30 lines
809 B
30 lines
809 B
set OUTFILE=BizHawk-Github-Release.zip
set WORKDIR=.build-github-release
set PATH=%PATH%;C:\Program Files (x86)\git\bin;C:\Program Files\git\bin
rem cleanup old working and output files
del ..\..\%OUTFILE%
rmdir /s /q %WORKDIR%
rem prepare working directory for clone
mkdir %WORKDIR%
rem http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13750182/git-how-to-archive-from-remote-repository-directly
git clone --depth=1 --single-branch --branch Release http://github.com/TASVideos/BizHawk.git .
rem use updated build scripts
copy /y ..\BuildAndPackage_Release.bat dist
copy /y ..\BuildAndPackage.bat dist
rem build the branch
cd dist
call BuildAndPackage_Release.bat
rem make sure we save the output!
move BizHawk.zip ..\..\%OUTFILE%
rem cleanup
cd ..\..
rmdir /s /q %WORKDIR% |