
312 lines
13 KiB

1.11.5 (in progress)
* Update mGBA to 0.4.0
* Fix #563 - mGBA Combined WRAM not working
** QuickNes - trace logger support
** NesHawk - properly emulate JAM/KIL
** Support the unif board UNIF_BMC-42in1ResetSwitch
** NSF player - limit track number to legal range and print current track number to console
** Add "determine lag from GPU frames" option
** Support memory callbacks
** Fix per game settings for DK64 + Glide64mk2
** VirtualPad - Add polar coordinates to Analog stick
**Add GB layer toggles
** Try catching some missing prereqs in emuhawk startup and print a report about it
** Better error handling in shader compiling, fixes some startup issues
** Cheats - New Feature - cheat comparison types
** Game Shark tool - Added Multiline Cheat Code handling for all supported cores. Added GBA Slide code handling.
** Make current windows size a per system setting
** Fix #561 - can't set the xpad right stick
** Ability to save/load specific config files
** External Tools - Allow several tools running simultaneously
** Fix selections in HexEditor text columns
*** Add emu.setislagged()
*** Add
*** Add client.displaymessages()
*** Add gui.defaultpixelfont()
*** Add memory.getmemorydomainsize()
*** Fix #565 - bugs in lua's memorysavestate APIs
*** Make fceux font monospace
*** Fix #57 - Allow "#aarrggbb" as Color parameter to forms.setproperty()
*** forms.textbox() - Added a scrollbars argument
** Lua Console
*** Add option to detect changes in scripts and automatically reload them. Have this option off by default for now
*** Fix exception when reloading a lua script with registered functions while the registered functions dialog is open
*** Remember column widths
*** Refresh the lua console when a script exits
*** When a lua exception occurs, also want to update the script status icons
*** Fix current directory bugs
*** Fix upward drawing.
*** Fix null reference errors with the splitter controls
*** Don't clear selection on Cut
*** Don't mindlessly unpause the emulator if autorestore is off and we're editing input via menu
*** Account for loading files with "All Files" filter.
*** Implement SeekingCutoffInterval
*** Seek progress bar, ignore if seeking closer than 2 frames ahead
*** History form - report marker operations, canonical colors, show the current item better
*** Markers - adding markers updates dialog
*** Don't ever remove marker 0
**RAM Watch
RAM Watch - fix "Display watches on Screen" feature
RAM Watch - fixed saving of separators
*** Save to Disk option (intended for large movies)
*** Fix OutOfMemory when saving states
*** When automatic movie backups are enabled, take a backup when the movie is closed without saving
*** Save as menu item
*** Flag for SG-1000 movies, fixes TASVideos submission parser
**RAM Search
***Fix "Exclude RAM Watch" option
***Fix leadings zeros in the Difference and Differnet By boxes
**Basic Bot
***Compare To feature
***Clear button clears out the attempts and frames values
**Add libretro player, compatible with selected cores (check wiki)
**Add External Tool system for c#-based tool plugins
**Support Code-Data Logger for GB/GBC, SMS/GG, SNES, and Genesis
**Cheat Dialog: Fix flakiness in value-editing
**Add custom exception display box, so exception info can be clipboarded out
**Improve main OSD font
**Validate user shaders at selection time
**Support user custom AR selection
**Add --load-state commandline
**Fix --fullscreen and fullscreenOnLoad options
**Streamline editing RAM Watches
**Tidy main form context menu
**Add more options for U+D/L+R forbid/mutex
**Fix RAM Search, RAM Watch, Cheats recent file lists
**Fix ffmpeg path for AV writer broken a couple of releases ago
**Add menu command to record avi skipping av writer selection
**Remember codec selection between program sessions
**Fix toolbox
**Improvements to Retro shader compatibility
**Several Hex Editor usability enhancements
**DispMethod D3D: Stop FP precision conflicts with lua scripts
**DispMethod D3D: More leniency in compilation of optional shaders (so it's able to run on more low spec systems)
**Fix #525 - Memorywatch hex textbox now remembers values across memdomain switches
**Fix #526 - Hex editor repainting fails and garbage rendering
**Fix #535 - domain list does not update when changing cores
**Fix #537 - Annoyance with "always on top"
**Fix #541 - Heavy CPU usage when emulation is paused
**Fix #546 - Incorrect Lua Documentation
***Add GameShark converter for N64, GB/GBC, Saturn, GBA, PSX
***Add Action Replay converter for SMS, SNES, Genesis, GBA
***Add Game Genie converter for Genesis, SNES, GG, NES
***Color stated frames on WasLag too
***Don't truncate LagLog if the branch's one is shorter, but input is the same
***Clean up garbage lua text and drawings in branches
***Default scroll speed to 3
***Put branch states to a separate greenzone file
***Save/load TasSession variables (current frame and branch) in .tasproj
***Fix scrolling when loading a branch
***Account for mouse speed when advancing/rewinding
***Fix ALT+ hotkeys
***Update columns on every file load
***ScreenshotControl tweaks and fixes
***UserText in branches, available from lua and menu, is printed in ScreenshotControl
***Add GUI buttons to branch view and marker view
***Rightclick selects rows in branch and marker views
***Hotkeys and shortcuts for input view and branch view
***Add seeking progressbar
***Saving progressbar reports progress gradually
***Allow going to frame 0 for savestate-anchored movies
***Fix #515 - Save and load column settings in projects
***Fix #520 - An item with the same key has already been added
***Fix #504 - TAStudio opened several thousand Set Markers dialogs
**Basic Bot
***Monospaced input display
***Get smarter
**Add two new fonts (gens/snes9x and fceux) and text rendering options
**Fix gameExtraPadding coordinate translation
**Fix (or at least temporarily banish) floating point math errors when running n64
**Add CloseEmulatorWithCode (for returning exe process return code from script)
**Clarify script pause/stop state in UI and logic
**Autoload recent scripts (unless there's a recent session to autoload)
**Fix forms.destroyall() and call it when lua console closes
**Fix error in sizing of lua draw buffers with SetGameExtraPadding (and probably ClientExtraPadding) use
**Add gui.defaultTextBackground
**Fix #538 - Ability to pass memory domain to memory read/write functions
**Fix #530 "AV Resizing shows black screen with PSX"
**Fix crashes in GFX debugger (including fix #529)
**Recommend proper SNES PAR
**Build dlls without msvcrt14 dependencies (to run on more systems)
**Fix several cheat bugs
**Fix #134 - Add option to disable "force determinism", aka, turn off `savestate every frame`, for reduced reliability and greater speed.
