; //implicit "+" in front of registers
if (p) //offset, pre-indexed
const char* pre = w ? "!" : "";
return sprintf(str, "%s%s r%u, [r%u, %sr%u]%s", op, Conditions[cond], rd, rn, sign, rm, pre);
else //post-indexed
if (w) return 0; //w must be 0, else UNPREDICTABLE //todo: check if really invalid
return sprintf(str, "%s%s r%u, [r%u], %sr%u", op, Conditions[cond], rd, rn, sign, rm);
u32 Disassemble_thumb(u32 code, char str[STRING_LENGTH], ARMARCH tv) {
/* Convert a code into a string, return size of the processed code (SIZE_16 or SIZE_32) */
THUMBSIZE thumb_size = SIZE_16; //return value
u16 c = code & 0xffff; //low 16 bits
int size = 0; //return value of sprintf to be passed to CheckSpecialRegister
switch (c >> 13)
case 0: //0x0000 //LSL, LSR, ASR, ADD, SUB
u8 rd = BITS(c, 0, 3);
u8 rn = BITS(c, 3, 3);
u8 index = BITS(c, 11, 2);
if (index == 3) //ADD, SUB, MOV
if (BITS(c, 6, 5) == 16) //MOV (2) (technically ADD (1) with imm==0)
size = sprintf(str, "mov r%u, r%u", rd, rn);
u8 rm_imm = BITS(c, 6, 3);
const char* op = (BITS(c, 9, 1)) ? "sub" : "add";
if (BITS(c, 10, 1)) //ADD (1), SUB (1) -immediate
size = sprintf(str, "%s r%u, r%u, #0x%X", op, rd, rn, rm_imm);
else //ADD (3), SUB (3) -register
size = sprintf(str, "%s r%u, r%u, r%u", op, rd, rn, rm_imm);
else //Shift by immediate: LSL (1), LSR (1), ASR (1)
size = sprintf(str, "%s r%u, r%u, #0x%X", ShiftImmediate[index], rd, rn, BITS(c, 6, 5));
case 1: //0x2000 //MOV (1), CMP (1), ADD (2), SUB (2)
size = sprintf(str, "%s r%u, #0x%X", MovCmpAddSubImmediate[BITS(c, 11, 2)], BITS(c, 8, 3), BITS(c, 0, 8));
case 2: //0x4000 //lots...
switch (BITS(c, 10, 3))
case 0: //Data-processing registers
size = sprintf(str, "%s r%u, r%u", DataProcessing_thumb[BITS(c, 6, 4)], BITS(c, 0, 3), BITS(c, 3, 3));
case 1: //Special data processing
u8 rd = (BITS(c, 7, 1) << 3) | (BITS(c, 0, 3));
u8 rm = BITS(c, 3, 4);
u8 op = BITS(c, 8, 2);
if (op == 3) //Branch/exchange instruction set
if (BITS(c, 0, 3)) break; //Should-Be-Zero
if (BITS(c, 7, 1)) //BLX (2)
if (tv < ARMv5TE) break; //UNPREDICTABLE prior to ARM version 5
size = sprintf(str, "blx r%u", rm);
else //BX
size = sprintf(str, "bx r%u", rm);
else //ADD (4), CMP (3), MOV (3)
if (!BITS(c, 6, 2)) break; //UNPREDICTABLE
size = sprintf(str, "%s r%u, r%u", AddCmpMovHighRegisters[op], rd, rm);
default: //Load from literal pool, Load/Store register offset
if (BITS(c, 12, 1)) //Load/store register offset
size = sprintf(str, "%s r%u, [r%u, r%u]", LoadStoreRegister[BITS(c, 9, 3)], BITS(c, 0, 3), BITS(c, 3, 3), BITS(c, 6, 3));
else //LDR (3)
if (!BITS(c, 11, 1)) break; //Should-Be-One
size = sprintf(str, "ldr r%u, [pc, #0x%X]", BITS(c, 8, 3), 4 * BITS(c, 0, 8));
