
359 lines
9.4 KiB

#include "OMAConvert.h"
namespace OMAConvert {
const u32 OMA_EA3_MAGIC = 0x45413301;
const u8 OMA_CODECID_ATRAC3P = 1;
const int OMAHeaderSize = 96;
const int FMT_CHUNK_MAGIC = 0x20746D66;
const int DATA_CHUNK_MAGIC = 0x61746164;
const int SMPL_CHUNK_MAGIC = 0x6C706D73;
const int FACT_CHUNK_MAGIC = 0x74636166;
const int AT3_MAGIC = 0x0270;
const int AT3_PLUS_MAGIC = 0xFFFE;
template <typename T> void BigEndianWriteBuf(u8* buf, T x, int &pos)
int k = sizeof(T);
for (int i = k - 1; i >= 0; i--)
buf[pos + i] = (u8)(x & 0xFF);
x >>= 8;
pos += k;
template <typename T> inline T getBufValue(T* buf, int offsetbytes)
return *(T*)(((u8*)buf) + offsetbytes);
inline void WriteBuf(u8* dst, int &pos, u8* src, int size)
memcpy(dst + pos, src, size);
pos += size;
bool isHeader(u8* audioStream, int offset)
const u8 header1 = (u8)0x0F;
const u8 header2 = (u8)0xD0;
return (audioStream[offset] == header1) && (audioStream[offset+1] == header2);
// header set to the headerbuf, and return it's size
int getOmaHeader(u8 codecId, u8 headerCode0, u8 headerCode1, u8 headerCode2, u8* headerbuf)
int pos = 0;
BigEndianWriteBuf(headerbuf, (u32)OMA_EA3_MAGIC, pos);
BigEndianWriteBuf(headerbuf, (u16)OMAHeaderSize, pos);
BigEndianWriteBuf(headerbuf, (u16)-1, pos);
// Unknown 24 bytes...
BigEndianWriteBuf(headerbuf, (u32)0x00000000, pos);
BigEndianWriteBuf(headerbuf, (u32)0x010f5000, pos);
BigEndianWriteBuf(headerbuf, (u32)0x00040000, pos);
BigEndianWriteBuf(headerbuf, (u32)0x0000f5ce, pos);
BigEndianWriteBuf(headerbuf, (u32)0xd2929132, pos);
BigEndianWriteBuf(headerbuf, (u32)0x2480451c, pos);
BigEndianWriteBuf(headerbuf, (u8)codecId, pos);
BigEndianWriteBuf(headerbuf, (u8)headerCode0, pos);
BigEndianWriteBuf(headerbuf, (u8)headerCode1, pos);
BigEndianWriteBuf(headerbuf, (u8)headerCode2, pos);
while (pos < OMAHeaderSize) BigEndianWriteBuf(headerbuf, (u8)0, pos);
return pos;
int getNextHeaderPosition(u8* audioStream, int curpos, int limit, int frameSize)
int endScan = limit - 1;
// Most common case: the header can be found at each frameSize
int offset = curpos + frameSize - 8;
if (offset < endScan && isHeader(audioStream, offset))
return offset;
for (int scan = curpos; scan < endScan; scan++) {
if (isHeader(audioStream, scan))
return scan;
return -1;
void releaseStream(u8** stream)
if (*stream) delete [] (*stream);
*stream = 0;
// atrac3plus radio
// 352kbps 0xff
// 320kbps 0xe8
// 256kbps 0xb9
// 192kbps 0x8b
// 160kbps 0x74
// 128kbps 0x5c
// 96kbps 0x45
// 64kbps 0x2e
// 48kbps 0x22
const u8 atrac3plusradio[] = {0xff, 0xe8, 0xb9, 0x8b, 0x74, 0x5c, 0x45, 0x2e, 0x22};
const int atrac3plusradiosize = sizeof(atrac3plusradio);
int convertStreamtoOMA(u8* audioStream, int audioSize, u8** outputStream)
if (!isHeader(audioStream, 0))
*outputStream = 0;
return 0;
u8 headerCode1 = audioStream[2];
u8 headerCode2 = audioStream[3];
if (headerCode1 == 0x28)
bool bsupported = false;
for (int i = 0; i < atrac3plusradiosize; i++) {
if (atrac3plusradio[i] == headerCode2)
