
343 lines
13 KiB

using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using Microsoft.VisualBasic.ApplicationServices;
using BizHawk.Common;
using BizHawk.Client.Common;
using OSTC = EXE_PROJECT.OSTailoredCode;
namespace BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk
internal static class Program
static Program()
//this needs to be done before the warnings/errors show up
if (OSTC.IsUnixHost)
// for Unix, skip everything else and just wire up the event handler
AppDomain.CurrentDomain.AssemblyResolve += CurrentDomain_AssemblyResolve;
static void CheckLib(string dllToLoad, string desc)
var p = OSTC.LinkedLibManager.LoadOrNull(dllToLoad);
if (p == null)
using (var box = new ExceptionBox($"EmuHawk needs {desc} in order to run! See the readme for more info. (EmuHawk will now close.)")) box.ShowDialog();
CheckLib("vcruntime140.dll", "Microsoft's Universal CRT (MSVC 14.0+ / VS 2015+)");
CheckLib("msvcr100.dll", "Microsoft's Visual C++ Runtime 10.0 (VS 2010)"); // for Mupen64Plus, and some others
// this will look in subdirectory "dll" to load pinvoked stuff
var dllDir = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location), "dll");
//in case assembly resolution fails, such as if we moved them into the dll subdiretory, this event handler can reroute to them
AppDomain.CurrentDomain.AssemblyResolve += CurrentDomain_AssemblyResolve;
//but before we even try doing that, whack the MOTW from everything in that directory (that's a dll)
//otherwise, some people will have crashes at boot-up due to .net security disliking MOTW.
//some people are getting MOTW through a combination of browser used to download bizhawk, and program used to dearchive it
//We need to do it here too... otherwise people get exceptions when externaltools we distribute try to startup
static void RemoveMOTW(string path) => DeleteFileW($"{path}:Zone.Identifier");
var todo = new Queue<DirectoryInfo>(new[] { new DirectoryInfo(dllDir) });
while (todo.Count != 0)
var di = todo.Dequeue();
foreach (var disub in di.GetDirectories()) todo.Enqueue(disub);
foreach (var fi in di.GetFiles("*.dll")) RemoveMOTW(fi.FullName);
foreach (var fi in di.GetFiles("*.exe")) RemoveMOTW(fi.FullName);
private static int Main(string[] args)
var exitCode = SubMain(args);
if (OSTC.IsUnixHost)
Console.WriteLine("BizHawk has completed its shutdown routines, killing process...");
return exitCode;
//NoInlining should keep this code from getting jammed into Main() which would create dependencies on types which havent been setup by the resolver yet... or something like that
private static int SubMain(string[] args)
// this check has to be done VERY early. i stepped through a debug build with wrong .dll versions purposely used,
// and there was a TypeLoadException before the first line of SubMain was reached (some static ColorType init?)
// zero 25-dec-2012 - only do for public builds. its annoying during development
// and don't bother when installed from a package manager i.e. not Windows --yoshi
if (!VersionInfo.DeveloperBuild && !OSTC.IsUnixHost)
var thisversion = typeof(Program).Assembly.GetName().Version;
var utilversion = Assembly.Load(new AssemblyName("BizHawk.Client.Common")).GetName().Version;
var emulversion = Assembly.Load(new AssemblyName("BizHawk.Emulation.Cores")).GetName().Version;
if (thisversion != utilversion || thisversion != emulversion)
MessageBox.Show("Conflicting revisions found! Don't mix .dll versions!");
return -1;
HawkFile.DearchivalMethod = SharpCompressDearchivalMethod.Instance;
string cmdConfigFile = ArgParser.GetCmdConfigFile(args);
if (cmdConfigFile != null) Config.SetDefaultIniPath(cmdConfigFile);
Global.Config = ConfigService.Load<Config>(Config.DefaultIniPath);
catch (Exception e)
new ExceptionBox(e).ShowDialog();
new ExceptionBox("Since your config file is corrupted or from a different BizHawk version, we're going to recreate it. Back it up before proceeding if you want to investigate further.").ShowDialog();
Global.Config = ConfigService.Load<Config>(Config.DefaultIniPath);
StringLogUtil.DefaultToDisk = Global.Config.MoviesOnDisk;
StringLogUtil.DefaultToAwe = Global.Config.MoviesInAwe;
// super hacky! this needs to be done first. still not worth the trouble to make this system fully proper
if (Array.Exists(args, arg => arg.StartsWith("--gdi", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)))
Global.Config.DispMethod = EDispMethod.GdiPlus;
// create IGL context. we do this whether or not the user has selected OpenGL, so that we can run opengl-based emulator cores
GlobalWin.IGL_GL = new IGL_TK(2, 0, false);
// setup the GL context manager, needed for coping with multiple opengl cores vs opengl display method
GlobalWin.GLManager = GLManager.Instance;
//now create the "GL" context for the display method. we can reuse the IGL_TK context if opengl display method is chosen
if (Global.Config.DispMethod == EDispMethod.GdiPlus)
GlobalWin.GL = new IGL_GdiPlus();
else if (Global.Config.DispMethod == EDispMethod.SlimDX9)
GlobalWin.GL = new IGL_SlimDX9();
catch(Exception ex)
new ExceptionBox(new Exception("Initialization of Direct3d 9 Display Method failed; falling back to GDI+", ex)).ShowDialog();
// fallback
Global.Config.DispMethod = EDispMethod.GdiPlus;
GlobalWin.GL = GlobalWin.IGL_GL;
// check the opengl version and don't even try to boot this crap up if its too old
if (GlobalWin.IGL_GL.Version < 200)
// fallback
Global.Config.DispMethod = EDispMethod.GdiPlus;
// try creating a GUI Renderer. If that doesn't succeed. we fallback
using (GlobalWin.GL.CreateRenderer()) { }
catch(Exception ex)
new ExceptionBox(new Exception("Initialization of Display Method failed; falling back to GDI+", ex)).ShowDialog();
Global.Config.DispMethod = EDispMethod.GdiPlus;
if (!OSTC.IsUnixHost)
//WHY do we have to do this? some intel graphics drivers (ig7icd64.dll on an unknown chip on win8.1) are calling SetDllDirectory() for the process, which ruins stuff.
