
974 lines
21 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using BizHawk.Emulation.Common;
using BizHawk.Common;
namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Nintendo.NES
// we don't handle some possible connections of the expansion port that were never used
#region interfaces and such
public struct StrobeInfo
public int OUT0;
public int OUT1;
public int OUT2;
public int OUT0old;
public int OUT1old;
public int OUT2old;
public StrobeInfo(byte oldvalue, byte newvalue)
OUT0old = oldvalue & 1;
OUT1old = oldvalue >> 1 & 1;
OUT2old = oldvalue >> 2 & 1;
OUT0 = newvalue & 1;
OUT1 = newvalue >> 1 & 1;
OUT2 = newvalue >> 2 & 1;
public interface IControllerDeck
void Strobe(StrobeInfo s, IController c);
byte ReadA(IController c); // D0:D4
byte ReadB(IController c); // D0:D4
ControllerDefinition GetDefinition();
void SyncState(Serializer ser);
public interface IFamicomExpansion
void Strobe(StrobeInfo s, IController c);
byte ReadA(IController c); // only uses D1
byte ReadB(IController c); // only uses D1:D4
ControllerDefinition GetDefinition();
void SyncState(Serializer ser);
public interface INesPort
void Strobe(StrobeInfo s, IController c); // only uses OUT0
byte Read(IController c); // only uses D0, D3, D4
ControllerDefinition GetDefinition();
void SyncState(Serializer ser);
public class NesDeck : IControllerDeck
INesPort Left;
INesPort Right;
ControlDefUnMerger LeftU;
ControlDefUnMerger RightU;
ControllerDefinition Definition;
public NesDeck(INesPort Left, INesPort Right, Func<int, int, bool> PPUCallback)
this.Left = Left;
this.Right = Right;
List<ControlDefUnMerger> cdum;
Definition = ControllerDefMerger.GetMerged(new[] { Left.GetDefinition(), Right.GetDefinition() }, out cdum);
LeftU = cdum[0];
RightU = cdum[1];
// apply hacks
// if this list gets very long, then something should be changed
// if it stays short, then no problem
if (Left is FourScore)
(Left as FourScore).RightPort = false;
if (Right is FourScore)
(Right as FourScore).RightPort = true;
if (Left is Zapper)
(Left as Zapper).PPUCallback = PPUCallback;
if (Right is Zapper)
(Right as Zapper).PPUCallback = PPUCallback;
public void Strobe(StrobeInfo s, IController c)
Left.Strobe(s, LeftU.UnMerge(c));
Right.Strobe(s, RightU.UnMerge(c));
public byte ReadA(IController c)
return (byte)(Left.Read(LeftU.UnMerge(c)) & 0x19);
public byte ReadB(IController c)
return (byte)(Right.Read(RightU.UnMerge(c)) & 0x19);
public ControllerDefinition GetDefinition()
return Definition;
public void SyncState(Serializer ser)
public class UnpluggedNES : INesPort
public void Strobe(StrobeInfo s, IController c)
public byte Read(IController c)
return 0;
public ControllerDefinition GetDefinition()
return new ControllerDefinition();
public void SyncState(Serializer ser)
public class ControllerNES : INesPort
bool resetting = false;
int latchedvalue = 0;
static string[] Buttons =
"0A", "0B", "0Select", "0Start", "0Up", "0Down", "0Left", "0Right"
static string[] FamicomP2Buttons =
"0A", "0B", null, null, "0Up", "0Down", "0Left", "0Right"
bool FamicomP2Hack;
ControllerDefinition Definition;
public ControllerNES()
Definition = new ControllerDefinition { BoolButtons = new List<string>(Buttons) };
public ControllerNES(bool famicomP2)
if (famicomP2)
Definition = new ControllerDefinition
{ BoolButtons = new List<string>(FamicomP2Buttons.Where((s) => s != null)) };