bsupported = true;
if (bsupported == false)
*outputStream = 0;
return 0;
*outputStream = 0;
return 0;
int frameSize = ((headerCode1 & 0x03) << 8) | (headerCode2 & 0xFF) * 8 + 0x10;
int numCompleteFrames = audioSize / (frameSize + 8);
int lastFrameSize = audioSize - (numCompleteFrames * (frameSize + 8));
int omaStreamSize = OMAHeaderSize + numCompleteFrames * frameSize + lastFrameSize;
// Allocate an OMA stream size large enough (better too large than too short)
if (audioSize > omaStreamSize) omaStreamSize = audioSize;
u8* oma = new u8[omaStreamSize];
int omapos = 0;
int audiopos = 0;
omapos += getOmaHeader(OMA_CODECID_ATRAC3P, 0, headerCode1, headerCode2, oma);
while (audioSize - audiopos > 8) {
// Skip 8 bytes frame header
audiopos += 8;
int nextHeader = getNextHeaderPosition(audioStream, audiopos, audioSize, frameSize);
u8* frame = audioStream + audiopos;
int framelimit = audioSize - audiopos;
if (nextHeader >= 0) {
framelimit = nextHeader - audiopos;
audiopos = nextHeader;
} else
audiopos = audioSize;
WriteBuf(oma, omapos, frame, framelimit);
*outputStream = oma;
return omapos;
int getChunkOffset(u8* riff, int limit, int chunkMagic, int offset) {
for (int i = offset; i <= limit - 8;) {
if (getBufValue((int*)riff, i) == chunkMagic)
return i;
// Move to next chunk
int chunkSize = getBufValue((int*)riff, i + 4);
i += chunkSize + 8;
return -1;
int convertRIFFtoOMA(u8* riff, int riffSize, u8** outputStream, int* readSize)
const int firstChunkOffset = 12;
int fmtChunkOffset = getChunkOffset(riff, riffSize, FMT_CHUNK_MAGIC, firstChunkOffset);
if (fmtChunkOffset < 0) {
*outputStream = 0;
return 0;
u8 codecId = getBufValue(riff, fmtChunkOffset + 0x30);
u8 headerCode0 = getBufValue(riff, fmtChunkOffset + 0x31);
u8 headerCode1 = getBufValue(riff, fmtChunkOffset + 0x32);
u8 headerCode2 = getBufValue(riff, fmtChunkOffset + 0x33);
bool bsupported = false;
u16 magic = getBufValue((u16*)riff, fmtChunkOffset + 0x08);
if (magic == AT3_MAGIC)
u8 key = getBufValue((u8*)riff, fmtChunkOffset + 0x11);
u16 channel = getBufValue((u16*)riff, fmtChunkOffset + 0x0a);
switch (key)
case 0x20:
// 66kpbs
codecId = 0;
headerCode0 = 0x02;
headerCode1 = 0x20;
headerCode2 = 0x18;
case 0x40:
// 132kpbs
codecId = 0;
headerCode0 = 0x00;
headerCode1 = 0x20;
headerCode2 = 0x30;
// 105kpbs
codecId = 0;
headerCode0 = 0x00;
headerCode1 = 0x20;
headerCode2 = 0x26;
if (channel == 2)
bsupported = true;
bsupported = false;
else if (magic == AT3_PLUS_MAGIC && headerCode0 == 0x00
&& headerCode1 == 0x28)
for (int i = 0; i < atrac3plusradiosize; i++) {
if (atrac3plusradio[i] == headerCode2)
bsupported = true;
if (bsupported == false)
*outputStream = 0;
return 0;
int dataChunkOffset = getChunkOffset(riff, riffSize, DATA_CHUNK_MAGIC, firstChunkOffset);
if (dataChunkOffset < 0) {
*outputStream = 0;
return 0;
int dataSize = getBufValue((int*)riff, dataChunkOffset + 4);
int datapos = dataChunkOffset + 8;
u8* oma = new u8[OMAHeaderSize + dataSize];
int omapos = 0;
