
141 lines
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using System.Collections.Generic;
using BizHawk.Emulation.Common;
using BizHawk.Client.Common.InputAdapterExtensions;
namespace BizHawk.Client.Common
// don't take my word for it, but here is a guide...
// user -> Input -> ActiveController -> UDLR -> StickyXORPlayerInputAdapter -> TurboAdapter(TBD) -> Lua(?TBD?) -> ..
// .. -> MultitrackRewiringControllerAdapter -> MovieInputSourceAdapter -> (MovieSession) -> MovieOutputAdapter -> ControllerOutput(1) -> Game
// (1)->Input Display
public class InputManager
// the movie will be spliced in between these if it is present
public CopyControllerAdapter MovieInputSourceAdapter { get; } = new CopyControllerAdapter();
public CopyControllerAdapter MovieOutputHardpoint { get; } = new CopyControllerAdapter();
public MultitrackRewiringControllerAdapter MultitrackRewiringAdapter { get; } = new MultitrackRewiringControllerAdapter();
// the original source controller, bound to the user, sort of the "input" port for the chain, i think
public Controller ActiveController { get; set; } // TODO: private setter, add a method that takes both controllers in
// rapid fire version on the user controller, has its own key bindings and is OR'ed against ActiveController
public AutofireController AutoFireController { get; set; } // TODO: private setter, add a method that takes both controllers in
// the "output" port for the controller chain.
public CopyControllerAdapter ControllerOutput { get; } = new CopyControllerAdapter();
public UdlrControllerAdapter UdLRControllerAdapter { get; } = new UdlrControllerAdapter();
public AutoFireStickyXorAdapter AutofireStickyXorAdapter { get; } = new AutoFireStickyXorAdapter();
/// <summary>
/// provides an opportunity to mutate the player's input in an autohold style
/// </summary>
public StickyXorAdapter StickyXorAdapter { get; } = new StickyXorAdapter();
/// <summary>
/// Used to AND to another controller, used for <see cref="JoypadApi.Set(Dictionary{string, bool}, int?)">JoypadApi.Set</see>
/// </summary>
public OverrideAdapter ButtonOverrideAdapter { get; } = new OverrideAdapter();
/// <summary>
/// fire off one-frame logical button clicks here. useful for things like ti-83 virtual pad and reset buttons
/// </summary>
public ClickyVirtualPadController ClickyVirtualPadController { get; } = new ClickyVirtualPadController();
// Input state for game controller inputs are coalesced here
// This relies on a client specific implementation!
public SimpleController ControllerInputCoalescer { get; set; }
public Controller ClientControls { get; set; }
public void RewireInputChain()
ControllerInputCoalescer.Definition = ActiveController.Definition;
UdLRControllerAdapter.Source = ActiveController.Or(AutoFireController);
StickyXorAdapter.Source = UdLRControllerAdapter;
AutofireStickyXorAdapter.Source = StickyXorAdapter;
MultitrackRewiringAdapter.Source = AutofireStickyXorAdapter;
MovieInputSourceAdapter.Source = MultitrackRewiringAdapter;
ControllerOutput.Source = MovieOutputHardpoint;
Global.MovieSession.MovieControllerAdapter.Definition = MovieInputSourceAdapter.Definition;
// connect the movie session before MovieOutputHardpoint if it is doing anything
// otherwise connect the MovieInputSourceAdapter to it, effectively bypassing the movie session
if (Global.MovieSession != null)
MovieOutputHardpoint.Source = Global.MovieSession.MovieControllerAdapter;
MovieOutputHardpoint.Source = MovieInputSourceAdapter;
public void SyncControls(IEmulator emulator, Config config)
var def = emulator.ControllerDefinition;
ActiveController = BindToDefinition(def, config.AllTrollers, config.AllTrollersAnalog);
AutoFireController = BindToDefinitionAF(def, emulator, config.AllTrollersAutoFire);
// allow propagating controls that are in the current controller definition but not in the prebaked one
// these two lines shouldn't be required anymore under the new system?
ActiveController.ForceType(new ControllerDefinition(def));
ClickyVirtualPadController.Definition = new ControllerDefinition(def);
private static Controller BindToDefinition(ControllerDefinition def, IDictionary<string, Dictionary<string, string>> allBinds, IDictionary<string, Dictionary<string, AnalogBind>> analogBinds)
var ret = new Controller(def);
if (allBinds.TryGetValue(def.Name, out var binds))
foreach (var btn in def.BoolButtons)
if (binds.TryGetValue(btn, out var bind))
ret.BindMulti(btn, bind);
if (analogBinds.TryGetValue(def.Name, out var aBinds))
foreach (var btn in def.FloatControls)
if (aBinds.TryGetValue(btn, out var bind))
ret.BindFloat(btn, bind);
return ret;
private static AutofireController BindToDefinitionAF(ControllerDefinition def, IEmulator emulator, IDictionary<string, Dictionary<string, string>> allBinds)
var ret = new AutofireController(def, emulator);
if (allBinds.TryGetValue(def.Name, out var binds))
foreach (var btn in def.BoolButtons)
if (binds.TryGetValue(btn, out var bind))
ret.BindMulti(btn, bind);
return ret;