
404 lines
17 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using BizHawk.Client.Common;
namespace BizHawk.Experiment.AutoGenConfig
public static class ConfigEditorUIGenerators
public interface IConfigPropEditorUIGen
bool MatchesBaseline(Control c, ConfigEditorMetadata metadata);
/// <returns>
/// A <see cref="Control"/> with <see cref="Control.Name"/> set to the property name (including nesting) and <see cref="Control.Tag"/> set to a <see cref="ConfigPropEditorUITag"/>.<br/>
/// Multiple <see cref="Control">Controls</see> may be needed, the returned value is always the topmost parent (probably a <see cref="FlowLayoutPanel"/>).
/// </returns>
/// <remarks><see cref="ConfigEditorMetadata.BaselineValues"/> in <paramref name="metadata"/> will be updated.</remarks>
Control GenerateControl(string nesting, PropertyInfo pi, object config, ConfigEditorMetadata metadata);
/// <returns>value represented by <paramref name="c"/> or its nested <see cref="Control">Controls</see></returns>
object? GetTValue(Control c);
string SerializeTValue(object? v);
/// <returns><see langword="true"/> iff equal</returns>
bool TValueEquality(object? a, object? b);
public sealed class CheckBoxForBoolEditorUIGen : ConfigPropEditorUIGenValT<CheckBox, bool>
protected override void ControlEventHandler(object sender, EventArgs args)
var cb = (CheckBox) sender;
cb.ForeColor = GetComparisonColor(cb.Name, cb.Checked, (ConfigPropEditorUITag) cb.Tag);
protected override CheckBox GenerateControl(string nesting, PropertyInfo pi, object config, ConfigEditorMetadata metadata)
if (pi.PropertyType != typeof(bool)) throw new Exception();
var baseline = (bool) pi.GetValue(config);
var nestedName = $"{nesting}/{pi.Name}";
metadata.BaselineValues[nestedName] = baseline;
var tag = new ConfigPropEditorUITag(metadata, this);
return new CheckBox
AutoSize = true,
Checked = baseline,
ForeColor = GetUnchangedComparisonColor(nestedName, in baseline, tag),
Name = nestedName,
Tag = tag,
Text = GetPropertyNameDesc(pi)
}.Also(it => it.CheckedChanged += ControlEventHandler);
protected override bool GetTValue(CheckBox c) => c.Checked;
protected override bool TValueEquality(bool a, bool b) => a == b;
public sealed class ComparisonColors
public readonly Color Changed;
public readonly Color ChangedInvalid;
public readonly Color ChangedUnset;
public readonly Color Unchanged;
public readonly Color UnchangedDefault;
public ComparisonColors(Color changed, Color changedInvalid, Color changedUnset, Color unchanged, Color unchangedDefault)
Changed = changed;
ChangedInvalid = changedInvalid;
ChangedUnset = changedUnset;
Unchanged = unchanged;
UnchangedDefault = unchangedDefault;
public static readonly ComparisonColors Defaults = new ComparisonColors(
Color.FromArgb(unchecked((int) 0xFFBF5F1F)),
Color.FromArgb(unchecked((int) 0xFF9F0000)),
Color.FromArgb(unchecked((int) 0xFFBF1F5F)),
Color.FromArgb(unchecked((int) 0xFF00003F)),
/// <summary>Holds computed data that, with reference to a specified config-containing type, cannot change during the lifetime of the program.</summary>
public sealed class ConfigEditorCache
public readonly IDictionary<string, object?> DefaultValues = new Dictionary<string, object?>();
private readonly IReadOnlyDictionary<Type, IConfigPropEditorUIGen> FallbackGenerators;
private readonly IConfigPropEditorUIGen FinalFallbackGenerator;
public readonly IList<(string, FieldInfo)> Groups = new List<(string, FieldInfo)>();
public readonly IList<(string, PropertyInfo, IConfigPropEditorUIGen)> PropEditorUIGenerators = new List<(string, PropertyInfo, IConfigPropEditorUIGen)>();
public ConfigEditorCache(Type configType, IReadOnlyDictionary<Type, IConfigPropEditorUIGen>? fallbackGenerators = null, IConfigPropEditorUIGen? finalFallbackGenerator = null)
FallbackGenerators = fallbackGenerators == null
