1277 lines
42 KiB
1277 lines
42 KiB
using System;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using BizHawk.Emulation.Common;
using BizHawk.Client.Common;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk
//Add Support/Handling for The Following Systems and Devices:
//GBA: Action Replay MAX, Code Breaker (That uses unique Encryption keys)
//NES: Pro Action Rocky (When someone asks)
//SNES: Possible Warning for Game Genie not working? Test fixed behaviors when ready.
//Clean up the checks to be more robust/less "hacky"
//They work but feel bad
//Verify all wording in the error reports
[ToolAttributes(released: true, supportedSystems: new[] { "GB", "GBA", "GEN", "N64", "NES", "PSX", "SAT", "SMS", "SNES" })]
public partial class GameShark : Form, IToolForm, IToolFormAutoConfig
#region " Game Genie Dictionary "
private readonly Dictionary<char, int> _GBGGgameGenieTable = new Dictionary<char, int>
{'0', 0 },
{'1', 1 },
{'2', 2 },
{'3', 3 },
{'4', 4 },
{'5', 5 },
{'6', 6 },
{'7', 7 },
{'8', 8 },
{'9', 9 },
{'A', 10 },
{'B', 11 },
{'C', 12 },
{'D', 13 },
{'E', 14 },
{'F', 15 }
private readonly Dictionary<char, long> _GENgameGenieTable = new Dictionary<char, long>
{ 'A', 0 },
{ 'B', 1 },
{ 'C', 2 },
{ 'D', 3 },
{ 'E', 4 },
{ 'F', 5 },
{ 'G', 6 },
{ 'H', 7 },
{ 'J', 8 },
{ 'K', 9 },
{ 'L', 10 },
{ 'M', 11 },
{ 'N', 12 },
{ 'P', 13 },
{ 'R', 14 },
{ 'S', 15 },
{ 'T', 16 },
{ 'V', 17 },
{ 'W', 18 },
{ 'X', 19 },
{ 'Y', 20 },
{ 'Z', 21 },
{ '0', 22 },
{ '1', 23 },
{ '2', 24 },
{ '3', 25 },
{ '4', 26 },
{ '5', 27 },
{ '6', 28 },
{ '7', 29 },
{ '8', 30 },
{ '9', 31 }
//This only applies to the NES
private readonly Dictionary<char, int> _NESgameGenieTable = new Dictionary<char, int>
{ 'A', 0 }, // 0000
{ 'P', 1 }, // 0001
{ 'Z', 2 }, // 0010
{ 'L', 3 }, // 0011
{ 'G', 4 }, // 0100
{ 'I', 5 }, // 0101
{ 'T', 6 }, // 0110
{ 'Y', 7 }, // 0111
{ 'E', 8 }, // 1000
{ 'O', 9 }, // 1001
{ 'X', 10 }, // 1010
{ 'U', 11 }, // 1011
{ 'K', 12 }, // 1100
{ 'S', 13 }, // 1101
{ 'V', 14 }, // 1110
{ 'N', 15 }, // 1111
// including transposition
// Code: D F 4 7 0 9 1 5 6 B C 8 A 2 3 E
// Hex: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
//This only applies to the SNES
private readonly Dictionary<char, int> _SNESgameGenieTable = new Dictionary<char, int>
{ 'D', 0 }, // 0000
{ 'F', 1 }, // 0001
{ '4', 2 }, // 0010
{ '7', 3 }, // 0011
{ '0', 4 }, // 0100
{ '9', 5 }, // 0101
{ '1', 6 }, // 0110
{ '5', 7 }, // 0111
{ '6', 8 }, // 1000
{ 'B', 9 }, // 1001
{ 'C', 10 }, // 1010
{ '8', 11 }, // 1011
{ 'A', 12 }, // 1100
{ '2', 13 }, // 1101
{ '3', 14 }, // 1110
{ 'E', 15 } // 1111
//We are using Memory Domains, so we NEED this.
private IMemoryDomains MemoryDomains { get; set; }
private IEmulator Emulator { get; set; }
public GameShark()
public bool UpdateBefore
return true;
public bool AskSaveChanges()
return true;
public void FastUpdate()
public void Restart()
public void UpdateValues()
//My Variables
string parseString = null;
string RAMAddress = null;
string RAMValue = null;
int byteSize = 0;
string testo = null;
private void btnGo_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//Reset Variables
parseString = null;
RAMAddress = null;
RAMValue = null;
byteSize = 0;
//We want Upper Case.
txtCheat.Text = txtCheat.Text.ToUpper();
//What System are we running?
