603 lines
18 KiB
603 lines
18 KiB
// If these types are changed to anything other than "float", you should comment out the SSE detection directives below
// so that the SSE code is not used.
typedef float resample_coeff_t; // note: sizeof(resample_coeff_t) must be == to a power of 2, and not larger than 16
typedef float resample_samp_t;
#include <string>
#include <vector>
// ...but don't comment this single RESAMPLE_SSEREGPARM define out when disabling SSE.
#if defined(__SSE__)
#ifndef __x86_64__
#define RESAMPLE_SSEREGPARM __attribute__((sseregparm))
// TODO: altivec here
namespace ResampleUtility
inline void kaiser_window(double* io, int count, double beta);
inline void gen_sinc(double* out, int size, double cutoff, double kaiser);
inline void gen_sinc_os(double* out, int size, double cutoff, double kaiser);
inline void normalize(double* io, int size, double gain = 1.0);
inline void* make_aligned(void* ptr, unsigned boundary); // boundary must be a power of 2
class SincResampleHR
inline void Init(unsigned ratio_arg, double desired_bandwidth, double beta, double d);
inline void write(resample_samp_t sample) RESAMPLE_SSEREGPARM;
inline resample_samp_t read(void) RESAMPLE_SSEREGPARM;
inline bool output_avail(void);
inline resample_samp_t mac(const resample_samp_t *wave, const resample_coeff_t *coeff, unsigned count);
unsigned ratio;
unsigned num_convolutions;
resample_coeff_t *coeffs;
std::vector<unsigned char> coeffs_mem;
// second half of ringbuffer should be copy of first half.
resample_samp_t *rb;
std::vector<unsigned char> rb_mem;
signed rb_readpos;
signed rb_writepos;
signed rb_in;
signed rb_eff_size;
friend class SincResample;
class SincResample
inline SincResample(double input_rate, double output_rate, double desired_bandwidth, unsigned quality = QUALITY_HIGH);
inline void write(resample_samp_t sample) RESAMPLE_SSEREGPARM;
inline resample_samp_t read(void) RESAMPLE_SSEREGPARM;
inline bool output_avail(void);
inline void Init(double input_rate, double output_rate, double desired_bandwidth, double beta, double d, unsigned pn_nume, unsigned phases_min);
inline resample_samp_t mac(const resample_samp_t *wave, const resample_coeff_t *coeffs_a, const resample_coeff_t *coeffs_b, const double ffract, unsigned count) RESAMPLE_SSEREGPARM;
unsigned num_convolutions;
unsigned num_phases;
unsigned step_int;
double step_fract;
double input_pos_fract;
std::vector<resample_coeff_t *> coeffs; // Pointers into coeff_mem.
std::vector<unsigned char> coeff_mem;
std::vector<resample_samp_t> rb; // second half should be copy of first half.
signed rb_readpos;
signed rb_writepos;
signed rb_in;
bool hr_used;
SincResampleHR hr;
// Code:
//#include "resample.hpp"
#if 0
namespace bit
inline unsigned round(unsigned x) {
if((x & (x - 1)) == 0) return x;
while(x & (x - 1)) x &= x - 1;
return x << 1;
void SincResampleHR::Init(unsigned ratio_arg, double desired_bandwidth, double beta, double d)
const unsigned align_boundary = 16;
std::vector<double> coeffs_tmp;
double cutoff; // 1.0 = f/2
ratio = ratio_arg;
//num_convolutions = ((unsigned)ceil(d / ((1.0 - desired_bandwidth) / ratio)) + 1) &~ 1; // round up to be even
num_convolutions = ((unsigned)ceil(d / ((1.0 - desired_bandwidth) / ratio)) | 1);
cutoff = (1.0 / ratio) - (d / num_convolutions);
//printf("%d %d %.20f\n", ratio, num_convolutions, cutoff);
assert(num_convolutions > ratio);
// Generate windowed sinc of POWER
//ResampleUtility::gen_sinc(&coeffs_tmp[0], num_convolutions, cutoff, beta);
ResampleUtility::gen_sinc_os(&coeffs_tmp[0], num_convolutions, cutoff, beta);
ResampleUtility::normalize(&coeffs_tmp[0], num_convolutions);
// Copy from coeffs_tmp to coeffs~
// We multiply many coefficients at a time in the mac loop, so make sure the last few that don't really
// exist are allocated, zero'd mem.