case 3: //0x6000 //STR, LDR, STRB, LDRB
switch (BITS(c, 11, 2))
case 0: //STR (1)
size = sprintf(str, "str r%u, [r%u, #0x%X]", BITS(c, 0, 3), BITS(c, 3, 3), 4 * BITS(c, 6, 5));
case 1: //LDR (1)
size = sprintf(str, "ldr r%u, [r%u, #0x%X]", BITS(c, 0, 3), BITS(c, 3, 3), 4 * BITS(c, 6, 5));
case 2: //STRB (1)
size = sprintf(str, "strb r%u, [r%u, #0x%X]", BITS(c, 0, 3), BITS(c, 3, 3), BITS(c, 6, 5));
case 3: //LDRB (1)
size = sprintf(str, "ldrb r%u, [r%u, #0x%X]", BITS(c, 0, 3), BITS(c, 3, 3), BITS(c, 6, 5));
case 4: //0x8000 //STR, LDR, STRH, LDRH
if (BITS(c, 12, 1)) //LDR (4), STR (3)
const char* op = (BITS(c, 11, 1)) ? "ldr" : "str";
size = sprintf(str, "%s r%u, [sp, #0x%X]", op, BITS(c, 8, 3), 4 * BITS(c, 0, 8));
else //LDRH (1), STRH (1)
const char* op = (BITS(c, 11, 1)) ? "ldrh" : "strh";
size = sprintf(str, "%s r%u, [r%u, #0x%X]", op, BITS(c, 0, 3), BITS(c, 3, 3), 2 * BITS(c, 6, 5));
case 5: //0xA000 //Misc and ADD to sp or pc
if (BITS(c, 12, 1)) //Misc, fig 6-2
switch (BITS(c, 8, 4))
case 0: //ADD (4), SUB (7) to/from SP
const char* op = (BITS(c, 7, 1)) ? "sub" : "add";
size = sprintf(str, "%s sp, #0x%X", op, 4 * BITS(c, 0, 7));
case 4:
case 5:
case 12:
case 13:
char reglist[STRING_LENGTH] = { 0 };
u16 registers = BITS(c, 0, 9);
if (BITS(c, 11, 1)) //POP
if (FormatStringRegisterList_thumb(reglist, registers, "pc", sizeof("pc"))) //if BitCount(registers) < 1 then UNPREDICTABLE
size = sprintf(str, "pop {%s}", reglist);
else //PUSH
if (FormatStringRegisterList_thumb(reglist, registers, "lr", sizeof("lr"))) //if BitCount(registers) < 1 then UNPREDICTABLE
size = sprintf(str, "push {%s}", reglist);
case 14: //BKPT
if (tv >= ARMv5TE) //undefined prior to ARM version 5
size = sprintf(str, "bkpt #0x%X", BITS(c, 0, 8));
else //ADD (5), ADD (6) to SP or PC
const char* sppc = (BITS(c, 11, 2)) ? "sp" : "pc";
size = sprintf(str, "add r%u, %s, #0x%X", BITS(c, 8, 3), sppc, 4 * BITS(c, 0, 8));
case 6: //0xC000 //B, SWI, LDMIA, STMIA
if (BITS(c, 12, 1)) //Conditional branch, Undefined, System call
switch (BITS(c, 8, 4))
case 14: //UDF "Permanently undefined space", OS dependant
//size = sprintf(str, "udf #0x%X", BITS(c, 0, 8)); //note: not an instruction in ARMv5TE, just UNDEFINED
case 15: //SWI
size = sprintf(str, "swi #0x%X", BITS(c, 0, 8));
default: //B (1) conditional
size = sprintf(str, "b%s #0x%X", Conditions[BITS(c, 8, 4)], 4 + 2 * SIGNEX32_BITS(c, 0, 8));
char reglist[STRING_LENGTH] = { 0 };
const char* op = (BITS(c, 11, 1)) ? "ldmia" : "stmia";
if (FormatStringRegisterList_thumb(reglist, BITS(c, 0, 8), "", 0))
size = sprintf(str, "%s r%u!, {%s}", op, BITS(c, 8, 3), reglist);
case 7: //0xE000 //B, then 32-bit instructions