switch (Emulator.SystemId)
case "GB":
case "GBA":
case "GEN":
case "N64":
//This determies what kind of Code we have
testo = txtCheat.Text.Remove(2, 11);
case "NES":
case "PSX":
//This determies what kind of Code we have
testo = txtCheat.Text.Remove(2, 11);
case "SAT":
//This determies what kind of Code we have
testo = txtCheat.Text.Remove(2, 11);
case "SMS":
case "SNES":
//Currently only does Action Replay
//This should NEVER happen
//Original Code by adelikat
//Decodes GameGear and GameBoy
public void GBGGDecode(string code, ref int val, ref int add, ref int cmp)
// No cypher on value
// Char # | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
// Bit # |3|2|1|0|3|2|1|0|3|2|1|0|3|2|1|0|3|2|1|0|3|2|1|0|3|2|1|0|3|2|1|0|3|2|1|0|
// maps to| Value |A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J|K|L|XOR 0xF|a|b|c|c|NotUsed|e|f|g|h|
// proper | Value |XOR 0xF|A|B|C|D|E|F|G|H|I|J|K|L|g|h|a|b|Nothing|c|d|e|f|
int x;
// Getting Value
if (code.Length > 0)
_GBGGgameGenieTable.TryGetValue(code[0], out x);
val = x << 4;
if (code.Length > 1)
_GBGGgameGenieTable.TryGetValue(code[1], out x);
val |= x;
// Address
if (code.Length > 2)
_GBGGgameGenieTable.TryGetValue(code[2], out x);
add = x << 8;
add = -1;
if (code.Length > 3)
_GBGGgameGenieTable.TryGetValue(code[3], out x);
add |= x << 4;
if (code.Length > 4)
_GBGGgameGenieTable.TryGetValue(code[4], out x);
add |= x;
if (code.Length > 5)
_GBGGgameGenieTable.TryGetValue(code[5], out x);
add |= (x ^ 0xF) << 12;
// compare need to be full
if (code.Length > 8)
int comp = 0;
_GBGGgameGenieTable.TryGetValue(code[6], out x);
comp = x << 2;
// 8th character ignored
_GBGGgameGenieTable.TryGetValue(code[8], out x);
comp |= (x & 0xC) >> 2;
comp |= (x & 0x3) << 6;
cmp = comp ^ 0xBA;
cmp = -1;
private void GB()
string RAMCompare = null;
//Game Genie
if (txtCheat.Text.LastIndexOf("-") == 7 && txtCheat.Text.IndexOf("-") == 3)
int val = 0;
int add = 0;
int cmp = 0;
parseString = txtCheat.Text.Replace("-", "");
GBGGDecode(parseString, ref val, ref add, ref cmp);
RAMAddress = string.Format("{0:X4}", add);
RAMValue = string.Format("{0:X2}", val);
RAMCompare = string.Format("{0:X2}", cmp);
//Game Genie
else if (txtCheat.Text.Contains("-") == true && txtCheat.Text.LastIndexOf("-") != 7 && txtCheat.Text.IndexOf("-") != 3)
MessageBox.Show("All GameBoy Game Geneie Codes need to have a dash after the third character and seventh character.", "Input Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
//Game Shark codes
if (txtCheat.Text.Length != 8 && txtCheat.Text.Contains("-") == false)
MessageBox.Show("All GameShark Codes need to be Eight characters in Length", "Input Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
else if (txtCheat.Text.Length == 8 && txtCheat.Text.Contains("-") == false)
testo = txtCheat.Text.Remove(2, 6);
//Let's make sure we start with zero. We have a good length, and a good starting zero, we should be good. Hopefully.
switch (testo)
//Is this 00 or 01?
case "00":
case "01":
MessageBox.Show("All GameShark Codes for GameBoy need to start with 00 or 01", "Input Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
//Sample Input for GB/GBC:
//Address C1F6
//Value 0F
parseString = txtCheat.Text.Remove(0, 2);
//Now we need to break it down a little more.
RAMValue = parseString.Remove(2, 4);
parseString = parseString.Remove(0, 2);
//The issue is Endian... Time to get ultra clever. And Regret it.
//First Half
RAMAddress = parseString.Remove(0, 2);
RAMAddress = RAMAddress + parseString.Remove(2, 2);
//We now have our values.
//This part, is annoying...
//A Watch needs to be generated so we can make a cheat out of that. This is due to how the Cheat engine works.
//System Bus Domain, The Address to Watch, Byte size (Byte), Hex Display, Description. Not Big Endian.
var watch = Watch.GenerateWatch(MemoryDomains["System Bus"], long.Parse(RAMAddress, NumberStyles.HexNumber), WatchSize.Byte, Client.Common.DisplayType.Hex, false, txtDescription.Text);
//Take Watch, Add our Value we want, and it should be active when addded?
if (RAMCompare == null)
Global.CheatList.Add(new Cheat(watch, int.Parse(RAMValue, NumberStyles.HexNumber)));
else if (RAMCompare != null)
//We have a Compare
Global.CheatList.Add(new Cheat(watch, int.Parse(RAMValue, NumberStyles.HexNumber), int.Parse(RAMCompare, NumberStyles.HexNumber)));
//Clear old Inputs
//Someone broke the world?
catch (Exception ex)
MessageBox.Show("An Error occured: " + ex.GetType().ToString(), "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
//Provided by mGBA and endrift
UInt32[] GBAGameSharkSeeds = { UInt32.Parse("09F4FBBD", NumberStyles.HexNumber), UInt32.Parse("9681884A", NumberStyles.HexNumber), UInt32.Parse("352027E9", NumberStyles.HexNumber), UInt32.Parse("F3DEE5A7", NumberStyles.HexNumber) };
UInt32[] GBAProActionReplaySeeds = { UInt32.Parse("7AA9648F", NumberStyles.HexNumber), UInt32.Parse("7FAE6994", NumberStyles.HexNumber), UInt32.Parse("C0EFAAD5", NumberStyles.HexNumber), UInt32.Parse("42712C57", NumberStyles.HexNumber) };
private void GBA()
Boolean blnNoCode = true;
//Clean the detection methods and improve/optimize code conversion.
testo = null;
//We have a Game Shark or Action Replay.
if (txtCheat.Text.Length == 17 && txtCheat.Text.IndexOf(" ") == 8)
parseString = txtCheat.Text;
UInt32 op1 = 0;
UInt32 op2 = 0;
UInt32 sum = 0xC6EF3720;
op1 = UInt32.Parse(parseString.Remove(8, 9), NumberStyles.HexNumber);
op2 = UInt32.Parse(parseString.Remove(0, 9), NumberStyles.HexNumber);
//Tiny Encryption Algorithm
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 32; ++i)
op2 -= ((op1 << 4) + GBAGameSharkSeeds[2]) ^ (op1 + sum) ^ ((op1 >> 5) + GBAGameSharkSeeds[3]);
op1 -= ((op2 << 4) + GBAGameSharkSeeds[0]) ^ (op2 + sum) ^ ((op2 >> 5) + GBAGameSharkSeeds[1]);
sum -= 0x9E3779B9;
//op1 has the Address
//op2 has the Value
//Sum, is pointless?
RAMAddress = string.Format("{0:X8}", op1);
RAMAddress = RAMAddress.Remove(0, 1);
RAMValue = string.Format("{0:X8}", op2);
if (RAMAddress.StartsWith("D4"))
MessageBox.Show("The code you entered is not supported by BizHawk.", "Emulator Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
parseString = RAMValue.Remove(4, 4);
//Is it a Word or Double Word?
if (parseString == "0000")
//We assume. Why not?
byteSize = 16;
RAMValue = RAMValue.Remove(0, 4);
else if (parseString != "0000")
byteSize = 32;
blnNoCode = false;
if (txtCheat.Text.Length == 12)
MessageBox.Show("Encrypted Codebreaker/GameShark SP/Xploder codes are not supported by this tool.", "Tool error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
if (txtCheat.Text.IndexOf(" ") != 8 && txtCheat.Text.Length != 12)
MessageBox.Show("ALL Codes for Action Replay, Action Replay MAX, Codebreaker, GameShark Advance, GameShark SP, Xploder have a Space after the 8th character.", "Input Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
//Decrypted Codebreaker, GameShark SP, Xploder
//Encypted Codebreaker, GameShark SP, Xploder is not handled, yet.
if (txtCheat.Text.Length == 13 && txtCheat.Text.IndexOf(" ") == 8)
//Get the first byte to deterime what kind of code it is.
testo = txtCheat.Text.Remove(1, 12);
case "3":
byteSize = 8;
case "8":
case "E":
byteSize = 16;
//What code is this?! It must be bad?
MessageBox.Show("The code you entered is not recognized as a decrypted Codebreaker, GameShark SP or Xploder Code.", "Unrecognized Code", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
blnNoCode = false;
//Now let's do some legit crazy
parseString = txtCheat.Text.Remove(0, 1);
RAMAddress = parseString.Remove(7, 5);
RAMValue = parseString.Remove(0, 8);
//We have a code
if (blnNoCode == false)
if (byteSize == 8)
var watch = Watch.GenerateWatch(MemoryDomains["System Bus"], long.Parse(RAMAddress, NumberStyles.HexNumber), WatchSize.Byte, Client.Common.DisplayType.Hex, false, txtDescription.Text);
Global.CheatList.Add(new Cheat(watch, int.Parse(RAMValue, NumberStyles.HexNumber)));
else if (byteSize == 16)
var watch = Watch.GenerateWatch(MemoryDomains["System Bus"], long.Parse(RAMAddress, NumberStyles.HexNumber), WatchSize.Word, Client.Common.DisplayType.Hex, false, txtDescription.Text);
Global.CheatList.Add(new Cheat(watch, int.Parse(RAMValue, NumberStyles.HexNumber)));
else if (byteSize == 32)
var watch = Watch.GenerateWatch(MemoryDomains["System Bus"], long.Parse(RAMAddress, NumberStyles.HexNumber), WatchSize.DWord, Client.Common.DisplayType.Hex, false, txtDescription.Text);
Global.CheatList.Add(new Cheat(watch, int.Parse(RAMValue, NumberStyles.HexNumber)));
//Clear old Inputs
private void GEN()
//Game Genie only, for now.
//This applies to the Game Genie
if (txtCheat.Text.Length == 9 && txtCheat.Text.Contains("-"))
if (txtCheat.Text.IndexOf("-") != 5)
MessageBox.Show("All Genesis Game Genie Codes need to contain a dash after the fourth character", "Input Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
if (txtCheat.Text.Contains("I") == true | txtCheat.Text.Contains("O") == true | txtCheat.Text.Contains("Q") == true | txtCheat.Text.Contains("U") == true)
MessageBox.Show("All Genesis Game Genie Codes do not use I, O, Q or U.", "Input Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
//This is taken from the GenGameGenie.CS file.
string code = txtCheat.Text;
int val = 0;
int add = 0;
string address = null;
string value = null;
//Remove the -
code = code.Remove(4, 1);
long hexcode = 0;
// convert code to a long binary string
foreach (var t in code)
hexcode <<= 5;
long y;
_GENgameGenieTable.TryGetValue(t, out y);
hexcode |= y;
long decoded = (hexcode & 0xFF00000000) >> 32;
decoded |= hexcode & 0x00FF000000;
decoded |= (hexcode & 0x0000FF0000) << 16;
decoded |= (hexcode & 0x00000000700) << 5;
decoded |= (hexcode & 0x000000F800) >> 3;
decoded |= (hexcode & 0x00000000FF) << 16;
val = (int)(decoded & 0x000000FFFF);
add = (int)((decoded & 0xFFFFFF0000) >> 16);
//Make our Strings get the Hex Values.
address = add.ToString("X6");
value = val.ToString("X4");
//Game Geneie, modifies the "ROM" which is why it says, "MD CART"
var watch = Watch.GenerateWatch(MemoryDomains["MD CART"], long.Parse(address, NumberStyles.HexNumber), WatchSize.Word, Client.Common.DisplayType.Hex, true, txtDescription.Text);
//Add Cheat
Global.CheatList.Add(new Cheat(watch, val));
//Action Replay?
if (txtCheat.Text.Contains(":"))
//We start from Zero.
if (txtCheat.Text.IndexOf(":") != 6)
MessageBox.Show("All Genesis Action Replay/Pro Action Replay Codes need to contain a colon after the sixth character", "Input Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
//Problem: I don't know what the Non-FF Style codes are.
//TODO: Fix that.
if (txtCheat.Text.StartsWith("FF") == false)
MessageBox.Show("This Action Replay Code, is not understood by this tool.", "Tool Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
//Now to do some work.
//Determine Length, to Determine Byte Size
parseString = txtCheat.Text.Remove(0, 2);
switch (txtCheat.Text.Length)
case 9:
//Sample Code of 1-Byte:
//Address: F761
//Value: 64
RAMAddress = parseString.Remove(4, 3);
RAMValue = parseString.Remove(0, 5);
byteSize = 1;
case 11:
//Sample Code of 2-Byte:
//Address: F761
//Value: 6411
RAMAddress = parseString.Remove(4, 5);
RAMValue = parseString.Remove(0, 5);
byteSize = 2;
//We could have checked above but here is fine, since it's a quick check due to one of three possibilities.
MessageBox.Show("All Genesis Action Replay/Pro Action Replay Codes need to be either 9 or 11 characters in length", "Input Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
//Try and add.
//A Watch needs to be generated so we can make a cheat out of that. This is due to how the Cheat engine works.
//System Bus Domain, The Address to Watch, Byte size (Byte), Hex Display, Description, Big Endian.
if (byteSize == 1)
var watch = Watch.GenerateWatch(MemoryDomains["68K RAM"], long.Parse(RAMAddress, NumberStyles.HexNumber), WatchSize.Byte, Client.Common.DisplayType.Hex, false, txtDescription.Text);
//Take Watch, Add our Value we want, and it should be active when addded?
Global.CheatList.Add(new Cheat(watch, int.Parse(RAMValue, NumberStyles.HexNumber)));
//Clear old Inputs
if (byteSize == 2)
var watch = Watch.GenerateWatch(MemoryDomains["68K RAM"], long.Parse(RAMAddress, NumberStyles.HexNumber), WatchSize.Word, Client.Common.DisplayType.Hex, true, txtDescription.Text);
//Take Watch, Add our Value we want, and it should be active when addded?
Global.CheatList.Add(new Cheat(watch, int.Parse(RAMValue, NumberStyles.HexNumber)));
//Clear old Inputs
//Someone broke the world?
catch (Exception ex)
MessageBox.Show("An Error occured: " + ex.GetType().ToString(), "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
private void N64()
//These codes, more or less work without Needing much work.
if (txtCheat.Text.IndexOf(" ") != 8)
MessageBox.Show("All N64 GameShark Codes need to contain a space after the eighth character", "Input Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
if (txtCheat.Text.Length != 13)
MessageBox.Show("All N64 GameShark Codes need to be 13 characters in length.", "Input Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
//We need to determine what kind of cheat this is.
//I need to determine if this is a Byte or Word.
switch (testo)
//80 and 81 are the most common, so let's not get all worried.
case "80":
byteSize = 8;
case "81":
byteSize = 16;
//Case A0 and A1 means "Write to Uncached address.
case "A0":
byteSize = 8;
case "A1":
byteSize = 16;
//Do we support the GameShark Button? No. But these cheats, can be toggled. Which "Counts"
//<Ocean_Prince> Consequences be damned!
case "88":
byteSize = 8;
case "89":
byteSize = 16;
//These are compare Address X to Value Y, then apply Value B to Address A
//This is not supported, yet
//TODO: When BizHawk supports a compare RAM Address's value is true then apply a value to another address, make it a thing.
case "D0":
case "D1":
case "D2":
case "D3":
MessageBox.Show("The code you entered is not supported by BizHawk.", "Emulator Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
//These codes are for Disabling the Expansion Pak. that's a bad thing? Assuming bad codes, until told otherwise.
case "EE":
case "DD":
case "CC":
MessageBox.Show("The code you entered is for Disabling the Expansion Pak. This is not allowed by this tool.", "Input Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
//Enable Code
//Not Necessary? Think so?
case "DE":
//Single Write ON-Boot code.
