289 lines
6.9 KiB
289 lines
6.9 KiB
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
using BizHawk.Emulation.Common;
namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Components.H6280
public class CodeDataLog : Dictionary<string, byte[]>
private CodeDataLog()
public void LogicalOrFrom(CodeDataLog other)
if (this.Count != other.Count)
throw new InvalidDataException("Dictionaries must have the same number of keys!");
foreach (var kvp in other)
byte[] fromdata = kvp.Value;
byte[] todata = this[kvp.Key];
if (fromdata.Length != todata.Length)
throw new InvalidDataException("Memory regions must be the same size!");
for (int i = 0; i < todata.Length; i++)
todata[i] |= fromdata[i];
public void ClearData()
foreach (byte[] data in Values)
Array.Clear(data, 0, data.Length);
public void Save(Stream s)
var w = new BinaryWriter(s);
foreach (var kvp in this)
public void Disassemble(Stream s, MemoryDomainList mem)
var w = new StreamWriter(s);
w.WriteLine("; Bizhawk CDL Disassembly");
foreach (var kvp in this)
w.WriteLine(".\"{0}\" size=0x{1:x8}", kvp.Key, kvp.Value.Length);
byte[] cd = kvp.Value;
var md = mem[kvp.Key];
for (int i = 0; i < kvp.Value.Length; i++)
if ((kvp.Value[i] & (byte)HuC6280.CDLUsage.Code) != 0)
int unused;
string dis = HuC6280.DisassembleExt(
out unused,
delegate(ushort addr)
return md.PeekByte(addr + i);
delegate(ushort addr)
return md.PeekWord(addr + i, false);
w.WriteLine("0x{0:x8}: {1}", i, dis);
w.WriteLine("; EOF");
public static CodeDataLog Load(Stream s)
var t = new CodeDataLog();
var r = new BinaryReader(s);
string id = r.ReadString();
if (id != "BIZHAWK-CDL-1")
throw new InvalidDataException("File is not a Bizhawk CDL file!");
int count = r.ReadInt32();
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
string key = r.ReadString();
int len = r.ReadInt32();
byte[] data = r.ReadBytes(len);
t[key] = data;
return t;
public bool CheckConsistency(IEnumerable<HuC6280.MemMapping> mm)
var sizes = SizesFromHuMap(mm);
if (sizes.Count != Count)
return false;
foreach (var kvp in sizes)
if (ContainsKey(kvp.Key))
return false;
if (this[kvp.Key].Length != kvp.Value)
return false;
return true;
private static Dictionary<string, int> SizesFromHuMap(IEnumerable<HuC6280.MemMapping> mm)
Dictionary<string, int> sizes = new Dictionary<string, int>();
foreach (var m in mm)
if (!sizes.ContainsKey(m.Name) || m.MaxOffs >= sizes[m.Name])
sizes[m.Name] = m.MaxOffs;
List<string> keys = new List<string>(sizes.Keys);
foreach (var key in keys)
// becase we were looking at offsets, and each bank is 8192 big, we need to add that size
sizes[key] += 8192;
return sizes;
public static CodeDataLog Create(IEnumerable<HuC6280.MemMapping> mm)
var t = new CodeDataLog();
foreach (var kvp in SizesFromHuMap(mm))
t[kvp.Key] = new byte[kvp.Value];
return t;
public partial class HuC6280
public struct MemMapping
public string Name;
public int Offs;
public int VOffs; // if non-zero, specifies a larger potential offset
public int MaxOffs { get { return Math.Max(Offs, VOffs); } }
public MemMapping[] Mappings; // = new MemMapping[256];
public CodeDataLog CDL = null;
public bool CDLLoggingActive = false;
public enum CDLUsage : byte
// was fetched as an opcode first byte
Code = 0x01,
// was read or written as data
Data = 0x02,
// was read and used as a pointer to data via indirect addressing
DataPtr = 0x04,
// was read or written as stack
Stack = 0x08,
// was read or written as data via indirect addressing
IndirectData = 0x10,
// was read and used as function pointer
// NB: there is no "IndirectCode"; all code is marked simply as code regardless of how it is reached
FcnPtr = 0x20,
// was used as a source or destination (either initial or during the loop) of a block xfer
BlockXFer = 0x40,
// was fetched as an operand byte to an opcode
CodeOperand = 0x80
void Mark(ushort addr, CDLUsage flag)
var m = Mappings[MPR[addr >> 13]];
CDL[m.Name][addr & 0x1fff | m.Offs] |= (byte)flag;
// mark addr as having been fetched for execute
void MarkCode(int addr_, int n)
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
ushort addr = (ushort)(addr_ + i);
Mark(addr, i == 0 ? CDLUsage.Code : CDLUsage.CodeOperand);
// mark addr as having been seen as data
void MarkAddr(int addr_)
ushort addr = (ushort)addr_;
Mark(addr, CDLUsage.Data);
// convert address to zero-page, then mark as data
void MarkZP(int addr_)
ushort addr = (ushort)(addr_ & 0xff | 0x2000);
Mark(addr, CDLUsage.Data);
// convert address to zero-page, then return the pointer stored there
ushort GetIndirect(int addr_)
ushort addr = (ushort)(addr_ & 0xff | 0x2000);
return ReadWordPageWrap(addr);
// convert address to zero-page, then mark as pointer (two bytes)
void MarkZPPtr(int addr_)
ushort addr = (ushort)(addr_ & 0xff | 0x2000);
ushort addr2 = (ushort)(addr & 0xff00 | (addr + 1) & 0x00ff);
Mark(addr, CDLUsage.DataPtr);
Mark(addr2, CDLUsage.DataPtr);
// mark address as destination data of an indirect pointer
void MarkIndirect(int addr_)
ushort addr = (ushort)addr_;
Mark(addr, CDLUsage.IndirectData);
// mark stack space
void MarkPush(int n)
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
ushort addr = (ushort)(S - i);
Mark(addr, CDLUsage.Stack);
void MarkPop(int n)
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
ushort addr = (ushort)(S + i + 1);
Mark(addr, CDLUsage.Stack);
// mark addr as function pointer (2 bytes)
void MarkFptr(int addr_)
ushort addr = (ushort)addr_;
ushort addr2 = (ushort)(addr & 0xff00 | (addr + 1) & 0x00ff);
Mark(addr, CDLUsage.FcnPtr);
Mark(addr2, CDLUsage.FcnPtr);
// block transfer "from"
void MarkBTFrom(int addr_)
ushort addr = (ushort)addr_;
Mark(addr, CDLUsage.BlockXFer);
// block transfer "to"
void MarkBTTo(int addr_)
ushort addr = (ushort)addr_;
Mark(addr, CDLUsage.BlockXFer);