259 lines
8.0 KiB
259 lines
8.0 KiB
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk
public partial class RCheevos
private readonly RCheevosGameInfoForm _gameInfoForm = new();
private ConsoleID _consoleId;
private string _gameHash;
private readonly Dictionary<string, int> _cachedGameIds = new(); // keep around IDs per hash to avoid unneeded API calls for a simple RebootCore
private GameData _gameData;
private readonly Dictionary<int, GameData> _cachedGameDatas = new(); // keep game data around to avoid unneeded API calls for a simple RebootCore
public class GameData
public int GameID { get; }
public ConsoleID ConsoleID { get; }
public string Title { get; }
private string ImageName { get; }
public Bitmap GameBadge { get; private set; }
public string RichPresenseScript { get; }
private readonly IReadOnlyDictionary<int, Cheevo> _cheevos;
private readonly IReadOnlyDictionary<int, LBoard> _lboards;
public IEnumerable<Cheevo> CheevoEnumerable => _cheevos.Values;
public IEnumerable<LBoard> LBoardEnumerable => _lboards.Values;
public Cheevo GetCheevoById(int i) => _cheevos[i];
public LBoard GetLboardById(int i) => _lboards[i];
public ManualResetEvent SoftcoreInitUnlocksReady { get; }
public ManualResetEvent HardcoreInitUnlocksReady { get; }
public async Task InitUnlocks(string username, string api_token, bool hardcore)
var api_params = new LibRCheevos.rc_api_fetch_user_unlocks_request_t(username, api_token, GameID, hardcore);
if (_lib.rc_api_init_fetch_user_unlocks_request(out var api_req, ref api_params) == LibRCheevos.rc_error_t.RC_OK)
var serv_req = await SendAPIRequest(in api_req).ConfigureAwait(false);
if (_lib.rc_api_process_fetch_user_unlocks_response(out var resp, serv_req) == LibRCheevos.rc_error_t.RC_OK)
var unlocks = (int*)resp.achievement_ids;
for (int i = 0; i < resp.num_achievement_ids; i++)
if (_cheevos.TryGetValue(unlocks[i], out var cheevo))
cheevo.SetUnlocked(hardcore, true);
_lib.rc_api_destroy_fetch_user_unlocks_response(ref resp);
_lib.rc_api_destroy_request(ref api_req);
if (hardcore)
public async Task LoadImages()
GameBadge = await GetImage(ImageName, LibRCheevos.rc_api_image_type_t.RC_IMAGE_TYPE_GAME).ConfigureAwait(false);
if (_cheevos is null) return;
foreach (var cheevo in _cheevos.Values)
public int TotalCheevoPoints(bool hardcore)
=> _cheevos?.Values.Sum(c => (c.IsEnabled && !c.Invalid && c.IsUnlocked(hardcore)) ? c.Points : 0) ?? 0;
public unsafe GameData(in LibRCheevos.rc_api_fetch_game_data_response_t resp, Func<bool> allowUnofficialCheevos)
GameID = resp.id;
ConsoleID = resp.console_id;
Title = resp.Title;
ImageName = resp.ImageName;
GameBadge = null;
RichPresenseScript = resp.RichPresenceScript;
var cheevos = new Dictionary<int, Cheevo>();
var cptr = (LibRCheevos.rc_api_achievement_definition_t*)resp.achievements;
for (int i = 0; i < resp.num_achievements; i++)
cheevos.Add(cptr[i].id, new(in cptr[i], allowUnofficialCheevos));
_cheevos = cheevos;
var lboards = new Dictionary<int, LBoard>();
var lptr = (LibRCheevos.rc_api_leaderboard_definition_t*)resp.leaderboards;
for (int i = 0; i < resp.num_leaderboards; i++)
lboards.Add(lptr[i].id, new(in lptr[i]));
_lboards = lboards;
SoftcoreInitUnlocksReady = new(false);
HardcoreInitUnlocksReady = new(false);
public GameData(GameData gameData, Func<bool> allowUnofficialCheevos)
GameID = gameData.GameID;
ConsoleID = gameData.ConsoleID;
