673 lines
23 KiB
673 lines
23 KiB
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections.Generic;
//apparently cdrdao is the ultimate linux tool for doing this stuff but it doesnt support DAO96 (or other DAO modes) that would be necessary to extract P-Q subchannels
//(cdrdao only supports R-W)
//here is a featureset list of windows cd burning programs (useful for cuesheet compatibility info)
//"qemu cdrom emulator"
//less good
* do some stuff asynchronously. for example, decoding mp3 sectors.
* keep a list of 'blobs' (giant bins or decoded wavs likely) which can reference the disk
* keep a list of sectors and the blob/offset from which they pull -- also whether the sector is available
* if it is not available and something requests it then it will have to block while that sector gets generated
* perhaps the blobs know how to resolve themselves and the requested sector can be immediately resolved (priority boost)
* mp3 blobs should be hashed and dropped in %TEMP% as a wav decode
//here is an MIT licensed C mp3 decoder
/*information on saturn TOC and session data structures is on pdf page 58 of System Library User's Manual;
* as seen in yabause, there are 1000 u32s in this format:
* Ctrl[4bit] Adr[4bit] StartFrameAddressFAD[24bit] (nonexisting tracks are 0xFFFFFFFF)
* Followed by Fist Track Information, Last Track Information..
* Ctrl[4bit] Adr[4bit] FirstTrackNumber/LastTrackNumber[8bit] and then some stuff I dont understand
* ..and Read Out Information:
* Ctrl[4bit] Adr[4bit] ReadOutStartFrameAddress[24bit]
* Also there is some stuff about FAD of sessions.
* This should be generated by the saturn core, but we need to make sure we pass down enough information to do it
//2048 bytes packed into 2352:
//12 bytes sync(00 ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff 00)
//3 bytes sector address (min+A0),sec,frac //does this correspond to ccd `point` field in the TOC entries?
//sector mode byte (0: silence; 1: 2048Byte mode (EDC,ECC,CIRC), 2: mode2 (could be 2336[vanilla mode2], 2048[xa mode2 form1], 2324[xa mode2 form2])
//cue sheets may use mode1_2048 (and the error coding needs to be regenerated to get accurate raw data) or mode1_2352 (the entire sector is present)
//audio is a different mode, seems to be just 2352 bytes with no sync, header or error correction. i guess the CIRC error correction is still there
namespace BizHawk.Emulation.DiscSystem
public partial class Disc : IDisposable
/// <summary>
/// The raw TOC entries found in the lead-in track.
/// </summary>
public List<RawTOCEntry> RawTOCEntries = new List<RawTOCEntry>();
/// <summary>
/// The DiscTOCRaw corresponding to the RawTOCEntries
/// </summary>
public DiscTOCRaw TOCRaw;
/// <summary>
/// The DiscStructure corresponding the the TOCRaw
/// </summary>
public DiscStructure Structure;
/// <summary>
/// The blobs mounted by this disc for supplying binary content
/// </summary>
public List<IBlob> Blobs = new List<IBlob>();
/// <summary>
/// The sectors on the disc
/// </summary>
public List<SectorEntry> Sectors = new List<SectorEntry>();
public Disc()
public void Dispose()
foreach (var blob in Blobs)
void FromIsoPathInternal(string isoPath)
//make a fake cue file to represent this iso file
const string isoCueWrapper = @"
FILE ""xarp.barp.marp.farp"" BINARY
TRACK 01 MODE1/2048
INDEX 01 00:00:00
string cueDir = String.Empty;
var cue = new Cue();
CueFileResolver["xarp.barp.marp.farp"] = isoPath;
FromCueInternal(cue, cueDir, new CueBinPrefs());
public CueBin DumpCueBin(string baseName, CueBinPrefs prefs)
if (Structure.Sessions.Count > 1)
throw new NotSupportedException("can't dump cue+bin with more than 1 session yet");
CueBin ret = new CueBin();
ret.baseName = baseName;
ret.disc = this;
if (!prefs.OneBlobPerTrack)
//this is the preferred mode of dumping things. we will always write full sectors.
