890 lines
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890 lines
19 KiB
/* Mednafen Sega Saturn Emulation Module */
/* vdp1.cpp - VDP1 Emulation
** Copyright (C) 2015-2017 Mednafen Team
** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
** modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
** as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
** of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
** 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
// TODO: Check to see what registers are reset on reset.
// TODO: Fix preclipping when raw system clipping values have bit12==1(sign bit?).
// TODO: SS_SetPhysMemMap(0x05C80000, 0x05CFFFFF, FB[FBDrawWhich], sizeof(FB[0]));
// (...but goes weird in 8bpp rotated mode...)
// TODO: Test 1x1 line, polyline, sprite, and polygon.
// TODO: Framebuffer swap/auto drawing start happens a bit too early, should happen near
// end of hblank instead of the beginning.
#include "ss.h"
#include "scu.h"
#include "vdp1.h"
#include "vdp2.h"
#include "vdp1_common.h"
enum { VDP1_UpdateTimingGran = 263 };
enum { VDP1_IdleTimingGran = 1019 };
namespace MDFN_IEN_SS
namespace VDP1
uint8 spr_w_shift_tab[8];
line_data LineSetup;
uint8 gouraud_lut[0x40];
uint16 VRAM[0x40000];
uint16 FB[2][0x20000];
bool FBDrawWhich;
static bool FBManualPending;
static bool FBVBErasePending;
static bool FBVBEraseActive;
static sscpu_timestamp_t FBVBEraseLastTS;
int32 SysClipX, SysClipY;
int32 UserClipX0, UserClipY0, UserClipX1, UserClipY1;
int32 LocalX, LocalY;
static uint32 CurCommandAddr;
static int32 RetCommandAddr;
static bool DrawingActive;
static uint16 LOPR;
static uint16 EWDR; // Erase/Write Data
static uint16 EWLR; // Erase/Write Upper Left Coordinate
static uint16 EWRR; // Erase/Write Lower Right Coordinate
static struct
bool rot8;
uint32 fb_x_mask;
uint32 y_start;
uint32 x_start;
uint32 y_end;
uint32 x_bound;
uint16 fill_data;
} EraseParams;
static uint32 EraseYCounter;
uint8 TVMR;
uint8 FBCR;
uint8 PTMR;
static uint8 EDSR;
static bool vb_status, hb_status;
static sscpu_timestamp_t lastts;
static int32 CycleCounter;
static bool vbcdpending;
void Init(void)
vbcdpending = false;
for(int i = 0; i < 0x40; i++)
gouraud_lut[i] = std::min<int>(31, std::max<int>(0, i - 16));
for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
spr_w_shift_tab[i] = (7 - i) / 3;
SS_SetPhysMemMap(0x05C00000, 0x05C7FFFF, VRAM, sizeof(VRAM), true);
AddMemoryDomain("VDP1 Ram", VRAM, sizeof(VRAM), true);
AddMemoryDomain("VDP1 Framebuffer", FB, sizeof(FB), true);
//SS_SetPhysMemMap(0x05C80000, 0x05CFFFFF, FB[FBDrawWhich], sizeof(FB[0]), true);
vb_status = false;
hb_status = false;
lastts = 0;
FBVBEraseLastTS = 0;
void Reset(bool powering_up)
for(unsigned i = 0; i < 0x40000; i++)
uint16 val;
if((i & 0xF) == 0)
val = 0x8000;
else if(i & 0x1)
val = 0x5555;
val = 0xAAAA;
VRAM[i] = val;
for(unsigned fb = 0; fb < 2; fb++)
for(unsigned i = 0; i < 0x20000; i++)
FB[fb][i] = 0xFFFF;
memset(&LineSetup, 0, sizeof(LineSetup));
EWDR = 0;
EWLR = 0;
EWRR = 0;
TVMR = 0;
FBCR = 0;
UserClipX0 = 0;
UserClipY0 = 0;
UserClipX1 = 0;
UserClipY1 = 0;
SysClipX = 0;