omapos += getOmaHeader(codecId, headerCode0, headerCode1, headerCode2, oma);
WriteBuf(oma, omapos, riff + datapos, dataSize);
*outputStream = oma;
if (readSize)
*readSize = OMAHeaderSize + riffSize - datapos;
return omapos;
int getOMANumberAudioChannels(u8* oma)
int headerParameters = getBufValue((int*)oma, 0x20);
int channels = (headerParameters >> 18) & 0x7;
return channels;
int getRIFFSize(u8* riff, int bufsize)
const int firstChunkOffset = 12;
int fmtChunkOffset = getChunkOffset(riff, bufsize, FMT_CHUNK_MAGIC, firstChunkOffset);
int dataChunkOffset = getChunkOffset(riff, bufsize, DATA_CHUNK_MAGIC, firstChunkOffset);
if (fmtChunkOffset < 0 || dataChunkOffset < 0)
return 0;
int dataSize = getBufValue((int*)riff, dataChunkOffset + 4);
return dataSize + dataChunkOffset + 8;
int getRIFFLoopNum(u8* riff, int bufsize, int *startsample, int *endsample)
const int firstChunkOffset = 12;
int dataChunkOffset = getChunkOffset(riff, bufsize, DATA_CHUNK_MAGIC, firstChunkOffset);
if (dataChunkOffset < 0)
return 0;
int smplChunkOffset = getChunkOffset(riff, dataChunkOffset, SMPL_CHUNK_MAGIC, firstChunkOffset);
if (smplChunkOffset < 0)
return 0;
int factChunkOffset = getChunkOffset(riff, dataChunkOffset, FACT_CHUNK_MAGIC, firstChunkOffset);
int atracSampleOffset = 0;
if (factChunkOffset >= 0) {
int factChunkSize = getBufValue((int*)riff, factChunkOffset + 4);
if (factChunkSize >= 8) {
atracSampleOffset = getBufValue((int*)riff, factChunkOffset + 12);
int smplChunkSize = getBufValue((int*)riff, smplChunkOffset + 4);
int checkNumLoops = getBufValue((int*)riff, smplChunkOffset + 36);
if (smplChunkSize >= 36 + checkNumLoops * 24)
// find loop info, simple return -1 now for endless loop
int numLoops = checkNumLoops;
int loopInfoAddr = smplChunkOffset + 44;
int loopcounts = (numLoops > 1) ? -1 : 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
if (startsample)
*startsample = getBufValue((int*)riff, loopInfoAddr + 8) - atracSampleOffset;
if (endsample)
*endsample = getBufValue((int*)riff, loopInfoAddr + 12) - atracSampleOffset;
int playcount = getBufValue((int*)riff, loopInfoAddr + 20);
if (playcount != 1)
loopcounts = -1;
loopInfoAddr += 24;
return loopcounts;
return 0;
int getRIFFendSample(u8* riff, int bufsize)
const int firstChunkOffset = 12;
int dataChunkOffset = getChunkOffset(riff, bufsize, DATA_CHUNK_MAGIC, firstChunkOffset);
if (dataChunkOffset < 0)
return -1;
int factChunkOffset = getChunkOffset(riff, dataChunkOffset, FACT_CHUNK_MAGIC, firstChunkOffset);
if (factChunkOffset >= 0) {
int factChunkSize = getBufValue((int*)riff, factChunkOffset + 4);
if (factChunkSize >= 8) {
int endSample = getBufValue((int*)riff, factChunkOffset + 8);
return endSample;
return -1;
int getRIFFChannels(u8* riff, int bufsize)
const int firstChunkOffset = 12;
int fmtChunkOffset = getChunkOffset(riff, bufsize, FMT_CHUNK_MAGIC, firstChunkOffset);
if (fmtChunkOffset < 0)
return 0;
u16 channel = getBufValue((u16*)riff, fmtChunkOffset + 0x0a);
return channel;
} // namespace OMAConvert