switch (BITS(c, 11, 2))
case 0:
size = sprintf(str, "b #0x%X", 4 + 2 * SIGNEX32_BITS(c, 0, 11)); //11 bits to signed 32 bits
//case 1: break; //undefined on first pass
case 2: //BL/BLX prefix
c = code >> 16; //get high 16 bits
if (c >> 13 == 7)
switch (BITS(c, 11, 2))
case 1: //BLX (1)
if (tv < ARMv5TE) break;
if (!BITS(c, 0, 1))
thumb_size = SIZE_32;
int ofs = (BITS((code & 0xffff), 0, 11)) << 12;
ofs = SIGNEX32_VAL(ofs, 23);
ofs += 4;
ofs += 2 * BITS(c, 0, 11);
//note: bit 1 should be cleared (word aligned target address)
size = sprintf(str, "blx #0x%X", ofs);
//case 2: break; //BL/BLX prefix
case 3: //BL
thumb_size = SIZE_32;
int ofs = (BITS((code & 0xffff), 0, 11)) << 12;
ofs = SIGNEX32_VAL(ofs, 23);
ofs += 4;
ofs += 2 * BITS(c, 0, 11);
size = sprintf(str, "bl #0x%X", ofs);
if (!str[0]) //in case nothing was written to it
sprintf(str, "n/a");
CheckSpecialRegister(str, size); //formatting
return thumb_size;
void Disassemble_arm(u32 code, char str[STRING_LENGTH], ARMARCH av) {
//Reference: page 68 of 811 from the ARM Architecture reference manual june 2000 edition
//todo: proper support for ARMv4T
//todo: extra caution for UNPREDICTABLE instructions, need to remove them? or decode regardless?
int size = 0; //return value of sprintf to be passed to CheckSpecialRegister
u32 c = code; //alias
u8 cond = BITS(c, 28, 4); //condition bits
//todo: check unconditional instructions first to avoid putting a check later at each stage
switch (BITS(c, 25, 3))
case 0: //Data processing, DSP instructions, ...
if (cond == NV) break; //undefined
if (BITS(c, 4, 1))
if (BITS(c, 7, 1)) //Multiplies, extra load/stores: see fig 3-2
u8 oplo = BITS(c, 5, 2);
if (!oplo)
if (!BITS(c, 22, 3)) //Multiply (accumulate)
u8 rm = BITS(c, 0, 4);
u8 rs = BITS(c, 8, 4);
u8 rn = BITS(c, 12, 4);
u8 rd = BITS(c, 16, 4);
const char* s = BITS(c, 20, 1) ? "s" : "";
if (BITS(c, 21, 1)) //MLA
size = sprintf(str, "mla%s%s r%u, r%u, r%u, r%u", s, Conditions[cond], rd, rm, rs, rn);
else //MUL
if (rn) break; //Should-Be-Zero
size = sprintf(str, "mul%s%s r%u, r%u, r%u", s, Conditions[cond], rd, rm, rs);
else if (BITS(c, 23, 1)) //Multiply (accumulate) long
const char* s = BITS(c, 20, 1) ? "s" : "";
size = sprintf(str, "%s%s%s r%u, r%u, r%u, r%u", MultiplyLong[BITS(c, 21, 2)], s, Conditions[cond], BITS(c, 12, 4), BITS(c, 16, 4), BITS(c, 0, 4), BITS(c, 8, 4));
else //Swap/swap byte (SWP, SWPB)
if (BITS(c, 8, 4)) break; //Should-Be-Zero
const char* b = BITS(c, 22, 1) ? "b" : ""; //byte or no
size = sprintf(str, "swp%s%s r%u, r%u, [r%u]", b, Conditions[cond], BITS(c, 12, 4), BITS(c, 0, 4), BITS(c, 16, 4));
if (!BITS(c, 22, 1) && BITS(c, 8, 4)) break; //Should-Be-Zero if register offset