string cue = new CUE_Format().GenerateCUE_OneBin(Structure,prefs);
var bfd = new CueBin.BinFileDescriptor {name = baseName + ".bin"};
ret.cue = string.Format("FILE \"{0}\" BINARY\n", bfd.name) + cue;
bfd.SectorSize = 2352;
//skip the mandatory track 1 pregap! cue+bin files do not contain it
for (int i = 150; i < Structure.LengthInSectors; i++)
//we build our own cue here (unlike above) because we need to build the cue and the output data at the same time
StringBuilder sbCue = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < Structure.Sessions[0].Tracks.Count; i++)
var track = Structure.Sessions[0].Tracks[i];
var bfd = new CueBin.BinFileDescriptor
name = baseName + string.Format(" (Track {0:D2}).bin", track.Number),
SectorSize = Cue.BINSectorSizeForTrackType(track.TrackType)
int aba = 0;
//skip the mandatory track 1 pregap! cue+bin files do not contain it
if (i == 0) aba = 150;
for (; aba < track.LengthInSectors; aba++)
int thisaba = track.Indexes[0].aba + aba;
sbCue.AppendFormat("FILE \"{0}\" BINARY\n", bfd.name);
sbCue.AppendFormat(" TRACK {0:D2} {1}\n", track.Number, Cue.TrackTypeStringForTrackType(track.TrackType));
foreach (var index in track.Indexes)
int x = index.aba - track.Indexes[0].aba;
if (index.Number == 0 && index.aba == track.Indexes[1].aba)
//dont emit index 0 when it is the same as index 1, it is illegal for some reason
//else if (i==0 && index.num == 0)
// //don't generate the first index, it is illogical
//track 1 included the lead-in at the beginning of it. sneak past that.
//if (i == 0) x -= 150;
sbCue.AppendFormat(" INDEX {0:D2} {1}\n", index.Number, new Timestamp(x).Value);
ret.cue = sbCue.ToString();
return ret;
public static Disc FromCuePath(string cuePath, CueBinPrefs prefs)
var ret = new Disc();
ret.FromCuePathInternal(cuePath, prefs);
return ret;
public static Disc FromCCDPath(string ccdPath)
CCD_Format ccdLoader = new CCD_Format();
return ccdLoader.LoadCCDToDisc(ccdPath);
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public static Disc FromIsoPath(string isoPath)
var ret = new Disc();
return ret;
/// <summary>
/// Synthesizes a crudely estimated TOCRaw from the disc structure.
/// </summary>
public void Synthesize_TOCRawFromStructure()
TOCRaw = new DiscTOCRaw();
TOCRaw.FirstRecordedTrackNumber = 1;
TOCRaw.LastRecordedTrackNumber = Structure.Sessions[0].Tracks.Count;
int lastEnd = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < Structure.Sessions[0].Tracks.Count; i++)
var track = Structure.Sessions[0].Tracks[i];
TOCRaw.TOCItems[i + 1].Control = track.Control;
TOCRaw.TOCItems[i + 1].Exists = true;
//TOCRaw.TOCItems[i + 1].LBATimestamp = new Timestamp(track.Start_ABA - 150); //AUGH. see comment in Start_ABA
//TOCRaw.TOCItems[i + 1].LBATimestamp = new Timestamp(track.Indexes[1].LBA); //ZOUNDS!
TOCRaw.TOCItems[i + 1].LBATimestamp = new Timestamp(track.Indexes[1].LBA + 150); //WHATEVER, I DONT KNOW. MAKES IT MATCH THE CCD, BUT THERES MORE PROBLEMS
lastEnd = track.LengthInSectors + track.Indexes[1].LBA;
TOCRaw.LeadoutTimestamp = new Timestamp(lastEnd);
/// <summary>
/// Creates the subcode (really, just subchannel Q) for this disc from its current TOC.
/// Depends on the TOCPoints existing in the structure
/// TODO - do we need a fully 0xFF P-subchannel for PSX?
/// </summary>
void Synthesize_SubcodeFromStructure()
int aba = 0;
int dpIndex = 0;
//TODO - from mednafen (on PC-FX chip chan kick)
//If we're more than 2 seconds(150 sectors) from the real "start" of the track/INDEX 01, and the track is a data track,
//and the preceding track is an audio track, encode it as audio(by taking the SubQ control field from the preceding
//NOTE: discs may have subcode which is nonsense or possibly not recoverable from a sensible disc structure.