//Not Necessary? Think so?
case "F0":
case "F1":
case "2A":
case "3C":
case "FF":
MessageBox.Show("The code you entered is not needed by Bizhawk.", "Input Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
//TODO: Make Patch Code (5000XXYY) work.
case "50":
MessageBox.Show("The code you entered is not supported by this tool. Please Submit the Game's Name, Cheat/Code and Purpose to the BizHawk forums.", "Tool Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
//I hope this isn't a thing.
MessageBox.Show("The GameShark code entered is not a recognized format.", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
//Leave this Method, before someone gets hurt.
//Now to get clever.
//Sample Input for N64:
//8133B21E 08FF
//Address 33B21E
//Value 08FF
//Note, 80XXXXXX 00YY
//Is Byte, not Word
//Remove the 80 Octect
parseString = txtCheat.Text.Remove(0, 2);
//Get RAM Address
RAMAddress = parseString.Remove(6, 5);
//Get RAM Value
RAMValue = parseString.Remove(0, 7);
//A Watch needs to be generated so we can make a cheat out of that. This is due to how the Cheat engine works.
//System Bus Domain, The Address to Watch, Byte size (Word), Hex Display, Description, Big Endian.
if (byteSize == 8)
//We have a Byte sized value
var watch = Watch.GenerateWatch(MemoryDomains["RDRAM"], long.Parse(RAMAddress, NumberStyles.HexNumber), WatchSize.Byte, Client.Common.DisplayType.Hex, true, txtDescription.Text);
//Take Watch, Add our Value we want, and it should be active when addded?
Global.CheatList.Add(new Cheat(watch, int.Parse(RAMValue, NumberStyles.HexNumber)));
if (byteSize == 16)
//We have a Word (Double Byte) sized Value
var watch = Watch.GenerateWatch(MemoryDomains["RDRAM"], long.Parse(RAMAddress, NumberStyles.HexNumber), WatchSize.Word, Client.Common.DisplayType.Hex, true, txtDescription.Text);
//Take Watch, Add our Value we want, and it should be active when addded?
Global.CheatList.Add(new Cheat(watch, int.Parse(RAMValue, NumberStyles.HexNumber)));
//Clear old Inputs
//Someone broke the world?
catch (Exception ex)
MessageBox.Show("An Error occured: " + ex.GetType().ToString(), "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
private void NES()
string strCompare = null;
//Original code from adelikat
if (txtCheat.Text.Length != 6 || txtCheat.Text.Length != 8)
int Value = 0;
int Address = 0x8000;
int x;
int Compare = 0;
// char 3 bit 3 denotes the code length.
string code = txtCheat.Text;
if (txtCheat.Text.Length == 6)
// Char # | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |
// Bit # |3|2|1|0|3|2|1|0|3|2|1|0|3|2|1|0|3|2|1|0|3|2|1|0|
// maps to|1|6|7|8|H|2|3|4|-|I|J|K|L|A|B|C|D|M|N|O|5|E|F|G|
_NESgameGenieTable.TryGetValue(code[0], out x);
Value |= x & 0x07;
Value |= (x & 0x08) << 4;
_NESgameGenieTable.TryGetValue(code[1], out x);
Value |= (x & 0x07) << 4;
Address |= (x & 0x08) << 4;
_NESgameGenieTable.TryGetValue(code[2], out x);
Address |= (x & 0x07) << 4;
_NESgameGenieTable.TryGetValue(code[3], out x);
Address |= (x & 0x07) << 12;
Address |= x & 0x08;
_NESgameGenieTable.TryGetValue(code[4], out x);
Address |= x & 0x07;
Address |= (x & 0x08) << 8;
_NESgameGenieTable.TryGetValue(code[5], out x);
Address |= (x & 0x07) << 8;
Value |= x & 0x08;
RAMAddress = string.Format("{0:X4}", Address);
RAMValue = string.Format("{0:X2}", Value);
strCompare = string.Format("{0:X2}", Compare);
else if (txtCheat.Text.Length == 8)
// Char # | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
// Bit # |3|2|1|0|3|2|1|0|3|2|1|0|3|2|1|0|3|2|1|0|3|2|1|0|3|2|1|0|3|2|1|0|
// maps to|1|6|7|8|H|2|3|4|-|I|J|K|L|A|B|C|D|M|N|O|%|E|F|G|!|^|&|*|5|@|#|$|
Value = 0;
Address = 0x8000;
Compare = 0;
_NESgameGenieTable.TryGetValue(code[0], out x);
Value |= x & 0x07;
Value |= (x & 0x08) << 4;
_NESgameGenieTable.TryGetValue(code[1], out x);
Value |= (x & 0x07) << 4;
Address |= (x & 0x08) << 4;
_NESgameGenieTable.TryGetValue(code[2], out x);
Address |= (x & 0x07) << 4;
_NESgameGenieTable.TryGetValue(code[3], out x);
Address |= (x & 0x07) << 12;
Address |= x & 0x08;
_NESgameGenieTable.TryGetValue(code[4], out x);
Address |= x & 0x07;
Address |= (x & 0x08) << 8;
_NESgameGenieTable.TryGetValue(code[5], out x);
Address |= (x & 0x07) << 8;
Compare |= x & 0x08;
_NESgameGenieTable.TryGetValue(code[6], out x);
Compare |= x & 0x07;
Compare |= (x & 0x08) << 4;
_NESgameGenieTable.TryGetValue(code[7], out x);
Compare |= (x & 0x07) << 4;
Value |= x & 0x08;
RAMAddress = string.Format("{0:X4}", Address);
RAMValue = string.Format("{0:X2}", Value);
strCompare = string.Format("{0:X2}", Compare);
if (txtCheat.Text.Length != 6 && txtCheat.Text.Length != 8)
//Not a proper Code
MessageBox.Show("Game Genie codes need to be six or eight characters in length.", "Input Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
//A Watch needs to be generated so we can make a cheat out of that. This is due to how the Cheat engine works.
