
794 lines
24 KiB

namespace BizHawk.MultiClient
public class Config
public Config()
SMSController[0] = new SMSControllerTemplate(true);
SMSController[1] = new SMSControllerTemplate(false);
PCEController[0] = new PCEControllerTemplate(true);
PCEController[1] = new PCEControllerTemplate(false);
PCEController[2] = new PCEControllerTemplate(false);
PCEController[3] = new PCEControllerTemplate(false);
PCEController[4] = new PCEControllerTemplate(false);
NESController[0] = new NESControllerTemplate(true);
NESController[1] = new NESControllerTemplate(false);
NESController[2] = new NESControllerTemplate(false);
NESController[3] = new NESControllerTemplate(false);
GameBoyController = new NESControllerTemplate(true);
TI83Controller[0] = new TI83ControllerTemplate(true);
NESAutoController[0] = new NESControllerTemplate(false);
NESAutoController[1] = new NESControllerTemplate(false);
NESAutoController[2] = new NESControllerTemplate(false);
NESAutoController[3] = new NESControllerTemplate(false);
SMSAutoController[0] = new SMSControllerTemplate(false);
SMSAutoController[1] = new SMSControllerTemplate(false);
PCEAutoController[0] = new PCEControllerTemplate(false);
PCEAutoController[1] = new PCEControllerTemplate(false);
PCEAutoController[2] = new PCEControllerTemplate(false);
PCEAutoController[3] = new PCEControllerTemplate(false);
PCEAutoController[4] = new PCEControllerTemplate(false);
GameBoyAutoController = new NESControllerTemplate(true);
// Directories
public bool UseRecentForROMs = false;
public string LastRomPath = ".";
public string BasePath = ".";
public string BaseNES = ".\\NES";
public string PathNESROMs = ".";
public string PathNESSavestates = ".\\State";
public string PathNESSaveRAM = ".\\SaveRAM";
public string PathNESScreenshots = ".\\Screenshots";
public string PathNESCheats = ".\\Cheats";
public string PathNESPalette = ".\\Palettes";
public string BaseSMS = ".\\SMS";
public string PathSMSROMs = ".";
public string PathSMSSavestates = ".\\State";
public string PathSMSSaveRAM = ".\\SaveRAM";
public string PathSMSScreenshots = ".\\Screenshots";
public string PathSMSCheats = ".\\Cheats";
public string BaseGG = ".\\Game Gear";
public string PathGGROMs = ".";
public string PathGGSavestates = ".\\State";
public string PathGGSaveRAM = ".\\SaveRAM";
public string PathGGScreenshots = ".\\Screenshots";
public string PathGGCheats = ".\\Cheats";
public string BaseSG = ".\\SG-1000";
public string PathSGROMs = ".";
public string PathSGSavestates = ".\\State";
public string PathSGSaveRAM = ".\\SaveRAM";
public string PathSGScreenshots = ".\\Screenshots";
public string PathSGCheats = ".\\Cheats";
public string BaseGenesis = ".\\Genesis";
public string PathGenesisROMs = ".";
public string PathGenesisSavestates = ".\\State";
public string PathGenesisSaveRAM = ".\\SaveRAM";
public string PathGenesisScreenshots = ".\\Screenshots";
public string PathGenesisCheats = ".\\Cheats";
public string BasePCE = ".\\PC Engine";
public string PathPCEROMs = ".";
public string PathPCESavestates = ".\\State";
public string PathPCESaveRAM = ".\\SaveRAM";
public string PathPCEScreenshots = ".\\Screenshots";
public string PathPCECheats = ".\\Cheats";
public string BaseGameboy = ".\\Gameboy";
public string PathGBROMs = ".";
public string PathGBSavestates = ".\\State";
public string PathGBSaveRAM = ".\\SaveRAM";
public string PathGBScreenshots = ".\\Screenshots";
public string PathGBCheats = ".\\Cheats";
public string BaseTI83 = ".\\TI83";
public string PathTI83ROMs = ".";
public string PathTI83Savestates = ".\\State";
public string PathTI83SaveRAM = ".\\SaveRAM";
