747 lines
23 KiB
747 lines
23 KiB
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Threading;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Dynamic;
using BizHawk.Common;
using BizHawk.Emulation.Common;
namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Arcades.MAME
name: "MAME",
author: "MAMEDev",
isPorted: true,
portedVersion: "0.217",
portedUrl: "https://github.com/mamedev/mame.git",
singleInstance: false)]
public partial class MAME : IEmulator, IVideoProvider, ISoundProvider, ISettable<object, MAME.SyncSettings>
public MAME(CoreComm comm, string dir, string file, object syncSettings, out string gamename)
ServiceProvider = new BasicServiceProvider(this);
CoreComm = comm;
_gameDirectory = dir;
_gameFilename = file;
_mameThread = new Thread(ExecuteMAMEThread);
_syncSettings = (SyncSettings)syncSettings ?? new SyncSettings();
_syncSettings.ExpandoSettings = new ExpandoObject();
var dynamicObject = (IDictionary<string, object>)_syncSettings.ExpandoSettings;
dynamicObject.Add("OKAY", 1);
gamename = _gameName;
if (_loadFailure != "")
throw new Exception("\n\n" + _loadFailure);
#region Utility
/* strings and MAME
* MAME's luaengine uses lua strings to return C strings as well as
* binary buffers. You're meant to know which you're going to get and
* handle that accordingly.
* When we want to get a C string, we Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi().
* With buffers, we Marshal.Copy() to our new buffer.
* MameGetString() only covers the former because it's the same steps
* every time, while buffers use to need aditional logic.
* In both cases MAME wants us to manually free the string buffer. It's
* made that way to make the buffer persist actoss C API calls.
private static string MameGetString(string command)
IntPtr ptr = LibMAME.mame_lua_get_string(command, out var lengthInBytes);
if (ptr == IntPtr.Zero)
Console.WriteLine("LibMAME ERROR: string buffer pointer is null");
return "";
var ret = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(ptr, lengthInBytes);
if (!LibMAME.mame_lua_free_string(ptr))
Console.WriteLine("LibMAME ERROR: string buffer wasn't freed");
return ret;
#region Properties
public CoreComm CoreComm { get; private set; }
public IEmulatorServiceProvider ServiceProvider { get; private set; }
public ControllerDefinition ControllerDefinition => MAMEController;
public string SystemId => "MAME";
public int[] GetVideoBuffer() => _frameBuffer;
public bool DeterministicEmulation => true;
public bool CanProvideAsync => false;
public SyncSoundMode SyncMode => SyncSoundMode.Sync;
public int BackgroundColor => 0;
public int Frame { get; private set; }
public int VirtualWidth { get; private set; } = 320;
public int VirtualHeight { get; private set; } = 240;
public int BufferWidth { get; private set; } = 320;
public int BufferHeight { get; private set; } = 240;
public int VsyncNumerator { get; private set; } = 60;
public int VsyncDenominator { get; private set; } = 1;
#region Fields
private SyncSettings _syncSettings;
private Thread _mameThread;
private ManualResetEvent _mameStartupComplete = new ManualResetEvent(false);
private ManualResetEvent _mameFrameComplete = new ManualResetEvent(false);
private AutoResetEvent _mamePeriodicComplete = new AutoResetEvent(false);
private AutoResetEvent _memoryAccessComplete = new AutoResetEvent(false);
private SortedDictionary<string, string> _fieldsPorts = new SortedDictionary<string, string>();
private IController _controller = NullController.Instance;
private IMemoryDomains _memoryDomains;
private int _systemBusAddressShift = 0;
private bool _memAccess = false;
private int[] _frameBuffer = new int[0];
private Queue<short> _audioSamples = new Queue<short>();
private decimal _dAudioSamples = 0;
private int _sampleRate = 44100;
private int _numSamples = 0;
