360 lines
8.5 KiB
360 lines
8.5 KiB
* PicoDrive
* (c) Copyright Dave, 2004
* (C) notaz, 2006-2009
* This work is licensed under the terms of MAME license.
* See COPYING file in the top-level directory.
#include <string.h>
#include "ym2612.h"
#include "sn76496.h"
#include "../pico_int.h"
#include "mix.h"
void (*PsndMix_32_to_16l)(short *dest, int *src, int count) = mix_32_to_16l_stereo;
// master int buffer to mix to
static int PsndBuffer[2*(44100+100)/50];
// dac
static unsigned short dac_info[312+4]; // pppppppp ppppllll, p - pos in buff, l - length to write for this sample
// cdda output buffer
static short cdda_out_buffer[2*1152];
// for Pico
int PsndRate=0;
int PsndLen=0; // number of mono samples, multiply by 2 for stereo
int PsndLen_exc_add=0; // this is for non-integer sample counts per line, eg. 22050/60
int PsndLen_exc_cnt=0;
int PsndDacLine=0;
short *PsndOut=NULL; // PCM data buffer
// timers
int timer_a_next_oflow, timer_a_step; // in z80 cycles
int timer_b_next_oflow, timer_b_step;
// sn76496
extern int *sn76496_regs;
static void dac_recalculate(void)
int i, dac_cnt, pos, len, lines = Pico.m.pal ? 312 : 262, mid = Pico.m.pal ? 68 : 93;
if (PsndLen <= lines)
// shrinking algo
dac_cnt = -PsndLen;
len=1; pos=0;
dac_info[225] = 1;
for(i=226; i != 225; i++)
if (i >= lines) i = 0;
len = 0;
if(dac_cnt < 0) {
dac_cnt += lines;
dac_cnt -= PsndLen;
dac_info[i] = (pos<<4)|len;
// stretching
dac_cnt = PsndLen;
for(i = 225; i != 224; i++)
if (i >= lines) i = 0;
while(dac_cnt >= 0) {
dac_cnt -= lines;
if (i == mid) // midpoint
while(pos+len < PsndLen/2) {
dac_cnt -= lines;
dac_cnt += PsndLen;
dac_info[i] = (pos<<4)|len;
// last sample
for(len = 0, i = pos; i < PsndLen; i++) len++;
if (PsndLen_exc_add) len++;
dac_info[224] = (pos<<4)|len;
mid = (dac_info[lines-1] & 0xfff0) + ((dac_info[lines-1] & 0xf) << 4);
for (i = lines; i < sizeof(dac_info) / sizeof(dac_info[0]); i++)
dac_info[i] = mid;
//for(i=len=0; i < lines; i++) {
// printf("%03i : %03i : %i\n", i, dac_info[i]>>4, dac_info[i]&0xf);
// len+=dac_info[i]&0xf;
//printf("rate is %i, len %f\n", PsndRate, (double)PsndRate/(Pico.m.pal ? 50.0 : 60.0));
//printf("len total: %i, last pos: %i\n", len, pos);
PICO_INTERNAL void PsndReset(void)
// PsndRerate calls YM2612Init, which also resets
// to be called after changing sound rate or chips
void PsndRerate(int preserve_state)
void *state = NULL;
int target_fps = Pico.m.pal ? 50 : 60;
if (preserve_state) {
state = malloc(0x204);
if (state == NULL) return;
memcpy(state, YM2612GetRegs(), 0x204);
YM2612Init(Pico.m.pal ? OSC_PAL/7 : OSC_NTSC/7, PsndRate);
if (preserve_state) {
// feed it back it's own registers, just like after loading state
memcpy(YM2612GetRegs(), state, 0x204);
if (preserve_state) memcpy(state, sn76496_regs, 28*4); // remember old state
SN76496_init(Pico.m.pal ? OSC_PAL/15 : OSC_NTSC/15, PsndRate);
if (preserve_state) memcpy(sn76496_regs, state, 28*4); // restore old state
if (state)
// calculate PsndLen
PsndLen=PsndRate / target_fps;
PsndLen_exc_add=((PsndRate - PsndLen*target_fps)<<16) / target_fps;
// recalculate dac info
// clear all buffers
memset32(PsndBuffer, 0, sizeof(PsndBuffer)/4);
memset(cdda_out_buffer, 0, sizeof(cdda_out_buffer));
if (PsndOut)
// set mixer
PsndMix_32_to_16l = (PicoOpt & POPT_EN_STEREO) ? mix_32_to_16l_stereo : mix_32_to_16_mono;
if (PicoAHW & PAHW_PICO)
PICO_INTERNAL void PsndDoDAC(int line_to)
int pos, pos1, len;
int dout = ym2612.dacout;
int line_from = PsndDacLine;