if (oplo == 1) //Load/store halfword
const char* l = BITS(c, 20, 1) ? "ldrh" : "strh"; //load or store
size = FormatExtraLoadStore(c, str, cond, l);
if (BITS(c, 20, 1)) //Load signed halfword/byte
const char* h = BITS(c, 5, 1) ? "ldrsh" : "ldrsb"; //halfword/byte
size = FormatExtraLoadStore(c, str, cond, h);
else //Load/store two words
if (BITS(c, 12, 1)) break; //undefined if Rd is odd
const char* s = BITS(c, 5, 1) ? "strd" : "ldrd"; //store or load
size = FormatExtraLoadStore(c, str, cond, s);
if (BITS(c, 23, 2) == 2 && !BITS(c, 20, 1)) //Miscellanous instructions, see fig 3-3
u8 oplo = BITS(c, 5, 2);
u8 ophi = BITS(c, 21, 2);
switch (oplo)
case 0:
if (ophi == 3) //CLZ
//note: if PC is in either register, UNPREDICTABLE
if (av < ARMv5TE) break;
if (!BITS(c, 16, 4) || !BITS(c, 8, 4)) break; //Should-Be-One
size = sprintf(str, "clz%s r%u, r%u", Conditions[cond], BITS(c, 12, 4), BITS(c, 0, 4));
else if (ophi == 1)//Branch/exchange instruction set (BX)
if (BITS(c, 8, 12) != 0xfff) break; //Should-Be-One
size = sprintf(str, "bx%s r%u", Conditions[cond], BITS(c, 0, 4));
case 1: //BLX (2)
if (av < ARMv5TE) break;
if (ophi != 1) break;
if (BITS(c, 8, 12) != 0xfff) break; //Should-Be-One
size = sprintf(str, "blx%s r%u", Conditions[cond], BITS(c, 0, 4));
case 2: //Enhanced DSP add/sub (QADD, QDADD, QSUB, QDSUB)
//note: if PC is in either register, UNPREDICTABLE
if (av < ARMv5TE) break;
if (BITS(c, 8, 4)) break; //Should-Be-Zero
size = sprintf(str, "%s%s r%u, r%u, r%u", DSP_AddSub[ophi], Conditions[cond], BITS(c, 12, 4), BITS(c, 0, 4), BITS(c, 16, 4));
case 3: //Software breakpoint (BKPT)
if (av < ARMv5TE) break;
if (ophi != 1) break;
size = sprintf(str, "bkpt #0x%X", (BITS(c, 8, 12) << 4) | BITS(c, 0, 4));
else //Data processing register shift
u8 rm = BITS(c, 0, 4);
u8 shift = BITS(c, 5, 2);
u8 rs = BITS(c, 8, 4);
u8 rd = BITS(c, 12, 4);
u8 rn = BITS(c, 16, 4);
u8 op = BITS(c, 21, 4);
const char* s = BITS(c, 20, 1) ? "s" : "";
switch (op)
case 8: //TST
case 9: //TEQ
case 10: //CMP
case 11: //CMN
size = sprintf(str, "%s%s r%u, r%u, %s r%u", DataProcessing_arm[op], Conditions[cond], rn, rm, Shifters[shift], rs);
case 13: //MOV
case 15: //MVN
size = sprintf(str, "%s%s%s r%u, r%u, %s r%u", DataProcessing_arm[op], s, Conditions[cond], rd, rm, Shifters[shift], rs);
size = sprintf(str, "%s%s%s r%u, r%u, r%u, %s r%u", DataProcessing_arm[op], s, Conditions[cond], rd, rn, rm, Shifters[shift], rs);
else //bit 4 == 0
if (BITS(c, 23, 2) == 2 && !BITS(c, 20, 1)) //Miscellanous instructions, see fig 3-3
if (BITS(c, 7, 1)) //Enhanced DSP multiplies
if (av < ARMv5TE) break;
//note: PC for any register is UNPREDICTABLE