Title = gameData.Title;
ImageName = gameData.ImageName;
GameBadge = null;
RichPresenseScript = gameData.RichPresenseScript;
var cheevos = new Dictionary<int, Cheevo>();
foreach (var cheevo in gameData.CheevoEnumerable)
cheevos.Add(cheevo.ID, new(in cheevo, allowUnofficialCheevos));
_cheevos = cheevos;
var lboards = new Dictionary<int, LBoard>();
foreach (var lboard in gameData.LBoardEnumerable)
lboards.Add(lboard.ID, new(in lboard));
_lboards = lboards;
SoftcoreInitUnlocksReady = new(false);
HardcoreInitUnlocksReady = new(false);
public GameData()
GameID = 0;
private async Task<int> SendHashAsync(string hash)
var api_params = new LibRCheevos.rc_api_resolve_hash_request_t(null, null, hash);
var ret = 0;
if (_lib.rc_api_init_resolve_hash_request(out var api_req, ref api_params) == LibRCheevos.rc_error_t.RC_OK)
var serv_req = await SendAPIRequest(in api_req).ConfigureAwait(false);
if (_lib.rc_api_process_resolve_hash_response(out var resp, serv_req) == LibRCheevos.rc_error_t.RC_OK)
ret = resp.game_id;
_lib.rc_api_destroy_resolve_hash_response(ref resp);
_lib.rc_api_destroy_request(ref api_req);
return ret;
protected override int IdentifyHash(string hash)
_gameHash ??= hash;
if (_cachedGameIds.ContainsKey(hash))
return _cachedGameIds[hash];
var ret = SendHashAsync(hash).ConfigureAwait(false).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
_cachedGameIds.Add(hash, ret);
return ret;
protected override int IdentifyRom(byte[] rom)
var hash = new byte[33];
if (_lib.rc_hash_generate_from_buffer(hash, _consoleId, rom, rom.Length))
return IdentifyHash(Encoding.ASCII.GetString(hash, 0, 32));
return 0;
private static async Task InitGameDataAsync(GameData gameData, string username, string api_token, bool hardcore)
await gameData.InitUnlocks(username, api_token, hardcore).ConfigureAwait(false);
await gameData.InitUnlocks(username, api_token, !hardcore).ConfigureAwait(false);
await gameData.LoadImages().ConfigureAwait(false);
private static async void InitGameData(GameData gameData, string username, string api_token, bool hardcore)
=> await InitGameDataAsync(gameData, username, api_token, hardcore);
private static GameData GetGameData(string username, string api_token, int id, Func<bool> allowUnofficialCheevos)
var api_params = new LibRCheevos.rc_api_fetch_game_data_request_t(username, api_token, id);
var ret = new GameData();
if (_lib.rc_api_init_fetch_game_data_request(out var api_req, ref api_params) == LibRCheevos.rc_error_t.RC_OK)
var serv_req = SendAPIRequest(in api_req).ConfigureAwait(false).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
if (_lib.rc_api_process_fetch_game_data_response(out var resp, serv_req) == LibRCheevos.rc_error_t.RC_OK)
ret = new(in resp, allowUnofficialCheevos);
_lib.rc_api_destroy_fetch_game_data_response(ref resp);
_lib.rc_api_destroy_request(ref api_req);
return ret;
private static async Task<Bitmap> GetImage(string image_name, LibRCheevos.rc_api_image_type_t image_type)
if (image_name is null) return null;
var api_params = new LibRCheevos.rc_api_fetch_image_request_t(image_name, image_type);
Bitmap ret = null;
if (_lib.rc_api_init_fetch_image_request(out var api_req, ref api_params) == LibRCheevos.rc_error_t.RC_OK)
var serv_resp = await SendAPIRequest(in api_req).ConfigureAwait(false);
ret = new Bitmap(new MemoryStream(serv_resp));
ret = null;
_lib.rc_api_destroy_request(ref api_req);
return ret;
} |