**Add missing scrollbars in VDP viewer
**Fix #543 (support up to 32MB roms)
*Released October 14, 2015
*[|Windows binary]
*[|Revision 105cd1c]
**Add tape loading, settings menu, and lots of bugfixes
**Add client.SetClientExtraPadding; fix client.SetGameExtraPadding window scaling
**Add client.GetSoundOn and client.SetSoundOn
**Repair lag counter
**Fix massively broken controller config dialog which was making controllers seem effectively disconnected or malfunctiony
**Fix Direct3D display method sleep/ctrl+alt+del crashes
**Fix built-in shaders
**Reduce shader level requirements for basic d3d display method functionality
**Fix RAM Search/RAM Watch recent files menu
**Import PJM and PXM movies
**Sequentially number screenshots taken in the same second without crashing after the 3rd one
*Released October 10, 2015
*[|Windows binary]
*[|Revision a44cf5a]
**Update to mednafen
**Support 0-2 pads/shocks and 0-2 memcards
**Fix loading of some .psf files
**Add overscan clipping and deinterlacer options
**Fix resolution management and PAR stuff for some PAL modes
**Support .xml disc bundling tool as alternative to .m3u
**Save PAL information in movies, and fix reported PAL movie times
**Fix #460 - overlapping OSD elements
**Support mednafen's emulation of disc error correction (optionally) and graceful sector-out-of-bounds reading
**Compatibility hack for Jabo vs some Intel GPUs on Windows8+
**Handle interlaced modes differently
**Fix #507 - Add "Combined WRAM" memory domain
**Add LY to trace log
**Improve .unf loading (header parsing, Open ROM dialog, vram inference logic) and support more UNIF boards
**Add ines mappers: 6, 51, 53, 90, 136, 147, 202, 204, 209, 211, 212, 213, 214, 216, 235, 244, 17; fix mappers 31, 60, 79, 91, 164, 243, 245, 119, 90, 197
**Support many misc ROMs that are bad/over dumps, wrong/unusual header info, having trainers
**Auto-select region from iNESv2 header
**Fix some graphical corruptions in the PPU for Dragon Warrior 4 and others
**Support 512-entry palettes (QuickNES too)
**Handle AR/resolution-changing more correctly and add option to pad screen out to prevent window resizes
**Fix #494 - cheat decoder unhooked
**Direct3D Display Method support
**New Tool: Basic Bot
**Make throttle vs unthrottled vs frame advance behaviour better and add 400% speedlevel
**Add toggles for screen and hud display for true maximum turbo performance
**Add option to suppress double-click fullscreen toggling behaviour
**Don't reorder cheats list when editing cheats
**Fix some crashes on Play Movie dialog
**Support IPCKeyInput (for automation from external program)
**Support xbox pad guide button
**Sequentially number screenshots taken in the same second
**Finetune hotkey config dialog
**Leniency fixes to cue loading
**Make on-screen watches position editable
**Fix crash when minimizing window in gdi+ display method
**Fix some bugs in gdi+ display method with screenshots and prescaling
**Aboutbox more gitified
**Fix #461 - Repair autofire patterns
**Fix #477 - Support key input over IPC for automation
**Fix #490 - Ampersands in hex editor flakeout
**Fix #493 - Add option to hide OSD messages
**Fix #491 - Tool window sizes get whacked out sometimes
***Ability to create/load SaveRam-anchored movies
***Ability to import movies from commandline
***Fix out of memory when using the Play Movie dialog
***Add Branches feature
***Fix rerecord counting
***Various UI improvements and bug fixes
***Ability to move markers by alt+click dragging them
***Fix various out of memory and other greenzone crashes
***Hide Power and Reset columns by default.
***Optional icons for states and markers.
***Support creating a savestate anchored movie from another savestate anchored movie
***Support creating a new movie from current saveram
***Fix graphics rendering in GDI+ mode
***Add client.exit() and client.SetGameExtraPadding
***Add movie.startsfromsavestate() and movie.startsfromsaveram(), movie.getheader(), movie.getcomments(), and movie.getsubtitles()
***Add memorysavestate library for making and loading savestates in memory, with save, load, remove, and clearall methods
***Fix bizstring.split() (make 1-based)
***Fix crashes removing callbacks
***Fix #469 - forms.newform() : add an onclosed callback optional parameter
***Fix #463 - memory.readbyterange off-by-one
***Fix #498 - fix quicknes lua rendering being offset incorrectly sometimes
**Hex Editor
***When saving memory domains to file, account for roms in archives
***Fix some UI scrambling on memory domain change / data size changing
***Fix ampersand escaping output
***Change copy/paste behaviour and add 'export' option to all generally make more sense.
***Fix #481 - keep scroll bar position when resetting the current rom as opposed to changing to a new one
***Refresh list when toggling the status of a cheat
***Fix up open and save file dialog file/directory logic