
393 lines
11 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Text;
using ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip;
namespace BizHawk.Client.Common
public class BinaryStateLump
[Name("BizState 1", "0")]
public static BinaryStateLump Versiontag { get; private set; }
[Name("BizVersion", "txt")]
public static BinaryStateLump BizVersion { get; private set; }
[Name("Core", "bin")]
public static BinaryStateLump Corestate { get; private set; }
[Name("Framebuffer", "bmp")]
public static BinaryStateLump Framebuffer { get; private set; }
[Name("Input Log", "txt")]
public static BinaryStateLump Input { get; private set; }
[Name("CoreText", "txt")]
public static BinaryStateLump CorestateText { get; private set; }
[Name("MovieSaveRam", "bin")]
public static BinaryStateLump MovieSaveRam { get; private set; }
// Only for movies they probably shoudln't be leaching this stuff
[Name("Header", "txt")]
public static BinaryStateLump Movieheader { get; private set; }
[Name("Comments", "txt")]
public static BinaryStateLump Comments { get; private set; }
[Name("Subtitles", "txt")]
public static BinaryStateLump Subtitles { get; private set; }
[Name("SyncSettings", "json")]
public static BinaryStateLump SyncSettings { get; private set; }
// TasMovie
public static BinaryStateLump LagLog { get; private set; }
public static BinaryStateLump StateHistory { get; private set; }
[Name("GreenZoneSettings", "txt")]
public static BinaryStateLump StateHistorySettings { get; private set; }
[Name("Markers", "txt")]
public static BinaryStateLump Markers { get; private set; }
[Name("ClientSettings", "json")]
public static BinaryStateLump ClientSettings { get; private set; }
[Name("VerificationLog", "txt")]
public static BinaryStateLump VerificationLog { get; private set; }
[Name("UserData", "txt")]
public static BinaryStateLump UserData { get; private set; }
[Name("Session", "txt")]
public static BinaryStateLump Session { get; private set; }
// branchstuff
[Name("Branches\\CoreData", "bin")]
public static BinaryStateLump BranchCoreData { get; private set; }
[Name("Branches\\InputLog", "txt")]
public static BinaryStateLump BranchInputLog { get; private set; }
[Name("Branches\\FrameBuffer", "bmp")]
public static BinaryStateLump BranchFrameBuffer { get; private set; }
[Name("Branches\\CoreFrameBuffer", "bmp")]
public static BinaryStateLump BranchCoreFrameBuffer { get; private set; }
[Name("Branches\\Header", "json")]
public static BinaryStateLump BranchHeader { get; private set; }
[Name("Branches\\Markers", "txt")]
public static BinaryStateLump BranchMarkers { get; private set; }
[Name("Branches\\UserText", "txt")]
public static BinaryStateLump BranchUserText { get; private set; }
public static BinaryStateLump BranchStateHistory { get; private set; }
private class NameAttribute : Attribute
public string Name { get; }
public string Ext { get; }
public NameAttribute(string name)
Name = name;
public NameAttribute(string name, string ext)
Name = name;
Ext = ext;
public string ReadName => Name;
public string WriteName => Ext != null ? Name + '.' + Ext : Name;
public string Name { get; protected set; }
public string Ext { get; protected set; }
private BinaryStateLump(string name, string ext)
Name = name;
Ext = ext;
protected BinaryStateLump()
static BinaryStateLump()
foreach (var prop in typeof(BinaryStateLump).GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static))
var attr = prop.GetCustomAttributes(false).OfType<NameAttribute>().Single();
object value = new BinaryStateLump(attr.Name, attr.Ext);
prop.SetValue(null, value, null);
/// <summary>
/// describes a BinaryStateLump virtual name that has a numerical index
/// </summary>
public class IndexedStateLump : BinaryStateLump
private readonly BinaryStateLump _root;
private int _idx;
public IndexedStateLump(BinaryStateLump root)
_root = root;
Ext = _root.Ext;
private void Calc()
Name = _root.Name + _idx;
public void Increment()
/// <summary>
/// more accurately should be called ZipStateLoader, as it supports both text and binary core data
/// </summary>
public class BinaryStateLoader : IDisposable
private ZipFile _zip;
private Version _ver;
private bool _isDisposed;
private Dictionary<string, ZipEntry> _entriesbyname;
private BinaryStateLoader()
public void Dispose()
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (!_isDisposed)
_isDisposed = true;
if (disposing)
private void ReadVersion(Stream s, long length)
// the "BizState 1.0" tag contains an integer in it describing the sub version.