public string PathTI83Screenshots = ".\\Screenshots";
public string PathTI83Cheats = ".\\Cheats";
public string MoviesPath = ".\\Movies";
public string LuaPath = ".\\Lua";
public string WatchPath = ".";
public string AVIPath = ".";
//BIOS Paths
public string PathPCEBios = ".\\PCECDBios.pce"; //TODO: better default filename
public string FFMpegPath = "%exe%/ffmpeg.exe";
// General Client Settings
public int TargetZoomFactor = 2;
public bool AutoLoadMostRecentRom = false;
public RecentFiles RecentRoms = new RecentFiles(8);
public bool PauseWhenMenuActivated = true;
public bool SaveWindowPosition = true;
public bool StartPaused = false;
public int MainWndx = -1; //Negative numbers will be ignored
public int MainWndy = -1;
public bool RunInBackground = true;
public bool AcceptBackgroundInput = false;
public bool SingleInstanceMode = false;
public bool AllowUD_LR = false;
public bool ShowContextMenu = true;
public bool EnableBackupMovies = true;
public bool HotkeyConfigAutoTab = true;
public bool InputConfigAutoTab = true;
public bool ShowLogWindow = false;
public bool BackupSavestates = true;
public bool SaveScreenshotWithStates = true;
public int AutofireOn = 1;
public int AutofireOff = 1;
public bool AutofireLagFrames = true;
public int SaveSlot = 0; //currently selected savestate slot
public bool AutoLoadLastSaveSlot = false;
public bool WIN32_CONSOLE = true;
// Run-Control settings
public int FrameProgressDelayMs = 500; //how long until a frame advance hold turns into a frame progress?
public int FrameSkip = 4;
public int SpeedPercent = 100;
public int SpeedPercentAlternate = 400;
public bool LimitFramerate = true;
public bool AutoMinimizeSkipping = true;
public bool DisplayVSync = false;
public bool RewindEnabled = true;
// Display options
public int MessagesColor = -1;
public int AlertMessageColor = -65536;
public int LastInputColor = -23296;
public int MovieColor = -65536;
public int MovieInput = -8355712;
public bool DisplayFPS = false;
public int DispFPSx = 0;
public int DispFPSy = 0;
public int DispFPSanchor = 0; //0 = UL, 1 = UR, 2 = DL, 3 = DR
public bool DisplayFrameCounter = false;
public int DispFrameCx = 0;
public int DispFrameCy = 12;
public int DispFrameanchor = 0;
public bool DisplayLagCounter = false;
public int DispLagx = 0;
public int DispLagy = 36;
public int DispLaganchor = 0;
public bool DisplayInput = false;
public int DispInpx = 0;
public int DispInpy = 24;
public int DispInpanchor = 0;
public bool DisplayRerecordCount = false;
public int DispRecx = 0;
public int DispRecy = 48;
public int DispRecanchor = 0;
public int DispMultix = 36;
public int DispMultiy = 0;
public int DispMultianchor = 0;
public bool DisplayGDI = false;
public bool DisplayStatusBar = true;
public int DispRamWatchx = 0;
public int DispRamWatchy = 60;
public bool DisplayRamWatch = false;
public bool ShowMenuInFullscreen = false;
// Sound options
public bool SoundEnabled = true;
public bool MuteFrameAdvance = true;
public int SoundVolume = 100; //Range 0-100
// Log Window
public bool LogWindowSaveWindowPosition = true;
public int LogWindowWndx = -1;
public int LogWindowWndy = -1;
public int LogWindowWidth = -1;
public int LogWindowHeight = -1;
// Lua Console
public RecentFiles RecentLua = new RecentFiles(8);
public bool AutoLoadLua = false;
public bool AutoLoadLuaConsole = false;
public bool LuaConsoleSaveWindowPosition = true;
public int LuaConsoleWndx = -1; //Negative numbers will be ignored even with save window position set
public int LuaConsoleWndy = -1;
public int LuaConsoleWidth = -1;
public int LuaConsoleHeight = -1;
// RamWatch Settings
public bool AutoLoadRamWatch = false;
public RecentFiles RecentWatches = new RecentFiles(8);
public bool RamWatchSaveWindowPosition = true;
public int RamWatchWndx = -1; //Negative numbers will be ignored even with save window position set
public int RamWatchWndy = -1;
public int RamWatchWidth = -1;
public int RamWatchHeight = -1;
public bool RamWatchShowChangeColumn = true;
public bool RamWatchShowPrevColumn = false;
public bool RamWatchShowChangeFromPrev = true;
public int RamWatchAddressWidth = -1;
public int RamWatchValueWidth = -1;
public int RamWatchPrevWidth = -1;
public int RamWatchChangeWidth = -1;
public int RamWatchNotesWidth = -1;
public int RamWatchAddressIndex = 0;
public int RamWatchValueIndex = 1;
public int RamWatchPrevIndex = 2;
public int RamWatchChangeIndex = 3;
public int RamWatchNotesIndex = 4;
// RamSearch Settings
public bool AutoLoadRamSearch = false;
public bool RamSearchSaveWindowPosition = true;
public RecentFiles RecentSearches = new RecentFiles(8);
public int RamSearchWndx = -1; //Negative numbers will be ignored even with save window position set
public int RamSearchWndy = -1;
public int RamSearchWidth = -1; //Negative numbers will be ignored
public int RamSearchHeight = -1;
public int RamSearchPreviousAs = 0;
public bool RamSearchPreviewMode = true;
public bool AlwaysExludeRamWatch = false;
public int RamSearchAddressWidth = -1;
public int RamSearchValueWidth = -1;
public int RamSearchPrevWidth = -1;
public int RamSearchChangesWidth = -1;
public int RamSearchAddressIndex = 0;
public int RamSearchValueIndex = 1;
public int RamSearchPrevIndex = 2;
public int RamSearchChangesIndex = 3;
// HexEditor Settings
public bool AutoLoadHexEditor = false;
public bool HexEditorSaveWindowPosition = true;
public int HexEditorWndx = -1; //Negative numbers will be ignored even with save window position set
public int HexEditorWndy = -1;
public int HexEditorWidth = -1;
public int HexEditorHeight = -1;
public bool HexEditorBigEndian = false;
public int HexEditorDataSize = 1;
// NESPPU Settings
public bool AutoLoadNESPPU = false;
public bool NESPPUSaveWindowPosition = true;
public int NESPPUWndx = -1;
public int NESPPUWndy = -1;
public int NESPPURefreshRate = 4;
// NESDebuger Settings
public bool AutoLoadNESDebugger = false;
public bool NESDebuggerSaveWindowPosition = true;
public int NESDebuggerWndx = -1;
public int NESDebuggerWndy = -1;
public int NESDebuggerWidth = -1;
public int NESDebuggerHeight = -1;
// NESNameTableViewer Settings
public bool AutoLoadNESNameTable = false;
public bool NESNameTableSaveWindowPosition = true;
public int NESNameTableWndx = -1;
public int NESNameTableWndy = -1;
public int NESNameTableRefreshRate = 4;
// NES Graphics settings
public bool NESAllowMoreThanEightSprites = false;
public bool NESClipLeftAndRight = false;
public bool NESAutoLoadPalette = true;
public bool NESDispBackground = true;
public bool NESDispSprites = true;
public int NESBackgroundColor = 0;
public string NESPaletteFile = "";
public int NESTopLine = 8;
public int NESBottomLine = 231;
//GB Debugger settings
public bool AutoloadGBDebugger = false;
public bool GBDebuggerSaveWindowPosition = true;
// Cheats Dialog
public bool AutoLoadCheats = false;
public bool CheatsSaveWindowPosition = true;
public bool DisableCheatsOnLoad = false;
public bool LoadCheatFileByGame = true;
public bool CheatsAutoSaveOnClose = true;
public RecentFiles RecentCheats = new RecentFiles(8);
public int CheatsWndx = -1;
public int CheatsWndy = -1;
public int CheatsWidth = -1;
public int CheatsHeight = -1;
public int CheatsNameWidth = -1;
public int CheatsAddressWidth = -1;
public int CheatsValueWidth = -1;
public int CheatsDomainWidth = -1;
public int CheatsOnWidth = -1;
public int CheatsNameIndex = 0;
public int CheatsAddressIndex = 1;
public int CheatsValueIndex = 2;
public int CheatsDomainIndex = 3;
public int CheatsOnIndex = 4;
// TAStudio Dialog
public bool TAStudioSaveWindowPosition = true;
public bool AutoloadTAStudio = false;
public int TASWndx = -1;
public int TASWndy = -1;
public int TASWidth = -1;
public int TASHeight = -1;
public bool TASUpdatePads = true;
// NES Game Genie Encoder/Decoder
public bool NESGGAutoload = false;
public bool NESGGSaveWindowPosition = true;
public int NESGGWndx = -1;
public int NESGGWndy = -1;
//Movie Settings
public RecentFiles RecentMovies = new RecentFiles(8);
public bool AutoLoadMostRecentMovie = false;
public bool BindSavestatesToMovies = true;
public string DefaultAuthor = "default user";
public bool UseDefaultAuthor = true;
public bool DisplaySubtitles = true;
//Play Movie Dialog
public bool PlayMovie_IncludeSubdir = true;
public bool PlayMovie_ShowStateFiles = false;
public bool TI83autoloadKeyPad = true;
public bool TI83KeypadSaveWindowPosition = true;
public int TI83KeyPadWndx = -1;
public int TI83KeyPadWndy = -1;
public bool TI83ToolTips = true;
// Client Hotkey Bindings
public string HardResetBinding = "Ctrl+R";
public string FastForwardBinding = "Tab, J1 B6";
public string RewindBinding = "Shift+R, J1 B5";
public string EmulatorPauseBinding = "Pause";
public string FrameAdvanceBinding = "F";
public string TurboBinding = "Shift+Tab";
public string ScreenshotBinding = "F12";
public string ToggleFullscreenBinding = "Alt+Return";
public string QuickSave = "I";
public string QuickLoad = "P";
public string SelectSlot0 = "D0";
public string SelectSlot1 = "D1";
public string SelectSlot2 = "D2";
public string SelectSlot3 = "D3";
public string SelectSlot4 = "D4";
public string SelectSlot5 = "D5";
public string SelectSlot6 = "D6";
public string SelectSlot7 = "D7";
public string SelectSlot8 = "D8";
public string SelectSlot9 = "D9";
public string SaveSlot0 = "Shift+F10";
public string SaveSlot1 = "Shift+F1";
public string SaveSlot2 = "Shift+F2";
public string SaveSlot3 = "Shift+F3";
public string SaveSlot4 = "Shift+F4";
public string SaveSlot5 = "Shift+F5";
public string SaveSlot6 = "Shift+F6";
public string SaveSlot7 = "Shift+F7";
public string SaveSlot8 = "Shift+F8";
public string SaveSlot9 = "Shift+F9";
public string LoadSlot0 = "F10";
public string LoadSlot1 = "F1";
public string LoadSlot2 = "F2";
public string LoadSlot3 = "F3";
public string LoadSlot4 = "F4";
public string LoadSlot5 = "F5";
public string LoadSlot6 = "F6";
public string LoadSlot7 = "F7";
public string LoadSlot8 = "F8";
public string LoadSlot9 = "F9";
public string ToolBox = "T";
public string SaveNamedState = "";
public string LoadNamedState = "";
public string PreviousSlot = "";
public string NextSlot = "";
public string RamWatch = "";
public string RamSearch = "";
public string RamPoke = "";
public string HexEditor = "";
public string LuaConsole = "";
public string Cheats = "";
public string OpenROM = "Ctrl+O";
public string CloseROM = "Ctrl+W";
public string FrameCounterBinding = "";
public string FPSBinding = "";
public string LagCounterBinding = "";
public string InputDisplayBinding = "";
public string ReadOnlyToggleBinding = "Q";
public string PlayMovieBinding = "";
public string RecordMovieBinding = "";
public string StopMovieBinding = "";
public string PlayBeginningBinding = "";