SysClipY = 0;
LocalX = 0;
LocalY = 0;
FBDrawWhich = 0;
//SS_SetPhysMemMap(0x05C80000, 0x05CFFFFF, FB[FBDrawWhich], sizeof(FB[0]), true);
FBManualPending = false;
FBVBErasePending = false;
FBVBEraseActive = false;
LOPR = 0;
CurCommandAddr = 0;
RetCommandAddr = -1;
DrawingActive = false;
PTMR = 0;
EDSR = 0;
memset(&EraseParams, 0, sizeof(EraseParams));
EraseYCounter = ~0U;
CycleCounter = 0;
static int32 CMD_SetUserClip(const uint16* cmd_data)
UserClipX0 = cmd_data[0x6] & 0x3FF;
UserClipY0 = cmd_data[0x7] & 0x1FF;
UserClipX1 = cmd_data[0xA] & 0x3FF;
UserClipY1 = cmd_data[0xB] & 0x1FF;
return 0;
int32 CMD_SetSystemClip(const uint16* cmd_data)
SysClipX = cmd_data[0xA] & 0x3FF;
SysClipY = cmd_data[0xB] & 0x1FF;
return 0;
int32 CMD_SetLocalCoord(const uint16* cmd_data)
LocalX = sign_x_to_s32(11, cmd_data[0x6] & 0x7FF);
LocalY = sign_x_to_s32(11, cmd_data[0x7] & 0x7FF);
return 0;
template<unsigned ECDSPDMode>
static uint32 MDFN_FASTCALL TexFetch(uint32 x)
const uint32 base = LineSetup.tex_base;
const bool ECD = ECDSPDMode & 0x10;
const bool SPD = ECDSPDMode & 0x08;
const unsigned ColorMode = ECDSPDMode & 0x07;
uint32 rtd;
uint32 ret_or = 0;
case 0: // 16 colors, color bank
rtd = (VRAM[(base + (x >> 2)) & 0x3FFFF] >> (((x & 0x3) ^ 0x3) << 2)) & 0xF;
if(!ECD && rtd == 0xF)
return -1;
ret_or = LineSetup.cb_or;
if(!SPD) ret_or |= (int32)(rtd - 1) >> 31;
return rtd | ret_or;
case 1: // 16 colors, LUT
rtd = (VRAM[(base + (x >> 2)) & 0x3FFFF] >> (((x & 0x3) ^ 0x3) << 2)) & 0xF;
if(!ECD && rtd == 0xF)
return -1;
if(!SPD) ret_or |= (int32)(rtd - 1) >> 31;
return LineSetup.CLUT[rtd] | ret_or;
case 2: // 64 colors, color bank
rtd = (VRAM[(base + (x >> 1)) & 0x3FFFF] >> (((x & 0x1) ^ 0x1) << 3)) & 0xFF;
if(!ECD && rtd == 0xFF)
return -1;
ret_or = LineSetup.cb_or;
if(!SPD) ret_or |= (int32)(rtd - 1) >> 31;
return (rtd & 0x3F) | ret_or;
case 3: // 128 colors, color bank
rtd = (VRAM[(base + (x >> 1)) & 0x3FFFF] >> (((x & 0x1) ^ 0x1) << 3)) & 0xFF;
if(!ECD && rtd == 0xFF)
return -1;
ret_or = LineSetup.cb_or;
if(!SPD) ret_or |= (int32)(rtd - 1) >> 31;
return (rtd & 0x7F) | ret_or;
case 4: // 256 colors, color bank
rtd = (VRAM[(base + (x >> 1)) & 0x3FFFF] >> (((x & 0x1) ^ 0x1) << 3)) & 0xFF;
if(!ECD && rtd == 0xFF)
return -1;
ret_or = LineSetup.cb_or;
if(!SPD) ret_or |= (int32)(rtd - 1) >> 31;
return rtd | ret_or;
case 5: // 32K colors, RGB
case 6:
case 7:
if(ColorMode >= 6)
rtd = VRAM[0];
rtd = VRAM[(base + x) & 0x3FFFF];
if(!ECD && (rtd & 0xC000) == 0x4000)
return -1;
if(!SPD) ret_or |= (int32)(rtd - 0x4000) >> 31;
return rtd | ret_or;
extern uint32 (MDFN_FASTCALL *const TexFetchTab[0x20])(uint32 x) =
#define TF(a) (TexFetch<a>)
TF(0x00), TF(0x01), TF(0x02), TF(0x03),
TF(0x04), TF(0x05), TF(0x06), TF(0x07),
TF(0x08), TF(0x09), TF(0x0A), TF(0x0B),
TF(0x0C), TF(0x0D), TF(0x0E), TF(0x0F),
TF(0x10), TF(0x11), TF(0x12), TF(0x13),
TF(0x14), TF(0x15), TF(0x16), TF(0x17),
TF(0x18), TF(0x19), TF(0x1A), TF(0x1B),
TF(0x1C), TF(0x1D), TF(0x1E), TF(0x1F),
#undef TF
When vblank starts: Abort command processing, and if VBE=1, erase framebuffer just displayed according to set values.
