
267 lines
7.3 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Threading;
using NLua;
using BizHawk.Common.ReflectionExtensions;
using BizHawk.Emulation.Common;
using BizHawk.Client.Common;
namespace BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk
public class EmuLuaLibrary : PlatformEmuLuaLibrary
private readonly MainForm _mainForm;
public EmuLuaLibrary()
// if (NLua.Lua.WhichLua == "NLua")
_lua["keepalives"] = _lua.NewTable();
public EmuLuaLibrary(IEmulatorServiceProvider serviceProvider, MainForm mainForm)
: this()
_mainForm = mainForm;
static ApiContainer InitApiHawkContainerInstance(IEmulatorServiceProvider sp, Action<string> logCallback)
var ctorParamTypes = new[] { typeof(Action<string>) };
var ctorParams = new object[] { logCallback };
var libDict = new Dictionary<Type, IExternalApi>();
foreach (var api in Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof(EmuApi)).GetTypes()
.Where(t => t.IsSealed && typeof(IExternalApi).IsAssignableFrom(t) && ServiceInjector.IsAvailable(sp, t)))
var ctorWithParams = api.GetConstructor(ctorParamTypes);
var instance = (IExternalApi) (ctorWithParams == null ? Activator.CreateInstance(api) : ctorWithParams.Invoke(ctorParams));
ServiceInjector.UpdateServices(sp, instance);
libDict.Add(api, instance);
return ApiHawkContainerInstance = new ApiContainer(libDict);
LuaWait = new AutoResetEvent(false);
// Register lua libraries
foreach (var lib in Assembly.Load("BizHawk.Client.Common").GetTypes()
.Where(t => typeof(LuaLibraryBase).IsAssignableFrom(t) && t.IsSealed && ServiceInjector.IsAvailable(serviceProvider, t)))
bool addLibrary = true;
var attributes = lib.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(LuaLibraryAttribute), false);
if (attributes.Any())
addLibrary = VersionInfo.DeveloperBuild || ((LuaLibraryAttribute)attributes.First()).Released;
if (addLibrary)
var instance = (LuaLibraryBase)Activator.CreateInstance(lib, _lua);
instance.LuaRegister(lib, Docs);
instance.LogOutputCallback = ConsoleLuaLibrary.LogOutput;
ServiceInjector.UpdateServices(serviceProvider, instance);
// TODO: make EmuHawk libraries have a base class with common properties such as this
// and inject them here
if (instance is EmuHawkLuaLibrary emuHawkLibrary)
emuHawkLibrary.MainForm = _mainForm;
ApiHawkContainerInstance = InitApiHawkContainerInstance(serviceProvider, ConsoleLuaLibrary.LogOutput);
if (instance is DelegatingLuaLibraryEmu dlgInstanceEmu) dlgInstanceEmu.APIs = ApiHawkContainerInstance; // this is necessary as the property has the `new` modifier
else if (instance is DelegatingLuaLibrary dlgInstance) dlgInstance.APIs = ApiHawkContainerInstance;
Libraries.Add(lib, instance);
_lua.RegisterFunction("print", this, GetType().GetMethod("Print"));
EmulatorLuaLibrary.FrameAdvanceCallback = Frameadvance;
EmulatorLuaLibrary.YieldCallback = EmuYield;
// Add LuaCanvas to Docs
Type luaCanvas = typeof(LuaCanvas);
foreach (var method in luaCanvas.GetMethods())
if (method.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(LuaMethodAttribute), false).Length != 0)
Docs.Add(new LibraryFunction(nameof(LuaCanvas), luaCanvas.Description(), method));
/// <remarks>lazily instantiated</remarks>
private static ApiContainer ApiHawkContainerInstance;
private Lua _lua = new Lua();
private Lua _currThread;
private FormsLuaLibrary FormsLibrary => (FormsLuaLibrary)Libraries[typeof(FormsLuaLibrary)];
private EventLuaLibrary EventsLibrary => (EventLuaLibrary)Libraries[typeof(EventLuaLibrary)];
private EmulatorLuaLibrary EmulatorLuaLibrary => (EmulatorLuaLibrary)Libraries[typeof(EmulatorLuaLibrary)];
public override void Restart(IEmulatorServiceProvider newServiceProvider)
foreach (var lib in Libraries)
ServiceInjector.UpdateServices(newServiceProvider, lib.Value);
public override void StartLuaDrawing()
if (ScriptList.Count != 0 && GuiLibrary.SurfaceIsNull)
public override void EndLuaDrawing()
if (ScriptList.Count != 0)
public bool FrameAdvanceRequested { get; private set; }
public override LuaFunctionList RegisteredFunctions => EventsLibrary.RegisteredFunctions;
public override void WindowClosed(IntPtr handle)
public override void CallSaveStateEvent(string name)
public override void CallLoadStateEvent(string name)
public override void CallFrameBeforeEvent()
public override void CallFrameAfterEvent()
public override void CallExitEvent(LuaFile lf)
public override void Close()
_lua = new Lua();
public Lua SpawnCoroutine(string file)
var lua = _lua.NewThread();
var content = File.ReadAllText(file);
var main = lua.LoadString(content, "main");
lua.Push(main); // push main function on to stack for subsequent resuming
//if (NLua.Lua.WhichLua == "NLua")
_lua.GetTable("keepalives")[lua] = 1;
//this not being run is the origin of a memory leak if you restart scripts too many times
return lua;
public override void SpawnAndSetFileThread(string pathToLoad, LuaFile lf)
lf.Thread = SpawnCoroutine(pathToLoad);
public override void ExecuteString(string command)
_currThread = _lua.NewThread();
//if (NLua.Lua.WhichLua == "NLua")
public override ResumeResult ResumeScript(LuaFile lf)
_currThread = lf.Thread;
var execResult = _currThread.Resume(0);
// not sure how this is going to work out, so do this too
_currThread = null;
var result = new ResumeResult();
if (execResult == 0)
// terminated
result.Terminated = true;
// yielded
result.WaitForFrame = FrameAdvanceRequested;
FrameAdvanceRequested = false;
return result;
public static void Print(params object[] outputs)
private void Frameadvance()
FrameAdvanceRequested = true;
private void EmuYield()
public class ResumeResult
public bool WaitForFrame { get; set; }
public bool Terminated { get; set; }