coeffs_mem.resize(((num_convolutions + 7) &~ 7) * sizeof(resample_coeff_t) + (align_boundary - 1));
coeffs = (resample_coeff_t *)ResampleUtility::make_aligned(&coeffs_mem[0], align_boundary);
for(unsigned i = 0; i < num_convolutions; i++)
coeffs[i] = coeffs_tmp[i];
rb_eff_size = nall::bit::round(num_convolutions * 2) >> 1;
rb_readpos = 0;
rb_writepos = 0;
rb_in = 0;
rb_mem.resize(rb_eff_size * 2 * sizeof(resample_samp_t) + (align_boundary - 1));
rb = (resample_samp_t *)ResampleUtility::make_aligned(&rb_mem[0], align_boundary);
inline bool SincResampleHR::output_avail(void)
return(rb_in >= (signed)num_convolutions);
inline void SincResampleHR::write(resample_samp_t sample)
rb[rb_writepos] = sample;
rb[rb_writepos + rb_eff_size] = sample;
rb_writepos = (rb_writepos + 1) & (rb_eff_size - 1);
resample_samp_t SincResampleHR::mac(const resample_samp_t *wave, const resample_coeff_t *coeff, unsigned count)
__m128 accum_veca[2] = { _mm_set1_ps(0), _mm_set1_ps(0) };
resample_samp_t accum;
for(unsigned c = 0; c < count; c += 8)
for(unsigned i = 0; i < 2; i++)
__m128 co[2];
__m128 w[2];
co[i] = _mm_load_ps(&coeff[c + i * 4]);
w[i] = _mm_load_ps(&wave[c + i * 4]);
w[i] = _mm_mul_ps(w[i], co[i]);
accum_veca[i] = _mm_add_ps(w[i], accum_veca[i]);
__m128 accum_vec = _mm_add_ps(accum_veca[0], accum_veca[1]); //_mm_add_ps(_mm_add_ps(accum_veca[0], accum_veca[1]), _mm_add_ps(accum_veca[2], accum_veca[3]));
accum_vec = _mm_add_ps(accum_vec, _mm_shuffle_ps(accum_vec, accum_vec, (3 << 0) | (2 << 2) | (1 << 4) | (0 << 6)));
accum_vec = _mm_add_ps(accum_vec, _mm_shuffle_ps(accum_vec, accum_vec, (1 << 0) | (0 << 2) | (1 << 4) | (0 << 6)));
_mm_store_ss(&accum, accum_vec);
return accum;
resample_samp_t accum[4] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
for(unsigned c = 0; c < count; c+= 4)
accum[0] += wave[c + 0] * coeff[c + 0];
accum[1] += wave[c + 1] * coeff[c + 1];
accum[2] += wave[c + 2] * coeff[c + 2];
accum[3] += wave[c + 3] * coeff[c + 3];
return (accum[0] + accum[1]) + (accum[2] + accum[3]); // don't mess with parentheses(assuming compiler doesn't already, which it may...
resample_samp_t SincResampleHR::read(void)
resample_samp_t ret;
ret = mac(&rb[rb_readpos], &coeffs[0], num_convolutions);
rb_readpos = (rb_readpos + ratio) & (rb_eff_size - 1);
rb_in -= ratio;
return ret;
SincResample::SincResample(double input_rate, double output_rate, double desired_bandwidth, unsigned quality)
const struct
double beta;
double d;
unsigned pn_nume;
unsigned phases_min;
} qtab[5] =
{ 5.658, 3.62, 4096, 4 },
{ 6.764, 4.32, 8192, 4 },
{ 7.865, 5.0, 16384, 8 },
{ 8.960, 5.7, 32768, 16 },
{ 10.056, 6.4, 65536, 32 }
// Sanity checks
assert(ceil(input_rate) > 0);
assert(ceil(output_rate) > 0);
assert(ceil(input_rate / output_rate) <= 1024);
assert(ceil(output_rate / input_rate) <= 1024);
// The simplistic number-of-phases calculation code doesn't work well enough for when desired_bandwidth is close to 1.0 and when
// upsampling.