//System Bus Domain, The Address to Watch, Byte size (Word), Hex Display, Description. Big Endian.
//We have a Byte sized value
var watch = Watch.GenerateWatch(MemoryDomains["System Bus"], long.Parse(RAMAddress, NumberStyles.HexNumber), WatchSize.Byte, Client.Common.DisplayType.Hex, false, txtDescription.Text);
//Take Watch, Add our Value we want, and it should be active when addded?
if (strCompare == "00")
Global.CheatList.Add(new Cheat(watch, int.Parse(RAMValue, NumberStyles.HexNumber)));
if (strCompare != "00")
Global.CheatList.Add(new Cheat(watch, int.Parse(RAMValue, NumberStyles.HexNumber), int.Parse(strCompare, NumberStyles.HexNumber)));
//Global.CheatList.Add(new Cheat(watch, int.Parse(RAMValue, NumberStyles.HexNumber), )
//Clear old Inputs
//Someone broke the world?
catch (Exception ex)
MessageBox.Show("An Error occured: " + ex.GetType().ToString(), "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
private void PSX()
//These codes, more or less work without Needing much work.
if (txtCheat.Text.IndexOf(" ") != 8)
MessageBox.Show("All PSX GameShark Codes need to contain a space after the eighth character", "Input Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
if (txtCheat.Text.Length != 13)
MessageBox.Show("All PSX GameShark Cheats need to be 13 characters in length.", "Input Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
//We need to determine what kind of cheat this is.
//I need to determine if this is a Byte or Word.
switch (testo)
//30 80 Cheats mean, "Write, don't care otherwise."
case "30":
byteSize = 8;
case "80":
byteSize = 16;
//When value hits YYYY, make the next cheat go off
case "E0":
//E0 byteSize = 8;
case "E1":
//E1 byteSize = 8;
case "E2":
//E2 byteSize = 8;
case "D0":
//D0 byteSize = 16;
case "D1":
//D1 byteSize = 16;
case "D2":
//D2 byteSize = 16;
case "D3":
//D3 byteSize = 16;
case "D4":
//D4 byteSize = 16;
case "D5":
//D5 byteSize = 16;
case "D6":
//D6 byteSize = 16;
//Increment/Decrement Codes
case "10":
//10 byteSize = 16;
case "11":
//11 byteSize = 16;
case "20":
//20 byteSize = 8
case "21":
//21 byteSize = 8
MessageBox.Show("The code you entered is not supported by BizHawk.", "Emulator Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
case "C0":
case "C1":
case "40":
MessageBox.Show("The code you entered is not needed by Bizhawk.", "Input Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
case "C2":
case "50":
MessageBox.Show("The code you entered is not supported by this tool. Please Submit the Game's Name, Cheat/Code and Purpose to the BizHawk forums.", "Tool Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
//Something wrong with their input.
MessageBox.Show("The GameShark code entered is not a recognized format.", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
//Leave this Method, before someone gets hurt.
//Sample Input for PSX:
//800D10BA 0009
//Address: 0D10BA
//Value: 0009
//Remove first two octets
parseString = txtCheat.Text.Remove(0, 2);
//Get RAM Address
RAMAddress = parseString.Remove(6, 5);
//Get RAM Value
RAMValue = parseString.Remove(0, 7);
//A Watch needs to be generated so we can make a cheat out of that. This is due to how the Cheat engine works.
//System Bus Domain, The Address to Watch, Byte size (Word), Hex Display, Description. Big Endian.
//My Consern is that Work RAM High may be incorrect?
if (byteSize == 8)
//We have a Byte sized value
var watch = Watch.GenerateWatch(MemoryDomains["MainRAM"], long.Parse(RAMAddress, NumberStyles.HexNumber), WatchSize.Word, Client.Common.DisplayType.Hex, false, txtDescription.Text);
//Take Watch, Add our Value we want, and it should be active when addded?
