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struct input
float2 video_size;
float2 texture_size;
float2 output_size;
void main_vertex
float4 position : POSITION,
out float4 oPosition : POSITION,
uniform float4x4 modelViewProj,
float2 tex : TEXCOORD,
uniform input IN,
out float2 oTexcoord : TEXCOORD,
out float2 oFakeResolution : TEXCOORD1
oPosition = mul(modelViewProj, position);
oTexcoord = tex;
oFakeResolution = IN.texture_size;
// Size of the border effect
static const float2 OverscanMaskHardness = {12.0f ,12.0f };
// Attenuation of the border effect
static const float OverscanMaskPower = 4.0f;
// Intensity of the border effect
static const float OverscanIntensity = 0.96f;
// Intensity of the TV Corners (round-ness) deformation
static const float TVDeformInstensity = 0.02f;
// How much R, G and B are offset : default is -0.333 pixels in fake-pixel-space
static const float ColorFringeIntensity = -0.666;
// How much luminosity is output by a fake-pixel
static const float FakePixelMaskGain = 0.75f;
// How much luminosity is output between fake-pixels (adds to the fake-pixel value)
static const float FakePixelMaskOffset = 0.55f;
// How sharp will appear the pixels (Horizontal Sharpness, Vertical Sharpness A.K.A Scanlines)
static const float2 FakePixelMaskPower = {0.150f ,2.0f };
// Scanline Off Sync (Slides one line out of two)
static const float ScanlineOffSync = 0.25;
// Base Brightness
static const float BaseBrightness = 0.55f;
// How much the Fake-Pixel effect is Active (0.0 = normal image, 1.0 = full FakePixel Effect)
static const float FakePixelEffectBlend = 0.95f;
// Ghost Sampling : enable define to activate
static const float GhostLatencyIntensity = 0.03f;
// Number of samples (higer is slower)
static const int GhostNumSamples = 32;
// Latency of the RGB Signal (per-signal, in screen width percentage)
static const float3 SignalLatencyRGB = {0.184f,0.08f,0.0624f};
// Attenuation of the ghosting latency
static const float SignalLatencyAttenuation = 1.0f;
// Bloom : enable define to activate
#define BLOOM;
static const float BloomIntensity = 0.75f;
static const float BloomExponent = 1.00f;
static const float[5][5] BloomWeights =
{0.003765, 0.015019, 0.023792, 0.015019, 0.003765},
{0.015019, 0.059912, 0.094907, 0.059912, 0.015019},
{0.023792, 0.094907, 0.150342, 0.094907, 0.023792},
{0.015019, 0.059912, 0.094907, 0.059912, 0.015019},
{0.003765, 0.015019, 0.023792, 0.015019, 0.003765}
static const float[5] BloomPositions = { -2, -1, 0 , 1 , 2};
float expow(float value, float exponent) {
return lerp(1.0f,pow(value,max(exponent,1.0f)),saturate(exponent));
// MultiSampling for ghosting effect
float3 GhostSample(sampler2D s, float2 t, float latency) {
float3 Out = tex2D(s,t);
float Weight = 1.0f;
float2 Direction = float2(-latency,0.0f);
for(int i=1; i < GhostNumSamples; i++) {
float curweight = pow(1.0f-((float)i/GhostNumSamples),1.0f/SignalLatencyAttenuation);
Out += GhostLatencyIntensity * curweight * tex2D(s,saturate(t+(1.0f-curweight)*Direction)).xyz;
Weight += GhostLatencyIntensity * curweight;
return Out/Weight;
// MultiSampling for ghosting effect
float3 Bloom(sampler2D s, float2 t, float2 r) {
float3 Out = float3(0,0,0);
for(int j = 0; j < 5; j++)
for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
float2 offset = float2(BloomPositions[i],BloomPositions[j]) / r;
Out += tex2D(s, t + offset).rgb * BloomWeights[i][j];