private bool _paused = true;
private bool _exiting = false;
private bool _frameDone = true;
private string _gameDirectory;
private string _gameFilename;
private string _gameName = "Arcade";
private string _loadFailure = "";
private LibMAME.PeriodicCallbackDelegate _periodicCallback;
private LibMAME.SoundCallbackDelegate _soundCallback;
private LibMAME.BootCallbackDelegate _bootCallback;
private LibMAME.LogCallbackDelegate _logCallback;
#region IEmulator
public bool FrameAdvance(IController controller, bool render, bool renderSound = true)
if (_exiting)
return false;
_controller = controller;
_paused = false;
_frameDone = false;
for (; _frameDone == false;)
return true;
public void ResetCounters()
Frame = 0;
public void Dispose()
_exiting = true;
#region ISettable
public object GetSettings() => null;
public bool PutSettings(object o) => false;
public SyncSettings GetSyncSettings()
return _syncSettings.Clone();
public bool PutSyncSettings(SyncSettings o)
bool ret = SyncSettings.NeedsReboot(o, _syncSettings);
_syncSettings = o;
return ret;
public class SyncSettings
public static bool NeedsReboot(SyncSettings x, SyncSettings y)
return !DeepEquality.DeepEquals(x, y);
public SyncSettings Clone()
return (SyncSettings)MemberwiseClone();
public ExpandoObject ExpandoSettings { get; set; }
#region ISoundProvider
public void SetSyncMode(SyncSoundMode mode)
if (mode == SyncSoundMode.Async)
throw new NotSupportedException("Async mode is not supported.");
* GetSamplesSync() and MAME
* MAME generates samples 50 times per second, regardless of the VBlank
* rate of the emulated machine. It then uses complicated logic to
* output the required amount of audio to the OS driver and to the AVI,
* where it's meant to tie flashed samples to video frame duration.
* I'm doing my own logic here for now. I grab MAME's audio buffer
* whenever it's filled (MAMESoundCallback()) and enqueue it.
* Whenever Hawk wants new audio, I dequeue it, but with a little quirk.
* Since sample count per frame may not align with frame duration, I
* subtract the entire decimal fraction of "required" samples from total
* samples. I check if the fractional reminder of total samples is > 0.5
* by rounding it. I invert it to see what number I should add to the
* integer representation of "required" samples, to compensate for
* misalignment between fractional and integral "required" samples.
* TODO: Figure out how MAME does this and maybe use their method instead.
public void GetSamplesSync(out short[] samples, out int nsamp)
decimal dSamplesPerFrame = (decimal)_sampleRate * VsyncDenominator / VsyncNumerator;
if (_audioSamples.Any())
_dAudioSamples -= dSamplesPerFrame;
int remainder = (int)Math.Round(_dAudioSamples - Math.Truncate(_dAudioSamples)) ^ 1;
nsamp = (int)Math.Round(dSamplesPerFrame) + remainder;
nsamp = (int)Math.Round(dSamplesPerFrame);
samples = new short[nsamp * 2];
for (int i = 0; i < nsamp * 2; i++)
if (_audioSamples.Any())
samples[i] = _audioSamples.Dequeue();
samples[i] = 0;
public void GetSamplesAsync(short[] samples)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Async mode is not supported.");
public void DiscardSamples()
#region IMemoryDomains
private void InitMemoryDomains()
var domains = new List<MemoryDomain>();
_systemBusAddressShift = LibMAME.mame_lua_get_int(MAMELuaCommand.GetSpaceAddressShift);
var size = (long)LibMAME.mame_lua_get_double(MAMELuaCommand.GetSpaceAddressMask) + 1;
var dataWidth = LibMAME.mame_lua_get_int(MAMELuaCommand.GetSpaceDataWidth) >> 3; // mame returns in bits
var endianString = MameGetString(MAMELuaCommand.GetSpaceEndianness);
MemoryDomain.Endian endian = MemoryDomain.Endian.Unknown;
if (endianString == "little")
endian = MemoryDomain.Endian.Little;
else if (endianString == "big")
endian = MemoryDomain.Endian.Big;