Global.CheatList.Add(new Cheat(watch, int.Parse(RAMValue, NumberStyles.HexNumber)));
if (byteSize == 16)
//We have a Word (Double Byte) sized Value
var watch = Watch.GenerateWatch(MemoryDomains["MainRAM"], long.Parse(RAMAddress, NumberStyles.HexNumber), WatchSize.Byte, Client.Common.DisplayType.Hex, false, txtDescription.Text);
//Take Watch, Add our Value we want, and it should be active when addded?
Global.CheatList.Add(new Cheat(watch, int.Parse(RAMValue, NumberStyles.HexNumber)));
//Clear old Inputs
//Someone broke the world?
catch (Exception ex)
MessageBox.Show("An Error occured: " + ex.GetType().ToString(), "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
private void SAT()
//Not yet.
if (txtCheat.Text.IndexOf(" ") != 8)
MessageBox.Show("All Saturn GameShark Codes need to contain a space after the eighth character", "Input Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
if (txtCheat.Text.Length != 13)
MessageBox.Show("All Saturn GameShark Cheats need to be 13 characters in length.", "Input Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
//This is a special test. Only the first character really matters? 16 or 36?
testo = testo.Remove(1, 1);
switch (testo)
case "1":
byteSize = 16;
case "3":
byteSize = 8;
//0 writes once.
case "0":
//D is RAM Equal To Activator, do Next Value
case "D":
MessageBox.Show("The code you entered is not supported by BizHawk.", "Emulator Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
case "F":
MessageBox.Show("The code you entered is not needed by Bizhawk.", "Input Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
MessageBox.Show("The GameShark code entered is not a recognized format.", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
//Leave this Method, before someone gets hurt.
//Sample Input for Saturn:
//160949FC 0090
//Address: 0949FC
//Value: 90
//Note, 3XXXXXXX are Big Endian
//Remove first two octets
parseString = txtCheat.Text.Remove(0, 2);
//Get RAM Address
RAMAddress = parseString.Remove(6, 5);
//Get RAM Value
RAMValue = parseString.Remove(0, 7);
//A Watch needs to be generated so we can make a cheat out of that. This is due to how the Cheat engine works.
//System Bus Domain, The Address to Watch, Byte size (Word), Hex Display, Description. Big Endian.
//My Consern is that Work RAM High may be incorrect?
if (byteSize == 8)
//We have a Byte sized value
var watch = Watch.GenerateWatch(MemoryDomains["Work Ram High"], long.Parse(RAMAddress, NumberStyles.HexNumber), WatchSize.Word, Client.Common.DisplayType.Hex, true, txtDescription.Text);
//Take Watch, Add our Value we want, and it should be active when addded?
Global.CheatList.Add(new Cheat(watch, int.Parse(RAMValue, NumberStyles.HexNumber)));
if (byteSize == 16)
//We have a Word (Double Byte) sized Value
var watch = Watch.GenerateWatch(MemoryDomains["Work Ram High"], long.Parse(RAMAddress, NumberStyles.HexNumber), WatchSize.Byte, Client.Common.DisplayType.Hex, true, txtDescription.Text);
//Take Watch, Add our Value we want, and it should be active when addded?
Global.CheatList.Add(new Cheat(watch, int.Parse(RAMValue, NumberStyles.HexNumber)));
//Clear old Inputs
//Someone broke the world?
catch (Exception ex)
MessageBox.Show("An Error occured: " + ex.GetType().ToString(), "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
//This also handles Game Gear due to shared hardware. Go figure.
private void SMS()
string RAMCompare = null;
//Game Genie
if (txtCheat.Text.LastIndexOf("-") == 7 && txtCheat.Text.IndexOf("-") == 3)
int val = 0;
int add = 0;
int cmp = 0;
parseString = txtCheat.Text.Replace("-", "");
GBGGDecode(parseString, ref val, ref add, ref cmp);
RAMAddress = string.Format("{0:X4}", add);
RAMValue = string.Format("{0:X2}", val);
RAMCompare = string.Format("{0:X2}", cmp);
//Action Replay
else if (txtCheat.Text.IndexOf("-") == 3 && txtCheat.Text.Length == 9)
parseString = txtCheat.Text;
parseString = parseString.Remove(0, 2);
RAMAddress = parseString.Remove(4, 2);
RAMAddress = RAMAddress.Replace("-", "");
RAMValue = parseString.Remove(0, 5);
//It's an Action Replay
if (txtCheat.Text.Length != 9 && txtCheat.Text.LastIndexOf("-") != 7)
MessageBox.Show("All Master System Action Replay Codes need to be nine charaters in length.", "Input Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
//Game Genie
else if (txtCheat.Text.LastIndexOf("-") != 7 && txtCheat.Text.IndexOf("-") != 3)
MessageBox.Show("All Master System Game Geneie Codes need to have a dash after the third character and seventh character.", "Input Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
//A Watch needs to be generated so we can make a cheat out of that. This is due to how the Cheat engine works.
