338 lines
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338 lines
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using System;
using BizHawk.Emulation.Common;
using BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Nintendo.GBHawk;
namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Nintendo.GBHawkLink
public partial class GBHawkLink : IEmulator, IVideoProvider, ISoundProvider
public IEmulatorServiceProvider ServiceProvider { get; }
public ControllerDefinition ControllerDefinition => _controllerDeck.Definition;
public bool FrameAdvance(IController controller, bool render, bool rendersound)
//Update the color palette if a setting changed
if (linkSettings.Palette_L == GBHawk.GBHawk.GBSettings.PaletteType.BW)
L.color_palette[0] = color_palette_BW[0];
L.color_palette[1] = color_palette_BW[1];
L.color_palette[2] = color_palette_BW[2];
L.color_palette[3] = color_palette_BW[3];
L.color_palette[0] = color_palette_Gr[0];
L.color_palette[1] = color_palette_Gr[1];
L.color_palette[2] = color_palette_Gr[2];
L.color_palette[3] = color_palette_Gr[3];
if (linkSettings.Palette_R == GBHawk.GBHawk.GBSettings.PaletteType.BW)
R.color_palette[0] = color_palette_BW[0];
R.color_palette[1] = color_palette_BW[1];
R.color_palette[2] = color_palette_BW[2];
R.color_palette[3] = color_palette_BW[3];
R.color_palette[0] = color_palette_Gr[0];
R.color_palette[1] = color_palette_Gr[1];
R.color_palette[2] = color_palette_Gr[2];
R.color_palette[3] = color_palette_Gr[3];
if (_tracer.Enabled)
L.cpu.TraceCallback = s => _tracer.Put(s);
L.cpu.TraceCallback = null;
if (controller.IsPressed("Power"))
bool cablediscosignalNew = controller.IsPressed("Toggle Cable");
if (cablediscosignalNew && !_cablediscosignal)
_cableconnected ^= true;
Console.WriteLine("Cable connect status to {0}", _cableconnected);
_cablediscosignal = cablediscosignalNew;
_islag = true;
do_frame_fill = false;
if (do_frame_fill)
_islag = L._islag & R._islag;
if (_islag)
return true;
public void do_frame()
// advance one full frame
for (int i = 0; i < 70224; i++)
if (_cableconnected)
// the signal to shift out a bit is when serial_clock = 1
if (((L.serialport.serial_clock == 1) || (L.serialport.serial_clock == 2)) && (L.serialport.clk_rate > 0) && !do_r_next)
L.serialport.going_out = (byte)(L.serialport.serial_data >> 7);
if ((R.serialport.clk_rate == -1) && R.serialport.serial_start && L.serialport.can_pulse)
R.serialport.serial_clock = L.serialport.serial_clock;
R.serialport.going_out = (byte)(R.serialport.serial_data >> 7);
R.serialport.coming_in = L.serialport.going_out;
L.serialport.coming_in = R.serialport.going_out;
L.serialport.can_pulse = false;
else if (((R.serialport.serial_clock == 1) || (R.serialport.serial_clock == 2)) && (R.serialport.clk_rate > 0))
do_r_next = false;
R.serialport.going_out = (byte)(R.serialport.serial_data >> 7);
if ((L.serialport.clk_rate == -1) && L.serialport.serial_start && R.serialport.can_pulse)
L.serialport.serial_clock = R.serialport.serial_clock;
L.serialport.going_out = (byte)(L.serialport.serial_data >> 7);
L.serialport.coming_in = R.serialport.going_out;
R.serialport.coming_in = L.serialport.going_out;
R.serialport.can_pulse = false;
if (R.serialport.serial_clock == 2) { do_r_next = true; }
do_r_next = false;
// do IR transfer
if (L.IR_write > 0)
if (L.IR_write ==0)
R.IR_receive = L.IR_signal;
if ((R.IR_self & R.IR_receive) == 2) { R.IR_reg |= 2; }
else { R.IR_reg &= 0xFD;}
if ((L.IR_self & L.IR_receive) == 2) { L.IR_reg |= 2; }
else { L.IR_reg &= 0xFD; }
if (R.IR_write > 0)
if (R.IR_write == 0)
L.IR_receive = R.IR_signal;
if ((L.IR_self & L.IR_receive) == 2) { L.IR_reg |= 2; }
else { L.IR_reg &= 0xFD; }
if ((R.IR_self & R.IR_receive) == 2) { R.IR_reg |= 2; }
else { R.IR_reg &= 0xFD; }
// if we hit a frame boundary, update video
if (L.vblank_rise)
// update the controller state on VBlank
L.controller_state = L_controller;
// check if controller state caused interrupt
// send the image on VBlank
L.vblank_rise = false;
do_frame_fill = true;
if (R.vblank_rise)
// update the controller state on VBlank
R.controller_state = R_controller;
// check if controller state caused interrupt
// send the image on VBlank
R.vblank_rise = false;
do_frame_fill = true;
public void GetControllerState(IController controller)
L_controller = _controllerDeck.ReadPort1(controller);
R_controller = _controllerDeck.ReadPort2(controller);
public int Frame => _frame;
public string SystemId => "DGB";
public bool DeterministicEmulation { get; set; }
public void ResetCounters()
_frame = 0;
_lagcount = 0;
_islag = false;
public CoreComm CoreComm { get; }
public void Dispose()
#region Video provider
public int _frameHz = 60;
public int[] _vidbuffer = new int[160 * 2 * 144];
public int[] GetVideoBuffer()
return _vidbuffer;
public void FillVideoBuffer()
// combine the 2 video buffers from the instances
for (int i = 0; i < 144; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < 160; j++)
_vidbuffer[i * 320 + j] = L.frame_buffer[i * 160 + j];
_vidbuffer[i * 320 + j + 160] = R.frame_buffer[i * 160 + j];
public int VirtualWidth => 160 * 2;
public int VirtualHeight => 144;
public int BufferWidth => 160 * 2;
public int BufferHeight => 144;
public int BackgroundColor => unchecked((int)0xFF000000);
public int VsyncNumerator => _frameHz;
public int VsyncDenominator => 1;
public static readonly uint[] color_palette_BW = { 0xFFFFFFFF , 0xFFAAAAAA, 0xFF555555, 0xFF000000 };
public static readonly uint[] color_palette_Gr = { 0xFFA4C505, 0xFF88A905, 0xFF1D551D, 0xFF052505 };
public uint[] color_palette = new uint[4];
#region audio
public bool CanProvideAsync => false;
public void SetSyncMode(SyncSoundMode mode)
if (mode != SyncSoundMode.Sync)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Only Sync mode is supported_");
public SyncSoundMode SyncMode => SyncSoundMode.Sync;
public void GetSamplesSync(out short[] samples, out int nsamp)
short[] temp_samp_L;
short[] temp_samp_R;
int nsamp_L;
int nsamp_R;
L.audio.GetSamplesSync(out temp_samp_L, out nsamp_L);
R.audio.GetSamplesSync(out temp_samp_R, out nsamp_R);
if (linkSettings.AudioSet == GBLinkSettings.AudioSrc.Left)
samples = temp_samp_L;
nsamp = nsamp_L;
else if (linkSettings.AudioSet == GBLinkSettings.AudioSrc.Right)
samples = temp_samp_R;
nsamp = nsamp_R;
samples = new short[0];
nsamp = 0;
public void GetSamplesAsync(short[] samples)
throw new NotSupportedException("Async is not available");
public void DiscardSamples()
private void GetSamples(short[] samples)
public void DisposeSound()