u8 rm = BITS(c, 0, 4);
const char* x = BITS(c, 5, 1) ? "t" : "b";
const char* y = BITS(c, 6, 1) ? "t" : "b";
u8 rs = BITS(c, 8, 4);
u8 rn_rdlo = BITS(c, 12, 4);
u8 rd_rdhi = BITS(c, 16, 4);
u8 op = BITS(c, 21, 2);
switch (op)
case 0: //SMLA
size = sprintf(str, "%s%s%s%s r%u, r%u, r%u, r%u", DSP_Multiplies[op], x, y, Conditions[cond], rd_rdhi, rm, rs, rn_rdlo);
case 1: //SMLAW, SMULW
if (BITS(c, 5, 1)) //SMULW
if (rn_rdlo) break; //Should-Be-Zero
size = sprintf(str, "smulw%s%s r%u, r%u, r%u", y, Conditions[cond], rd_rdhi, rm, rs);
else //SMLAW
size = sprintf(str, "smlaw%s%s r%u, r%u, r%u, r%u", y, Conditions[cond], rd_rdhi, rm, rs, rn_rdlo);
case 2: //SMLAL
size = sprintf(str, "%s%s%s%s r%u, r%u, r%u, r%u", DSP_Multiplies[op], x, y, Conditions[cond], rn_rdlo, rd_rdhi, rm, rs);
case 3: //SMUL
if (rn_rdlo) break; //Should-Be-Zero
size = sprintf(str, "%s%s%s%s r%u, r%u, r%u", DSP_Multiplies[op], x, y, Conditions[cond], rd_rdhi, rm, rs);
if (!BITS(c, 0, 12) && BITS(c, 16, 4) == 15) //Move status reg to reg (MRS)
//note: if Rd == PC, UNPREDICTABLE
char sreg = BITS(c, 22, 1) ? 's' : 'c'; //SPSR (1) or CPSR (0)
size = sprintf(str, "mrs%s r%u, %cpsr", Conditions[cond], BITS(c, 12, 4), sreg);
else if (BITS(c, 12, 4) == 15 && !BITS(c, 4, 8) && BITS(c, 21, 1)) //Move reg to status reg (MSR register)
char sreg = BITS(c, 22, 1) ? 's' : 'c'; //SPSR (1) or CPSR (0)
size = sprintf(str, "msr%s %cpsr_%s, r%u", Conditions[cond], sreg, MSR_cxsf[BITS(c, 16, 4)], BITS(c, 0, 4));
else //Data processing immediate shift
//todo: write a function for all 3 Data Processing switch-cases
u8 op = BITS(c, 21, 4);
u8 rm = BITS(c, 0, 4);
u8 shift = BITS(c, 5, 2);
u8 shift_imm = BITS(c, 7, 5);
char sstr[STRING_LENGTH] = "rrx"; //default, overwrite if incorrect
if ((shift == 1 || shift == 2) && !shift_imm) shift_imm = 32; //0~31 for LSL, 1~32 for LSR, ASR and ROR, always 0 for RRX
if (!(shift == 3 && !shift_imm)) sprintf(sstr, "%s #%u", Shifters[shift], shift_imm);
u8 rd = BITS(c, 12, 4);
u8 rn = BITS(c, 16, 4);
const char* s = BITS(c, 20, 1) ? "s" : "";
switch (op)
case 8: //TST
case 9: //TEQ
case 10: //CMP
case 11: //CMN
size = sprintf(str, "%s%s r%u, r%u, %s", DataProcessing_arm[op], Conditions[cond], rn, rm, sstr);
case 13: //MOV
case 15: //MVN
size = sprintf(str, "%s%s%s r%u, r%u, %s", DataProcessing_arm[op], s, Conditions[cond], rd, rm, sstr);
size = sprintf(str, "%s%s%s r%u, r%u, r%u, %s", DataProcessing_arm[op], s, Conditions[cond], rd, rn, rm, sstr);
case 1: //Data processing and MSR immediate
if (cond == NV) break; //undefined
u32 imm = ROR(BITS(c, 0, 8), 2 * BITS(c, 8, 4));
if (BITS(c, 12, 4) == 15 && !BITS(c, 20, 1)) //MSR immediate