Definition = new ControllerDefinition { BoolButtons = new List<string>(Buttons) };
FamicomP2Hack = famicomP2;
// reset is not edge triggered; so long as it's high, the latch is continuously reloading
// so we need to latch in two places:
// 1. when OUT0 goes low, to get the last set
// 2. wheneven reading with OUT0 high, since new data for controller is always loading
void Latch(IController c)
latchedvalue = SerialUtil.Latch(FamicomP2Hack ? FamicomP2Buttons : Buttons, c);
public void Strobe(StrobeInfo s, IController c)
resetting = s.OUT0 != 0;
if (s.OUT0 < s.OUT0old)
public byte Read(IController c)
if (resetting)
byte ret = (byte)(latchedvalue & 1);
if (!resetting)
latchedvalue >>= 1; // ASR not LSR, so endless stream of 1s after data
return ret;
public ControllerDefinition GetDefinition()
return Definition;
public void SyncState(Serializer ser)
ser.Sync("restting", ref resetting);
ser.Sync("latchedvalue", ref latchedvalue);
public class ArkanoidNES : INesPort
int shiftidx = 0;
bool resetting = false;
byte latchedvalue = 0x54;
static ControllerDefinition Definition = new ControllerDefinition
BoolButtons = { "0Fire" },
FloatControls = { "0Paddle" },
FloatRanges = { new[] { 0.0f, 80.0f, 160.0f } }
public void Strobe(StrobeInfo s, IController c)
resetting = s.OUT0 != 0;
if (resetting)
shiftidx = 0;
if (s.OUT0 > s.OUT0old)
latchedvalue = (byte)(0x54 + (int)c.GetFloat("0Paddle"));
public byte Read(IController c)
byte ret = c["0Fire"] ? (byte)0x08 : (byte)0x00;
if (resetting)
return ret;
byte value = latchedvalue;
value >>= (3 - shiftidx);
ret |= (byte)(value & 0x10);
return ret;
public ControllerDefinition GetDefinition()
return Definition;
public void SyncState(Serializer ser)
ser.Sync("shiftidx", ref shiftidx);
ser.Sync("restting", ref resetting);
ser.Sync("latchedvalue", ref latchedvalue);
public class FourScore : INesPort
// fourscore is actually one two port thing
// we emulate it as two separate halves
// each one behaves slightly differently
public bool RightPort = false;
static string[] Buttons =
"0A", "0B", "0Select", "0Start", "0Up", "0Down", "0Left", "0Right",
"1A", "1B", "1Select", "1Start", "1Up", "1Down", "1Left", "1Right",
static ControllerDefinition Definition = new ControllerDefinition { BoolButtons = new List<string>(Buttons) };
bool resetting = false;
int latchedvalue = 0;
void Latch(IController c)
latchedvalue = SerialUtil.Latch(Buttons, c);
// set signatures
latchedvalue &= ~0xff0000;
if (RightPort) // signatures
latchedvalue |= 0x040000;
latchedvalue |= 0x080000;
public void Strobe(StrobeInfo s, IController c)
resetting = s.OUT0 != 0;
if (s.OUT0 < s.OUT0old)
public byte Read(IController c)
if (resetting)
byte ret = (byte)(latchedvalue & 1);
if (!resetting)
latchedvalue >>= 1; // ASR not LSR, so endless stream of 1s after data
return ret;
public ControllerDefinition GetDefinition()
return Definition;
public void SyncState(Serializer ser)
ser.Sync("restting", ref resetting);
ser.Sync("latchedvalue", ref latchedvalue);
public class PowerPad : INesPort
static string[] D3Buttons = { "0PP2", "0PP1", "0PP5", "0PP9", "0PP6", "0PP10", "0PP11", "0PP7" };
static string[] D4Buttons = { "0PP4", "0PP3", "0PP12", "0PP8" };
static ControllerDefinition Definition = new ControllerDefinition { BoolButtons = new List<string>(D3Buttons.Concat(D4Buttons)) };