public string VolUpBinding = "";
public string VolDownBinding = "";
public string SoftResetBinding = "";
public string ToggleMultiTrack = "";
public string MTRecordAll = "";
public string MTRecordNone = "";
public string MTIncrementPlayer = "";
public string MTDecrementPlayer = "";
public string AVIRecordBinding = "";
public string AVIStopBinding = "";
// SMS / GameGear Settings
public bool SmsEnableFM = true;
public bool SmsAllowOverlock = false;
public bool SmsForceStereoSeparation = false;
public bool SmsSpriteLimit = false;
public string SmsReset = "C";
public string SmsPause = "V, J1 B8";
public SMSControllerTemplate[] SMSController = new SMSControllerTemplate[2];
public SMSControllerTemplate[] SMSAutoController = new SMSControllerTemplate[2];
// PCEngine Settings
public bool PceSpriteLimit = false;
public bool PceEqualizeVolume = false;
public bool PceArcadeCardRewindHack = true;
public PCEControllerTemplate[] PCEController = new PCEControllerTemplate[5];
public PCEControllerTemplate[] PCEAutoController = new PCEControllerTemplate[5];
// Genesis Settings
public string GenP1Up = "UpArrow, J1 Up";
public string GenP1Down = "DownArrow, J1 Down";
public string GenP1Left = "LeftArrow, J1 Left";
public string GenP1Right = "RightArrow, J1 Right";
public string GenP1A = "Z, J1 B1";
public string GenP1B = "X, J1 B3";
public string GenP1C = "C, J1 B4";
public string GenP1Start = "Return, J1 B8";
//GameBoy Settings
public NESControllerTemplate GameBoyController = new NESControllerTemplate(true);
public NESControllerTemplate GameBoyAutoController = new NESControllerTemplate();
//NES settings
//public string NESReset = "Backspace";
public NESControllerTemplate[] NESController = new NESControllerTemplate[4];
public NESControllerTemplate[] NESAutoController = new NESControllerTemplate[4];
//TI 83 settings
public TI83ControllerTemplate[] TI83Controller = new TI83ControllerTemplate[1];
//GB settings
public GBControllerTemplate GBController = new GBControllerTemplate();
public GBControllerTemplate GBAutoController = new GBControllerTemplate();
public class SMSControllerTemplate
public string Up;
public string Down;
public string Left;
public string Right;
public string B1;
public string B2;
public bool Enabled;
public SMSControllerTemplate() { }
public SMSControllerTemplate(bool defaults)
if (defaults)
Enabled = true;
Up = "UpArrow, J1 Up";
Down = "DownArrow, J1 Down";
Left = "LeftArrow, J1 Left";
Right = "RightArrow, J1 Right";
B1 = "Z, J1 B1";
B2 = "X, J1 B2";
Enabled = false;
Up = "";
Down = "";
Right = "";
Left = "";
B1 = "";
B2 = "";
public class PCEControllerTemplate
public string Up;
public string Down;
public string Left;
public string Right;
public string I;
public string II;
public string Run;
public string Select;
public bool Enabled;
public PCEControllerTemplate() { }
public PCEControllerTemplate(bool defaults)
if (defaults)
Enabled = true;
Up = "UpArrow, J1 Up";
Down = "DownArrow, J1 Down";
Left = "LeftArrow, J1 Left";
Right = "RightArrow, J1 Right";
I = "Z, J1 B2";
II = "X, J1 B1";
Run = "C, J1 B8";
Select = "V, J1 B7";
Enabled = false;
Up = "";
Down = "";
Right = "";
Left = "";
I = "";
II = "";
Run = "";
Select = "";
public class NESControllerTemplate
public string Up;
public string Down;
public string Left;
public string Right;
public string A;
public string B;
public string Start;
public string Select;
public bool Enabled;
public NESControllerTemplate() { }
public NESControllerTemplate(bool defaults)
if (defaults)
Enabled = true;
Up = "UpArrow, J1 Up";
Down = "DownArrow, J1 Down";
Left = "LeftArrow, J1 Left";
