284 lines
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284 lines
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using BizHawk.Common;
using BizHawk.Common.ReflectionExtensions;
using BizHawk.Client.Common;
namespace BizHawk.Client.MultiHawk.WinFormExtensions
public static class ControlExtensions
public static void PopulateFromEnum<T>(this ComboBox box, object enumVal)
where T : struct, IConvertible
if (!typeof(T).IsEnum)
throw new ArgumentException("T must be an enumerated type");
box.SelectedItem = enumVal.GetDescription();
// extension method to make Control.Invoke easier to use
public static object Invoke(this Control control, Action action)
return control.Invoke(action);
// extension method to make Control.BeginInvoke easier to use
public static IAsyncResult BeginInvoke(this Control control, Action action)
return control.BeginInvoke(action);
public static void AddColumn(this ListView listView, string columnName, bool enabled, int columnWidth)
if (enabled)
if (listView.Columns[columnName] == null)
var column = new ColumnHeader
Name = columnName,
Text = columnName.Replace("Column", string.Empty),
Width = columnWidth,
public static void AddColumn(this ListView listView, ToolDialogSettings.Column column)
if (column.Visible)
if (listView.Columns[column.Name] == null)
var lsstViewColumn = new ColumnHeader
Name = column.Name,
Text = column.Name.Replace("Column", string.Empty),
Width = column.Width,
DisplayIndex = column.Index
public static ToolStripMenuItem GenerateColumnsMenu(this ToolDialogSettings.ColumnList list, Action changeCallback)
var menu = new ToolStripMenuItem
Name = "GeneratedColumnsSubMenu",
Text = "Columns"
var dummyList = list;
foreach (var column in dummyList)
var menuItem = new ToolStripMenuItem
Name = column.Name,
Text = column.Name.Replace("Column", string.Empty)
menuItem.Click += (o, ev) =>
dummyList[menuItem.Name].Visible ^= true;
menu.DropDownOpened += (o, e) =>
foreach (var column in dummyList)
(menu.DropDownItems[column.Name] as ToolStripMenuItem).Checked = column.Visible;
return menu;
public static Point ChildPointToScreen(this Control control, Control child)
return control.PointToScreen(new Point(child.Location.X, child.Location.Y));
#region Enumerable to Enumerable<T>
/// <summary>
/// Converts the outdated IEnumerable Controls property to a IEnumerable<T> like .NET should have done a long time ago
/// </summary>
public static IEnumerable<Control> Controls(this Control control)
return control.Controls
public static IEnumerable<TabPage> TabPages(this TabControl tabControl)
return tabControl.TabPages.Cast<TabPage>();
public static IEnumerable<int> SelectedIndices(this ListView listView)
return listView.SelectedIndices.Cast<int>();
public static IEnumerable<ColumnHeader> ColumnHeaders(this ListView listView)
return listView.Columns.OfType<ColumnHeader>();
public static class ListViewExtensions
public struct HDITEM
public Mask mask;
public int cxy;
public string pszText;
public IntPtr hbm;
public int cchTextMax;
public Format fmt;
public IntPtr lParam;
// _WIN32_IE >= 0x0300
public int iImage;
public int iOrder;
// _WIN32_IE >= 0x0500
public uint type;
public IntPtr pvFilter;
// _WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0600
public uint state;
public enum Mask
Format = 0x4, // HDI_FORMAT
public enum Format
SortDown = 0x200, // HDF_SORTDOWN
SortUp = 0x400, // HDF_SORTUP
public const int LVM_FIRST = 0x1000;
public const int LVM_GETHEADER = LVM_FIRST + 31;
public const int HDM_FIRST = 0x1200;
public const int HDM_GETITEM = HDM_FIRST + 11;
public const int HDM_SETITEM = HDM_FIRST + 12;
[DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, SetLastError = true)]
static extern IntPtr SendMessage(IntPtr hWnd, UInt32 msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam);
[DllImport("user32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, SetLastError = true)]
static extern IntPtr SendMessage(IntPtr hWnd, UInt32 msg, IntPtr wParam, ref HDITEM lParam);
/// <summary>
/// Dumps the contents of the ListView into a tab separated list of lines
/// </summary>
public static string CopyItemsAsText(this ListView listViewControl)
var indexes = listViewControl.SelectedIndices;
if (indexes.Count <= 0)
return String.Empty;
var sb = new StringBuilder();
// walk over each selected item and subitem within it to generate a string from it
foreach (int index in indexes)
foreach (ListViewItem.ListViewSubItem item in listViewControl.Items[index].SubItems)
if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(item.Text))
// remove the last tab
sb.Remove(sb.Length - 1, 1);
// remove last newline
sb.Length -= 2;
return sb.ToString();
public static void SetSortIcon(this ListView listViewControl, int columnIndex, SortOrder order)
IntPtr columnHeader = SendMessage(listViewControl.Handle, LVM_GETHEADER, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero);
for (int columnNumber = 0; columnNumber <= listViewControl.Columns.Count - 1; columnNumber++)
var columnPtr = new IntPtr(columnNumber);
var item = new HDITEM
mask = HDITEM.Mask.Format
if (SendMessage(columnHeader, HDM_GETITEM, columnPtr, ref item) == IntPtr.Zero)
throw new Win32Exception();
if (order != SortOrder.None && columnNumber == columnIndex)
switch (order)
case SortOrder.Ascending:
item.fmt &= ~HDITEM.Format.SortDown;
item.fmt |= HDITEM.Format.SortUp;
case SortOrder.Descending:
item.fmt &= ~HDITEM.Format.SortUp;
item.fmt |= HDITEM.Format.SortDown;
item.fmt &= ~HDITEM.Format.SortDown & ~HDITEM.Format.SortUp;
if (SendMessage(columnHeader, HDM_SETITEM, columnPtr, ref item) == IntPtr.Zero)
throw new Win32Exception();