373 lines
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373 lines
10 KiB
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <emu.hpp>
#include <jaffarCommon/file.hpp>
#include <jaffarCommon/serializers/contiguous.hpp>
#include <jaffarCommon/deserializers/contiguous.hpp>
#ifdef _WIN32
#define QN_EXPORT extern "C" __declspec(dllexport)
#define QN_EXPORT extern "C" __attribute__((visibility("default")))
// Relevant defines for video output
#define VIDEO_BUFFER_SIZE 65536
#define DEFAULT_WIDTH 256
#define DEFAULT_HEIGHT 240
QN_EXPORT quickerNES::Emu *qn_new()
// