627 lines
21 KiB
627 lines
21 KiB
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using BizHawk.Emulation.Common;
namespace BizHawk.Client.Common
public class Config
public static string ControlDefaultPath
get { return PathManager.MakeProgramRelativePath("defctrl.json"); }
public void ConfigCheckAllControlDefaults()
if (AllTrollers.Count == 0 && AllTrollersAutoFire.Count == 0 && AllTrollersAnalog.Count == 0)
var cd = ConfigService.Load<ControlDefaults>(ControlDefaultPath);
AllTrollers = cd.AllTrollers;
AllTrollersAutoFire = cd.AllTrollersAutoFire;
AllTrollersAnalog = cd.AllTrollersAnalog;
public Config()
public void ResolveDefaults()
// Core preference for generic file extension, key: file extension, value: a systemID or empty if no preference
public Dictionary<string, string> PreferredPlatformsForExtensions = new Dictionary<string, string>
{ ".bin", "" },
{ ".rom", "" },
{ ".iso", "" },
{ ".img", "" },
// Path Settings ************************************/
public bool UseRecentForROMs = false;
public string LastRomPath = ".";
public PathEntryCollection PathEntries = new PathEntryCollection();
// BIOS Paths
public Dictionary<string, string> FirmwareUserSpecifications = new Dictionary<string, string>(); // key: sysid+firmwareId; value: absolute path
// General Client Settings
public int Input_Hotkey_OverrideOptions = 0;
public bool StackOSDMessages = true;
public int TargetZoomFactor = 2;
public int TargetScanlineFilterIntensity = 128; // choose between 0 and 256
public int TargetDisplayFilter = 0;
public int DispFinalFilter = 0;
public string DispUserFilterPath = "";
public RecentFiles RecentRoms = new RecentFiles(10);
public bool PauseWhenMenuActivated = true;
public bool SaveWindowPosition = true;
public bool StartPaused = false;
public bool StartFullscreen = false;
public int MainWndx = -1; // Negative numbers will be ignored
public int MainWndy = -1;
public bool RunInBackground = true;
public bool AcceptBackgroundInput = false;
public bool SingleInstanceMode = false;
public bool AllowUD_LR = false;
public bool ShowContextMenu = true;
public bool EnableBackupMovies = true;
public bool HotkeyConfigAutoTab = true;
public bool InputConfigAutoTab = true;
public bool ShowLogWindow = false;
public bool BackupSavestates = true;
public bool BackupSaveram = true;
public bool SaveScreenshotWithStates = true;
public int BigScreenshotSize = 128 * 1024;
public bool SaveLargeScreenshotWithStates = false;
public int AutofireOn = 1;
public int AutofireOff = 1;
public bool AutofireLagFrames = true;
public int SaveSlot = 0; //currently selected savestate slot
public bool AutoLoadLastSaveSlot = false;
public bool WIN32_CONSOLE = true;
public bool SkipLagFrame = false;
public bool SupressAskSave = false;
public bool AVI_CaptureOSD = false;
public bool Screenshot_CaptureOSD = false;
public bool FirstBoot = true;
//public bool TurboSeek = true; // When PauseOnFrame is set, this will decide whether the client goes into turbo mode or not
private bool _turboSeek;
public bool TurboSeek
get { return _turboSeek; }
_turboSeek = value;
public enum EDispMethod { OpenGL, GdiPlus, SlimDX9 };
public enum EDispManagerAR { None, System, Custom };
public enum SaveStateTypeE { Default, Binary, Text };
public MovieEndAction MovieEndAction = MovieEndAction.Finish;
public enum ClientProfile
Unknown = 0,
Casual = 1,
Longplay = 2,
Tas = 3,
N64Tas = 4,
Custom = 99
public ClientProfile SelectedProfile = ClientProfile.Unknown;
// N64
public bool N64UseCircularAnalogConstraint = true;
// Run-Control settings
public int FrameProgressDelayMs = 500; // how long until a frame advance hold turns into a frame progress?
public int FrameSkip = 4;
public int SpeedPercent = 100;
public int SpeedPercentAlternate = 400;
public bool ClockThrottle = true;
public bool AutoMinimizeSkipping = true;
public bool VSyncThrottle = false;
// Rewind settings
public bool Rewind_UseDelta = true;
public bool RewindEnabledSmall = true;
public bool RewindEnabledMedium = false;
public bool RewindEnabledLarge = false;
public int RewindFrequencySmall = 1;
public int RewindFrequencyMedium = 4;
public int RewindFrequencyLarge = 60;
public int Rewind_MediumStateSize = 262144; //256kb
public int Rewind_LargeStateSize = 1048576; //1mb
public int Rewind_BufferSize = 128; //in mb
public bool Rewind_OnDisk = false;
public bool Rewind_IsThreaded = false;
// Savestate settings
public SaveStateTypeE SaveStateType = SaveStateTypeE.Default;
public const int DefaultSaveStateCompressionLevelNormal = 5;
public int SaveStateCompressionLevelNormal = DefaultSaveStateCompressionLevelNormal;
public const int DefaultSaveStateCompressionLevelRewind = 0;//this isnt actually used yet
public int SaveStateCompressionLevelRewind = DefaultSaveStateCompressionLevelRewind;//this isnt actually used yet
/// <summary>use vsync. if VSyncThrottle = false, this will try to use vsync without throttling to it</summary>
public bool VSync = false;
// Display options
public int MessagesColor = -1;
public int AlertMessageColor = -65536;
public int LastInputColor = -23296;
public int MovieInput = -8355712;
public bool DisplayFPS = false;
public int DispFPSx = 0;
public int DispFPSy = 0;
public int DispFPSanchor = 0; // 0 = UL, 1 = UR, 2 = DL, 3 = DR
public bool DisplayFrameCounter = false;
public int DispFrameCx = 0;
public int DispFrameCy = 14;
public int DispFrameanchor = 0;
public bool DisplayLagCounter = false;
public int DispLagx = 0;
public int DispLagy = 42;
public int DispLaganchor = 0;
public bool DisplayInput = false;
public int DispInpx = 0;
public int DispInpy = 28;
public int DispInpanchor = 0;
public bool DisplayRerecordCount = false;
public int DispRecx = 0;
public int DispRecy = 56;
public int DispRecanchor = 0;
public int DispMultix = 0;
public int DispMultiy = 14;
public int DispMultianchor = 1;
public bool DisplayStatusBar = true;
public int DispRamWatchx = 0;
public int DispRamWatchy = 70;
public bool DisplayRamWatch = false;
public int DispMessagex = 3;
public int DispMessagey = 0;
public int DispMessageanchor = 2;
public int DispAutoholdx = 0;
public int DispAutoholdy = 0;
public int DispAutoholdanchor = 1;
public bool DispBlurry = false; // make display look ugly
public bool DispFixAspectRatio = true;
public bool DispFixScaleInteger = true;
public bool DispFullscreenHacks = true;
//warning: we dont even want to deal with changing this at runtime. but we want it changed here for config purposes. so dont check this variable. check in GlobalWin or something like that.
public EDispMethod DispMethod = EDispMethod.OpenGL;
public int DispChrome_FrameWindowed = 2;
public bool DispChrome_StatusBarWindowed = true;
public bool DispChrome_CaptionWindowed = true;
public bool DispChrome_MenuWindowed = true;
public bool DispChrome_StatusBarFullscreen = false;
public bool DispChrome_MenuFullscreen = false;
public EDispManagerAR DispManagerAR = EDispManagerAR.System;
public int DispCustomUserARWidth = 1;
public int DispCustomUserARHeight = 1;
// Sound options
public bool SoundEnabled = true;
public bool MuteFrameAdvance = true;
public int SoundVolume = 100; // Range 0-100
public bool SoundThrottle = false;
public string SoundDevice = "";
// Log Window
public bool LogWindowSaveWindowPosition = true;
public int LogWindowWndx = -1;
public int LogWindowWndy = -1;
public int LogWindowWidth = -1;
public int LogWindowHeight = -1;
// Lua Console
public ToolDialogSettings LuaSettings = new ToolDialogSettings();
public RecentFiles RecentLua = new RecentFiles(8);
public RecentFiles RecentLuaSession = new RecentFiles(8);
public bool AutoLoadLuaConsole = false;
public bool DisableLuaScriptsOnLoad = false;
// RamWatch Settings
public ToolDialogSettings RamWatchSettings = new ToolDialogSettings();
public RecentFiles RecentWatches = new RecentFiles(8);
public bool RamWatchShowAddressColumn = true;
public bool RamWatchShowChangeColumn = true;
public bool RamWatchShowPrevColumn = false;
public bool RamWatchShowDiffColumn = false;
public bool RamWatchShowDomainColumn = true;
public Dictionary<string, int> RamWatchColumnWidths = new Dictionary<string, int>
{ "AddressColumn", -1 },
{ "ValueColumn", -1 },
{ "PrevColumn", -1 },
{ "ChangesColumn", -1 },
{ "DiffColumn", -1 },
{ "DomainColumn", -1 },
{ "NotesColumn",-1 },
public Dictionary<string, int> RamWatchColumnIndexes = new Dictionary<string, int>
{ "AddressColumn", 0 },
{ "ValueColumn", 1 },
{ "PrevColumn", 2 },
{ "ChangesColumn", 3 },
{ "DiffColumn", 4 },
{ "DomainColumn", 5 },
{ "NotesColumn", 6 },
public Watch.PreviousType RamWatchDefinePrevious = Watch.PreviousType.LastFrame;
// RamSearch Settings
public ToolDialogSettings RamSearchSettings = new ToolDialogSettings();
public int RamSearchPrev_Type = 1;
public RecentFiles RecentSearches = new RecentFiles(8);
public int RamSearchPreviousAs = 0;
public bool RamSearchPreviewMode = true;
public bool RamSearchAlwaysExcludeRamWatch = false;
public int RamSearchAddressWidth = -1;
public int RamSearchValueWidth = -1;
public int RamSearchPrevWidth = -1;
public int RamSearchChangesWidth = -1;
public int RamSearchAddressIndex = 0;
public int RamSearchValueIndex = 1;
public int RamSearchPrevIndex = 2;
public int RamSearchChangesIndex = 3;
public bool RamSearchFastMode = false;
public Dictionary<string, int> RamSearchColumnWidths = new Dictionary<string, int>
{ "AddressColumn", -1 },
{ "ValueColumn", -1 },
{ "PrevColumn", -1 },
{ "ChangesColumn", -1 },
{ "DiffColumn", -1 },
public Dictionary<string, int> RamSearchColumnIndexes = new Dictionary<string, int>
{ "AddressColumn", 0 },
{ "ValueColumn", 1 },
{ "PrevColumn", 2 },
{ "ChangesColumn", 3 },
{ "DiffColumn", 4 },
public bool RamSearchShowPrevColumn = true;
public bool RamSearchShowChangeColumn = true;
public bool RamSearchShowDiffColumn = false;
// HexEditor Settings
public ToolDialogSettings HexEditorSettings = new ToolDialogSettings();
public bool AutoLoadHexEditor = false;
public bool HexEditorBigEndian = false;
public int HexEditorDataSize = 1;
public RecentFiles RecentTables = new RecentFiles(8);
// Hex Editor Colors
public Color HexBackgrndColor = Color.FromName("Control");
public Color HexForegrndColor = Color.FromName("ControlText");
public Color HexMenubarColor = Color.FromName("Control");
public Color HexFreezeColor = Color.LightBlue;
public Color HexHighlightColor = Color.Pink;
public Color HexHighlightFreezeColor = Color.Violet;
// Trace Logger Settings
public ToolDialogSettings TraceLoggerSettings = new ToolDialogSettings();
public bool TraceLoggerAutoLoad = false;
public int TraceLoggerMaxLines = 100000;
// Video dumping settings
public string VideoWriter = "";
public int JMDCompression = 3;
public int JMDThreads = 3;
public string FFmpegFormat = "";
public string FFmpegCustomCommand = "-c:a foo -c:v bar -f baz";
public string AVICodecToken = "";
public int GifWriterFrameskip = 3;
public int GifWriterDelay = -1;
#region emulation core settings
public Dictionary<string, object> CoreSettings = new Dictionary<string, object>();
public Dictionary<string, object> CoreSyncSettings = new Dictionary<string, object>();
public object GetCoreSettings<T>()
where T : IEmulator
return GetCoreSettings(typeof(T));
public object GetCoreSettings(Type t)
object ret;
CoreSettings.TryGetValue(t.ToString(), out ret);
return ret;
public void PutCoreSettings<T>(object o)
where T : IEmulator
PutCoreSettings(o, typeof(T));
public void PutCoreSettings(object o, Type t)
if (o != null)
CoreSettings[t.ToString()] = o;
