
665 lines
28 KiB

is_global = true
# Obsolete member 'memberA' overrides non-obsolete member 'memberB' (this simply doesn't work, see
dotnet_diagnostic.CS0809.severity = error
## BizHawk internal rules
# Do not use anonymous delegates
dotnet_diagnostic.BHI1001.severity = error
# Do not use anonymous types (classes)
dotnet_diagnostic.BHI1002.severity = error
# Do not use query expression syntax
dotnet_diagnostic.BHI1003.severity = error
# Verbatim interpolated strings should begin $@, not @$
dotnet_diagnostic.BHI1004.severity = error
# Default branch of switch expression should throw InvalidOperationException/SwitchExpressionException or not throw
dotnet_diagnostic.BHI1005.severity = error
# Do not discard local variables
dotnet_diagnostic.BHI1006.severity = error
# Don't use target-typed new for throw expressions
dotnet_diagnostic.BHI1007.severity = error
# Don't call this.GetType() in sealed type, use typeof operator
dotnet_diagnostic.BHI1100.severity = error
# Don't call this.GetType(), use typeof operator (or replace subtype check with better encapsulation)
dotnet_diagnostic.BHI1101.severity = error
# Don't call typeof(T).Name, use nameof operator
dotnet_diagnostic.BHI1102.severity = error
# Don't call typeof(T).ToString(), use nameof operator or typeof(T).FullName
dotnet_diagnostic.BHI1103.severity = error
# Don't use ^= (XOR-assign) for inverting the value of booleans
dotnet_diagnostic.BHI1104.severity = error
# Use unambiguous decimal<=>float/double conversion methods
dotnet_diagnostic.BHI1105.severity = error
# Brackets of collection expression should be separated with spaces
dotnet_diagnostic.BHI1110.severity = warning
# Expression-bodied member should be flowed to next line correctly
dotnet_diagnostic.BHI1120.severity = silent
# Record type declaration missing class (or struct) keyword
dotnet_diagnostic.BHI1130.severity = error
# Check result of IDictionary.TryGetValue, or discard it if default(T) is desired
dotnet_diagnostic.BHI1200.severity = error
# Inferred type of branches of ternary expression in interpolation don't match
dotnet_diagnostic.BHI1210.severity = error
# Call to FirstOrDefault when elements are of a value type; FirstOrNull may have been intended
dotnet_diagnostic.BHI3100.severity = error
# Use .Order()/.OrderDescending() shorthand
dotnet_diagnostic.BHI3101.severity = warning
# Prefer specialised methods over LINQ on string receivers
dotnet_diagnostic.BHI3102.severity = error
# Throw NotImplementedException from methods/props marked [FeatureNotImplemented]
dotnet_diagnostic.BHI3300.severity = error
## Design rules
# Do not declare static members on generic types
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1000.severity = error
## Globalization rules
# Specify IFormatProvider
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1305.severity = error
dotnet_code_quality.CA1305.excluded_symbol_names = T:System.Byte|T:System.SByte|T:System.Int16|T:System.UInt16|T:System.Int32|T:System.UInt32|T:System.Int64|T:System.UInt64|T:System.String|T:System.Text.StringBuilder|T:System.Convert
