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Yet Another Buggy And Uncomplete Saturn Emulator
Copyright (c) 2002-2011 Yabause team
1) Introduction.............................................19
2) Compiling instructions...................................25
3) How to use Yabause......................................102
1 Introduction________________________________________________
This file documents the gtk version only, for general
information check the README file.
2 Compiling instructions______________________________________
The Gtk+ port of Yabause is written in C and depends on the
Gtk+ library (thus the name). The recommended setup of the
Gtk+ port is to link it against OpenGL and gtkglext libraries,
but this is not mandatory; see "Full Software mode" for
further instructions.
Yabause currently provides two build system, a legacy build
process using the autotools and a newer build process using
2.1 Recommended setup_________________________________________
You need a working C compiler, such as gcc and the above
libraries runtime and development packages:
* http://www.gtk.org
* http://gtkglext.sourceforge.net
* OpenGL should be included with your compiler, if it isn't,
check on your distribution's website for links.
* http://www.cmake.org, you'll need a CMake version >= 2.8
With those libraries, you'll get a working Yabause, but with
some restrictions:
* No sound
* No translations
* Depending on your OS, keyboard input only
You may want to install some optional dependencies for a
better experience.
2.2 Optional libraries________________________________________
Yabause can use a number of optional libraries:
* SDL: provides sound and joystick support
* OpenAL: provides sound support
* mini18n: provides translation support
2.3 Compiling_________________________________________________
For the build process, we recommend using two directories: one
for the Yabause sources (SOURCES) and one for the build (BUILD)
Uncompress the Yabause source archive into the $SOURCES dir
and create the $BUILD directory.
Move to the build directory and type "cmake $SOURCES" then
"make" it will generate one program: "yabause" in the "src/gtk"
You can even type "make install" to install that program on
your system (in /usr/local/ by default), but we don't support
desinstalling it.
2.4 Full Software mode________________________________________
The Gtk+ supports building without OpenGL support.
3 How to use Yabause__________________________________________
Before using Yabause, you need to configure a few things in
the Preferences dialog (Yabause>Preferences).
3.1 Configuration_____________________________________________
First, set the BIOS path.
Yabause can run some games without a BIOS, but most of them
needs it. If you want to use the emulated BIOS, just let the
BIOS entry blank.
Next, set the cdrom device.
It can be a cd device, an iso or a cue file. Set the cd type
The last thing you have to configure is the keys.
Once eveything is set, you can start emulation with the
"Yabause>run" entry.
3.2 Command line arguments____________________________________
-b (or --bios=)
Specify bios file.
-c (or --cdrom=)
Specify cd device. You can know which file is used as cd
device by looking in /etc/fstab. It is commonly something
like /dev/hdc or /dev/hdd for IDE devices and /dev/scd0
for SCSI devices.
-i (or --iso=)
Specify iso file.