When vblank ends: Abort framebuffer erase, swap framebuffer, and if (PTMR&2) start command processing.
See if EDSR and LOPR are modified or not when PTMR=0 and an auto framebuffer swap occurs.
FB erase params are latched at framebuffer swap time probably.
VBE=1 is persistent.
sscpu_timestamp_t Update(sscpu_timestamp_t timestamp)
if(MDFN_UNLIKELY(timestamp < lastts))
// Don't else { } normal execution, since this bug condition miiight occur in the call from SetHBVB(),
// and we need drawing to start ASAP before silly games overwrite the beginning of the command table.
SS_DBGTI(SS_DBG_WARNING | SS_DBG_VDP1, "[VDP1] [BUG] timestamp(%d) < lastts(%d)", timestamp, lastts);
timestamp = lastts;
int32 cycles = timestamp - lastts;
lastts = timestamp;
CycleCounter += cycles;
if(CycleCounter > VDP1_UpdateTimingGran)
CycleCounter = VDP1_UpdateTimingGran;
if(CycleCounter > 0 && SCU_CheckVDP1HaltKludge())
CycleCounter = 0;
else if(DrawingActive)
while(CycleCounter > 0)
uint16 cmd_data[0x10];
// Fetch command data
memcpy(cmd_data, &VRAM[CurCommandAddr], sizeof(cmd_data));
CycleCounter -= 16;
//SS_DBGTI(SS_DBG_WARNING | SS_DBG_VDP1, "[VDP1] Command @ 0x%06x: 0x%04x\n", CurCommandAddr, cmd_data[0]);
if(MDFN_LIKELY(!(cmd_data[0] & 0xC000)))
const unsigned cc = cmd_data[0] & 0xF;
if(MDFN_UNLIKELY(cc >= 0xC))
DrawingActive = false;
static int32 (*const command_table[0xC])(const uint16* cmd_data) =
/* 0x0 */ /* 0x1 */ /* 0x2 */ /* 0x3 */
CMD_NormalSprite, CMD_ScaledSprite, CMD_DistortedSprite, CMD_DistortedSprite,
/* 0x4 */ /* 0x5 */ /* 0x6 */ /* 0x7 */
CMD_Polygon, CMD_Polyline, CMD_Line, CMD_Polyline,
/* 0x8*/ /* 0x9 */ /* 0xA */ /* 0xB */
CMD_SetUserClip, CMD_SetSystemClip, CMD_SetLocalCoord, CMD_SetUserClip
CycleCounter -= command_table[cc](cmd_data);
else if(MDFN_UNLIKELY(cmd_data[0] & 0x8000))
SS_DBGTI(SS_DBG_VDP1, "[VDP1] Drawing finished at 0x%05x", CurCommandAddr);
DrawingActive = false;
EDSR |= 0x2; // TODO: Does EDSR reflect IRQ out status?