public object GetCoreSyncSettings<T>()
where T : IEmulator
return GetCoreSyncSettings(typeof(T));
public object GetCoreSyncSettings(Type t)
object ret;
CoreSyncSettings.TryGetValue(t.ToString(), out ret);
return ret;
public void PutCoreSyncSettings<T>(object o)
where T : IEmulator
PutCoreSyncSettings(o, typeof(T));
public void PutCoreSyncSettings(object o, Type t)
if (o != null)
CoreSyncSettings[t.ToString()] = o;
// SMS VDP Viewer Settings
public ToolDialogSettings SmsVdpSettings = new ToolDialogSettings();
public bool SmsVdpAutoLoad = false;
// PCE VDP Viewer Settings
public ToolDialogSettings PceVdpSettings = new ToolDialogSettings();
public bool PceVdpAutoLoad = false;
// Genesis VDP Viewer Settings
public ToolDialogSettings GenVdpSettings = new ToolDialogSettings();
public bool GenVdpAutoLoad = false;
// NESPPU Settings
public ToolDialogSettings NesPPUSettings = new ToolDialogSettings();
public bool AutoLoadNESPPU = false;
public int NESPPURefreshRate = 4;
public bool NESPPUChrRomView = false;
// NES NameTableViewer Settings
public ToolDialogSettings NesNameTableSettings = new ToolDialogSettings();
public bool AutoLoadNESNameTable = false;
public int NESNameTableRefreshRate = 4;
// gb gpu view settings
public bool AutoLoadGBGPUView = false;
public bool GBGPUViewSaveWindowPosition = true;
public int GBGPUViewWndx = -1;
public int GBGPUViewWndy = -1;
public Color GBGPUSpriteBack = Color.Lime;
// SNES Graphics Debugger Dialog Settings
public bool AutoLoadSNESGraphicsDebugger = false;
public bool SNESGraphicsDebuggerSaveWindowPosition = true;
public int SNESGraphicsDebuggerWndx = -1;
public int SNESGraphicsDebuggerWndy = -1;
public int SNESGraphicsDebuggerRefreshRate = 4;
public bool SNESGraphicsUseUserBackdropColor = false;
public int SNESGraphicsUserBackdropColor = -1;
// PCE BG Viewer settings
public ToolDialogSettings PceBgViewerSettings = new ToolDialogSettings();
public bool PCEBGViewerAutoload = false;
public int PCEBGViewerRefreshRate = 16;
// PCE CDL settings
public ToolDialogSettings PceCdlSettings = new ToolDialogSettings();
public RecentFiles RecentPceCdlFiles = new RecentFiles(8);
// PCE Sound Debugger settings
public ToolDialogSettings PceSoundDebuggerSettings = new ToolDialogSettings();
public bool PceSoundDebuggerAutoload = false;
#region Cheats Dialog
public ToolDialogSettings CheatsSettings = new ToolDialogSettings();
public bool Cheats_ValuesAsHex = true;
public bool DisableCheatsOnLoad = false;
public bool LoadCheatFileByGame = true;
public bool CheatsAutoSaveOnClose = true;
public RecentFiles RecentCheats = new RecentFiles(8);
public int CheatsNameWidth = -1;
public int CheatsAddressWidth = -1;
public int CheatsValueWidth = -1;
public int CheatsCompareWidth = -1;
public int CheatsDomainWidth = -1;
public int CheatsOnWidth = -1;
public int CheatsNameIndex = 0;
public int CheatsAddressIndex = 1;
public int CheatsValueIndex = 2;
public int CheatsCompareIndex = 3;
public int CheatsOnIndex = 4;
public int CheatsDomainIndex = 5;
public Dictionary<string, int> CheatsColumnWidths = new Dictionary<string, int>
{ "NamesColumn", -1 },
{ "AddressColumn", -1 },
{ "ValueColumn", -1 },
{ "CompareColumn", -1 },
{ "OnColumn", -1 },
{ "DomainColumn", -1 },
{ "SizeColumn", -1 },
{ "EndianColumn", -1 },
{ "DisplayTypeColumn", -1 },
public Dictionary<string, int> CheatsColumnIndices = new Dictionary<string, int>
{ "NamesColumn", 0 },
{ "AddressColumn", 1 },
{ "ValueColumn", 2 },
{ "CompareColumn", 3 },
{ "OnColumn", 4 },
{ "DomainColumn", 5 },
{ "SizeColumn", 6 },
{ "EndianColumn", 7 },
{ "DisplayTypeColumn", 8 },
public Dictionary<string, bool> CheatsColumnShow = new Dictionary<string, bool>
{ "NamesColumn", true },
{ "AddressColumn", true },
{ "ValueColumn", true },
{ "CompareColumn", true },
{ "OnColumn", false },
{ "DomainColumn", true },
{ "SizeColumn", true },
{ "EndianColumn", false },
{ "DisplayTypeColumn", false },