if (line_to >= 312)
line_to = 311;
PsndDacLine = line_to + 1;
pos =dac_info[line_from]>>4;
len = ((pos1>>4)-pos) + (pos1&0xf);
if (!len) return;
if (PicoOpt & POPT_EN_STEREO) {
short *d = PsndOut + pos*2;
for (; len > 0; len--, d+=2) *d = dout;
} else {
short *d = PsndOut + pos;
for (; len > 0; len--, d++) *d = dout;
// cdda
static void cdda_raw_update(int *buffer, int length)
cdd_read_audio(cdda_out_buffer, length);
int mult = 1;
if (PsndRate <= 22050 + 100)
mult = 2;
if (PsndRate < 22050 - 100)
mult = 4;
// now mix
switch (mult)
case 1:
mix_16h_to_32(buffer, cdda_out_buffer, length * 2);
case 2:
mix_16h_to_32_s1(buffer, cdda_out_buffer, length * 2);
case 4:
mix_16h_to_32_s2(buffer, cdda_out_buffer, length * 2);
PICO_INTERNAL void PsndClear(void)
int len = PsndLen;
if (PsndLen_exc_add) len++;
if (PicoOpt & POPT_EN_STEREO)
memset32((int *) PsndOut, 0, len); // assume PsndOut to be aligned
else {
short *out = PsndOut;
if ((long)out & 2) { *out++ = 0; len--; }
memset32((int *) out, 0, len/2);
if (len & 1) out[len-1] = 0;
static int PsndRender(int offset, int length)
int buf32_updated = 0;
int *buf32 = PsndBuffer+offset;
int stereo = (PicoOpt & 8) >> 3;
offset <<= stereo;
if (offset == 0) { // should happen once per frame
// compensate for float part of PsndLen
PsndLen_exc_cnt += PsndLen_exc_add;
if (PsndLen_exc_cnt >= 0x10000) {
PsndLen_exc_cnt -= 0x10000;
// PSG
if (PicoOpt & POPT_EN_PSG)
SN76496Update(PsndOut+offset, length, stereo);
if (PicoAHW & PAHW_PICO) {
PicoPicoPCMUpdate(PsndOut+offset, length, stereo);
return length;
// Add in the stereo FM buffer
if (PicoOpt & POPT_EN_FM) {
buf32_updated = YM2612UpdateOne(buf32, length, stereo, 1);
} else
memset32(buf32, 0, length<<stereo);
//printf("active_chs: %02x\n", buf32_updated);
// CD: PCM sound
if (PicoAHW & PAHW_MCD) {
pcd_pcm_update(buf32, length, stereo);
//buf32_updated = 1;
// CD: CDDA audio
// CD mode, cdda enabled, not data track, CDC is reading
if ((PicoAHW & PAHW_MCD) && (PicoOpt & POPT_EN_MCD_CDDA)
&& !(Pico_mcd->s68k_regs[0x36] & 1))
// note: only 44, 22 and 11 kHz supported, with forced stereo
cdda_raw_update(buf32, length);
if ((PicoAHW & PAHW_32X) && (PicoOpt & POPT_EN_PWM))
p32x_pwm_update(buf32, length, stereo);
// convert + limit to normal 16bit output
PsndMix_32_to_16l(PsndOut+offset, buf32, length);
return length;
// to be called on 224 or line_sample scanlines only
PICO_INTERNAL void PsndGetSamples(int y)
if (y != 224) return;
PsndRender(0, PsndLen);
if (PicoWriteSound)
PicoWriteSound(PsndLen * ((PicoOpt & POPT_EN_STEREO) ? 4 : 2));
static int curr_pos = 0;
if (y == 224)
if (emustatus & 2)
curr_pos += PsndRender(curr_pos, PsndLen-PsndLen/2);
else curr_pos = PsndRender(0, PsndLen);
if (emustatus & 1)
emustatus |= 2;
else emustatus &= ~2;
if (PicoWriteSound)
PicoWriteSound(curr_pos * ((PicoOpt & POPT_EN_STEREO) ? 4 : 2));
// clear sound buffer
else if (emustatus & 3) {
emustatus|= 2;
curr_pos = PsndRender(0, PsndLen/2);
PICO_INTERNAL void PsndGetSamplesMS(void)
int stereo = (PicoOpt & 8) >> 3;
int length = PsndLen;
// compensate for float part of PsndLen
PsndLen_exc_cnt += PsndLen_exc_add;
if (PsndLen_exc_cnt >= 0x10000) {
PsndLen_exc_cnt -= 0x10000;
// PSG
if (PicoOpt & POPT_EN_PSG)
SN76496Update(PsndOut, length, stereo);
// upmix to "stereo" if needed
if (stereo) {
int i, *p;
for (i = length, p = (void *)PsndOut; i > 0; i--, p++)
*p |= *p << 16;
if (PicoWriteSound != NULL)
PicoWriteSound(length * ((PicoOpt & POPT_EN_STEREO) ? 4 : 2));