442 lines
14 KiB
442 lines
14 KiB
using BizHawk.Common;
using BizHawk.BizInvoke;
using BizHawk.Emulation.Common;
using PeNet;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text;
namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Waterbox
/// <summary>
/// represents one PE file. used in PeRunner
/// </summary>
internal class PeWrapper : IImportResolver, IBinaryStateable, IDisposable
public Dictionary<int, IntPtr> ExportsByOrdinal { get; } = new Dictionary<int, IntPtr>();
/// <summary>
/// ordinal only exports will not show up in this list!
/// </summary>
public Dictionary<string, IntPtr> ExportsByName { get; } = new Dictionary<string, IntPtr>();
public Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, IntPtr>> ImportsByModule { get; } =
new Dictionary<string, Dictionary<string, IntPtr>>();
private class Section
public string Name { get; set; }
public ulong Start { get; set; }
public ulong Size { get; set; }
public ulong SavedSize { get; set; }
public bool W { get; set; }
public bool R { get; set; }
public bool X { get; set; }
public MemoryBlockBase.Protection Prot { get; set; }
public ulong DiskStart { get; set; }
public ulong DiskSize { get; set; }
private readonly Dictionary<string, Section> _sectionsByName = new Dictionary<string, Section>();
private readonly List<Section> _sections = new List<Section>();
private Section _imports;
private Section _sealed;
private Section _invisible;
public string ModuleName { get; }
private readonly PeFile _pe;
private readonly byte[] _fileHash;
public ulong Size { get; }
public ulong Start { get; }
public long LoadOffset { get; }
public MemoryBlockBase Memory { get; private set; }
public IntPtr EntryPoint { get; }
/// <summary>
/// for midipix-built PEs, pointer to the constructors to run during init
/// </summary>
public IntPtr CtorList { get; }
/// <summary>
/// for midipix-build PEs, pointer to the destructors to run during fini
/// </summary>
public IntPtr DtorList { get; }
// true if the seal process has completed, including .idata and .sealed set to readonly,
// xorstate taken
private bool _everythingSealed = false;
private delegate bool DllEntry(IntPtr instance, int reason, IntPtr reserved);
private delegate void ExeEntry();*/
private delegate void GlobalCtor();
/*public bool RunDllEntry()
var entryThunk = (DllEntry)CallingConventionAdapters.Waterbox.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(EntryPoint, typeof(DllEntry));
return entryThunk(Z.US(Start), 1, IntPtr.Zero); // DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH
public void RunExeEntry()
var entryThunk = (ExeEntry)CallingConventionAdapters.Waterbox.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(EntryPoint, typeof(ExeEntry));
public unsafe void RunGlobalCtors()
int did = 0;
if (CtorList != IntPtr.Zero)
IntPtr* p = (IntPtr*)CtorList;
IntPtr f;
while ((f = *++p) != IntPtr.Zero) // skip 0th dummy pointer
var ctorThunk = (GlobalCtor)CallingConventionAdapters.Waterbox.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(f, typeof(GlobalCtor));
if (did > 0)
Console.WriteLine($"Did {did} global ctors for {ModuleName}");
Console.WriteLine($"Warn: no global ctors for {ModuleName}; possibly no C++?");
public PeWrapper(string moduleName, byte[] fileData, ulong destAddress)
ModuleName = moduleName;
_pe = new PeFile(fileData);
Size = _pe.ImageNtHeaders.OptionalHeader.SizeOfImage;
Start = destAddress;
if (Size < _pe.ImageSectionHeaders.Max(s => (ulong)s.VirtualSize + s.VirtualAddress))
throw new InvalidOperationException("Image not Big Enough");
_fileHash = WaterboxUtils.Hash(fileData);
foreach (var s in _pe.ImageSectionHeaders)
ulong start = Start + s.VirtualAddress;
ulong length = s.VirtualSize;
MemoryBlockBase.Protection prot;
var r = (s.Characteristics & (uint)Constants.SectionFlags.IMAGE_SCN_MEM_READ) != 0;
var w = (s.Characteristics & (uint)Constants.SectionFlags.IMAGE_SCN_MEM_WRITE) != 0;
var x = (s.Characteristics & (uint)Constants.SectionFlags.IMAGE_SCN_MEM_EXECUTE) != 0;