SCU_SetInt(SCU_INT_VDP1, true);
SCU_SetInt(SCU_INT_VDP1, false);
CurCommandAddr = (CurCommandAddr + 0x10) & 0x3FFFF;
switch((cmd_data[0] >> 12) & 0x3)
case 0:
case 1:
CurCommandAddr = (cmd_data[1] << 2) &~ 0xF;
case 2:
if(RetCommandAddr < 0)
RetCommandAddr = CurCommandAddr;
CurCommandAddr = (cmd_data[1] << 2) &~ 0xF;
case 3:
if(RetCommandAddr >= 0)
CurCommandAddr = RetCommandAddr;
RetCommandAddr = -1;
return timestamp + (DrawingActive ? std::max<int32>(VDP1_UpdateTimingGran, 0 - CycleCounter) : VDP1_IdleTimingGran);
// Draw-clear minimum x amount is 2(16-bit units) for normal and 8bpp, and 8 for rotate...actually, seems like
// rotate being enabled forces vblank erase mode somehow.
static void StartDrawing(void)
SS_DBGTI(SS_DBG_WARNING | SS_DBG_VDP1, "[VDP1] Drawing interrupted by new drawing start request.");
SS_DBGTI(SS_DBG_VDP1, "[VDP1] Started drawing to framebuffer %d.", FBDrawWhich);
// On draw start, clear CEF.
EDSR &= ~0x2;
CurCommandAddr = 0;
RetCommandAddr = -1;
DrawingActive = true;
CycleCounter = VDP1_UpdateTimingGran;
void SetHBVB(const sscpu_timestamp_t event_timestamp, const bool new_hb_status, const bool new_vb_status)
const bool old_hb_status = hb_status;
const bool old_vb_status = vb_status;
hb_status = new_hb_status;
vb_status = new_vb_status;
if(MDFN_UNLIKELY(vbcdpending & hb_status & (old_hb_status ^ hb_status)))
vbcdpending = false;
if(vb_status) // Going into v-blank
// v-blank erase
if((TVMR & TVMR_VBE) || FBVBErasePending)
SS_DBGTI(SS_DBG_VDP1, "[VDP1] VB erase start of framebuffer %d.", !FBDrawWhich);
FBVBErasePending = false;
FBVBEraseActive = true;
FBVBEraseLastTS = event_timestamp;
else // Leaving v-blank
// Run vblank erase at end of vblank all at once(not strictly accurate, but should only have visible side effects wrt the debugger and reset).
int32 count = event_timestamp - FBVBEraseLastTS;
//printf("%d %d, %d\n", event_timestamp, FBVBEraseLastTS, count);
uint32 y = EraseParams.y_start;
uint16* fbyptr;
uint32 x = EraseParams.x_start;
fbyptr = &FB[!FBDrawWhich][(y & 0xFF) << 9];
fbyptr += (y & 0x100);
count -= 8;
for(unsigned sub = 0; sub < 8; sub++)
//printf("%d %d:%d %04x\n", FBDrawWhich, x, y, fill_data);
//printf("%lld\n", &fbyptr[x & fb_x_mask] - FB[!FBDrawWhich]);
fbyptr[x & EraseParams.fb_x_mask] = EraseParams.fill_data;
count -= 8;
if(MDFN_UNLIKELY(count <= 0))
SS_DBGTI(SS_DBG_WARNING | SS_DBG_VDP1, "[VDP1] VB erase of framebuffer %d ran out of time.", !FBDrawWhich);
goto AbortVBErase;
} while(x < EraseParams.x_bound);
} while(++y <= EraseParams.y_end);
FBVBEraseActive = false;
if(!(FBCR & FBCR_FCM) || (FBManualPending && (FBCR & FBCR_FCT))) // Swap framebuffers
SS_DBGTI(SS_DBG_WARNING | SS_DBG_VDP1, "[VDP1] Drawing aborted by framebuffer swap.");
DrawingActive = false;
FBDrawWhich = !FBDrawWhich;
SS_DBGTI(SS_DBG_VDP1, "[VDP1] Displayed framebuffer changed to %d.", !FBDrawWhich);
// On fb swap, copy CEF to BEF, clear CEF, and copy COPR to LOPR.
