322 lines
14 KiB
322 lines
14 KiB
using System;
using BizHawk.DiscSystem;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using SlimDX.Direct3D9;
using SlimDX.DirectSound;
namespace BizHawk.MultiClient
public static class Global
public static MainForm MainForm;
public static DirectSound DSound;
public static Direct3D Direct3D;
public static Sound Sound;
public static IRenderer RenderPanel;
public static OSDManager OSD = new OSDManager();
public static DisplayManager DisplayManager = new DisplayManager();
public static Config Config;
public static IEmulator Emulator;
public static CoreComm CoreComm;
public static GameInfo Game;
public static CheatList CheatList;
public static Controller NullControls;
public static AutofireController AutofireNullControls;
public static Controller NESControls;
public static AutofireController AutofireNESControls;
public static Controller SNESControls;
public static AutofireController AutofireSNESControls;
public static Controller GBControls;
public static AutofireController AutofireGBControls;
public static Controller DualGBControls;
public static AutofireController DualAutofireGBControls;
public static Controller GBAControls;
public static AutofireController AutofireGBAControls;
public static Controller PCEControls;
public static AutofireController AutofirePCEControls;
public static Controller SMSControls;
public static AutofireController AutofireSMSControls;
public static Controller GenControls;
public static AutofireController AutofireGenControls;
public static Controller TI83Controls;
public static Controller Atari2600Controls;
public static AutofireController AutofireAtari2600Controls;
public static Controller Atari7800Controls;
public static AutofireController AutofireAtari7800Controls;
public static Controller ColecoControls;
public static AutofireController AutofireColecoControls;
public static Controller SaturnControls;
public static AutofireController AutofireSaturnControls;
public static Controller IntellivisionControls;
public static AutofireController AutofireIntellivisionControls;
public static Controller Commodore64Controls;
public static AutofireController AutofireCommodore64Controls;
public static Controller N64Controls;
public static AutofireController AutofireN64Controls;
public static readonly Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, string>> BUTTONS = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, string>>
"Gameboy Controller", new Dictionary<string, string>
{"Up", "U"}, {"Down", "D"}, {"Left", "L"}, {"Right", "R"}, {"Select", "s"}, {"Start", "S"}, {"B", "B"},
{"A", "A"}
"GBA Controller", new Dictionary<string, string>
{"Up", "U"}, {"Down", "D"}, {"Left", "L"}, {"Right", "R"}, {"Select", "s"}, {"Start", "S"}, {"B", "B"},
{"A", "A"}, {"L", "L"}, {"R", "R"}
"Genesis 3-Button Controller", new Dictionary<string, string>
{"Up", "U"}, {"Down", "D"}, {"Left", "L"}, {"Right", "R"}, {"Start", "S"}, {"A", "A"}, {"B", "B"},
{"C", "C"}
"NES Controller", new Dictionary<string, string>
{"Up", "U"}, {"Down", "D"}, {"Left", "L"}, {"Right", "R"}, {"Select", "s"}, {"Start", "S"}, {"B", "B"},
{"A", "A"}
"SNES Controller", new Dictionary<string, string>
{"Up", "U"}, {"Down", "D"}, {"Left", "L"}, {"Right", "R"}, {"Select", "s"}, {"Start", "S"}, {"B", "B"},