//System Bus Domain, The Address to Watch, Byte size (Byte), Hex Display, Description. Not Big Endian.
var watch = Watch.GenerateWatch(MemoryDomains["Main RAM"], long.Parse(RAMAddress, NumberStyles.HexNumber), WatchSize.Byte, Client.Common.DisplayType.Hex, false, txtDescription.Text);
//Take Watch, Add our Value we want, and it should be active when addded
if (RAMCompare == null)
Global.CheatList.Add(new Cheat(watch, int.Parse(RAMValue, NumberStyles.HexNumber)));
else if (RAMCompare != null)
//We have a Compare
Global.CheatList.Add(new Cheat(watch, int.Parse(RAMValue, NumberStyles.HexNumber), int.Parse(RAMCompare, NumberStyles.HexNumber)));
//Clear old Inputs
//Someone broke the world?
catch (Exception ex)
MessageBox.Show("An Error occured: " + ex.GetType().ToString(), "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
//Original code from adelikat
private void SnesGGDecode(string code, ref int val, ref int add)
// Code: D F 4 7 0 9 1 5 6 B C 8 A 2 3 E
// Hex: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
// XXYY-YYYY, where XX is the value, and YY-YYYY is the address.
// Char # | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
// Bit # |3|2|1|0|3|2|1|0|3|2|1|0|3|2|1|0|3|2|1|0|3|2|1|0|3|2|1|0|3|2|1|0|
// maps to| Value |i|j|k|l|q|r|s|t|o|p|a|b|c|d|u|v|w|x|e|f|g|h|m|n|
// order | Value |a|b|c|d|e|f|g|h|i|j|k|l|m|n|o|p|q|r|s|t|u|v|w|x|
int x;
// Getting Value
if (code.Length > 0)
_SNESgameGenieTable.TryGetValue(code[0], out x);
val = x << 4;
if (code.Length > 1)
_SNESgameGenieTable.TryGetValue(code[1], out x);
val |= x;
// Address
if (code.Length > 2)
_SNESgameGenieTable.TryGetValue(code[2], out x);
add = x << 12;
if (code.Length > 3)
_SNESgameGenieTable.TryGetValue(code[3], out x);
add |= x << 4;
if (code.Length > 4)
_SNESgameGenieTable.TryGetValue(code[4], out x);
add |= (x & 0xC) << 6;
add |= (x & 0x3) << 22;
if (code.Length > 5)
_SNESgameGenieTable.TryGetValue(code[5], out x);
add |= (x & 0xC) << 18;
add |= (x & 0x3) << 2;
if (code.Length > 6)
_SNESgameGenieTable.TryGetValue(code[6], out x);
add |= (x & 0xC) >> 2;
add |= (x & 0x3) << 18;
if (code.Length > 7)
_SNESgameGenieTable.TryGetValue(code[7], out x);
add |= (x & 0xC) << 14;
add |= (x & 0x3) << 10;
private void SNES()
//TODO: Make these checks Suck less.
//Game Genie check and do.
if (txtCheat.Text.Contains("-") && txtCheat.Text.Length == 9)
int val = 0, add = 0;
string input;
//We have to remove the - since it will cause issues later on.
input = txtCheat.Text.Replace("-", "");
SnesGGDecode(input, ref val, ref add);
RAMAddress = string.Format("{0:X6}", add);
RAMValue = string.Format("{0:X2}", val);
//Note, it's not actually a byte, but a Word. However, we are using this to keep from repeating code.
byteSize = 8;
//This ONLY applies to Action Replay.
if (txtCheat.Text.Length == 8)
//Sample Code:
//Address: 7E18A4
//Value: 28
//Remove last two octets
RAMAddress = txtCheat.Text.Remove(6, 2);
//Get RAM Value
RAMValue = txtCheat.Text.Remove(0, 6);
//Note, it's a Word. However, we are using this to keep from repeating code.
byteSize = 16;
if (txtCheat.Text.Contains("-") && txtCheat.Text.Length != 9)
MessageBox.Show("Game Genie Codes need to be nine characters in length.", "Input Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
if (txtCheat.Text.Length != 9 && txtCheat.Text.Length !=8)
MessageBox.Show("Pro Action Replay Codes need to be eight characters in length.", "Input Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
//A Watch needs to be generated so we can make a cheat out of that. This is due to how the Cheat engine works.
//Action Replay
if (byteSize == 16)
//System Bus Domain, The Address to Watch, Byte size (Byte), Hex Display, Description. Not Big Endian.
var watch = Watch.GenerateWatch(MemoryDomains["System Bus"], long.Parse(RAMAddress, NumberStyles.HexNumber), WatchSize.Word, Client.Common.DisplayType.Hex, false, txtDescription.Text);
Global.CheatList.Add(new Cheat(watch, int.Parse(RAMValue, NumberStyles.HexNumber)));
if (byteSize == 8)
//Is this correct?
//I don't think so, but Changing it to CARTROM, causes a major issue.
var watch = Watch.GenerateWatch(MemoryDomains["System Bus"], long.Parse(RAMAddress, NumberStyles.HexNumber), WatchSize.Word, Client.Common.DisplayType.Hex, false, txtDescription.Text);
Global.CheatList.Add(new Cheat(watch, int.Parse(RAMValue, NumberStyles.HexNumber)));
//Take Watch, Add our Value we want, and it should be active when addded?
//Clear old Inputs
//Someone broke the world?
catch (Exception ex)
MessageBox.Show("An Error occured: " + ex.GetType().ToString(), "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
private void btnClear_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//Clear old Inputs
private void GameShark_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
//Add special handling for cores that need special things?