var mapCount = LibMAME.mame_lua_get_int(MAMELuaCommand.GetSpaceMapCount);
for (int i = 1; i <= mapCount; i++)
var read = MameGetString($"return { MAMELuaCommand.SpaceMap }[{ i }].readtype");
var write = MameGetString($"return { MAMELuaCommand.SpaceMap }[{ i }].writetype");
if (read == "ram" && write == "ram" /* || read == "rom" */)
var firstOffset = LibMAME.mame_lua_get_int($"return { MAMELuaCommand.SpaceMap }[{ i }].offset");
var lastOffset = LibMAME.mame_lua_get_int($"return { MAMELuaCommand.SpaceMap }[{ i }].endoff");
var name = $"{ read.ToUpper() } { firstOffset:X}-{ lastOffset:X}";
domains.Add(new MemoryDomainDelegate(name, lastOffset - firstOffset + 1, endian,
delegate (long addr)
if (addr < 0 || addr >= size)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
_memAccess = true;
addr += firstOffset;
var val = (byte)LibMAME.mame_lua_get_int($"{ MAMELuaCommand.GetSpace }:read_u8({ addr << _systemBusAddressShift })");
_memAccess = false;
return val;
read == "rom" ? (Action<long, byte>)null : delegate (long addr, byte val)
if (addr < 0 || addr >= size)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
_memAccess = true;
addr += firstOffset;
LibMAME.mame_lua_execute($"{ MAMELuaCommand.GetSpace }:write_u8({ addr << _systemBusAddressShift }, { val })");
_memAccess = false;
}, dataWidth));
domains.Add(new MemoryDomainDelegate("System Bus", size, endian,
delegate (long addr)
if (addr < 0 || addr >= size)
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
_memAccess = true;
var val = (byte)LibMAME.mame_lua_get_int($"{ MAMELuaCommand.GetSpace }:read_u8({ addr << _systemBusAddressShift })");
_memAccess = false;
return val;
null, dataWidth));
_memoryDomains = new MemoryDomainList(domains);
(ServiceProvider as BasicServiceProvider).Register<IMemoryDomains>(_memoryDomains);
#region Launchers
private void AsyncLaunchMAME()
private void ExecuteMAMEThread()
// dodge GC
_periodicCallback = MAMEPeriodicCallback;
_soundCallback = MAMESoundCallback;
_bootCallback = MAMEBootCallback;
_logCallback = MAMELogCallback;
// https://docs.mamedev.org/commandline/commandline-index.html
string[] args =
"mame" // dummy, internally discarded by index, so has to go first
, _gameFilename // no dash for rom names
, "-noreadconfig" // forbid reading any config files
, "-norewind" // forbid rewind savestates (captured upon frame advance)
, "-skip_gameinfo" // forbid this blocking screen that requires user input
, "-nothrottle" // forbid throttling to "real" speed of the device
, "-update_in_pause" // ^ including frame-advancing
, "-rompath", _gameDirectory // mame doesn't load roms from full paths, only from dirs to scan
, "-volume", "-32" // lowest attenuation means mame osd remains silent
, "-output", "console" // print everything to hawk console
, "-samplerate", _sampleRate.ToString() // match hawk samplerate
, "-video", "none" // forbid mame window altogether
, "-keyboardprovider", "none"
, "-mouseprovider", "none"
, "-lightgunprovider", "none"
, "-joystickprovider", "none"
LibMAME.mame_launch(args.Length, args);
#region Updaters
private void UpdateFramerate()
VsyncNumerator = 1000000000;
long refresh = (long)LibMAME.mame_lua_get_double(MAMELuaCommand.GetRefresh);
VsyncDenominator = (int)(refresh / 1000000000);
private void UpdateAspect()
int x = (int)LibMAME.mame_lua_get_double(MAMELuaCommand.GetBoundX);
int y = (int)LibMAME.mame_lua_get_double(MAMELuaCommand.GetBoundY);
VirtualHeight = BufferWidth > BufferHeight * x / y
? BufferWidth * y / x
: BufferHeight;
VirtualWidth = VirtualHeight * x / y;
private void UpdateVideo()
BufferWidth = LibMAME.mame_lua_get_int(MAMELuaCommand.GetWidth);
BufferHeight = LibMAME.mame_lua_get_int(MAMELuaCommand.GetHeight);
int expectedSize = BufferWidth * BufferHeight;
int bytesPerPixel = 4;