bool resetting = false;
int latched3 = 0;
int latched4 = 0;
void Latch(IController c)
latched3 = SerialUtil.Latch(D3Buttons, c);
latched4 = SerialUtil.Latch(D4Buttons, c);
public void Strobe(StrobeInfo s, IController c)
resetting = s.OUT0 != 0;
if (s.OUT0 < s.OUT0old)
public byte Read(IController c)
if (resetting)
int d3 = latched3 & 1;
int d4 = latched4 & 1;
if (!resetting)
latched3 >>= 1; // ASR not LSR, so endless stream of 1s after data
latched4 >>= 1;
return (byte)(d3 << 3| d4 << 4);
public ControllerDefinition GetDefinition()
return Definition;
public void SyncState(Serializer ser)
ser.Sync("restting", ref resetting);
ser.Sync("latched3", ref latched3);
ser.Sync("latched4", ref latched4);
public class Zapper : INesPort, IFamicomExpansion
public Func<int, int, bool> PPUCallback;
static ControllerDefinition Definition = new ControllerDefinition
BoolButtons = { "0Fire" },
FloatControls = { "0Zapper X", "0Zapper Y"},
FloatRanges = { new[] { 0.0f, 128.0f, 255.0f }, new[] { 0.0f, 120.0f, 239.0f } }
public void Strobe(StrobeInfo s, IController c)
public byte Read(IController c)
byte ret = 0;
if (c["0Fire"])
ret |= 0x08;
if (!PPUCallback((int)c.GetFloat("0Zapper X"), (int)c.GetFloat("0Zapper Y")))
ret |= 0x10;
return ret;
public ControllerDefinition GetDefinition()
return Definition;
public void SyncState(Serializer ser)
// famicom expansion hookups
public byte ReadA(IController c)
return 0;
public byte ReadB(IController c)
return Read(c);
public class FamicomDeck : IControllerDeck
// two NES controllers are maintained internally
INesPort Player1 = new ControllerNES(false);
INesPort Player2 = new ControllerNES(true);
IFamicomExpansion Player3;
ControlDefUnMerger Player1U;
ControlDefUnMerger Player2U;
ControlDefUnMerger Player3U;
ControllerDefinition Definition;
public FamicomDeck(IFamicomExpansion ExpSlot, Func<int, int, bool> PPUCallback)
Player3 = ExpSlot;
List<ControlDefUnMerger> cdum;
Definition = ControllerDefMerger.GetMerged(
new[] { Player1.GetDefinition(), Player2.GetDefinition(), Player3.GetDefinition() }, out cdum);
Definition.BoolButtons.Add("P2 Microphone");
Player1U = cdum[0];
Player2U = cdum[1];
Player3U = cdum[2];
// hack
if (Player3 is Zapper)
(Player3 as Zapper).PPUCallback = PPUCallback;
public void Strobe(StrobeInfo s, IController c)
Player1.Strobe(s, Player1U.UnMerge(c));
Player2.Strobe(s, Player2U.UnMerge(c));
Player3.Strobe(s, Player3U.UnMerge(c));
public byte ReadA(IController c)
byte ret = 0;
ret |= (byte)(Player1.Read(Player1U.UnMerge(c)) & 1);
ret |= (byte)(Player3.ReadA(Player3U.UnMerge(c)) & 2);
if (c["P2 Microphone"])
ret |= 4;
return ret;
public byte ReadB(IController c)
byte ret = 0;
ret |= (byte)(Player2.Read(Player2U.UnMerge(c)) & 1);
ret |= (byte)(Player3.ReadB(Player3U.UnMerge(c)) & 30);
return ret;
public ControllerDefinition GetDefinition()
return Definition;
public void SyncState(Serializer ser)
public class ArkanoidFam : IFamicomExpansion
int shiftidx = 0;
bool resetting = false;
byte latchedvalue = 0x54;
static ControllerDefinition Definition = new ControllerDefinition
BoolButtons = { "0Fire" },
FloatControls = { "0Paddle" },
FloatRanges = { new[] { 0.0f, 80.0f, 160.0f } }
public void Strobe(StrobeInfo s, IController c)
resetting = s.OUT0 != 0;
if (resetting)
shiftidx = 0;
if (s.OUT0 > s.OUT0old)