//but this function does what it says.
//SO: heres the main idea of how this works.
//we have the Structure.Points (whose name we dont like) which is a list of sectors where the tno/index changes.
//So for each sector, we see if we've advanced to the next point.
//TODO - check if this is synthesized correctly when producing a structure from a TOCRaw
while (aba < Sectors.Count)
if (dpIndex < Structure.Points.Count - 1)
while (aba >= Structure.Points[dpIndex + 1].ABA)
var dp = Structure.Points[dpIndex];
if (aba == 4903 + 150)
int zzz = 9;
var se = Sectors[aba];
EControlQ control = dp.Track.Control;
bool pause = true;
if (dp.Num != 0) //TODO - shouldnt this be IndexNum?
pause = false;
if ((dp.Track.Control & EControlQ.DataUninterrupted)!=0)
pause = false;
//we always use ADR=1 (mode-1 q block)
//this could be more sophisticated but it is almost useless for emulation (only useful for catalog/ISRC numbers)
int adr = 1;
SubchannelQ sq = new SubchannelQ();
sq.q_status = SubchannelQ.ComputeStatus(adr, control);
sq.q_tno = BCD2.FromDecimal(dp.TrackNum).BCDValue;
sq.q_index = BCD2.FromDecimal(dp.IndexNum).BCDValue;
int track_relative_aba = aba - dp.Track.Indexes[1].aba;
track_relative_aba = Math.Abs(track_relative_aba);
Timestamp track_relative_timestamp = new Timestamp(track_relative_aba);
sq.min = BCD2.FromDecimal(track_relative_timestamp.MIN);
sq.sec = BCD2.FromDecimal(track_relative_timestamp.SEC);
sq.frame = BCD2.FromDecimal(track_relative_timestamp.FRAC);
sq.zero = 0;
Timestamp absolute_timestamp = new Timestamp(aba);
sq.ap_min = BCD2.FromDecimal(absolute_timestamp.MIN);
sq.ap_sec = BCD2.FromDecimal(absolute_timestamp.SEC);
sq.ap_frame = BCD2.FromDecimal(absolute_timestamp.FRAC);
var bss = new BufferedSubcodeSector();
bss.Synthesize_SubchannelQ(ref sq, true);
//TEST: need this for psx?
if(pause) bss.Synthesize_SubchannelP(true);
se.SubcodeSector = bss;
static byte IntToBCD(int n)
int ones;
int tens = Math.DivRem(n,10,out ones);
return (byte)((tens<<4)|ones);
/// <summary>
/// encapsulates a 2 digit BCD number as used various places in the CD specs
/// </summary>
public struct BCD2
/// <summary>
/// The raw BCD value. you can't do math on this number! but you may be asked to supply it to a game program.
/// The largest number it can logically contain is 99
/// </summary>
public byte BCDValue;
/// <summary>
/// The derived decimal value. you can do math on this! the largest number it can logically contain is 99.
/// </summary>
public int DecimalValue
get { return (BCDValue & 0xF) + ((BCDValue >> 4) & 0xF) * 10; }
set { BCDValue = IntToBCD(value); }
/// <summary>
/// makes a BCD2 from a decimal number. don't supply a number > 99 or you might not like the results
/// </summary>
public static BCD2 FromDecimal(int d)
return new BCD2 {DecimalValue = d};
static byte IntToBCD(int n)
int ones;
int tens = Math.DivRem(n, 10, out ones);
return (byte)((tens << 4) | ones);
public struct Timestamp
/// <summary>
/// creates a timestamp from a string in the form mm:ss:ff
/// </summary>
public Timestamp(string value)
//TODO - could be performance-improved
MIN = int.Parse(value.Substring(0, 2));
SEC = int.Parse(value.Substring(3, 2));
FRAC = int.Parse(value.Substring(6, 2));
Sector = MIN * 60 * 75 + SEC * 75 + FRAC;
_value = null;
public readonly int MIN, SEC, FRAC, Sector;
public string Value
if (_value != null) return _value;
return _value = string.Format("{0:D2}:{1:D2}:{2:D2}", MIN, SEC, FRAC);
string _value;
/// <summary>
/// creates timestamp from supplies MSF
/// </summary>
public Timestamp(int m, int s, int f)
MIN = m;
SEC = s;
FRAC = f;
Sector = MIN * 60 * 75 + SEC * 75 + FRAC;
_value = null;
/// <summary>
/// creates timestamp from supplied SectorNumber
/// </summary>
public Timestamp(int SectorNumber)
this.Sector = SectorNumber;
MIN = SectorNumber / (60 * 75);
SEC = (SectorNumber / 75) % 60;
FRAC = SectorNumber % 75;
_value = null;
/// <summary>
/// The type of a Track, not strictly (for now) adhering to the realistic values, but also including information for ourselves about what source the data came from.