IntPtr ptr = LibMAME.mame_lua_get_string(MAMELuaCommand.GetPixels, out var lengthInBytes);
if (ptr == IntPtr.Zero)
Console.WriteLine("LibMAME ERROR: frame buffer pointer is null");
if (expectedSize * bytesPerPixel != lengthInBytes)
"LibMAME ERROR: frame buffer has wrong size\n" +
$"width: { BufferWidth } pixels\n" +
$"height: { BufferHeight } pixels\n" +
$"expected: { expectedSize * bytesPerPixel } bytes\n" +
$"received: { lengthInBytes } bytes\n");
_frameBuffer = new int[expectedSize];
Marshal.Copy(ptr, _frameBuffer, 0, expectedSize);
if (!LibMAME.mame_lua_free_string(ptr))
Console.WriteLine("LibMAME ERROR: frame buffer wasn't freed");
private void UpdateInput()
foreach (var fieldPort in _fieldsPorts)
"manager:machine():ioport()" +
$".ports [\"{ fieldPort.Value }\"]" +
$".fields [\"{ fieldPort.Key }\"]" +
$":set_value({ (_controller.IsPressed(fieldPort.Key) ? 1 : 0) })");
private void Update()
private void UpdateGameName()
_gameName = MameGetString(MAMELuaCommand.GetGameName);
private void CheckVersions()
var mameVersion = MameGetString(MAMELuaCommand.GetVersion);
var version = this.Attributes().PortedVersion;
Debug.Assert(version == mameVersion,
"MAME versions desync!\n\n" +
$"MAME is { mameVersion }\n" +
$"MAMEHawk is { version }");
#region Callbacks
* FrameAdvance() and MAME
* MAME fires the periodic callback on every video and debugger update,
* which happens every VBlank and also repeatedly at certain time
* intervals while paused. Since MAME's luaengine runs in a separate
* thread, it's only safe to update everything we need per frame during
* this callback, when it's explicitly waiting for further lua commands.
* If we disable throttling and pass -update_in_pause, there will be no
* delay between video updates. This allows to run at full speed while
* frame-stepping.
* MAME only captures new frame data once per VBlank, while unpaused.
* But it doesn't have an exclusive VBlank callback we could attach to.
* It has a LUA_ON_FRAME_DONE callback, but that fires even more
* frequently and updates all sorts of other non-video stuff, and we
* need none of that here.
* So we filter out all the calls that happen while paused (non-VBlank
* updates). Then, when Hawk asks us to advance a frame, we virtually
* unpause and declare the new frame unfinished. This informs MAME that
* it should advance one frame internally. Hawk starts waiting for the
* MAME thread to complete the request.
* After MAME's done advancing, it fires the periodic callback again.
* That's when we update everything and declare the new frame finished,
* filtering out any further updates again. Then we allow Hawk to
* complete frame-advancing.
private void MAMEPeriodicCallback()
if (_exiting)
_exiting = false;
if (_memAccess)
//int MAMEFrame = LibMAME.mame_lua_get_int(MAMELuaCommand.GetFrameNumber);
if (!_paused)
_frameDone = false;
_paused = true;
else if (!_frameDone)
IntPtr ptr = LibMAME.mame_lua_get_string(MAMELuaCommand.GetSpaceBuffer, out var lengthInBytes);
if (ptr == IntPtr.Zero)
Console.WriteLine("LibMAME ERROR: audio buffer pointer is null");
//byte[] buf = new byte[lengthInBytes];
//Marshal.Copy(ptr, buf, 0, lengthInBytes);
if (!LibMAME.mame_lua_free_string(ptr))
Console.WriteLine("LibMAME ERROR: audio buffer wasn't freed");
_frameDone = true;
private void MAMESoundCallback()
int bytesPerSample = 2;
IntPtr ptr = LibMAME.mame_lua_get_string(MAMELuaCommand.GetSamples, out var lengthInBytes);
if (ptr == IntPtr.Zero)
Console.WriteLine("LibMAME ERROR: audio buffer pointer is null");
_numSamples = lengthInBytes / bytesPerSample;
short* pSample = (short*)ptr.ToPointer();
for (int i = 0; i < _numSamples; i++)
_audioSamples.Enqueue(*(pSample + i));
if (!LibMAME.mame_lua_free_string(ptr))
Console.WriteLine("LibMAME ERROR: audio buffer wasn't freed");
private void MAMEBootCallback()