# Specify marshalling for P/Invoke string arguments
dotnet_diagnostic.CA2101.severity = suggestion
## Performance rules
# Do not initialize unnecessarily
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1805.severity = silent
# Mark members as static
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1822.severity = silent
# Use property instead of Linq Enumerable method
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1826.severity = error
dotnet_code_quality.CA1826.exclude_ordefault_methods = true
# Do not use Count()/LongCount() when Any() can be used
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1827.severity = error
# Do not use CountAsync/LongCountAsync when AnyAsync can be used
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1828.severity = error
# Use Length/Count property instead of Enumerable.Count method
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1829.severity = error
# Prefer IsEmpty over Count when available
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1836.severity = error
# Avoid StringBuilder parameters for P/Invokes
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1838.severity = suggestion
# Avoid using 'Enumerable.Any()' extension method
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1860.severity = error
# Use the 'StringComparison' method overloads to perform case-insensitive string comparisons
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1862.severity = error
## Usage rules
# Call GC.SuppressFinalize correctly
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1816.severity = none
# Do not raise reserved exception types
dotnet_diagnostic.CA2201.severity = suggestion
# Implement serialization constructors
dotnet_diagnostic.CA2229.severity = silent
## .NET DocumentationAnalyzers style rules
# Place text in paragraphs
dotnet_diagnostic.DOC100.severity = silent
# Use child blocks consistently
dotnet_diagnostic.DOC101.severity = silent
# Use child blocks consistently across elements of the same kind
dotnet_diagnostic.DOC102.severity = silent
# Use Unicode characters # unnecessary HTML entities also get picked up by CS1570, which seems more reliable
dotnet_diagnostic.DOC103.severity = error
# Prefer '<see langword="keyword"/>' to '<c>keyword</c>' for referencing language keywords
dotnet_diagnostic.DOC104.severity = warning
# Prefer '<paramref name="parameter"/>' to '<c>parameter</c>' for referencing parameters
dotnet_diagnostic.DOC105.severity = warning
# Prefer '<typeparamref name="type_parameter"/>' to '<c>type_parameter</c>' for referencing type parameters
dotnet_diagnostic.DOC106.severity = warning
# Prefer '<see cref="target"/>' to '<c>target</c>' for referencing code elements
dotnet_diagnostic.DOC107.severity = warning
# Avoid empty paragraphs
dotnet_diagnostic.DOC108.severity = error
## .NET DocumentationAnalyzers portability rules
# Use XML documentation syntax
dotnet_diagnostic.DOC200.severity = error
# Item should have description
dotnet_diagnostic.DOC201.severity = error
# Use section elements correctly
dotnet_diagnostic.DOC202.severity = error
# Use block elements correctly
dotnet_diagnostic.DOC203.severity = error
# Use inline elements correctly # but this doesn't pick up <seealso/> in <summary/>, for example...
dotnet_diagnostic.DOC204.severity = error
# 'langword' attribute value should be a language keyword
dotnet_diagnostic.DOC207.severity = error
# 'href' attribute value should be a URI # a lot of false negatives with this one too
dotnet_diagnostic.DOC209.severity = error
## Meziantou.Analyzers rules
# StringComparison is missing
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0001.severity = silent
# IEqualityComparer<string> or IComparer<string> is missing
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0002.severity = silent
# Add parameter name to improve readability
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0003.severity = silent
# Use Task.ConfigureAwait(false)
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0004.severity = silent
# Use Array.Empty<T>()
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0005.severity = silent
# Use String.Equals instead of equality operator
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0006.severity = silent
# Add a comma after the last value
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0007.severity = silent
# Add StructLayoutAttribute
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0008.severity = silent
# Add regex evaluation timeout
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0009.severity = silent
# Mark attributes with AttributeUsageAttribute
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0010.severity = error
# IFormatProvider is missing
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0011.severity = silent
# Do not raise reserved exception type
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0012.severity = error
# Types should not extend System.ApplicationException
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0013.severity = error
# Do not raise System.ApplicationException type
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0014.severity = error
# Specify the parameter name in ArgumentException
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0015.severity = error
# Prefer returning collection abstraction instead of implementation
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0016.severity = silent
# Abstract types should not have public or internal constructors
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0017.severity = silent
# Use EventArgs.Empty
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0019.severity = error
# Use direct methods instead of LINQ methods
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0020.severity = error
# Use StringComparer.GetHashCode instead of string.GetHashCode
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0021.severity = silent
