brandman211 8306768c76 Enabled SWAP. Works as expected, but the next instruction is an MVI@ that wants to read from 0x7000, which I think is made available to cartridges. Not sure where to go from here. 2012-07-30 02:34:53 +00:00
CP1610.cs -Logging now uses a static StreamWriter instead of building the string and writing on destruction. 2012-07-22 18:40:28 +00:00
Disassembler.cs -Reversed the double byte data bytes. It now works properly. 2012-07-29 00:02:06 +00:00
Execute.cs Enabled SWAP. Works as expected, but the next instruction is an MVI@ that wants to read from 0x7000, which I think is made available to cartridges. Not sure where to go from here. 2012-07-30 02:34:53 +00:00