if (w && x)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Write and Execute not allowed");
prot = x ? MemoryBlockBase.Protection.RX : w ? MemoryBlockBase.Protection.RW : MemoryBlockBase.Protection.R;
var section = new Section
// chop off possible null padding from name
Name = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(s.Name, 0,
(s.Name.Select((v, i) => new { v, i }).FirstOrDefault(a => a.v == 0) ?? new { v = (byte)0, i = s.Name.Length }).i),
Start = start,
Size = length,
SavedSize = WaterboxUtils.AlignUp(length),
R = r,
W = w,
X = x,
Prot = prot,
DiskStart = s.PointerToRawData,
DiskSize = s.SizeOfRawData
_sectionsByName.Add(section.Name, section);
_sectionsByName.TryGetValue(".idata", out _imports);
_sectionsByName.TryGetValue(".sealed", out _sealed);
_sectionsByName.TryGetValue(".invis", out _invisible);
LoadOffset = (long)Start - (long)_pe.ImageNtHeaders.OptionalHeader.ImageBase;
Memory = MemoryBlockBase.CallPlatformCtor(Start, Size);
Memory.Protect(Start, Size, MemoryBlockBase.Protection.RW);
// copy headers
Marshal.Copy(fileData, 0, Z.US(Start), (int)_pe.ImageNtHeaders.OptionalHeader.SizeOfHeaders);
// copy sections
foreach (var s in _sections)
ulong datalength = Math.Min(s.Size, s.DiskSize);
Marshal.Copy(fileData, (int)s.DiskStart, Z.US(s.Start), (int)datalength);
WaterboxUtils.ZeroMemory(Z.US(s.Start + datalength), (long)(s.SavedSize - datalength));
// apply relocations
var n32 = 0;
var n64 = 0;
foreach (var rel in _pe.ImageRelocationDirectory)
foreach (var to in rel.TypeOffsets)
ulong address = Start + rel.VirtualAddress + to.Offset;
switch (to.Type)
// there are many other types of relocation specified,
// but the only that are used is 0 (does nothing), 3 (32 bit standard), 10 (64 bit standard)
byte[] tmp = new byte[4];
Marshal.Copy(Z.US(address), tmp, 0, 4);
uint val = BitConverter.ToUInt32(tmp, 0);
tmp = BitConverter.GetBytes((uint)(val + LoadOffset));
Marshal.Copy(tmp, 0, Z.US(address), 4);
case 10: // IMAGE_REL_BASED_DIR64
byte[] tmp = new byte[8];
Marshal.Copy(Z.US(address), tmp, 0, 8);
long val = BitConverter.ToInt64(tmp, 0);
tmp = BitConverter.GetBytes(val + LoadOffset);
Marshal.Copy(tmp, 0, Z.US(address), 8);
if (IntPtr.Size == 8 && n32 > 0)
// check mcmodel, etc
throw new InvalidOperationException("32 bit relocations found in 64 bit dll! This will fail.");
Console.WriteLine($"Processed {n32} 32 bit and {n64} 64 bit relocations");
// publish exports
EntryPoint = Z.US(Start + _pe.ImageNtHeaders.OptionalHeader.AddressOfEntryPoint);
foreach (var export in _pe.ExportedFunctions)
if (export.Name != null)
ExportsByName.Add(export.Name, Z.US(Start + export.Address));
ExportsByOrdinal.Add(export.Ordinal, Z.US(Start + export.Address));
// collect information about imports
// NB: Hints are not the same as Ordinals
foreach (var import in _pe.ImportedFunctions)
if (!ImportsByModule.TryGetValue(import.DLL, out var module))
module = new Dictionary<string, IntPtr>();
ImportsByModule.Add(import.DLL, module);
var dest = Start + import.Thunk;
if (_imports == null || dest >= _imports.Start + _imports.Size || dest < _imports.Start)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Import record outside of .idata!");
module.Add(import.Name, Z.US(dest));
if (_sectionsByName.TryGetValue(".midipix", out Section midipix))
var dataOffset = midipix.DiskStart;
CtorList = Z.SS(BitConverter.ToInt64(fileData, (int)(dataOffset + 0x30)) + LoadOffset);
DtorList = Z.SS(BitConverter.ToInt64(fileData, (int)(dataOffset + 0x38)) + LoadOffset);
Console.WriteLine($"Mounted `{ModuleName}` @{Start:x16}");
foreach (var s in _sections.OrderBy(s => s.Start))
Console.WriteLine(" @{0:x16} {1}{2}{3} `{4}` {5} bytes",
s.R ? "R" : " ",
s.W ? "W" : " ",
s.X ? "X" : " ",
Console.WriteLine("GDB Symbol Load:");
var symload = $"add-sym {ModuleName} {_sectionsByName[".text"].Start}";
if (_sectionsByName.ContainsKey(".data"))
symload += $" -s .data {_sectionsByName[".data"].Start}";
if (_sectionsByName.ContainsKey(".bss"))
symload += $" -s .bss {_sectionsByName[".bss"].Start}";
/// <summary>
/// set memory protections.