char sreg = BITS(c, 22, 1) ? 's' : 'c'; //SPSR (1) or CPSR (0)
size = sprintf(str, "msr%s %cpsr_%s, #0x%X", Conditions[cond], sreg, MSR_cxsf[BITS(c, 16, 4)], imm);
else //Data processing immediate
u8 op = BITS(c, 21, 4);
u8 rd = BITS(c, 12, 4);
u8 rn = BITS(c, 16, 4);
const char* s = BITS(c, 20, 1) ? "s" : "";
switch (op)
case 8: //TST
case 9: //TEQ
case 10: //CMP
case 11: //CMN
//always update the condition codes: <op>{<cond>} <Rn>, <shift>
size = sprintf(str, "%s%s r%u, #0x%X", DataProcessing_arm[op], Conditions[cond], rn, imm);
case 13: //MOV
case 15: //MVN
//only one source operand: <op>{<cond>}{S} <Rd>, <shift>
size = sprintf(str, "%s%s%s r%u, #0x%X", DataProcessing_arm[op], s, Conditions[cond], rd, imm);
default: //others: <op>{<cond>}{S} <Rd>, <Rn>, <shift>
size = sprintf(str, "%s%s%s r%u, r%u, #0x%X", DataProcessing_arm[op], s, Conditions[cond], rd, rn, imm);
case 2: //Load/store immediate offset
if (cond == NV) break; //undefined
//bits 25, 24, 23 and 21 decide the addressing mode
u8 rd = BITS(c, 12, 4);
u8 rn = BITS(c, 16, 4);
u16 imm = BITS(c, 0, 12); //12 bits for LDR and LDRB (8 bits for LDRH and LDRSB)
const char* sign = BITS(c, 23, 1) ? "+" : "-"; //sign of the immediate offset
const char* ls = BITS(c, 20, 1) ? "ldr" : "str"; //load or store
const char* b = BITS(c, 22, 1) ? "b" : ""; //byte or word
if (BITS(c, 24, 1)) //offset or pre-indexed
const char* w = BITS(c, 21, 1) ? "!" : ""; //pre-indexed if 1
size = sprintf(str, "%s%s%s r%u, [r%u, #%s0x%X]%s", ls, b, Conditions[cond], rd, rn, sign, imm, w);
else //post-indexed
const char* w = BITS(c, 21, 1) ? "t" : ""; //user mode
size = sprintf(str, "%s%s%s%s r%u, [r%u], #%s0x%X", ls, b, w, Conditions[cond], rd, rn, sign, imm);
case 3: //Load/store register offset
if (cond == NV) break; //undefined
if (BITS(c, 4, 1)) break; //undefined
u8 rm = BITS(c, 0, 4);
u8 shift = BITS(c, 5, 2);
u16 shift_imm = BITS(c, 7, 5);
u8 rd = BITS(c, 12, 4);
u8 rn = BITS(c, 16, 4);
const char* sign = BITS(c, 23, 1) ? "" : "-"; //sign of the immediate offset, + implicit
const char* ls = BITS(c, 20, 1) ? "ldr" : "str"; //load or store
const char* b = BITS(c, 22, 1) ? "b" : ""; //byte or word
char sstr[STRING_LENGTH] = "rrx"; //default, overwrite if incorrect
if ((shift == 1 || shift == 2) && !shift_imm) shift_imm = 32; //0~31 for LSL, 1~32 for LSR, ASR and ROR, always 0 for RRX
if (!(shift == 3 && !shift_imm)) sprintf(sstr, "%s #%u", Shifters[shift], shift_imm);
//note: if rm==r15 or rn==r15 then UNPREDICTABLE
//note: if rn==rm then UNPREDICTABLE
if (BITS(c, 24, 1)) //offset or pre-indexed
const char* w = BITS(c, 21, 1) ? "!" : ""; //pre-indexed if 1