{"A", "A"}, {"X", "X"}, {"Y", "Y"}, {"L", "L"}, {"R", "R"}
"PC Engine Controller", new Dictionary<string, string>
{"Up", "U"}, {"Down", "D"}, {"Left", "L"}, {"Right", "R"}, {"Select", "s"}, {"Run", "r"}, {"B2", "2"},
{"B1", "1"}
"SMS Controller", new Dictionary<string, string>
{"Up", "U"}, {"Down", "D"}, {"Left", "L"}, {"Right", "R"}, {"B1", "1"}, {"B2", "2"}
"TI83 Controller", new Dictionary<string, string>
{"0", "0"}, {"1", "1"}, {"2", "2"}, {"3", "3"}, {"4", "4"}, {"5", "5"}, {"6", "6"}, {"7", "7"},
{"8", "8"}, {"9", "9"}, {"DOT", "`"}, {"ON", "O"}, {"ENTER", "="}, {"UP", "U"}, {"DOWN", "D"},
{"LEFT", "L"}, {"RIGHT", "R"}, {"PLUS", "+"}, {"MINUS", "_"}, {"MULTIPLY", "*"}, {"DIVIDE", "/"},
{"CLEAR", "c"}, {"EXP", "^"}, {"DASH", "-"}, {"PARAOPEN", "("}, {"PARACLOSE", ")"}, {"TAN", "T"},
{"VARS", "V"}, {"COS", "C"}, {"PRGM", "P"}, {"STAT", "s"}, {"MATRIX", "m"}, {"X", "X"}, {"STO", ">"},
{"LN", "n"}, {"LOG", "L"}, {"SQUARED", "2"}, {"NEG1", "1"}, {"MATH", "H"}, {"ALPHA", "A"},
{"GRAPH", "G"}, {"TRACE", "t"}, {"ZOOM", "Z"}, {"WINDOW", "W"}, {"Y", "Y"}, {"2ND", "&"}, {"MODE", "O"},
{"DEL", "D"}, {"COMMA", ","}, {"SIN", "S"}
"Atari 2600 Basic Controller", new Dictionary<string,string>
{"Up", "U"}, {"Down", "D"}, {"Left", "L"}, {"Right", "R"}, {"Button", "B"}
"Atari 7800 ProLine Joystick Controller", new Dictionary<string,string>
{"Up", "U"}, {"Down", "D"}, {"Left", "L"}, {"Right", "R"}, {"Trigger", "1"}, {"Trigger 2", "2"}
"Commodore 64 Controller", new Dictionary<string,string>
{"Up", "U"}, {"Down", "D"}, {"Left", "L"}, {"Right", "R"}, {"Button", "B"}
"Commodore 64 Keyboard", new Dictionary<string,string>
{"Key F1", "1"}, {"Key F3", "3"}, {"Key F5", "5"}, {"Key F7", "7"},
{"Key Left Arrow", "l"}, {"Key 1", "1"}, {"Key 2", "2"}, {"Key 3", "3"}, {"Key 4", "4"}, {"Key 5", "5"}, {"Key 6", "6"}, {"Key 7", "7"}, {"Key 8", "8"}, {"Key 9", "9"}, {"Key 0", "0"}, {"Key Plus", "+"}, {"Key Minus", "-"}, {"Key Pound", "l"}, {"Key Clear/Home", "c"}, {"Key Insert/Delete", "i"},
{"Key Control", "c"}, {"Key Q", "Q"}, {"Key W", "W"}, {"Key E", "E"}, {"Key R", "R"}, {"Key T", "T"}, {"Key Y", "Y"}, {"Key U", "U"}, {"Key I", "I"}, {"Key O", "O"}, {"Key P", "P"}, {"Key At", "@"}, {"Key Asterisk", "*"}, {"Key Up Arrow", "u"}, {"Key Restore", "r"},
{"Key Run/Stop", "s"}, {"Key Lck", "k"}, {"Key A", "A"}, {"Key S", "S"}, {"Key D", "D"}, {"Key F", "F"}, {"Key G", "G"}, {"Key H", "H"}, {"Key J", "J"}, {"Key K", "K"}, {"Key L", "L"}, {"Key Colon", ":"}, {"Key Semicolon", ";"}, {"Key Equal", "="}, {"Key Return", "e"},
{"Key Commodore", "o"}, {"Key Left Shift", "s"}, {"Key Z", "Z"}, {"Key X", "X"}, {"Key C", "C"}, {"Key V", "V"}, {"Key B", "B"}, {"Key N", "N"}, {"Key M", "M"}, {"Key Comma", ","}, {"Key Period", ">"}, {"Key Slash", "/"}, {"Key Right Shift", "s"}, {"Key Cursor Up/Down", "u"}, {"Key Cursor Left/Right", "l"},
{"Key Space", "_"}
"ColecoVision Basic Controller", new Dictionary<string, string>
{"Up", "U"}, {"Down", "D"}, {"Left", "L"}, {"Right", "R"}, {"L", "l"}, {"R", "r"},
{"Key1", "1"}, {"Key2", "2"}, {"Key3", "3"}, {"Key4", "4"}, {"Key5", "5"}, {"Key6", "6"},
{"Key7", "7"}, {"Key8", "8"}, {"Key9", "9"}, {"Star", "*"}, {"Key0", "0"}, {"Pound", "#"}