EDSR = EDSR >> 1;
LOPR = CurCommandAddr >> 2;
EraseParams.rot8 = (TVMR & (TVMR_8BPP | TVMR_ROTATE)) == (TVMR_8BPP | TVMR_ROTATE);
EraseParams.fb_x_mask = EraseParams.rot8 ? 0xFF : 0x1FF;
EraseParams.y_start = EWLR & 0x1FF;
EraseParams.x_start = ((EWLR >> 9) & 0x3F) << 3;
EraseParams.y_end = EWRR & 0x1FF;
EraseParams.x_bound = ((EWRR >> 9) & 0x7F) << 3;
EraseParams.fill_data = EWDR;
if(PTMR & 0x2) // Start drawing(but only if we swapped the frame)
SS_SetEventNT(&events[SS_EVENT_VDP1], Update(event_timestamp));
if(!(FBCR & FBCR_FCM) || (FBManualPending && !(FBCR & FBCR_FCT)))
EraseYCounter = ~0U;
FBVBErasePending = true;
EraseYCounter = EraseParams.y_start;
FBManualPending = false;
vbcdpending |= old_vb_status ^ vb_status;
bool GetLine(const int line, uint16* buf, unsigned w, uint32 rot_x, uint32 rot_y, uint32 rot_xinc, uint32 rot_yinc)
bool ret = false;
const uint16* fbptr = FB[!FBDrawWhich];
for(unsigned i = 0; MDFN_LIKELY(i < w); i++)
const uint32 fb_x = rot_x >> 9;
const uint32 fb_y = rot_y >> 9;
if((fb_x | fb_y) &~ 0x1FF)
buf[i] = 0; // Not 0xFF00
const uint16* fbyptr = fbptr + ((fb_y & 0xFF) << 9);
uint8 tmp = ne16_rbo_be<uint8>(fbyptr, (fb_x & 0x1FF) | ((fb_y & 0x100) << 1));
buf[i] = 0xFF00 | tmp;
rot_x += rot_xinc;
rot_y += rot_yinc;
for(unsigned i = 0; MDFN_LIKELY(i < w); i++)
const uint32 fb_x = rot_x >> 9;
const uint32 fb_y = rot_y >> 9;
if((fb_x &~ 0x1FF) | (fb_y &~ 0xFF))
buf[i] = 0;
buf[i] = fbptr[(fb_y << 9) + fb_x];
rot_x += rot_xinc;
rot_y += rot_yinc;
const uint16* fbyptr = &FB[!FBDrawWhich][(line & 0xFF) << 9];
ret = true;
for(unsigned i = 0; MDFN_LIKELY(i < w); i++)
buf[i] = fbyptr[i];
if(EraseYCounter <= EraseParams.y_end)
uint16* fbyptr;
uint32 x = EraseParams.x_start;
fbyptr = &FB[!FBDrawWhich][(EraseYCounter & 0xFF) << 9];
fbyptr += (EraseYCounter & 0x100);
for(unsigned sub = 0; sub < 2; sub++)
//printf("%d %d:%d %04x\n", FBDrawWhich, x, y, fill_data);
//printf("%lld\n", &fbyptr[x & fb_x_mask] - FB[!FBDrawWhich]);
fbyptr[x & EraseParams.fb_x_mask] = EraseParams.fill_data;
} while(x < EraseParams.x_bound);
return ret;
void AdjustTS(const int32 delta)
lastts += delta;
FBVBEraseLastTS += delta;
static INLINE void WriteReg(const unsigned which, const uint16 value)
SS_SetEventNT(&events[SS_EVENT_VDP2], VDP2::Update(SH7095_mem_timestamp));
sscpu_timestamp_t nt = Update(SH7095_mem_timestamp);