size = sprintf(str, "%s%s%s r%u, [r%u, %sr%u, %s]%s", ls, b, Conditions[cond], rd, rn, sign, rm, sstr, w);
else //post-indexed
const char* w = BITS(c, 21, 1) ? "t" : ""; //user mode
size = sprintf(str, "%s%s%s%s r%u, [r%u], %sr%u, %s", ls, b, w, Conditions[cond], rd, rn, sign, rm, sstr);
case 4: //Load/store multiple
if (cond == NV) break; //undefined
char reglist[STRING_LENGTH] = { 0 };
FormatStringRegisterList_arm(reglist, BITS(c, 0, 16));
u8 rn = BITS(c, 16, 4);
const char* w = BITS(c, 21, 1) ? "!" : ""; //W bit
const char* s = BITS(c, 22, 1) ? "^" : ""; //S bit
u8 am = BITS(c, 23, 2); //PU bits
const char* op = (BITS(c, 20, 1)) ? "ldm" : "stm"; //LDM or STM
size = sprintf(str, "%s%s%s r%u%s, {%s}%s", op, AddressingModes[am], Conditions[cond], rn, w, reglist, s);
case 5: //Branch instructions
if (cond == NV && av >= ARMv5TE) //BLX (1)
size = sprintf(str, "blx #0x%X", 8 + 4 * SIGNEX32_BITS(c, 0, 24) + 2 * BITS(c, 24, 1));
else //B, BL
const char* l = (BITS(c, 24, 1)) ? "l" : "";
size = sprintf(str, "b%s%s #0x%X", l, Conditions[cond], 8 + 4 * SIGNEX32_BITS(c, 0, 24));
case 6: //Coprocessor load/store, Double register transfers
if (av < ARMv5TE) break;
//if (cond == NV) break; //only unpredictable prior to ARMv5
if (BITS(c, 21, 4) == 2) //MCRR, MRRC
//note: if PC is specified for Rn or Rd, UNPREDICTABLE
const char* op = BITS(c, 20, 1) ? "mrrc" : "mcrr";
size = sprintf(str, "%s%s p%u, #0x%X, r%u, r%u, c%u", op, Conditions[cond], BITS(c, 8, 4), BITS(c, 4, 4), BITS(c, 12, 4), BITS(c, 16, 4), BITS(c, 0, 4));
else //LDC, STC
//todo: reformat the cond checks into only 1
if (cond == NV && av < ARMv5TE) break;
const char* op = BITS(c, 20, 1) ? "ldc" : "stc";
const char* str_cond = (cond == NV) ? "2" : Conditions[cond]; //LDC2, STC2
const char* l = BITS(c, 22, 1) ? "l" : ""; //long
char str_cond_long[8] = { 0 };
if (cond == NV) sprintf(str_cond_long, "%s%s", str_cond, l);
else sprintf(str_cond_long, "%s%s", l, str_cond);
u8 ofs_opt = BITS(c, 0, 8);
u8 cp_num = BITS(c, 8, 4);
u8 crd = BITS(c, 12, 4);
u8 rn = BITS(c, 16, 4);
const char* sign = BITS(c, 23, 1) ? "+" : "-";
switch ((2 * BITS(c, 24, 1)) | BITS(c, 21, 1)) //(p*2) | w
case 0: //p==0, w==0 //unindexed: [<Rn>], <option>
size = sprintf(str, "%s%s p%u, c%u, [r%u], {0x%X}", op, str_cond_long, cp_num, crd, rn, ofs_opt);
case 1: //p==0, w==1 //post indexed: [<Rn>], #+/-<offset_8>*4
size = sprintf(str, "%s%s p%u, c%u, [r%u], #%s0x%X", op, str_cond_long, cp_num, crd, rn, sign, 4 * ofs_opt);
case 2: //p==1, w==0 //immediate offset: [<Rn>, #+/-<offset_8>*4]
size = sprintf(str, "%s%s p%u, c%u, [r%u, #%s0x%X]", op, str_cond_long, cp_num, crd, rn, sign, 4 * ofs_opt);
case 3: //p==1, w==1 //pre indexed: [<Rn>, #+/-<offset_8>*4]!