latchedvalue = (byte)(0x54 + (int)c.GetFloat("0Paddle"));
public byte ReadA(IController c)
return c["0Fire"] ? (byte)0x02 : (byte)0x00;
public byte ReadB(IController c)
byte ret = 0;
if (resetting)
return ret;
byte value = latchedvalue;
value >>= (6 - shiftidx);
ret |= (byte)(value & 0x02);
return ret;
public ControllerDefinition GetDefinition()
return Definition;
public void SyncState(Serializer ser)
ser.Sync("shiftidx", ref shiftidx);
ser.Sync("restting", ref resetting);
ser.Sync("latchedvalue", ref latchedvalue);
public class FamilyBasicKeyboard: IFamicomExpansion
#region buttonlookup
static string[] Buttons =
static ControllerDefinition Definition = new ControllerDefinition { BoolButtons = new List<string>(Buttons) };
bool active;
int column;
int row;
public void Strobe(StrobeInfo s, IController c)
active = s.OUT2 != 0;
column = s.OUT1;
if (s.OUT1 > s.OUT1old)
if (row == 10)
row = 0;
if (s.OUT0 != 0) // should this be edge triggered?
row = 0;
public byte ReadA(IController c)
return 0;
public byte ReadB(IController c)
if (!active)
return 0;
if (row == 9) // empty last row
return 0;
int idx = row * 8 + column * 4;
byte ret = 0;
if (c[Buttons[idx]]) ret |= 16;
if (c[Buttons[idx + 1]]) ret |= 8;
if (c[Buttons[idx + 2]]) ret |= 4;
if (c[Buttons[idx + 3]]) ret |= 2;
// nothing is clocked here
return ret;
public ControllerDefinition GetDefinition()
return Definition;
public void SyncState(Serializer ser)
ser.Sync("active", ref active);
ser.Sync("column", ref column);
ser.Sync("row", ref row);
public class Famicom4P : IFamicomExpansion
static string[] P1Buttons =
"0A", "0B", "0Select", "0Start", "0Up", "0Down", "0Left", "0Right"
static string[] P2Buttons =
"1A", "1B", "1Select", "1Start", "1Up", "1Down", "1Left", "1Right",
static ControllerDefinition Definition = new ControllerDefinition { BoolButtons = new List<string>(P1Buttons.Concat(P2Buttons)) };
bool resetting = false;
int latchedp1 = 0;
int latchedp2 = 0;
void Latch(IController c)
latchedp1 = SerialUtil.Latch(P1Buttons, c);
latchedp2 = SerialUtil.Latch(P2Buttons, c);
public void Strobe(StrobeInfo s, IController c)
resetting = s.OUT0 != 0;
if (s.OUT0 < s.OUT0old)
public byte ReadA(IController c)
if (resetting)
byte ret = (byte)(latchedp1 << 1 & 2);
if (!resetting)
latchedp1 >>= 1;
return ret;
public byte ReadB(IController c)
if (resetting)
byte ret = (byte)(latchedp2 << 1 & 2);
if (!resetting)
latchedp1 >>= 1;
return ret;
public ControllerDefinition GetDefinition()
return Definition;
public void SyncState(Serializer ser)
ser.Sync("resetting", ref resetting);
ser.Sync("latchedp1", ref latchedp1);
ser.Sync("latchedp2", ref latchedp2);
public class OekaKids : IFamicomExpansion
static ControllerDefinition Definition = new ControllerDefinition
BoolButtons = { "0Click", "0Touch" },
FloatControls = { "0Pen X", "0Pen Y" },
FloatRanges = { new[] { 0.0f, 128.0f, 255.0f }, new[] { 0.0f, 120.0f, 239.0f } }
bool resetting;
int shiftidx;
int latchedvalue = 0;
public void Strobe(StrobeInfo s, IController c)
resetting = s.OUT0 == 0;
if (s.OUT0 < s.OUT0old) // H->L: latch
int x = (int)c.GetFloat("0Pen X");
int y = (int)c.GetFloat("0Pen Y");
x = (x + 8) * 240 / 256;
y = (y - 14) * 256 / 240;
x &= 255;
y &= 255;
latchedvalue = x << 10 | y << 2;
if (c["0Touch"])
latchedvalue |= 2;
if (c["0Click"])
latchedvalue |= 1;
if (s.OUT0 > s.OUT0old) // L->H: reset shift