/// We should make that not the case.
/// TODO - let CUE have its own "track type" enum, since cue tracktypes arent strictly corresponding to "real" track types, whatever those are.
/// </summary>
public enum ETrackType
/// <summary>
/// The track type isn't always known.. it can take this value til its populated
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// CD-ROM (yellowbook) specification - it is a Mode1 track, and we have all 2352 bytes for the sector
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// CD-ROM (yellowbook) specification - it is a Mode1 track, but originally we only had 2048 bytes for the sector.
/// This means, for various purposes, we need to synthesize additional data
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// CD-ROM (yellowbook) specification - it is a Mode2 track.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// CD-DA (redbook) specification.. nominally. In fact, it's just 2352 raw PCM bytes per sector, and that concept isnt directly spelled out in redbook.
/// </summary>
/// <summary>
/// TODO - this is garbage. It's half input related, and half output related. This needs to be split up.
/// </summary>
public class CueBinPrefs
/// <summary>
/// Controls general operations: should the output be split into several blobs, or just use one?
/// </summary>
public bool OneBlobPerTrack;
/// <summary>
/// NOT SUPPORTED YET (just here as a reminder) If choosing OneBinPerTrack, you may wish to write wave files for audio tracks.
/// </summary>
//public bool DumpWaveFiles;
/// <summary>
/// turn this on to dump bins instead of just cues
/// </summary>
public bool ReallyDumpBin;
/// <summary>
/// Dump bins to bitbucket instead of disk
/// </summary>
public bool DumpToBitbucket;
/// <summary>
/// dump a .sub.q along with bins. one day we'll want to dump the entire subcode but really Q is all thats important for debugging most things
/// </summary>
public bool DumpSubchannelQ;
/// <summary>
/// generate remarks and other annotations to help humans understand whats going on, but which will confuse many cue parsers
/// </summary>
public bool AnnotateCue;
/// <summary>
/// EVIL: in theory this would attempt to generate pregap commands to save disc space, but I think this is a bad idea.
/// it would also be useful for OneBinPerTrack mode in making wave files.
/// HOWEVER - by the time we've loaded things up into our canonical format, we don't know which 'pregaps' are safe for turning back into pregaps
/// Because they might sometimes contain data (gapless audio discs). So we would have to inspect a series of sectors to look for silence.
/// And even still, the ECC information might be important. So, forget it.
/// </summary>
//public bool PreferPregapCommand = false;
/// <summary>
/// some cue parsers cant handle sessions. better not emit a session command then. multi-session discs will then be broken
/// </summary>
public bool SingleSession;
/// <summary>
/// enables various extension-aware behaviours.
/// enables auto-search for files with the same name but differing extension.
/// enables auto-detection of situations where cue blobfiles are indicating the wrong type in the cuefile
/// </summary>
public bool ExtensionAware = false;
/// <summary>
/// whenever we have a choice, use case sensitivity in searching for files
/// </summary>
public bool CaseSensitive = false;
/// <summary>
/// DO NOT CHANGE THIS! All sectors will be written with ECM data. It's a waste of space, but it is exact. (not completely supported yet)
/// </summary>
public bool DumpECM = true;
/// <summary>
/// Encapsulates an in-memory cue+bin (complete cuesheet and a little registry of files)
/// it will be based on a disc (fro mwhich it can read sectors to avoid burning through extra memory)
/// TODO - we must merge this with whatever reads in cue+bin
/// </summary>
public class CueBin
public string cue;
public string baseName;
public Disc disc;
public class BinFileDescriptor
public string name;
public List<int> abas = new List<int>();
//todo - do we really need this? i dont think so...