Right = "RightArrow, J1 Right";
A = "X, J1 B2";
B = "Z, J1 B1";
Start = "Return, J1 B8";
Select = "Space, J1 B7";
Enabled = false;
Up = "";
Down = "";
Right = "";
Left = "";
A = "";
B = "";
Start = "";
Select = "";
public class GBControllerTemplate
public string Up;
public string Down;
public string Left;
public string Right;
public string A;
public string B;
public string Start;
public string Select;
public bool Enabled;
public GBControllerTemplate() { }
public GBControllerTemplate(bool defaults)
if (defaults)
Enabled = true;
Up = "UpArrow, J1 Up";
Down = "DownArrow, J1 Down";
Left = "LeftArrow, J1 Left";
Right = "RightArrow, J1 Right";
A = "X, J1 B2";
B = "Z, J1 B1";
Start = "Return, J1 B8";
Select = "Space, J1 B7";
Enabled = false;
Up = "";
Down = "";
Right = "";
Left = "";
A = "";
B = "";
Start = "";
Select = "";
public class TI83ControllerTemplate
public string _0;
public string _1;
public string _2;
public string _3;
public string _4;
public string _5;
public string _6;
public string _7;
public string _8;
public string _9;
public string DOT;
public string ON;
public string ENTER;
public string DOWN;
public string UP;
public string LEFT;
public string RIGHT;
public string PLUS;
public string MINUS;
public string MULTIPLY;
public string DIVIDE;
public string CLEAR;
public string EXP;
public string DASH;
public string PARACLOSE;
public string TAN;
public string VARS;
public string PARAOPEN;
public string COS;
public string PRGM;
public string STAT;
public string SIN;
public string MATRIX;
public string X;
public string STO;
public string LN;
public string LOG;
public string SQUARED;
public string NEG1;
public string MATH;
public string ALPHA;
public string GRAPH;
public string TRACE;
public string ZOOM;
public string WINDOW;
public string Y;
public string SECOND;
public string MODE;
public string DEL;
public TI83ControllerTemplate() { }
public bool Enabled;
public string COMMA;
public TI83ControllerTemplate(bool defaults)
if (defaults)
Enabled = true;
_0 = "NumberPad0"; //0
_1 = "NumberPad1"; //1
_2 = "NumberPad2"; //2
_3 = "NumberPad3"; //3
_4 = "NumberPad4"; //4
_5 = "NumberPad5"; //5
_6 = "NumberPad6"; //6
_7 = "NumberPad7"; //7
_8 = "NumberPad8"; //8
_9 = "NumberPad9"; //9
DOT = "NumberPadPeriod";//10
ON = "Space"; //11
ENTER = "Return, NumberPadEnter"; //12
UP = "UpArrow"; //13
DOWN = "DownArrow"; //14
LEFT = "LeftArrow"; //15
RIGHT = "RightArrow"; //16
PLUS = "NumberPadPlus"; //17
MINUS = "NumberPadMinus"; //18
MULTIPLY = "NumberPadStar"; //19
DIVIDE = "NumberPadSlash"; //20
CLEAR = "Escape"; //21
EXP = "6"; //22
DASH = "Minus"; //23
PARACLOSE = "0"; //24
PARAOPEN = "9"; //25
TAN = "T"; //26
VARS = "V"; //27
COS = "C"; //28
PRGM = "R"; //29
STAT = "S"; //30
MATRIX = "LeftBracket"; //31
X = "X"; //32
STO = "Insert"; //33
LN = "L"; //34
LOG = "O"; //35
SQUARED = "2"; //36
NEG1 = "1"; //37
MATH = "M"; //38
ALPHA = "A"; //39
GRAPH = "G"; //40
TRACE = "Home"; //41
ZOOM = "Z"; //42
WINDOW = "W"; //43
Y = "Y"; //44
SECOND = "Slash"; //45
MODE = "BackSlash"; //46
DEL = "Delete"; //47
COMMA = "Comma"; //48
SIN = "Period"; //49
Enabled = false;
_0 = "";
_1 = "";
_2 = "";
_3 = "";
_4 = "";
_5 = "";
_6 = "";
_7 = "";
_8 = "";
_9 = "";
DOT = "";
ON = "";
ENTER = "";
UP = "";
DOWN = "";
LEFT = "";
RIGHT = "";
PLUS = "";
MINUS = "";
DIVIDE = "";
CLEAR = "";
EXP = "";
DASH = "";
TAN = "";
VARS = "";
COS = "";
PRGM = "";
STAT = "";
SIN = "";
MATRIX = "";
X = "";
STO = "";
LN = "";
LOG = "";
NEG1 = "";
MATH = "";
ALPHA = "";
GRAPH = "";
TRACE = "";
ZOOM = "";
WINDOW = "";
Y = "";
SECOND = "";
MODE = "";
DEL = "";
COMMA = "";