# Return Task.FromResult instead of returning null
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0022.severity = error
# Add RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0023.severity = silent
# Use an explicit StringComparer when possible
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0024.severity = error
# Implement the functionality instead of throwing NotImplementedException
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0025.severity = silent
# Fix TODO comment
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0026.severity = silent
# Do not remove original exception
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0027.severity = error
# Optimize StringBuilder usage
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0028.severity = silent
# Combine LINQ methods
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0029.severity = error
# Remove useless OrderBy call
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0030.severity = error
# Optimize Enumerable.Count() usage
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0031.severity = error
# Use an overload with a CancellationToken argument
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0032.severity = silent
# Do not tag instance fields with ThreadStaticAttribute
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0033.severity = error
# Do not use dangerous threading methods
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0035.severity = error
# Make class static
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0036.severity = silent
# Remove empty statement
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0037.severity = error
# Make method static
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0038.severity = silent
# Do not write your own certificate validation method
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0039.severity = error
# Flow the cancellation token
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0040.severity = error
# Make property static
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0041.severity = silent
# Do not use blocking calls in an async method
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0042.severity = error
# Use nameof operator in ArgumentException
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0043.severity = error
# Remove useless ToString call
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0044.severity = warning
# Do not use blocking call in a sync method (need to make containing method async)
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0045.severity = silent
# Use EventHandler<T> to declare events
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0046.severity = silent
# Declare types in namespaces
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0047.severity = error
# File name must match type name
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0048.severity = silent
# Type name should not match containing namespace
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0049.severity = silent
# Validate arguments correctly in iterator methods
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0050.severity = error
# Method is too long
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0051.severity = silent
# Replace constant Enum.ToString with nameof
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0052.severity = error
# Make class sealed
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0053.severity = silent
# Embed the caught exception as innerException
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0054.severity = error
# Do not use finalizer
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0055.severity = silent
# Do not call overridable members in constructor
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0056.severity = silent
# Class name should end with 'Attribute'
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0057.severity = error
# Class name should end with 'Exception'
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0058.severity = error
# Class name should end with 'EventArgs'
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0059.severity = silent
# The value returned by Stream.Read/Stream.ReadAsync is not used
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0060.severity = error
# Method overrides should not change parameter defaults
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0061.severity = silent
# Non-flags enums should not be marked with "FlagsAttribute"
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0062.severity = silent
# Use Where before OrderBy
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0063.severity = error
# Avoid locking on publicly accessible instance
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0064.severity = silent
# Default ValueType.Equals or HashCode is used for struct's equality
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0065.severity = error
# Hash table unfriendly type is used in a hash table
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0066.severity = error
# Use Guid.Empty
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0067.severity = error
# Invalid parameter name for nullable attribute
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0068.severity = error
# Non-constant static fields should not be visible
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0069.severity = silent
# Obsolete attributes should include explanations
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0070.severity = warning
# Avoid using redundant else
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0071.severity = silent
# Do not throw from a finally block
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0072.severity = error
# Avoid comparison with bool constant
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0073.severity = silent
# Avoid implicit culture-sensitive methods
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0074.severity = silent