? DefaultFallbackGeneratorSet
: new Dictionary<Type, IConfigPropEditorUIGen>().Also(it =>
// Concat will effectively use parameter to overwrite where specified
foreach (var kvp in DefaultFallbackGeneratorSet.Concat(fallbackGenerators)) it[kvp.Key] = kvp.Value;
FinalFallbackGenerator = finalFallbackGenerator ?? new UnrepresentablePropEditorUIGen();
static object? TrueGenericDefault(Type type)
return Activator.CreateInstance(type);
return null;
void TraversePropertiesOf(Type type, string nesting)
foreach (var pi in type.GetProperties()
.Where(pi => pi.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(EditableAttribute), false).All(attr => ((EditableAttribute) attr).AllowEdit)))
var gen = FallbackGenerators.TryGetValue(pi.PropertyType, out var fallbackGen) ? fallbackGen : FinalFallbackGenerator;
if (pi.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(EditorUIGeneratorAttribute), false).FirstOrDefault() is EditorUIGeneratorAttribute attr
&& typeof(IConfigPropEditorUIGen).IsAssignableFrom(attr.GeneratorType)
&& TrueGenericDefault(attr.GeneratorType) is IConfigPropEditorUIGen overrideGen)
gen = overrideGen;
PropEditorUIGenerators.Add((nesting, pi, gen));
DefaultValues[$"{nesting}/{pi.Name}"] = pi.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(DefaultValueAttribute), false).FirstOrDefault()
?.Let(it => ((DefaultValueAttribute) it).Value)
?? TrueGenericDefault(pi.PropertyType);
foreach (var fi in type.GetFields()
.Where(fi => fi.CustomAttributes.Any(cad => cad.AttributeType == typeof(ConfigGroupingStructAttribute))))
Groups.Add((nesting, fi));
TraversePropertiesOf(fi.FieldType, $"{nesting}/{fi.Name}");
TraversePropertiesOf(configType, string.Empty);
private static readonly IReadOnlyDictionary<Type, IConfigPropEditorUIGen> DefaultFallbackGeneratorSet = new Dictionary<Type, IConfigPropEditorUIGen> {
[typeof(bool)] = new CheckBoxForBoolEditorUIGen(),
[typeof(int)] = new NumericUpDownForInt32EditorUIGen(),
[typeof(string)] = new TextBoxForStringEditorUIGen()
public sealed class ConfigEditorMetadata
public readonly IDictionary<string, object?> BaselineValues = new Dictionary<string, object?>();
/// <inheritdoc cref="ConfigEditorCache"/>
public readonly ConfigEditorCache Cache;
public readonly ComparisonColors ComparisonColors;
/// <param name="colors">default of <see langword="null"/> uses <see cref="ConfigEditorUIGenerators.ComparisonColors.Defaults"/></param>
public ConfigEditorMetadata(ConfigEditorCache cache, ComparisonColors? colors = null)
Cache = cache;
ComparisonColors = colors ?? ComparisonColors.Defaults;
public sealed class ConfigPropEditorUITag
public readonly IConfigPropEditorUIGen Generator;
public readonly ConfigEditorMetadata Metadata;
public ConfigPropEditorUITag(ConfigEditorMetadata metadata, IConfigPropEditorUIGen generator)
Metadata = metadata;
Generator = generator;
public abstract class ConfigPropEditorUIGen<TListed, TValue> : IConfigPropEditorUIGen
where TListed : Control
protected abstract void ControlEventHandler(object sender, EventArgs args);
/// <inheritdoc cref="IConfigPropEditorUIGen.GenerateControl"/>
protected abstract TListed GenerateControl(string nesting, PropertyInfo pi, object config, ConfigEditorMetadata metadata);
Control IConfigPropEditorUIGen.GenerateControl(string nesting, PropertyInfo pi, object config, ConfigEditorMetadata metadata) => GenerateControl(nesting, pi, config, metadata);
/// <inheritdoc cref="IConfigPropEditorUIGen.GetTValue"/>
protected abstract TValue GetTValue(TListed c);
object? IConfigPropEditorUIGen.GetTValue(Control c) => GetTValue((TListed) c);
/// <remarks>
/// Default implementation didn't play nice with <see langword="null"/>, so multiple behaviours are available for custom generators:
/// inherit from <see cref="ConfigPropEditorUIGenRefT"/> or <see cref="ConfigPropEditorUIGenValT"/> instead.