return pow(Out, BloomExponent) * BloomIntensity;
// Compositing of the TV Emulation
float3 TVEffect(float2 in_Position, float2 FakeResolution, sampler2D Texture, float Time) {
// TV Deformation
float2 ScreenPos = in_Position + dot(in_Position-0.5f,in_Position-0.5f)*(in_Position-0.5f)* TVDeformInstensity;
// Apply Off-Sync
ScreenPos += (ScanlineOffSync/FakeResolution.x) * float2(sin((Time*30*3.1415926)+(ScreenPos.y*3.1415926*FakeResolution.y)),0);
// Sampling 3 Images biased to simulate TV RGB Offset
float3 latencyweight = float3(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f);
for(int i=1; i < GhostNumSamples; i++) {
latencyweight += tex2D(Texture, ScreenPos + float2(1.0f/FakeResolution.x,0.0f)).xyz;
float3 LatencyRGB = SignalLatencyRGB * (1.0-(latencyweight/GhostNumSamples));
float3 SMP_Red = GhostSample(Texture, (ScreenPos),LatencyRGB.x).xyz;
float3 SMP_Green = GhostSample(Texture, (ScreenPos) + ((float2(ColorFringeIntensity,0.0f))/FakeResolution),LatencyRGB.y).xyz;
float3 SMP_Blue = GhostSample(Texture, (ScreenPos) + ((float2(ColorFringeIntensity*2.0f,0.0f))/FakeResolution),LatencyRGB.z).xyz;
float3 SMP_Red = tex2D(Texture, (ScreenPos)).xyz;
float3 SMP_Green = tex2D(Texture, (ScreenPos) + ((float2(ColorFringeIntensity,0.0f))/FakeResolution)).xyz;
float3 SMP_Blue = tex2D(Texture, (ScreenPos) + ((float2(ColorFringeIntensity*2.0f,0.0f))/FakeResolution)).xyz;
#ifdef BLOOM
float3 bloom = Bloom(Texture, ScreenPos, FakeResolution);
SMP_Red += bloom.r;
SMP_Green += bloom.g;
SMP_Blue += bloom.b;
// Apply base Brightness
SMP_Red *= BaseBrightness;
SMP_Green *= BaseBrightness;
SMP_Blue *= BaseBrightness;
// Overscan Darkening Mask
float2 ScreenMask = pow(saturate(ScreenPos*(1.0f-ScreenPos)*OverscanMaskHardness),1.0f/OverscanMaskPower);
float mask = lerp(1.0, ScreenMask.x * ScreenMask.y, OverscanIntensity);
// CRT Cell Masks (HorizontalRGB+Scanline)
float PixelMaskR = expow(saturate(4*frac(ScreenPos.x*FakeResolution.x)*(1.0f-frac(ScreenPos.x*FakeResolution.x))),FakePixelMaskPower.x);
float PixelMaskG = expow(saturate(4*frac(ScreenPos.x*FakeResolution.x+float2(ColorFringeIntensity,0.0f))*(1.0f-frac(ScreenPos.x*FakeResolution.x+float2(ColorFringeIntensity,0.0f)))),FakePixelMaskPower.x);
float PixelMaskB = expow(saturate(4*frac(ScreenPos.x*FakeResolution.x+float2(ColorFringeIntensity*2.0f,0.0f))*(1.0f-frac(ScreenPos.x*FakeResolution.x+float2(ColorFringeIntensity*2.0f,0.0f)))),FakePixelMaskPower.x);
float PixelMaskScanline = pow(saturate(4*frac(ScreenPos.y*FakeResolution.y)*(1.0f-frac(ScreenPos.y*FakeResolution.y))),FakePixelMaskPower.y);
float3 PixelRGB = float3 (
((PixelMaskR*PixelMaskScanline * FakePixelMaskGain)+FakePixelMaskOffset) * SMP_Red.x ,
((PixelMaskG*PixelMaskScanline * FakePixelMaskGain)+FakePixelMaskOffset) * SMP_Green.y ,
((PixelMaskB*PixelMaskScanline * FakePixelMaskGain)+FakePixelMaskOffset) * SMP_Blue.z
// Non-Pixelated Image
float3 ImageRGB = tex2D(Texture, ScreenPos).xyz;
return lerp(ImageRGB, PixelRGB, FakePixelEffectBlend) * mask;
//return float3(PixelMaskR*PixelMaskScanline,PixelMaskG*PixelMaskScanline,PixelMaskB*PixelMaskScanline);
float4 main_fragment
in float2 TexCoord : TEXCOORD,
in float2 FakeResolution : TEXCOORD1,
in float2 wpos : WPOS,
uniform sampler2D s_p : TEXUNIT0,
uniform float Time
vec4 color = vec4(1.0f,1.0f,1.0f,1.0f); = TVEffect(TexCoord,FakeResolution, s_p, Time);
return color;