# Do not use implicit culture-sensitive ToString
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0075.severity = silent
# Do not use implicit culture-sensitive ToString in interpolated strings
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0076.severity = silent
# A class that provides Equals(T) should implement IEquatable<T>
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0077.severity = error
# Use 'Cast' instead of 'Select' to cast
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0078.severity = error
# Flow the cancellation token using .WithCancellation()
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0079.severity = error
# Use a cancellation token using .WithCancellation()
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0080.severity = error
# Method overrides should not omit params keyword
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0081.severity = error
# NaN should not be used in comparisons
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0082.severity = error
# ConstructorArgument parameters should exist in constructors
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0083.severity = error
# Local variable should not hide other symbols
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0084.severity = warning
# Anonymous delegates should not be used to unsubscribe from Events
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0085.severity = error
# Do not throw from a finalizer
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0086.severity = error
# Parameters with [DefaultParameterValue] attributes should also be marked [Optional]
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0087.severity = error
# Use [DefaultParameterValue] instead of [DefaultValue]
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0088.severity = error
# Optimize string method usage
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0089.severity = error
# Remove empty else/finally block
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0090.severity = warning
# Sender should be 'this' for instance events
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0091.severity = error
# Sender should be 'null' for static events
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0092.severity = error
# EventArgs should not be null
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0093.severity = error
# A class that provides CompareTo(T) should implement IComparable<T>
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0094.severity = error
# A class that implements IEquatable<T> should override Equals(object)
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0095.severity = error
# A class that implements IComparable<T> should also implement IEquatable<T>
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0096.severity = silent
# A class that implements IComparable<T> or IComparable should override comparison operators
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0097.severity = silent
# Use indexer instead of LINQ methods
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0098.severity = warning
# Use Explicit enum value instead of 0
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0099.severity = silent
# Await task before disposing of resources
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0100.severity = error
# String contains an implicit end of line character
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0101.severity = silent
# Make member readonly
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0102.severity = silent
# Use SequenceEqual instead of equality operator
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0103.severity = error
# Do not create a type with a name from the BCL
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0104.severity = error
# Use the lambda parameters instead of using a closure
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0105.severity = error
# Avoid closure by using an overload with the 'factoryArgument' parameter
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0106.severity = error
# Do not use culture-sensitive object.ToString
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0107.severity = silent
# Remove redundant argument value
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0108.severity = error
# Consider adding an overload with a Span<T> or Memory<T>
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0109.severity = silent
# Use the Regex source generator
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0110.severity = error
# Use 'Count > 0' instead of 'Any()'
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0112.severity = error
# Raw String contains an implicit end of line character (if you compile on Windows you may get CRLFs in string literals)
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0136.severity = warning
# Both if and else branch have identical code
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0140.severity = warning
# Use pattern matching instead of inequality operators for null check
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0141.severity = silent
# Use pattern matching instead of equality operators for null check
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0142.severity = silent
# Use pattern matching instead of equality operators for discrete value
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0148.severity = silent
# Use pattern matching instead of inequality operators for discrete value
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0149.severity = silent
# Do not use async void methods
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0155.severity = error
# Use 'Async' suffix when a method returns IAsyncEnumerable<T>
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0156.severity = error
# Do not use 'Async' suffix when a method does not return IAsyncEnumerable<T>
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0157.severity = error