assert(desired_bandwidth >= 0.25 && desired_bandwidth < 0.96);
assert(quality >= 0 && quality <= 4);
hr_used = false;
#if 1
// Round down to the nearest multiple of 4(so wave buffer remains aligned)
// It also adjusts the effective intermediate sampling rate up slightly, so that the upper frequencies below f/2
// aren't overly attenuated so much. In the future, we might want to do an FFT or something to choose the intermediate rate more accurately
// to virtually eliminate over-attenuation.
unsigned ioratio_rd = (unsigned)floor(input_rate / (output_rate * (1.0 + (1.0 - desired_bandwidth) / 2) )) & ~3;
if(ioratio_rd >= 8)
hr.Init(ioratio_rd, desired_bandwidth, qtab[quality].beta, qtab[quality].d); //10.056, 6.4);
hr_used = true;
input_rate /= ioratio_rd;
Init(input_rate, output_rate, desired_bandwidth, qtab[quality].beta, qtab[quality].d, qtab[quality].pn_nume, qtab[quality].phases_min);
void SincResample::Init(double input_rate, double output_rate, double desired_bandwidth, double beta, double d, unsigned pn_nume, unsigned phases_min)
const unsigned max_mult_atatime = 8; // multiply "granularity". must be power of 2.
const unsigned max_mult_minus1 = (max_mult_atatime - 1);
const unsigned conv_alignment_bytes = 16; // must be power of 2
const double input_to_output_ratio = input_rate / output_rate;
const double output_to_input_ratio = output_rate / input_rate;
double cutoff; // 1.0 = input_rate / 2
std::vector<double> coeff_init_buffer;
// Round up num_convolutions to be even.
if(output_rate > input_rate)
num_convolutions = ((unsigned)ceil(d / (1.0 - desired_bandwidth)) + 1) & ~1;
num_convolutions = ((unsigned)ceil(d / (output_to_input_ratio * (1.0 - desired_bandwidth))) + 1) & ~1;
if(output_rate > input_rate) // Upsampling
cutoff = desired_bandwidth;
else // Downsampling
cutoff = output_to_input_ratio * desired_bandwidth;
// Round up to be even.
num_phases = (std::max<unsigned>(pn_nume / num_convolutions, phases_min) + 1) &~1;
// Adjust cutoff to account for the multiple phases.
cutoff = cutoff / num_phases;
assert((num_convolutions & 1) == 0);
assert((num_phases & 1) == 0);
// fprintf(stderr, "num_convolutions=%u, num_phases=%u, total expected coeff byte size=%lu\n", num_convolutions, num_phases,
// (long)((num_phases + 2) * ((num_convolutions + max_mult_minus1) & ~max_mult_minus1) * sizeof(float) + conv_alignment_bytes));
coeff_init_buffer.resize(num_phases * num_convolutions);
coeffs.resize(num_phases + 1 + 1);
coeff_mem.resize((num_phases + 1 + 1) * ((num_convolutions + max_mult_minus1) &~ max_mult_minus1) * sizeof(resample_coeff_t) + conv_alignment_bytes);
// Assign aligned pointers into coeff_mem
resample_coeff_t *base_ptr = (resample_coeff_t *)ResampleUtility::make_aligned(&coeff_mem[0], conv_alignment_bytes);
for(unsigned phase = 0; phase < (num_phases + 1 + 1); phase++)
coeffs[phase] = base_ptr + (((num_convolutions + max_mult_minus1) & ~max_mult_minus1) * phase);
ResampleUtility::gen_sinc(&coeff_init_buffer[0], num_phases * num_convolutions, cutoff, beta);
ResampleUtility::normalize(&coeff_init_buffer[0], num_phases * num_convolutions, num_phases);
// Reorder coefficients to allow for more efficient convolution.
for(int phase = -1; phase < ((int)num_phases + 1); phase++)
for(int conv = 0; conv < (int)num_convolutions; conv++)
double coeff;
if(phase == -1 && conv == 0)
coeff = 0;
else if(phase == (int)num_phases && conv == ((int)num_convolutions - 1))
coeff = 0;
coeff = coeff_init_buffer[conv * num_phases + phase];
coeffs[phase + 1][conv] = coeff;
// Free a bit of mem
step_int = floor(input_to_output_ratio);
step_fract = input_to_output_ratio - step_int;
input_pos_fract = 0;
// Do NOT use rb.size() later in the code, since it'll include the padding.