private void MAMELogCallback(LibMAME.OutputChannel channel, int size, string data)
if (data.Contains("NOT FOUND"))
_loadFailure = data;
if (data.Contains("Fatal error"))
_loadFailure += data;
// mame sends osd_output_channel casted to int, we implicitly cast it back
if (!data.Contains("pause = "))
$"[MAME { channel.ToString() }] " +
$"{ data.Replace('\n', ' ') }");
#region Input
public static ControllerDefinition MAMEController = new ControllerDefinition
Name = "MAME Controller",
BoolButtons = new List<string>()
private void GetInputFields()
string inputFields = MameGetString(MAMELuaCommand.GetInputFields);
string[] portFields = inputFields.Split(';');
foreach (string portField in portFields)
if (portField != string.Empty)
string[] substrings = portField.Split(',');
string tag = substrings.First();
string field = substrings.Last();
_fieldsPorts.Add(field, tag);
#region Lua Commands
private class MAMELuaCommand
// commands
public const string Step = "emu.step()";
public const string Pause = "emu.pause()";
public const string Unpause = "emu.unpause()";
public const string Exit = "manager:machine():exit()";
// getters
public const string GetVersion = "return emu.app_version()";
public const string GetGameName = "return manager:machine():system().description";
public const string GetPixels = "return manager:machine():video():pixels()";
public const string GetSamples = "return manager:machine():sound():samples()";
public const string GetFrameNumber = "return select(2, next(manager:machine().screens)):frame_number()";
public const string GetRefresh = "return select(2, next(manager:machine().screens)):refresh_attoseconds()";
public const string GetWidth = "return (select(1, manager:machine():video():size()))";
public const string GetHeight = "return (select(2, manager:machine():video():size()))";
// memory space
public const string GetSpace = "return manager:machine().devices[\":maincpu\"].spaces[\"program\"]";
public const string GetSpaceMapCount = "return #manager:machine().devices[\":maincpu\"].spaces[\"program\"].map";
public const string SpaceMap = "manager:machine().devices[\":maincpu\"].spaces[\"program\"].map";
public const string GetSpaceAddressMask = "return manager:machine().devices[\":maincpu\"].spaces[\"program\"].address_mask";
public const string GetSpaceAddressShift = "return manager:machine().devices[\":maincpu\"].spaces[\"program\"].shift";
public const string GetSpaceDataWidth = "return manager:machine().devices[\":maincpu\"].spaces[\"program\"].data_width";
public const string GetSpaceEndianness = "return manager:machine().devices[\":maincpu\"].spaces[\"program\"].endianness";
public const string GetSpaceBuffer =
"local space = manager:machine().devices[\":maincpu\"].spaces[\"program\"]" +
"local address_shift = space.shift " +
"local data_width = space.data_width " +
"local bit_step " +
"if address_shift == 0 then bit_step = data_width " +
"elseif address_shift > 0 then bit_step = data_width << address_shift " +
"elseif address_shift< 0 then bit_step = 8 " +
"end " +
"return space:read_range(0, 0xfffffff, space.data_width, math.floor(bit_step / 8))";
// complex stuff
public const string GetBoundX =
"local x0,x1,y0,y1 = manager:machine():render():ui_target():view_bounds() " +
"return x1-x0";
public const string GetBoundY =
"local x0,x1,y0,y1 = manager:machine():render():ui_target():view_bounds() " +
"return y1-y0";
public const string GetInputFields =
"final = {} " +
"for tag, _ in pairs(manager:machine():ioport().ports) do " +
"for name, field in pairs(manager:machine():ioport().ports[tag].fields) do " +
"if field.type_class ~= \"dipswitch\" then " +
"table.insert(final, string.format(\"%s,%s;\", tag, name)) " +
"end " +
"end " +
"end " +
"table.sort(final) " +
"return table.concat(final)";