# Use ContainsKey instead of TryGetValue
dotnet_diagnostic.MA0160.severity = warning
## Menees.Analyzers rules
# Line is too long
dotnet_diagnostic.MEN002.severity = silent
# Method is too long
dotnet_diagnostic.MEN003.severity = silent
# Property accessor is too long
dotnet_diagnostic.MEN004.severity = silent
# File is too long
dotnet_diagnostic.MEN005.severity = silent
# Use a single return
dotnet_diagnostic.MEN007.severity = silent
# File name should match type
dotnet_diagnostic.MEN008.severity = silent
# Use the preferred exception type
dotnet_diagnostic.MEN009.severity = silent
# Avoid magic numbers
dotnet_diagnostic.MEN010.severity = silent
# Flags should be powers of two
dotnet_diagnostic.MEN012.severity = silent
# Use UTC time
dotnet_diagnostic.MEN013.severity = silent
# Prefer TryGetValue
dotnet_diagnostic.MEN014.severity = warning
# Use Preferred Terms
dotnet_diagnostic.MEN015.severity = silent
# Use object-oriented methods instead of top-level statements
dotnet_diagnostic.MEN016.severity = silent
# Use Digit Separators
dotnet_diagnostic.MEN018.severity = warning
## Roslynator.Analyzers rules
# Remove 'partial' modifier from type with a single part
dotnet_diagnostic.RCS1043.severity = warning
# Avoid locking on publicly accessible instance
dotnet_diagnostic.RCS1059.severity = silent
# Avoid empty catch clause that catches System.Exception
dotnet_diagnostic.RCS1075.severity = silent
# Use 'Count/Length' property instead of 'Any' method
dotnet_diagnostic.RCS1080.severity = error
# Make class static
dotnet_diagnostic.RCS1102.severity = silent
# Add summary to documentation comment
dotnet_diagnostic.RCS1138.severity = silent
# Add summary element to documentation comment
dotnet_diagnostic.RCS1139.severity = silent
# Use string.Length instead of comparison with empty string
dotnet_diagnostic.RCS1156.severity = error
# Implement exception constructors
dotnet_diagnostic.RCS1194.severity = silent
# Do not pass non-read-only struct by read-only reference
dotnet_diagnostic.RCS1242.severity = silent
## Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.BannedApiAnalyzers rules
# Do not use banned APIs
dotnet_diagnostic.RS0030.severity = error
## StyleCop spacing rules
# Keywords should be spaced correctly
dotnet_diagnostic.SA1000.severity = silent
# Commas should be spaced correctly
dotnet_diagnostic.SA1001.severity = silent
# Semicolons should be spaced correctly
dotnet_diagnostic.SA1002.severity = silent
# Symbols should be spaced correctly
dotnet_diagnostic.SA1003.severity = silent
# Documentation lines should begin with single space
dotnet_diagnostic.SA1004.severity = silent
# Single line comments should begin with single space
dotnet_diagnostic.SA1005.severity = silent
# Preprocessor keywords should not be preceded by space
dotnet_diagnostic.SA1006.severity = error
# Opening parenthesis should be spaced correctly
dotnet_diagnostic.SA1008.severity = silent
# Closing parenthesis should be spaced correctly
dotnet_diagnostic.SA1009.severity = silent
# Opening square brackets should be spaced correctly
dotnet_diagnostic.SA1010.severity = silent
# Closing square brackets should be spaced correctly
dotnet_diagnostic.SA1011.severity = silent
# Opening braces should be spaced correctly
dotnet_diagnostic.SA1012.severity = silent
# Closing braces should be spaced correctly
dotnet_diagnostic.SA1013.severity = silent
# Closing generic bracket should be followed by a space
dotnet_diagnostic.SA1015.severity = silent
# Member access symbols should be spaced correctly
dotnet_diagnostic.SA1019.severity = error
# Negative signs should be spaced correctly
dotnet_diagnostic.SA1021.severity = silent
# Dereference and access of symbols should be spaced correctly
dotnet_diagnostic.SA1023.severity = silent
# Colons should be spaced correctly
dotnet_diagnostic.SA1024.severity = silent
# Code should not contain multiple whitespace in a row
dotnet_diagnostic.SA1025.severity = silent
# Use tabs correctly
dotnet_diagnostic.SA1027.severity = silent
# Code should not contain trailing whitespace
dotnet_diagnostic.SA1028.severity = silent
## StyleCop readability rules
# Do not prefix calls with base unless local implementation exists
dotnet_diagnostic.SA1100.severity = error
# Prefix local calls with this
dotnet_diagnostic.SA1101.severity = silent
# Code should not contain multiple statements on one line
dotnet_diagnostic.SA1107.severity = silent
# Block statements should not contain embedded comments
dotnet_diagnostic.SA1108.severity = silent
# Opening parenthesis or bracket should be on declaration line
dotnet_diagnostic.SA1110.severity = silent
# Closing parenthesis should be on line of last parameter
dotnet_diagnostic.SA1111.severity = silent
# Parameter list should follow declaration
dotnet_diagnostic.SA1114.severity = silent
# Split parameters should start on line after declaration
dotnet_diagnostic.SA1116.severity = silent
# Parameters should be on same line or separate lines
dotnet_diagnostic.SA1117.severity = silent
# Parameter should not span multiple lines
dotnet_diagnostic.SA1118.severity = silent
# Comments should contain text
dotnet_diagnostic.SA1120.severity = warning
# Use built-in type alias
dotnet_diagnostic.SA1121.severity = error
# Use string.Empty for empty strings
dotnet_diagnostic.SA1122.severity = silent
# Generic type constraints should be on their own line
dotnet_diagnostic.SA1127.severity = silent
# Put constructor initializers on their own line
dotnet_diagnostic.SA1128.severity = silent
# Do not use default value type constructor
dotnet_diagnostic.SA1129.severity = error
# Use readable conditions
dotnet_diagnostic.SA1131.severity = silent
# Do not combine fields
dotnet_diagnostic.SA1132.severity = silent
# Do not combine attributes
dotnet_diagnostic.SA1133.severity = error
# Attributes should not share line
dotnet_diagnostic.SA1134.severity = silent
# Enum values should be on separate lines
dotnet_diagnostic.SA1136.severity = silent