if (length == 0)
_ver = new Version(1, 0, 0); // except for the first release, which doesn't
var sr = new StreamReader(s);
_ver = new Version(1, 0, int.Parse(sr.ReadLine()));
Console.WriteLine("Read a zipstate of version {0}", _ver);
private void PopulateEntries()
_entriesbyname = new Dictionary<string, ZipEntry>();
foreach (ZipEntry z in _zip)
string name = z.Name;
int i;
if ((i = name.LastIndexOf('.')) != -1)
name = name.Substring(0, i);
_entriesbyname.Add(name.Replace('/', '\\'), z);
private static readonly byte[] Zipheader = { 0x50, 0x4b, 0x03, 0x04 };
public static BinaryStateLoader LoadAndDetect(string filename, bool isMovieLoad = false)
var ret = new BinaryStateLoader();
using (var fs = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
byte[] data = new byte[4];
fs.Read(data, 0, 4);
if (!data.SequenceEqual(Zipheader))
return null;
ret._zip = new ZipFile(filename);
if (!isMovieLoad && !ret.GetLump(BinaryStateLump.Versiontag, false, ret.ReadVersion))
return null;
return ret;
catch (ZipException)
return null;
/// <summary>
/// Gets a lump
/// </summary>
/// <param name="lump">lump to retriever</param>
/// <param name="abort">true to throw exception on failure</param>
/// <param name="callback">function to call with the desired stream</param>
/// <returns>true if callback was called and stream was loaded</returns>
public bool GetLump(BinaryStateLump lump, bool abort, Action<Stream, long> callback)
ZipEntry e;
if (_entriesbyname.TryGetValue(lump.ReadName, out e))
using (var zs = _zip.GetInputStream(e))
callback(zs, e.Size);
return true;
if (abort)
throw new Exception($"Essential zip section not found: {lump.ReadName}");
return false;
public bool GetLump(BinaryStateLump lump, bool abort, Action<BinaryReader> callback)
return GetLump(lump, abort, delegate(Stream s, long unused)
var br = new BinaryReader(s);
public bool GetLump(BinaryStateLump lump, bool abort, Action<BinaryReader, long> callback)
return GetLump(lump, abort, delegate(Stream s, long length)
var br = new BinaryReader(s);
callback(br, length);
public bool GetLump(BinaryStateLump lump, bool abort, Action<TextReader> callback)
return GetLump(lump, abort, delegate(Stream s, long unused)
var tr = new StreamReader(s);
public void GetCoreState(Action<BinaryReader, long> callbackBinary, Action<TextReader> callbackText)
if (!GetLump(BinaryStateLump.Corestate, false, callbackBinary)
&& !GetLump(BinaryStateLump.CorestateText, false, callbackText))
throw new Exception("Couldn't find Binary or Text savestate");
public void GetCoreState(Action<BinaryReader> callbackBinary, Action<TextReader> callbackText)
if (!GetLump(BinaryStateLump.Corestate, false, callbackBinary)
&& !GetLump(BinaryStateLump.CorestateText, false, callbackText))
throw new Exception("Couldn't find Binary or Text savestate");
public class BinaryStateSaver : IDisposable
private readonly IZipWriter _zip;
private bool _isDisposed;
private static void WriteVersion(Stream s)
var sw = new StreamWriter(s);
sw.WriteLine("1"); // version 1.0.1
private static void WriteEmuVersion(Stream s)
var sw = new StreamWriter(s);
public BinaryStateSaver(string path, bool notamovie = true) // notamovie is hack, really should have separate something
////_zip = new IonicZipWriter(path, notamovie ? Global.Config.SaveStateCompressionLevelNormal : Global.Config.MovieCompressionLevel);
////_zip = new SharpZipWriter(path, Global.Config.SaveStateCompressionLevelNormal);
////_zip = new SevenZipWriter(path, Global.Config.SaveStateCompressionLevelNormal);
_zip = new FrameworkZipWriter(path, notamovie ? Global.Config.SaveStateCompressionLevelNormal : Global.Config.MovieCompressionLevel);
if (notamovie)
PutLump(BinaryStateLump.Versiontag, WriteVersion);
PutLump(BinaryStateLump.BizVersion, WriteEmuVersion);
public void PutLump(BinaryStateLump lump, Action<Stream> callback)
_zip.WriteItem(lump.WriteName, callback);
public void PutLump(BinaryStateLump lump, Action<BinaryWriter> callback)
PutLump(lump, delegate(Stream s)
var bw = new BinaryWriter(s);
public void PutLump(BinaryStateLump lump, Action<TextWriter> callback)
PutLump(lump, delegate(Stream s)
TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter(s);
public void Dispose()
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
if (!_isDisposed)
_isDisposed = true;
if (disposing)