
177 lines
7.8 KiB

# To save you having to build Mono locally, install the Cachix client (`nix-env -iA nixpkgs.cachix`) and run `cachix use mono-for-bizhawk` (both commands only need to run once ever). See for more info.
{ pkgs ? import (fetchTarball "") {}
# infrastructure
, stdenv ? pkgs.stdenvNoCC
, buildDotnetModule ? pkgs.buildDotnetModule
, fetchFromGitHub ? pkgs.fetchFromGitHub
#, makeDesktopItem ? pkgs.makeDesktopItem
, makeWrapper ? pkgs.makeWrapper
# source
, useCWDAsSource ? false # deprecated
, hawkSourceInfoDev ? rec {
version = "2.8.1-local"; # distinguishes parallel installs' config and other data
shorthash = "000000000"; # this and the branch name are written into movies and savestates, written to config to detect in-place upgrades (N/A to Nix), and of course also shown in the About dialog
branch = "master"; # must be regex-escaped (interpolated as `sed "s/.../${branch}/"`)
drv = builtins.path { path = ./.; name = "BizHawk-${version}"; }; # did have filter here for speed, but it wasn't faster and it wasn't correct and it couldn't be made correct and I'm mad
# makedeps
, dotnet-sdk_5 ? pkgs.dotnetCorePackages.sdk_5_0
, dotnet-sdk_6 ? pkgs.dotnetCorePackages.sdk_6_0
# rundeps for NixOS hosts
#, gtk2-x11 ? pkgs.gtk2-x11
# rundeps for all Linux hosts
, mesa ? pkgs.mesa
, mono ? null
, openal ? pkgs.openal
, uname ? stdenv
# other parameters
, buildConfig ? "Release" # "Debug"/"Release"
, debugPInvokes ? false # forwarded to Dist/wrapper-scripts.nix
, doCheck ? false # runs `Dist/BuildTest${buildConfig}.sh`
, forNixOS ? false
, initConfig ? {} # forwarded to Dist/wrapper-scripts.nix (see docs there)
lib = pkgs.lib;
commentUnless = b: lib.optionalString (!b) "# ";
versionAtLeast = exVer: acVer: builtins.compareVersions exVer acVer <= 0;
monoFinal = if mono != null
then mono
else if versionAtLeast "" pkgs.mono.version
then pkgs.mono
else pkgs.callPackage Dist/mono- {}; # not actually reproducible :(
buildAssembliesFor = hawkSourceInfo: buildDotnetModule rec {
pname = "BizHawk";
version = hawkSourceInfo.version;
src = hawkSourceInfo.drv;
outputs = [ "bin" "out" ];
dotnet-sdk = if hawkSourceInfo ? dotnet-sdk then hawkSourceInfo.dotnet-sdk else dotnet-sdk_6;
buildInputs = [ mesa monoFinal openal uname ];# ++ lib.optionals (forNixOS) [ gtk2-x11 ];
projectFile = "BizHawk.sln";
nugetDeps = if hawkSourceInfo ? nugetDeps then hawkSourceInfo.nugetDeps else Dist/deps.nix;
extraDotnetBuildFlags = "-maxcpucount:$NIX_BUILD_CORES -p:BuildInParallel=true --no-restore";
postPatch = ''
# confused? '$(...)' is literal here
# these scripts invoke Git in subshells and we want to run them now, at compile time, without Git
sed -i 's/$(git rev-parse --verify HEAD)/${hawkSourceInfo.shorthash}/' Dist/
sed -i -e 's/$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)/${hawkSourceInfo.branch}/' -e 's/$(git log -1 --format="%h")/${hawkSourceInfo.shorthash}/' Build/
sed -i 's/$(git rev-list HEAD --count)//' Build/ # const field is unused
# stop MSBuild from copying Assets, we'll do that later
sed -i '/Assets\/\*\*/d' src/BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk/BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk.csproj
sed -i '/mkdir "packaged_output\/Firmware/d' Dist/ # and we don't need this
buildPhase = ''
cd src/BizHawk.Version
dotnet build ${extraDotnetBuildFlags}
cd ../..
