175 lines
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175 lines
6.3 KiB
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace BizHawk.Emulation.DiscSystem
partial class DiscMountJob
class SS_MednaDisc : ISectorSynthJob2448
public void Synth(SectorSynthJob job)
//mednafen is always synthesizing everything, no need to worry about flags.. mostly./
job.Params.MednaDisc.Read_2442(job.LBA, job.DestBuffer2448, job.DestOffset);
//we may still need to deinterleave it if subcode was requested and it needs deinterleaving
if ((job.Parts & (ESectorSynthPart.SubcodeDeinterleave | ESectorSynthPart.SubcodeAny)) != 0)
SubcodeUtils.DeinterleaveInplace(job.DestBuffer2448, 2352);
void RunMednaDisc()
var disc = new Disc();
//create a MednaDisc and give it to the disc for ownership
var md = new MednaDisc(IN_FromPath);
//"length of disc" for bizhawk's purposes (NOT a robust concept!) is determined by beginning of leadout track
var m_leadoutTrack = md.TOCTracks[100];
int nSectors = (int)m_leadoutTrack.lba;
//make synth param memos
disc.SynthParams.MednaDisc = md;
//this is the sole sector synthesizer we'll need
var synth = new SS_MednaDisc();
//make sector interfaces:
//1. right now for dumb reasons we have 150 lead-in sectors. I want to get rid of this crap.
var leadin_sector_zero = new Sector_Zero();
var leadin_subcode_zero = new ZeroSubcodeSector();
for (int i = 0; i < 150; i++)
var se = new SectorEntry(leadin_sector_zero);
se.SubcodeSector = leadin_subcode_zero;
//2. actual sectors
for (int i = 0; i < nSectors; i++)
//var sectorInterface = new MednaDiscSectorInterface() { LBA = i, md = md };
var se = new SectorEntry(null);
//se.SubcodeSector = new MednaDiscSubcodeSectorInterface() { LBA = i, md = md };
se.SectorSynth = synth;
BufferedSubcodeSector bss = new BufferedSubcodeSector(); //TODO - its hacky that we need this..
//ADR (q-Mode) is necessarily 0x01 for a RawTOCEntry
const int kADR = 1;
const int kUnknownControl = 0;
//mednafen delivers us what is essentially but not exactly (or completely) a TOCRaw.
//we need to synth RawTOCEntries from this and then turn it into a proper TOCRaw
//when coming from mednafen, there are 101 entries.
//entry[0] is placeholder junk, not to be used
//entry[100] is the leadout track (A0)
//A1 and A2 are in the form of FirstRecordedTrackNumber and LastRecordedTrackNumber
for (int i = 1; i < 101; i++)
var m_te = md.TOCTracks[i];
//dont add invalid (absent) items
if (!m_te.Valid)
var m_ts = new Timestamp((int)m_te.lba + 150); //these are supposed to be absolute timestamps
var q = new SubchannelQ
q_status = SubchannelQ.ComputeStatus(kADR, (EControlQ)m_te.control),
q_tno = BCD2.FromDecimal(0), //unknown with mednadisc
q_index = BCD2.FromDecimal(i),
min = BCD2.FromDecimal(0), //unknown with mednadisc
sec = BCD2.FromDecimal(0), //unknown with mednadisc
frame = BCD2.FromDecimal(0), //unknown with mednadisc
zero = 0, //unknown with mednadisc
ap_min = BCD2.FromDecimal(m_ts.MIN),
ap_sec = BCD2.FromDecimal(m_ts.SEC),
ap_frame = BCD2.FromDecimal(m_ts.FRAC),
//a special fixup: mednafen's entry 100 is the lead-out track
if (i == 100)
q.q_index.BCDValue = 0xA2;
//CRC cant be calculated til we've got all the fields setup
q.q_crc = bss.Synthesize_SubchannelQ(ref q, true);
disc.RawTOCEntries.Add(new RawTOCEntry { QData = q });
//synth A1 and A2 entries instead of setting FirstRecordedTrackNumber and LastRecordedTrackNumber below
var qA1 = new SubchannelQ
q_status = SubchannelQ.ComputeStatus(kADR, kUnknownControl),
q_tno = BCD2.FromDecimal(0), //unknown with mednadisc
q_index = BCD2.FromBCD(0xA0),
min = BCD2.FromDecimal(0), //unknown with mednadisc
sec = BCD2.FromDecimal(0), //unknown with mednadisc
frame = BCD2.FromDecimal(0), //unknown with mednadisc
zero = 0, //unknown with mednadisc
ap_min = BCD2.FromDecimal(md.TOC.first_track),
ap_sec = BCD2.FromDecimal(0),
ap_frame = BCD2.FromDecimal(0),
qA1.q_crc = bss.Synthesize_SubchannelQ(ref qA1, true);
disc.RawTOCEntries.Add(new RawTOCEntry { QData = qA1 });
var qA2 = new SubchannelQ
q_status = SubchannelQ.ComputeStatus(kADR, kUnknownControl),
q_tno = BCD2.FromDecimal(0), //unknown with mednadisc
q_index = BCD2.FromBCD(0xA1),
min = BCD2.FromDecimal(0), //unknown with mednadisc
sec = BCD2.FromDecimal(0), //unknown with mednadisc
frame = BCD2.FromDecimal(0), //unknown with mednadisc
zero = 0, //unknown with mednadisc
ap_min = BCD2.FromDecimal(md.TOC.last_track),
ap_sec = BCD2.FromDecimal(0),
ap_frame = BCD2.FromDecimal(0),
qA2.q_crc = bss.Synthesize_SubchannelQ(ref qA2, true);
disc.RawTOCEntries.Add(new RawTOCEntry { QData = qA2 });
//generate the toc from the entries. still not sure we're liking this idea
var tocSynth = new DiscTOCRaw.SynthesizeFromRawTOCEntriesJob() { Entries = disc.RawTOCEntries };
disc.TOCRaw = tocSynth.Result;
//setup the DiscStructure
disc.Structure = new DiscStructure();
var ses = new DiscStructure.Session();
for (int i = 1; i < 100; i++)
var m_te = md.TOCTracks[i];
if (!m_te.Valid) continue;
DiscStructure.Track track = new DiscStructure.Track() { Number = i };
if ((m_te.control & (int)EControlQ.DATA) == 0)
track.TrackType = DiscStructure.ETrackType.Audio;
track.TrackType = DiscStructure.ETrackType.Data;
//from mednafen, we couldnt build the index 0, and that's OK, since that's not really a sensible thing in CD terms anyway.
//I need to refactor this thing to oblivion
track.Indexes.Add(new DiscStructure.Index { Number = 0, LBA = (int)m_te.lba }); //<-- not accurate, but due for deletion
track.Indexes.Add(new DiscStructure.Index { Number = 1, LBA = (int)m_te.lba });
OUT_Disc = disc;
} |