public List<bool> aba_zeros = new List<bool>();
public int SectorSize;
public List<BinFileDescriptor> bins = new List<BinFileDescriptor>();
//public string CreateRedumpReport()
// if (disc.TOC.Sessions[0].Tracks.Count != bins.Count)
// throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot generate redump report on CueBin lacking OneBinPerTrack property");
// StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
// for (int i = 0; i < disc.TOC.Sessions[0].Tracks.Count; i++)
// {
// var track = disc.TOC.Sessions[0].Tracks[i];
// var bfd = bins[i];
// //dump the track
// byte[] dump = new byte[track.length_aba * 2352];
// //TODO ????????? post-ABA unknown
// //for (int aba = 0; aba < track.length_aba; aba++)
// // disc.ReadLBA_2352(bfd.lbas[lba],dump,lba*2352);
// string crc32 = string.Format("{0:X8}", CRC32.Calculate(dump));
// string md5 = Util.Hash_MD5(dump, 0, dump.Length);
// string sha1 = Util.Hash_SHA1(dump, 0, dump.Length);
// int pregap = track.Indexes[1].lba - track.Indexes[0].lba;
// Timestamp pregap_ts = new Timestamp(pregap);
// Timestamp len_ts = new Timestamp(track.length_lba);
// sb.AppendFormat("{0}\t{1}\t{2}\t{3}\t{4}\t{5}\t{6}\t{7}\t{8}\n",
// i,
// Cue.RedumpTypeStringForTrackType(track.TrackType),
// pregap_ts.Value,
// len_ts.Value,
// track.length_lba,
// track.length_lba*Cue.BINSectorSizeForTrackType(track.TrackType),
// crc32,
// md5,
// sha1
// );
// }
// return sb.ToString();
public void Dump(string directory, CueBinPrefs prefs)
ProgressReport pr = new ProgressReport();
Dump(directory, prefs, pr);
public void Dump(string directory, CueBinPrefs prefs, ProgressReport progress)
byte[] subcodeTemp = new byte[96];
progress.TaskCount = 2;
progress.Message = "Generating Cue";
progress.ProgressEstimate = 1;
progress.ProgressCurrent = 0;
progress.InfoPresent = true;
string cuePath = Path.Combine(directory, baseName + ".cue");
if (prefs.DumpToBitbucket) { }
else File.WriteAllText(cuePath, cue);
progress.Message = "Writing bin(s)";
progress.TaskCurrent = 1;
progress.ProgressEstimate = bins.Sum(bfd => bfd.abas.Count);
progress.ProgressCurrent = 0;
if(!prefs.ReallyDumpBin) return;
foreach (var bfd in bins)
int sectorSize = bfd.SectorSize;
byte[] temp = new byte[2352];
byte[] empty = new byte[2352];
string trackBinFile = bfd.name;
string trackBinPath = Path.Combine(directory, trackBinFile);
string subQPath = Path.ChangeExtension(trackBinPath, ".sub.q");
Stream fsSubQ = null;
Stream fs;
fs = Stream.Null;
else fs = new FileStream(trackBinPath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None);
if (prefs.DumpSubchannelQ)
if (prefs.DumpToBitbucket)
fsSubQ = Stream.Null;
else fsSubQ = new FileStream(subQPath, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None);
for (int i = 0; i < bfd.abas.Count; i++)
if (progress.CancelSignal) return;
int aba = bfd.abas[i];
if (bfd.aba_zeros[i])
fs.Write(empty, 0, sectorSize);
if (sectorSize == 2352)
disc.ReadABA_2352(aba, temp, 0);
else if (sectorSize == 2048) disc.ReadABA_2048(aba, temp, 0);
else throw new InvalidOperationException();
fs.Write(temp, 0, sectorSize);
//write subQ if necessary
if (fsSubQ != null)
disc.Sectors[aba].SubcodeSector.ReadSubcodeDeinterleaved(subcodeTemp, 0);
fsSubQ.Write(subcodeTemp, 12, 12);
if (fsSubQ != null) fsSubQ.Dispose();
} |