// TAStudio Dialog
public ToolDialogSettings TAStudioSettings = new ToolDialogSettings();
public RecentFiles RecentTas = new RecentFiles(8);
public TasStateManagerSettings DefaultTasProjSettings = new TasStateManagerSettings();
public bool AutoloadTAStudio = false;
public bool AutoloadTAStudioProject = false;
public bool TAStudioDrawInput = true;
public bool TAStudioAutoPause = true;
public bool TAStudioAutoRestoreLastPosition = false;
public bool TAStudioFollowCursor = true;
public bool TAStudioEmptyMarkers = false;
// VirtualPad Dialog
public ToolDialogSettings VirtualPadSettings = new ToolDialogSettings();
public bool VirtualPadsUpdatePads = true;
public bool AutoloadVirtualPad = false;
public bool VirtualPadSticky = true;
public bool VirtualPadClearClearsAnalog = false;
// NES Game Genie Encoder/Decoder
public ToolDialogSettings NesGGSettings = new ToolDialogSettings();
public bool NESGGAutoload = false;
// SNES Game Genie Encoder/Decoder
public ToolDialogSettings SnesGGSettings = new ToolDialogSettings();
public bool SNESGGAutoload = false;
// GB/GG Game Genie Encoder/Decoder
public ToolDialogSettings GbGGSettings = new ToolDialogSettings();
public bool GBGGAutoload = false;
// GEN Game Genie Encoder/Decoder
public ToolDialogSettings GenGGSettings = new ToolDialogSettings();
public bool GenGGAutoload = false;
// Movie Settings
public RecentFiles RecentMovies = new RecentFiles(8);
public string DefaultAuthor = "default user";
public bool UseDefaultAuthor = true;
public bool DisplaySubtitles = true;
public bool VBAStyleMovieLoadState = false;
public bool MoviePlaybackPokeMode = false;
//Play Movie Dialog
public bool PlayMovie_IncludeSubdir = false;
public bool PlayMovie_MatchHash = true;
public ToolDialogSettings TI83KeypadSettings = new ToolDialogSettings();
public bool TI83autoloadKeyPad = true;
public bool TI83ToolTips = true;
public BindingCollection HotkeyBindings = new BindingCollection();
// Generic Debugger
public ToolDialogSettings GenericDebuggerSettings = new ToolDialogSettings();
public bool GenericDebuggerAutoload = false;
// Analog Hotkey values
public int Analog_LargeChange = 10;
public int Analog_SmallChange = 1;
public struct AnalogBind
/// <summary>the physical stick that we're bound to</summary>
public string Value;
/// <summary>sensitivity and flip</summary>
public float Mult;
/// <summary>portion of axis to ignore</summary>
public float Deadzone;
public AnalogBind(string Value, float Mult, float Deadzone)
this.Value = Value;
this.Mult = Mult;
this.Deadzone = Deadzone;
// [ControllerType][ButtonName] => Physical Bind
public Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, string>> AllTrollers = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, string>>();
public Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, string>> AllTrollersAutoFire = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, string>>();
public Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, AnalogBind>> AllTrollersAnalog = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, AnalogBind>>();
// Core Pick
// as this setting spans multiple cores and doesn't actually affect the behavior of any core,
// it hasn't been absorbed into the new system
public bool GB_AsSGB = false;
public bool NES_InQuickNES = true;
public bool SNES_InSnes9x = false;
// These are used in the defctrl.json or wherever
public class ControlDefaults
public Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, string>> AllTrollers = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, string>>();
public Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, string>> AllTrollersAutoFire = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, string>>();
public Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, Config.AnalogBind>> AllTrollersAnalog = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, Config.AnalogBind>>();
} |