"Nintento 64 Controller", new Dictionary<string, string>()
{"DPad U", "U"}, {"DPad D", "D"}, {"DPad L", "L"}, {"DPad R", "R"},
{"A", "A"}, {"B", "B"}, {"Z", "Z"}, {"Start", "S"},
{"C Up", "u"}, {"C Down", "d"}, {"C Left", "l"}, {"C Right", "r"}
"Saturn Controller", new Dictionary<string, string>()
{"Up", "U"}, {"Down", "D"}, {"Left", "L"}, {"Right", "R"},
{"Start", "S"}, {"Z", "Z"}, {"Y", "Y"}, {"X", "X"}, {"C", "C"}, {"B", "B"}, {"A", "A"},
{"L", "L"}, {"R", "R"},
public static readonly Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, string>> COMMANDS = new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, string>>
{"Atari 2600 Basic Controller", new Dictionary<string, string> {{"Reset", "r"}, {"Select", "s"}}},
{"Atari 7800 ProLine Joystick Controller", new Dictionary<string, string> {{"Reset", "r"}, {"Select", "s"}}},
{"Gameboy Controller", new Dictionary<string, string> {{"Power", "P"}}},
{"GBA Controller", new Dictionary<string, string> {{"Power", "P"}}},
{"Genesis 3-Button Controller", new Dictionary<string, string> {{"Reset", "r"}}},
{"NES Controller", new Dictionary<string, string> {{"Reset", "r"}, {"Power", "P"}, {"FDS Eject", "E"}, {"FDS Insert 0", "0"}, {"FDS Insert 1", "1"}, {"VS Coin 1", "c"}, {"VS Coin 2", "C"}}},
{"SNES Controller", new Dictionary<string, string> {{"Power", "P"}, {"Reset", "r"}}},
{"PC Engine Controller", new Dictionary<string, string> {}},
{"SMS Controller", new Dictionary<string, string> {{"Pause", "p"}, {"Reset", "r"}}},
{"TI83 Controller", new Dictionary<string, string> {}},
{"Nintento 64 Controller", new Dictionary<string, string> {{"Pause", "p"}, {"Reset", "r"}}},
{"Saturn Controller", new Dictionary<string, string> {{"Pause", "p"}, {"Reset", "r"}}},
public static readonly Dictionary<string, int> PLAYERS = new Dictionary<string, int>
{"Gameboy Controller", 1}, {"GBA Controller", 1}, {"Genesis 3-Button Controller", 2}, {"NES Controller", 4},
{"SNES Controller", 4}, {"PC Engine Controller", 5}, {"SMS Controller", 2}, {"TI83 Controller", 1}, {"Atari 2600 Basic Controller", 2}, {"Atari 7800 ProLine Joystick Controller", 2},
{"ColecoVision Basic Controller", 2}, {"Commodore 64 Controller", 2}, {"Nintento 64 Controller", 4}, {"Saturn Controller", 2}
// just experimenting with different possibly more painful ways to handle mnemonics
public static Tuple<string, char>[] DGBMnemonic = new Tuple<string, char>[]
new Tuple<string, char>(null, '|'),
new Tuple<string, char>("P1 Power", 'P'),
new Tuple<string, char>(null, '|'),
new Tuple<string, char>("P1 Up", 'U'),
new Tuple<string, char>("P1 Down", 'D'),
new Tuple<string, char>("P1 Left", 'L'),
new Tuple<string, char>("P1 Right", 'R'),
new Tuple<string, char>("P1 Select", 's'),
new Tuple<string, char>("P1 Start", 'S'),
new Tuple<string, char>("P1 B", 'B'),
new Tuple<string, char>("P1 A", 'A'),
new Tuple<string, char>(null, '|'),
new Tuple<string, char>("P2 Power", 'P'),
new Tuple<string, char>(null, '|'),
new Tuple<string, char>("P2 Up", 'U'),
new Tuple<string, char>("P2 Down", 'D'),
new Tuple<string, char>("P2 Left", 'L'),
new Tuple<string, char>("P2 Right", 'R'),
new Tuple<string, char>("P2 Select", 's'),
new Tuple<string, char>("P2 Start", 'S'),