Dist/Build${buildConfig}.sh ${extraDotnetBuildFlags}
printf "NixHawk" >output/dll/custombuild.txt
Dist/ linux-x64
inherit doCheck;
checkPhase = ''
export GITLAB_CI=1 # pretend to be in GitLab CI -- platform-specific tests don't run in CI because they assume an Arch filesystem (on Linux hosts)
# from 2.7.1, use standard -p:ContinuousIntegrationBuild=true instead
Dist/BuildTest${buildConfig}.sh ${extraDotnetBuildFlags}
# can't build w/ extra Analyzers, it fails to restore :(
# Dist/Build${buildConfig}.sh -p:MachineRunAnalyzersDuringBuild=true ${extraDotnetBuildFlags}
installPhase = ''
cp -avT packaged_output $bin
cp -avt $bin Assets/defctrl.json && rm Assets/defctrl.json
cp -avt $bin/dll Assets/dll/* && rm -r Assets/dll
rm Assets/ # replaced w/ scripts from wrapperScripts
cp -avt $bin Assets/gamedb && rm -r Assets/gamedb
cp -avt $bin Assets/Shaders && rm -r Assets/Shaders
cp -avT Assets $out
dontPatchELF = true;
wrapperScriptsFor = { hawkSourceInfo, bizhawkAssemblies }: import Dist/wrapper-scripts.nix {
inherit (pkgs) lib writeShellScriptBin writeText;
inherit commentUnless versionAtLeast mesa openal debugPInvokes initConfig;
bizhawk = bizhawkAssemblies;
hawkVersion = hawkSourceInfo.version;
mono = monoFinal;
mkWrapperWrapper = { hawkSourceInfo, bizhawkAssemblies, pname, innerWrapper, desktopName }: stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
inherit pname;
version = hawkSourceInfo.version;
exeName = "${pname}-${version}";
nativeBuildInputs = [ makeWrapper ];
buildInputs = [ bizhawkAssemblies ];
# there must be a helper for this somewhere...
dontUnpack = true;
dontPatch = true;
dontConfigure = true;
dontBuild = true;
installPhase = ''
mkdir -p $out/bin
makeWrapper ${innerWrapper} $out/bin/${exeName} \
--set BIZHAWK_HOME ${bizhawkAssemblies}
dontFixup = true;
# desktopItems = [ (makeDesktopItem {
# name = "${pname}-${version}"; # actually filename
# exec = "${exeName}";
# inherit desktopName; # actually Name
# }) ];
buildDiscoHawkWrapperFor = { hawkSourceInfo, bizhawkAssemblies ? buildAssembliesFor hawkSourceInfo }: let
wrapperScripts = wrapperScriptsFor { inherit hawkSourceInfo bizhawkAssemblies; };
in mkWrapperWrapper {
inherit hawkSourceInfo bizhawkAssemblies;
pname = "discohawk-monort";
innerWrapper = "${wrapperScripts.discoWrapper}/bin/discohawk-wrapper";
desktopName = "DiscoHawk (Mono Runtime)";
buildEmuHawkWrapperFor = { hawkSourceInfo, bizhawkAssemblies ? buildAssembliesFor hawkSourceInfo }: let
wrapperScripts = wrapperScriptsFor { inherit hawkSourceInfo bizhawkAssemblies; };
in mkWrapperWrapper {
inherit hawkSourceInfo bizhawkAssemblies;
pname = "emuhawk-monort";
innerWrapper = if forNixOS
then "${wrapperScripts.wrapperScript}/bin/emuhawk-wrapper"
else "${wrapperScripts.wrapperScriptNonNixOS}/bin/emuhawk-wrapper-non-nixos";
desktopName = "EmuHawk (Mono Runtime)";
in rec {
bizhawkAssemblies = buildAssembliesFor hawkSourceInfoDev; # assemblies and dependencies, and some other immutable things like the gamedb, are in the `bin` output; the rest of the "assets" (bundled scripts, palettes, etc.) are in the `out` output
discohawk = buildDiscoHawkWrapperFor { inherit bizhawkAssemblies; hawkSourceInfo = hawkSourceInfoDev; };
emuhawk-2_7 = buildEmuHawkWrapperFor {
hawkSourceInfo = {
version = "2.7";
shorthash = "dbaf25956";
branch = "master";
drv = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "TASEmulators";
repo = "BizHawk";
rev = "dbaf2595625f79093eeec37d2d4a7a9a4d37f370";
hash = "sha256-KXe69svPIIFaXgT9t+02pwdQ6WWqdqgUdtaE2S4/YxA=";
dotnet-sdk = dotnet-sdk_5;
nugetDeps = Dist/deps-old.nix;
emuhawk-2_8 = buildEmuHawkWrapperFor {
hawkSourceInfo = {
version = "2.8";
shorthash = "e731e0f32";
branch = "master";
drv = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "TASEmulators";
repo = "BizHawk";
rev = "e731e0f32903cd40b83ed75bba3b1e3753105ce2";
hash = "sha256-kP6zvTbhctqGCmjDOtQgBGII1T0xIyN5keq7d/lfWVM=";
emuhawk = buildEmuHawkWrapperFor { inherit bizhawkAssemblies; hawkSourceInfo = hawkSourceInfoDev; };
emuhawkWrapperScriptNonNixOS = (wrapperScriptsFor { inherit bizhawkAssemblies; hawkSourceInfo = hawkSourceInfoDev; }).wrapperScriptNonNixOS;
mono = monoFinal;