/// </summary>
private void ProtectMemory()
Memory.Protect(Memory.AddressRange.Start, Memory.Size, MemoryBlockBase.Protection.R);
foreach (var s in _sections)
Memory.Protect(s.Start, s.Size, s.Prot);
public IntPtr? GetProcAddrOrNull(string entryPoint) => ExportsByName.TryGetValue(entryPoint, out var ret) ? ret : (IntPtr?) null;
public IntPtr GetProcAddrOrThrow(string entryPoint) => GetProcAddrOrNull(entryPoint) ?? throw new InvalidOperationException($"could not find {entryPoint} in exports");
public void ConnectImports(string moduleName, IImportResolver module)
// this is called once internally when bootstrapping, and externally
// when we need to restore a savestate from another run. so imports might or might not be sealed
if (_everythingSealed && _imports != null)
Memory.Protect(_imports.Start, _imports.Size, MemoryBlockBase.Protection.RW);
if (ImportsByModule.TryGetValue(moduleName, out var imports))
foreach (var kvp in imports)
var valueArray = new IntPtr[] { module.GetProcAddrOrThrow(kvp.Key) };
Marshal.Copy(valueArray, 0, kvp.Value, 1);
if (_everythingSealed && _imports != null)
Memory.Protect(_imports.Start, _imports.Size, _imports.Prot);
public void SealImportsAndTakeXorSnapshot()
if (_everythingSealed)
throw new InvalidOperationException($"{nameof(PeWrapper)} already sealed!");
// save import values, then zero them all (for hash purposes), then take our snapshot, then load them again,
// then set the .idata area to read only
byte[] impData = null;
if (_imports != null)
impData = new byte[_imports.Size];
Marshal.Copy(Z.US(_imports.Start), impData, 0, (int)_imports.Size);
WaterboxUtils.ZeroMemory(Z.US(_imports.Start), (long)_imports.Size);
byte[] invData = null;
if (_invisible != null)
invData = new byte[_invisible.Size];
Marshal.Copy(Z.US(_invisible.Start), invData, 0, (int)_invisible.Size);
WaterboxUtils.ZeroMemory(Z.US(_invisible.Start), (long)_invisible.Size);
if (_imports != null)
Marshal.Copy(impData, 0, Z.US(_imports.Start), (int)_imports.Size);
_imports.W = false;
Memory.Protect(_imports.Start, _imports.Size, _imports.Prot);
if (_invisible != null)
Marshal.Copy(invData, 0, Z.US(_invisible.Start), (int)_invisible.Size);
if (_sealed != null)
_sealed.W = false;
Memory.Protect(_sealed.Start, _sealed.Size, _sealed.Prot);
_everythingSealed = true;
private bool _disposed = false;
public void Dispose()
if (!_disposed)
Memory = null;
_disposed = true;
const ulong MAGIC = 0x420cccb1a2e17420;
public void SaveStateBinary(BinaryWriter bw)
if (!_everythingSealed)
throw new InvalidOperationException(".idata sections must be closed before saving state");
foreach (var s in _sections)
if (!s.W || s == _invisible)
var ms = Memory.GetXorStream(s.Start, s.SavedSize, false);
public void LoadStateBinary(BinaryReader br)
if (!_everythingSealed)
// operations happening in the wrong order. probable cause: internal logic error. make sure frontend calls Seal
throw new InvalidOperationException(".idata sections must be closed before loading state");
if (br.ReadUInt64() != MAGIC)
// file id is missing. probable cause: garbage savestate
throw new InvalidOperationException("Savestate corrupted!");
if (!br.ReadBytes(_fileHash.Length).SequenceEqual(_fileHash))
// the .dll file that is loaded now has a different hash than the .dll that created the savestate
throw new InvalidOperationException("Core consistency check failed. Is this a savestate from a different version?");
if (!br.ReadBytes(Memory.XorHash.Length).SequenceEqual(Memory.XorHash))
// the post-Seal memory state is different. probable cause: different rom or different version of rom,
// different syncsettings
throw new InvalidOperationException("Memory consistency check failed. Is this savestate from different SyncSettings?");
if (br.ReadUInt64() != Start)
// dll loaded somewhere else. probable cause: internal logic error.
// unlikely to get this far if the previous checks pssed
throw new InvalidOperationException("Trickys elves moved on you!");
Memory.Protect(Memory.AddressRange.Start, Memory.Size, MemoryBlockBase.Protection.RW);
foreach (var s in _sections)
if (!s.W || s == _invisible)
if (br.ReadUInt64() != s.SavedSize)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Unexpected section size for " + s.Name);
var ms = Memory.GetXorStream(s.Start, s.SavedSize, true);
WaterboxUtils.CopySome(br.BaseStream, ms, (long)s.SavedSize);