new Tuple<string, char>("P2 B", 'B'),
new Tuple<string, char>("P2 A", 'A'),
new Tuple<string, char>(null, '|')
/// <summary>
/// whether throttling is force-disabled by use of fast forward
/// </summary>
public static bool ForceNoThrottle;
//the movie will be spliced inbetween these if it is present
public static CopyControllerAdapter MovieInputSourceAdapter = new CopyControllerAdapter();
public static CopyControllerAdapter MovieOutputHardpoint = new CopyControllerAdapter();
/// <summary>
/// the global MovieSession can use this to deal with multitrack player remapping (should this be here? maybe it should be in MovieSession)
/// </summary>
public static MultitrackRewiringControllerAdapter MultitrackRewiringControllerAdapter = new MultitrackRewiringControllerAdapter();
public static MovieSession MovieSession = new MovieSession();
//dont take my word for it, since the final word is actually in RewireInputChain, but here is a guide...
//user -> Input -> ActiveController -> UDLR -> StickyXORPlayerInputAdapter -> TurboAdapter(TBD) -> Lua(?TBD?) -> ..
//.. -> MultitrackRewiringControllerAdapter -> MovieInputSourceAdapter -> (MovieSession) -> MovieOutputAdapter -> ControllerOutput(1) -> Game
//(1)->Input Display
//the original source controller, bound to the user, sort of the "input" port for the chain, i think
public static Controller ActiveController;
//rapid fire version on the user controller, has its own key bindings and is OR'ed against ActiveController
public static AutofireController AutoFireController;
//the "output" port for the controller chain.
public static CopyControllerAdapter ControllerOutput = new CopyControllerAdapter();
//input state which has been destined for game controller inputs are coalesced here
public static ControllerInputCoalescer ControllerInputCoalescer = new ControllerInputCoalescer();
//input state which has been destined for client hotkey consumption are colesced here
public static InputCoalescer HotkeyCoalescer = new InputCoalescer();
public static UD_LR_ControllerAdapter UD_LR_ControllerAdapter = new UD_LR_ControllerAdapter();
/// <summary>
/// provides an opportunity to mutate the player's input in an autohold style
/// </summary>
public static StickyXORAdapter StickyXORAdapter = new StickyXORAdapter();
public static AutoFireStickyXORAdapter AutofireStickyXORAdapter = new AutoFireStickyXORAdapter();
/// <summary>
/// Forces any controller button to Off, useful for things like Joypad.Set
/// </summary>
public static ForceOffAdaptor ForceOffAdaptor = new ForceOffAdaptor();
/// <summary>
/// will OR together two IControllers
/// </summary>
public static ORAdapter OrControllerAdapter = new ORAdapter();
/// <summary>
/// fire off one-frame logical button clicks here. useful for things like ti-83 virtual pad and reset buttons
/// </summary>
public static ClickyVirtualPadController ClickyVirtualPadController = new ClickyVirtualPadController();
public static SimpleController MovieOutputController = new SimpleController();
public static Controller ClientControls;
public static string GetOutputControllersAsMnemonic()
MnemonicsGenerator mg = new MnemonicsGenerator();
return mg.GetControllersAsMnemonic();
public static DiscHopper DiscHopper = new DiscHopper();