/// </remarks>
protected abstract bool MatchesBaseline(TListed c, ConfigEditorMetadata metadata);
bool IConfigPropEditorUIGen.MatchesBaseline(Control c, ConfigEditorMetadata metadata) => MatchesBaseline((TListed) c, metadata);
protected virtual string SerializeTValue(TValue v) => v?.ToString() ?? NULL_SERIALIZATION;
#pragma warning disable CS8604
string IConfigPropEditorUIGen.SerializeTValue(object? v) => SerializeTValue((TValue) v);
#pragma warning restore CS8604
/// <inheritdoc cref="IConfigPropEditorUIGen.TValueEquality"/>
protected abstract bool TValueEquality(TValue a, TValue b);
#pragma warning disable CS8604
bool IConfigPropEditorUIGen.TValueEquality(object? a, object? b) => TValueEquality((TValue) a, (TValue) b);
#pragma warning restore CS8604
protected const string NULL_SERIALIZATION = "(null)";
protected static Color GetComparisonColor<T>(string nestedName, T? currentValue, ConfigPropEditorUITag tag)
where T : class
=> tag.Generator.TValueEquality(currentValue, (T?) tag.Metadata.BaselineValues[nestedName])
? GetUnchangedComparisonColor(nestedName, currentValue, tag)
: tag.Generator.TValueEquality(currentValue, (T?) tag.Metadata.Cache.DefaultValues[nestedName])
? tag.Metadata.ComparisonColors.ChangedUnset
: tag.Metadata.ComparisonColors.Changed;
protected static Color GetComparisonColor<T>(string nestedName, in T currentValue, ConfigPropEditorUITag tag)
where T : struct
=> tag.Generator.TValueEquality(currentValue, tag.Metadata.BaselineValues[nestedName] is T baseline ? baseline : throw new Exception())
? GetUnchangedComparisonColor(nestedName, in currentValue, tag)
: tag.Generator.TValueEquality(currentValue, tag.Metadata.Cache.DefaultValues[nestedName] is T defaultValue ? defaultValue : throw new Exception())
? tag.Metadata.ComparisonColors.ChangedUnset
: tag.Metadata.ComparisonColors.Changed;
protected static string GetPropertyNameDesc(PropertyInfo pi)
=> pi.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(DescriptionAttribute), false).FirstOrDefault()
?.Let(it => $"{pi.Name}: {((DescriptionAttribute) it).Description}")
?? pi.Name;
protected static Color GetUnchangedComparisonColor<T>(string nestedName, T? currentValue, ConfigPropEditorUITag tag)
where T : class
=> tag.Generator.TValueEquality(currentValue, (T?) tag.Metadata.Cache.DefaultValues[nestedName])
? tag.Metadata.ComparisonColors.UnchangedDefault
: tag.Metadata.ComparisonColors.Unchanged;
protected static Color GetUnchangedComparisonColor<T>(string nestedName, in T currentValue, ConfigPropEditorUITag tag)
where T : struct
=> tag.Generator.TValueEquality(currentValue, tag.Metadata.Cache.DefaultValues[nestedName] is T defaultValue ? defaultValue : throw new Exception())
? tag.Metadata.ComparisonColors.UnchangedDefault
: tag.Metadata.ComparisonColors.Unchanged;
public abstract class ConfigPropEditorUIGenRefT<TListed, TValue> : ConfigPropEditorUIGen<TListed, TValue?>
where TListed : Control
where TValue : class
/// <remarks>
/// Checked in <see cref="MatchesBaseline"/> in the case where the baseline value is <see cref="null"/>.
/// If its implementation returns <see cref="false"/>, an exception will be thrown, otherwise <see cref="TValueEquality"/>' implementation will be called with <see cref="null"/>.