//The relevant initialization happened just before in "create IGL context".
//It isn't clear whether we need the earlier SetDllDirectory(), but I think we do.
//note: this is pasted instead of being put in a static method due to this initialization code being sensitive to things like that, and not wanting to cause it to break
//pasting should be safe (not affecting the jit order of things)
var dllDir = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location), "dll");
if (Global.Config.SingleInstanceMode)
new SingleInstanceController(args).Run();
catch (ObjectDisposedException)
// Eat it, MainForm disposed itself and Run attempts to dispose of itself. Eventually we would want to figure out a way to prevent that, but in the meantime it is harmless, so just eat the error
using var mf = new MainForm(args);
var title = mf.Text;
mf.Text = title;
GlobalWin.ExitCode = mf.ProgramRunLoop();
catch (Exception e) when (Global.MovieSession.Movie.IsActive() && !(Debugger.IsAttached || VersionInfo.DeveloperBuild))
var result = MessageBox.Show(
"EmuHawk has thrown a fatal exception and is about to close.\nA movie has been detected. Would you like to try to save?\n(Note: Depending on what caused this error, this may or may not succeed)",
$"Fatal error: {e.GetType().Name}",
if (result == DialogResult.Yes)
catch (Exception e) when (!Debugger.IsAttached)
new ExceptionBox(e).ShowDialog();
GlobalWin.Sound = null;
//cleanup IGL stuff so we can get better refcounts when exiting process, for debugging
//GlobalWin.IGL_GL = new IGL_TK();
//if (GlobalWin.IGL_GL != GlobalWin.GL)
// GlobalWin.GL.Dispose();
//return 0 assuming things have gone well, non-zero values could be used as error codes or for scripting purposes
return GlobalWin.ExitCode;
} //SubMain
//declared here instead of a more usual place to avoid dependencies on the more usual place
[DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
private static extern uint SetDllDirectory(string lpPathName);
[DllImport("kernel32.dll", EntryPoint = "DeleteFileW", SetLastError = true, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, ExactSpelling = true)]
private static extern bool DeleteFileW([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPWStr)]string lpFileName);
/// <remarks></remarks>
private static Assembly CurrentDomain_AssemblyResolve(object sender, ResolveEventArgs args)
var requested = args.Name;
//mutate filename depending on selection of lua core. here's how it works
//1. we build NLua to the output/dll/lua directory. that brings KopiLua with it
//2. We reference it from there, but we tell it not to copy local; that way there's no NLua in the output/dll directory
//3. When NLua assembly attempts to load, it can't find it
//I. if LuaInterface is selected by the user, we switch to requesting that.
// (those DLLs are built into the output/DLL directory)
//II. if NLua is selected by the user, we skip over this part;
// later, we look for NLua or KopiLua assembly names and redirect them to files located in the output/DLL/nlua directory
if (new AssemblyName(requested).Name == "NLua")
//this method referencing Global.Config makes assemblies get loaded, which isnt smart from the assembly resolver.
//so.. we're going to resort to something really bad.
//avert your eyes.
var configPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location), "config.ini");
if (!OSTC.IsUnixHost // LuaInterface is not currently working on Mono
&& File.Exists(configPath)
&& (Array.Find(File.ReadAllLines(configPath), line => line.Contains(" \"LuaEngine\": ")) ?? string.Empty)
requested = "LuaInterface";
lock (AppDomain.CurrentDomain)
var firstAsm = Array.Find(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies(), asm => asm.FullName == requested);
if (firstAsm != null) return firstAsm;
//load missing assemblies by trying to find them in the dll directory
var dllname = $"{new AssemblyName(requested).Name}.dll";
var directory = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location), "dll");
var simpleName = new AssemblyName(requested).Name;
if (simpleName == "NLua" || simpleName == "KopiLua") directory = Path.Combine(directory, "nlua");
var fname = Path.Combine(directory, dllname);
//it is important that we use LoadFile here and not load from a byte array; otherwise mixed (managed/unmanaged) assemblies can't load
return File.Exists(fname) ? Assembly.LoadFile(fname) : null;
private class SingleInstanceController : WindowsFormsApplicationBase
private readonly string[] cmdArgs;
public SingleInstanceController(string[] args)
cmdArgs = args;
IsSingleInstance = true;
StartupNextInstance += this_StartupNextInstance;
public void Run() => Run(cmdArgs);
private void this_StartupNextInstance(object sender, StartupNextInstanceEventArgs e)
if (e.CommandLine.Count >= 1)
((MainForm)MainForm).LoadRom(e.CommandLine[0], new MainForm.LoadRomArgs { OpenAdvanced = new OpenAdvanced_OpenRom() });
protected override void OnCreateMainForm()
MainForm = new MainForm(cmdArgs);
var title = MainForm.Text;
MainForm.Text = title;
GlobalWin.ExitCode = ((MainForm)MainForm).ProgramRunLoop();