shiftidx = 0;
if (s.OUT1 > s.OUT1old) // L->H: increment shift
public byte ReadA(IController c)
return 0;
public byte ReadB(IController c)
byte ret = (byte)(resetting ? 2 : 0);
if (resetting)
return ret;
// the shiftidx = 0 read is one off the end
int bit = latchedvalue >> (16 - shiftidx);
bit &= 4;
bit ^= 4; // inverted data
ret |= (byte)(bit);
return ret;
public ControllerDefinition GetDefinition()
return Definition;
public void SyncState(Serializer ser)
ser.Sync("resetting", ref resetting);
ser.Sync("shiftidx", ref shiftidx);
ser.Sync("latchedvalue", ref latchedvalue);
public class UnpluggedFam : IFamicomExpansion
public void Strobe(StrobeInfo s, IController c)
public byte ReadA(IController c)
return 0;
public byte ReadB(IController c)
return 0;
public ControllerDefinition GetDefinition()
return new ControllerDefinition();
public void SyncState(Serializer ser)
public static class SerialUtil
public static int Latch(string[] values, IController c)
int ret = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++)
if (values.Length > i)
if (values[i] != null && c[values[i]])
ret |= 1 << i;
// 1 in all other bits
ret |= 1 << i;
return ret;
#region control definition adapters
public class ControlDefUnMerger
Dictionary<string, string> Remaps;
public ControlDefUnMerger(Dictionary<string, string> Remaps)
this.Remaps = Remaps;
private class DummyController : IController
public DummyController() { Type = new ControllerDefinition { Name = "Dummy" }; }
public ControllerDefinition Type { get; private set; }
public Dictionary<string, bool> Bools = new Dictionary<string, bool>();
public Dictionary<string, float> Floats = new Dictionary<string, float>();
public bool this[string button] { get { return Bools[button]; } }
public bool IsPressed(string button) { return Bools[button]; }
public float GetFloat(string name) { return Floats[name]; }
public IController UnMerge(IController c)
string r;
var ret = new DummyController();
var t = c.Type;
foreach (string s in t.BoolButtons)
Remaps.TryGetValue(s, out r);
if (r != null)
ret.Bools[r] = c[s];
for (int i = 0; i < t.FloatControls.Count; i++)
Remaps.TryGetValue(t.FloatControls[i], out r);
if (r != null)
ret.Floats[r] = c.GetFloat(t.FloatControls[i]);
return ret;
public static class ControllerDefMerger
private static string Allocate(string input, ref int plr, ref int plrnext)
int offset = int.Parse(input.Substring(0, 1));
int currplr = plr + offset;
if (currplr >= plrnext)
plrnext = currplr + 1;
return string.Format("P{0} {1}", currplr, input.Substring(1));
/// <summary>
/// handles all player number merging
/// </summary>
/// <param name="Controllers"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static ControllerDefinition GetMerged(IEnumerable<ControllerDefinition> Controllers, out List<ControlDefUnMerger> Unmergers)
ControllerDefinition ret = new ControllerDefinition();
Unmergers = new List<ControlDefUnMerger>();
int plr = 1;
int plrnext = 1;
foreach (var def in Controllers)
Dictionary<string, string> remaps = new Dictionary<string, string>();
foreach (string s in def.BoolButtons)
string r = Allocate(s, ref plr, ref plrnext);
remaps[r] = s;
foreach (string s in def.FloatControls)
string r = Allocate(s, ref plr, ref plrnext);
remaps[r] = s;
plr = plrnext;
Unmergers.Add(new ControlDefUnMerger(remaps));
return ret;