/// </remarks>
protected abstract bool AllowNull { get; }
/// <inheritdoc cref="ConfigPropEditorUIGen.MatchesBaseline"/>
protected override bool MatchesBaseline(TListed c, ConfigEditorMetadata metadata)
=> metadata.BaselineValues[c.Name] is TValue v
? TValueEquality(GetTValue(c), v)
: AllowNull ? TValueEquality(GetTValue(c), null) : throw new Exception();
public abstract class ConfigPropEditorUIGenValT<TListed, TValue> : ConfigPropEditorUIGen<TListed, TValue>
where TListed : Control
where TValue : struct
/// <inheritdoc cref="ConfigPropEditorUIGen.MatchesBaseline"/>
protected override bool MatchesBaseline(TListed c, ConfigEditorMetadata metadata)
=> metadata.BaselineValues[c.Name] is TValue v ? TValueEquality(GetTValue(c), v) : throw new Exception();
public sealed class NumericUpDownForInt32EditorUIGen : ConfigPropEditorUIGenValT<FlowLayoutPanel, int>
protected override void ControlEventHandler(object sender, EventArgs args)
var nud = (NumericUpDown) sender;
nud.Parent.ForeColor = GetComparisonColor(nud.Parent.Name, (int) nud.Value, (ConfigPropEditorUITag) nud.Parent.Tag);
protected override FlowLayoutPanel GenerateControl(string nesting, PropertyInfo pi, object config, ConfigEditorMetadata metadata)
if (pi.PropertyType != typeof(int)) throw new Exception();
var baseline = (int) pi.GetValue(config);
var nestedName = $"{nesting}/{pi.Name}";
metadata.BaselineValues[nestedName] = baseline;
var tag = new ConfigPropEditorUITag(metadata, this);
return new FlowLayoutPanel {
AutoSize = true,
Controls = {
new Label { Anchor = AnchorStyles.None, AutoSize = true, Text = GetPropertyNameDesc(pi) },
new NumericUpDown
Maximum = int.MaxValue,
Minimum = int.MinValue,
Size = new Size(72, 20),
Value = baseline
}.Also(it =>
if (pi.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(RangeAttribute), false).FirstOrDefault() is RangeAttribute range)
it.Maximum = (int) range.Maximum;
it.Minimum = (int) range.Minimum;
it.ValueChanged += ControlEventHandler;
ForeColor = GetUnchangedComparisonColor(nestedName, in baseline, tag),
Name = nestedName,
Tag = tag
protected override int GetTValue(FlowLayoutPanel c) => (int) ((NumericUpDown) c.Controls[1]).Value;
protected override bool TValueEquality(int a, int b) => a == b;
public sealed class TextBoxForStringEditorUIGen : ConfigPropEditorUIGenRefT<FlowLayoutPanel, string>
protected override bool AllowNull => true;
protected override void ControlEventHandler(object sender, EventArgs args)
var tb = (TextBox) sender;
tb.Parent.ForeColor = GetComparisonColor(tb.Parent.Name, tb.Text, (ConfigPropEditorUITag) tb.Parent.Tag);
protected override FlowLayoutPanel GenerateControl(string nesting, PropertyInfo pi, object config, ConfigEditorMetadata metadata)
if (!pi.PropertyType.IsAssignableFrom(typeof(string))) throw new Exception();
var baseline = (string) pi.GetValue(config);
var nestedName = $"{nesting}/{pi.Name}";
metadata.BaselineValues[nestedName] = baseline;
var tag = new ConfigPropEditorUITag(metadata, this);
return new FlowLayoutPanel {
AutoSize = true,
Controls = {
new Label { Anchor = AnchorStyles.None, AutoSize = true, Text = GetPropertyNameDesc(pi) },
new TextBox { AutoSize = true, Text = baseline }.Also(it => it.TextChanged += ControlEventHandler)
ForeColor = GetUnchangedComparisonColor(nestedName, baseline, tag),
Name = nestedName,
Tag = tag
protected override string? GetTValue(FlowLayoutPanel c) => ((TextBox) c.Controls[1]).Text;
protected override string SerializeTValue(string? v) => v == null ? NULL_SERIALIZATION : $"\"{v}\"";
protected override bool TValueEquality(string? a, string? b) => string.Equals(a, b) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(a) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(b);
public sealed class UnrepresentablePropEditorUIGen : ConfigPropEditorUIGen<GroupBox, object?>
protected override void ControlEventHandler(object sender, EventArgs args) => throw new InvalidOperationException();
protected override GroupBox GenerateControl(string nesting, PropertyInfo pi, object config, ConfigEditorMetadata metadata)
=> new GroupBox {
AutoSize = true,
Controls = {
new FlowLayoutPanel {
AutoSize = true,
Controls = { new Label { AutoSize = true, Text = $"no editor found for type {pi.PropertyType}" } },
Location = new Point(4, 16),
MaximumSize = new Size(int.MaxValue, 20)
MaximumSize = new Size(int.MaxValue, 40),
Name = $"{nesting}/{pi.Name}",
Tag = new ConfigPropEditorUITag(metadata, this),
Text = pi.Name
protected override object? GetTValue(GroupBox c) => throw new InvalidOperationException();
protected override bool MatchesBaseline(GroupBox c, ConfigEditorMetadata metadata) => true;
protected override bool TValueEquality(object? a, object? b) => throw new InvalidOperationException();