SS_DBGTI(SS_DBG_VDP1_REGW, "[VDP1] Register write: 0x%02x: 0x%04x", which << 1, value);
SS_DBGTI(SS_DBG_WARNING | SS_DBG_VDP1, "[VDP1] Unknown write of value 0x%04x to register 0x%02x", value, which << 1);
case 0x0: // TVMR
TVMR = value & 0xF;
case 0x1: // FBCR
FBCR = value & 0x1F;
FBManualPending |= value & 0x2;
case 0x2: // PTMR
PTMR = (value & 0x3);
if(value & 0x1)
nt = SH7095_mem_timestamp + 1;
case 0x3: // EWDR
EWDR = value;
case 0x4: // EWLR
EWLR = value & 0x7FFF;
case 0x5: // EWRR
EWRR = value;
case 0x6: // ENDR
DrawingActive = false;
if(CycleCounter < 0)
CycleCounter = 0;
nt = SH7095_mem_timestamp + VDP1_IdleTimingGran;
SS_DBGTI(SS_DBG_WARNING | SS_DBG_VDP1, "[VDP1] Program forced termination of VDP1 drawing.");
SS_SetEventNT(&events[SS_EVENT_VDP1], nt);
static INLINE uint16 ReadReg(const unsigned which)
SS_DBGTI(SS_DBG_WARNING | SS_DBG_VDP1, "[VDP1] Unknown read from register 0x%02x", which);
return 0;
case 0x8: // EDSR
return EDSR;
case 0x9: // LOPR
return LOPR;
case 0xA: // COPR
return CurCommandAddr >> 2;
case 0xB: // MODR
return (0x1 << 12) | ((PTMR & 0x2) << 7) | ((FBCR & 0x1E) << 3) | (TVMR << 0);
void Write8_DB(uint32 A, uint16 DB)
A &= 0x1FFFFF;
if(A < 0x80000)
ne16_wbo_be<uint8>(VRAM, A, DB >> (((A & 1) ^ 1) << 3) );
if(A < 0x100000)
uint32 FBA = A;
FBA = (FBA & 0x1FF) | ((FBA << 1) & 0x3FC00) | ((FBA >> 8) & 0x200);
ne16_wbo_be<uint8>(FB[FBDrawWhich], FBA & 0x3FFFF, DB >> (((A & 1) ^ 1) << 3) );
SS_DBGTI(SS_DBG_WARNING | SS_DBG_VDP1, "[VDP1] 8-bit write to 0x%08x(DB=0x%04x)", A, DB);
WriteReg((A - 0x100000) >> 1, DB);
void Write16_DB(uint32 A, uint16 DB)
A &= 0x1FFFFE;
if(A < 0x80000)
VRAM[A >> 1] = DB;
if(A < 0x100000)
uint32 FBA = A;
FBA = (FBA & 0x1FF) | ((FBA << 1) & 0x3FC00) | ((FBA >> 8) & 0x200);
FB[FBDrawWhich][(FBA >> 1) & 0x1FFFF] = DB;
WriteReg((A - 0x100000) >> 1, DB);
uint16 Read16_DB(uint32 A)
A &= 0x1FFFFE;
if(A < 0x080000)
return VRAM[A >> 1];
if(A < 0x100000)
uint32 FBA = A;
FBA = (FBA & 0x1FF) | ((FBA << 1) & 0x3FC00) | ((FBA >> 8) & 0x200);
return FB[FBDrawWhich][(FBA >> 1) & 0x1FFFF];
return ReadReg((A - 0x100000) >> 1);
uint8 PeekVRAM(const uint32 addr)
return ne16_rbo_be<uint8>(VRAM, addr & 0x7FFFF);
void PokeVRAM(const uint32 addr, const uint8 val)
ne16_wbo_be<uint8>(VRAM, addr & 0x7FFFF, val);
/*void MakeDump(const std::string& path)
FileStream fp(path, FileStream::MODE_WRITE);
for(unsigned i = 0; i < 0x40000; i++)
fp.print_format("0x%04x, ", VRAM[i]);