// We should only need one "max_mult_minus1" here, not two, since it won't matter if it over-reads(due to doing "max_mult_atatime" multiplications at a time
// rather than just 1, in which case this over-read wouldn't happen), from the first half into the duplicated half,
// since those corresponding coefficients will be zero anyway; this is just to handle the case of reading off the end of the duplicated half to
// prevent illegal memory accesses.
rb.resize(num_convolutions * 2 + max_mult_minus1);
rb_readpos = 0;
rb_writepos = 0;
rb_in = 0;
resample_samp_t SincResample::mac(const resample_samp_t *wave, const resample_coeff_t *coeffs_a, const resample_coeff_t *coeffs_b, const double ffract, unsigned count)
resample_samp_t accum = 0;
__m128 accum_vec_a[2] = { _mm_set1_ps(0), _mm_set1_ps(0) };
__m128 accum_vec_b[2] = { _mm_set1_ps(0), _mm_set1_ps(0) };
for(unsigned c = 0; c < count; c += 8) //8) //4)
__m128 coeff_a[2];
__m128 coeff_b[2];
__m128 w[2];
__m128 result_a[2], result_b[2];
for(unsigned i = 0; i < 2; i++)
coeff_a[i] = _mm_load_ps(&coeffs_a[c + (i * 4)]);
coeff_b[i] = _mm_load_ps(&coeffs_b[c + (i * 4)]);
w[i] = _mm_loadu_ps(&wave[c + (i * 4)]);
result_a[i] = _mm_mul_ps(coeff_a[i], w[i]);
result_b[i] = _mm_mul_ps(coeff_b[i], w[i]);
accum_vec_a[i] = _mm_add_ps(result_a[i], accum_vec_a[i]);
accum_vec_b[i] = _mm_add_ps(result_b[i], accum_vec_b[i]);
__m128 accum_vec, av_a, av_b;
__m128 mult_a_vec = _mm_set1_ps(1.0 - ffract);
__m128 mult_b_vec = _mm_set1_ps(ffract);
av_a = _mm_mul_ps(mult_a_vec, /*accum_vec_a[0]);*/ _mm_add_ps(accum_vec_a[0], accum_vec_a[1]));
av_b = _mm_mul_ps(mult_b_vec, /*accum_vec_b[0]);*/ _mm_add_ps(accum_vec_b[0], accum_vec_b[1]));
accum_vec = _mm_add_ps(av_a, av_b);
accum_vec = _mm_add_ps(accum_vec, _mm_shuffle_ps(accum_vec, accum_vec, (3 << 0) | (2 << 2) | (1 << 4) | (0 << 6)));
accum_vec = _mm_add_ps(accum_vec, _mm_shuffle_ps(accum_vec, accum_vec, (1 << 0) | (0 << 2) | (1 << 4) | (0 << 6)));
_mm_store_ss(&accum, accum_vec);
resample_coeff_t mult_a = 1.0 - ffract;
resample_coeff_t mult_b = ffract;
for(unsigned c = 0; c < count; c += 4)
accum += wave[c + 0] * (coeffs_a[c + 0] * mult_a + coeffs_b[c + 0] * mult_b);
accum += wave[c + 1] * (coeffs_a[c + 1] * mult_a + coeffs_b[c + 1] * mult_b);
accum += wave[c + 2] * (coeffs_a[c + 2] * mult_a + coeffs_b[c + 2] * mult_b);
accum += wave[c + 3] * (coeffs_a[c + 3] * mult_a + coeffs_b[c + 3] * mult_b);
return accum;
inline bool SincResample::output_avail(void)
return(rb_in >= (int)num_convolutions);
resample_samp_t SincResample::read(void)
double phase = input_pos_fract * num_phases - 0.5;
signed phase_int = (signed)floor(phase);
double phase_fract = phase - phase_int;
unsigned phase_a = num_phases - 1 - phase_int;
unsigned phase_b = phase_a - 1;
resample_samp_t ret;
ret = mac(&rb[rb_readpos], &coeffs[phase_a + 1][0], &coeffs[phase_b + 1][0], phase_fract, num_convolutions);
unsigned int_increment = step_int;
input_pos_fract += step_fract;
int_increment += floor(input_pos_fract);