# Elements should have the same indentation
dotnet_diagnostic.SA1137.severity = warning
## StyleCop ordering rules
# Elements should appear in the correct order
dotnet_diagnostic.SA1201.severity = silent
# Elements should be ordered by access
dotnet_diagnostic.SA1202.severity = silent
# Constants should appear before fields
dotnet_diagnostic.SA1203.severity = silent
# Static elements should appear before instance elements
dotnet_diagnostic.SA1204.severity = silent
# System using directives should be placed before other using directives
dotnet_diagnostic.SA1208.severity = error
# Using directives should be ordered alphabetically by namespace
dotnet_diagnostic.SA1210.severity = silent
# Using alias directives should be ordered alphabetically by alias name
dotnet_diagnostic.SA1211.severity = error
# Readonly fields should appear before non-readonly fields
dotnet_diagnostic.SA1214.severity = silent
## StyleCop naming rules
# Element should begin with upper-case letter
dotnet_diagnostic.SA1300.severity = silent
# Interface names should begin with I
dotnet_diagnostic.SA1302.severity = silent
# Const field names should begin with upper-case letter
dotnet_diagnostic.SA1303.severity = silent
# Non-private readonly fields should begin with upper-case letter
dotnet_diagnostic.SA1304.severity = silent
# Field names should begin with lower-case letter
dotnet_diagnostic.SA1306.severity = silent
# Accessible fields should begin with upper-case letter
dotnet_diagnostic.SA1307.severity = silent
# Variable names should not be prefixed
dotnet_diagnostic.SA1308.severity = silent
# Field names should not begin with underscore
dotnet_diagnostic.SA1309.severity = silent
# Field names should not contain underscore
dotnet_diagnostic.SA1310.severity = silent
# Static readonly fields should begin with upper-case letter
dotnet_diagnostic.SA1311.severity = silent
# Variable names should begin with lower-case letter
dotnet_diagnostic.SA1312.severity = silent
# Parameter names should begin with lower-case letter
dotnet_diagnostic.SA1313.severity = silent
## StyleCop maintainability rules
# Statement should not use unnecessary parenthesis # I put this rule in this section because the defaults put it here.
dotnet_diagnostic.SA1119.severity = silent
# Access modifier should be declared
dotnet_diagnostic.SA1400.severity = error
# Fields should be private
dotnet_diagnostic.SA1401.severity = silent
# File may only contain a single type
dotnet_diagnostic.SA1402.severity = silent
# Debug.Assert should provide message text
dotnet_diagnostic.SA1405.severity = silent
# Arithmetic expressions should declare precedence
dotnet_diagnostic.SA1407.severity = silent
# Conditional expressions should declare precedence
dotnet_diagnostic.SA1408.severity = silent
# Use trailing comma in multi-line initializers
dotnet_diagnostic.SA1413.severity = silent
## StyleCop layout rules
# Braces for multi-line statements should not share line
dotnet_diagnostic.SA1500.severity = silent
# Statement should not be on a single line
dotnet_diagnostic.SA1501.severity = silent
# Element should not be on a single line
dotnet_diagnostic.SA1502.severity = silent
# Braces should not be omitted
dotnet_diagnostic.SA1503.severity = silent
# Opening braces should not be followed by blank line
dotnet_diagnostic.SA1505.severity = silent
# Element documentation headers should not be followed by blank line
dotnet_diagnostic.SA1506.severity = warning
# Code should not contain multiple blank lines in a row
dotnet_diagnostic.SA1507.severity = silent
# Closing braces should not be preceded by blank line
dotnet_diagnostic.SA1508.severity = silent
# Opening braces should not be preceded by blank line
dotnet_diagnostic.SA1509.severity = silent
# Chained statement blocks should not be preceded by blank line
dotnet_diagnostic.SA1510.severity = silent
# Single-line comments should not be followed by blank line
dotnet_diagnostic.SA1512.severity = silent
# Closing brace should be followed by blank line
dotnet_diagnostic.SA1513.severity = silent
# Element documentation header should be preceded by blank line
dotnet_diagnostic.SA1514.severity = warning
# Single-line comment should be preceded by blank line
dotnet_diagnostic.SA1515.severity = silent
# Elements should be separated by blank line
dotnet_diagnostic.SA1516.severity = silent
# Code should not contain blank lines at start of file
dotnet_diagnostic.SA1517.severity = warning
# Use line endings correctly at end of file
dotnet_diagnostic.SA1518.severity = silent
# Braces should not be omitted from multi-line child statement
dotnet_diagnostic.SA1519.severity = silent
# Use braces consistently
dotnet_diagnostic.SA1520.severity = silent
## StyleCop documentation rules
# Element documentation should have summary text
dotnet_diagnostic.SA1606.severity = silent
# Property documentation should have value text
dotnet_diagnostic.SA1610.severity = silent
# Element parameter documentation should match element parameters
dotnet_diagnostic.SA1612.severity = silent
# Element parameter documentation should have text
dotnet_diagnostic.SA1614.severity = warning
# Element return value documentation should have text
dotnet_diagnostic.SA1616.severity = warning
# Generic type parameter documentation should have text
dotnet_diagnostic.SA1622.severity = warning
# Property summary documentation should match accessors
dotnet_diagnostic.SA1623.severity = silent
# Element documentation should not be copied and pasted
dotnet_diagnostic.SA1625.severity = silent
# Documentation text should not be empty
dotnet_diagnostic.SA1627.severity = silent
# Documentation text should end with a period
dotnet_diagnostic.SA1629.severity = silent
# File should have header
dotnet_diagnostic.SA1633.severity = silent
# Constructor summary documentation should begin with standard text
dotnet_diagnostic.SA1642.severity = silent
# File name should match first type name
dotnet_diagnostic.SA1649.severity = silent