size = sprintf(str, "%s%s p%u, c%u, [r%u, #%s0x%X]!", op, str_cond_long, cp_num, crd, rn, sign, 4 * ofs_opt);
case 7: //Software Interrupt, Coprocessor register transfer, Coprocessor data processing
if (BITS(c, 24, 1)) //SWI
if (cond == NV) break;
size = sprintf(str, "swi%s #0x%X", Conditions[cond], BITS(c, 0, 24));
if (cond == NV && av < ARMv5TE) break;
u8 crn = BITS(c, 16, 4);
u8 p = BITS(c, 8, 4);
u8 rd_crd = BITS(c, 12, 4);
u8 crm = BITS(c, 0, 4);
u8 op2 = BITS(c, 5, 3);
const char* str_cond = (cond == NV) ? "2" : Conditions[cond]; //suffix
if (BITS(c, 4, 1)) //MCR, MRC
const char* str_op = BITS(c, 20, 1) ? "mrc" : "mcr";
size = sprintf(str, "%s%s p%u, #0x%X, r%u, c%u, c%u, #0x%X", str_op, str_cond, p, BITS(c, 21, 3), rd_crd, crn, crm, op2);
else //CDP
size = sprintf(str, "cdp%s p%u, #0x%X, c%u, c%u, c%u, #0x%X", str_cond, p, BITS(c, 20, 4), rd_crd, crn, crm, op2); //no condition suffix for cdp2
//also: unconditionnal instructions if bits 28 to 31 are 1111
if (!str[0] && (c & 0xFD70F000) == 0xF550F000) //Cache preload (PLD)
//todo: placing it here is wasteful, find a workaround
//bit-pattern: 1111 01x1 x101 xxxx 1111 xxxx xxxx xxxx
//data mask : 1111 1101 0111 0000 1111 0000 0000 0000
//inst. mask : 1111 0101 0101 0000 1111 0000 0000 0000
//note: only offset addressing modes
// [<Rn>, #+/-<offset_12>] //immediate
// [<Rn>, +/-<Rm>] //register
// [<Rn>, +/-<Rm>, <shift> #<shift_imm>] //scaled register
u8 rn = BITS(c, 16, 4);
if (BITS(c, 25, 1)) //(scaled) register
u8 rm = BITS(c, 0, 4);
u8 shift = BITS(c, 5, 2);
u16 shift_imm = BITS(c, 7, 5);
const char* sign = BITS(c, 23, 1) ? "" : "-";
char sstr[STRING_LENGTH] = "rrx"; //default, overwrite if incorrect
if ((shift == 1 || shift == 2) && !shift_imm) shift_imm = 32; //0~31 for LSL, 1~32 for LSR, ASR and ROR, always 0 for RRX
if (!(shift == 3 && !shift_imm)) sprintf(sstr, "%s #%u", Shifters[shift], shift_imm); //intermediate sprintf
size = sprintf(str, "pld [r%u, %sr%u, %s]", rn, sign, rm, sstr);
else //immediate
const char* sign = BITS(c, 23, 1) ? "+" : "-";
size = sprintf(str, "pld [r%u, #%s0x%X]", rn, sign, BITS(c, 0, 12));
if (!str[0]) //in case nothing was written to it
sprintf(str, "n/a"); //don't need to get size, no special register formatting
CheckSpecialRegister(str, size); //formatting of SP, LR, PC