input_pos_fract -= floor(input_pos_fract);
rb_readpos = (rb_readpos + int_increment) % num_convolutions;
rb_in -= int_increment;
return ret;
inline void SincResample::write(resample_samp_t sample)
sample = hr.read();
rb[rb_writepos + 0 * num_convolutions] = sample;
rb[rb_writepos + 1 * num_convolutions] = sample;
rb_writepos = (rb_writepos + 1) % num_convolutions;
void ResampleUtility::kaiser_window( double* io, int count, double beta)
int const accuracy = 24; //16; //12;
double* end = io + count;
double beta2 = beta * beta * (double) -0.25;
double to_fract = beta2 / ((double) count * count);
double i = 0;
double rescale = 0; // Doesn't need an initializer, to shut up gcc
for ( ; io < end; ++io, i += 1 )
double x = i * i * to_fract - beta2;
double u = x;
double k = x + 1;
double n = 2;
u *= x / (n * n);
n += 1;
k += u;
while ( k <= u * (1 << accuracy) );
if ( !i )
rescale = 1 / k; // otherwise values get large
*io *= k * rescale;
void ResampleUtility::gen_sinc(double* out, int size, double cutoff, double kaiser)
assert( size % 2 == 0 ); // size must be even
int const half_size = size / 2;
double* const mid = &out [half_size];
// Generate right half of sinc
for ( int i = 0; i < half_size; i++ )
double angle = (i * 2 + 1) * (M_PI / 2);
mid [i] = sin( angle * cutoff ) / angle;
kaiser_window( mid, half_size, kaiser );
// Mirror for left half
for ( int i = 0; i < half_size; i++ )
out [i] = mid [half_size - 1 - i];
void ResampleUtility::gen_sinc_os(double* out, int size, double cutoff, double kaiser)
assert( size % 2 == 1); // size must be odd
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
if(i == (size / 2))
out[i] = 2 * M_PI * (cutoff / 2); //0.078478; //1.0; //sin(2 * M_PI * (cutoff / 2) * (i - size / 2)) / (i - (size / 2));
out[i] = sin(2 * M_PI * (cutoff / 2) * (i - size / 2)) / (i - (size / 2));
// out[i] *= 0.3635819 - 0.4891775 * cos(2 * M_PI * i / (size - 1)) + 0.1365995 * cos(4 * M_PI * i / (size - 1)) - 0.0106411 * cos(6 * M_PI * i / (size - 1));
//0.42 - 0.5 * cos(2 * M_PI * i / (size - 1)) + 0.08 * cos(4 * M_PI * i / (size - 1));
// printf("%d %f\n", i, out[i]);
kaiser_window(&out[size / 2], size / 2 + 1, kaiser);
// Mirror for left half
for ( int i = 0; i < size / 2; i++ )
out [i] = out [size - 1 - i];
void ResampleUtility::normalize(double* io, int size, double gain)
double sum = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < size; i++ )
sum += io [i];
double scale = gain / sum;
for ( int i = 0; i < size; i++ )
io [i] *= scale;
void* ResampleUtility::make_aligned(void* ptr, unsigned boundary)
unsigned char* null_ptr = (unsigned char *)NULL;
unsigned char* uc_ptr = (unsigned char *)ptr;
uc_ptr += (boundary - ((uc_ptr - null_ptr) & (boundary - 1))) & (boundary - 1);
//while((uc_ptr - null_ptr) & (boundary - 1))
// uc_ptr++;
//printf("%16llx %16llx\n", (unsigned long long)ptr, (unsigned long long)uc_ptr);
assert((uc_ptr - (unsigned char *)ptr) < boundary && (uc_ptr >= (unsigned char *)ptr));
return uc_ptr;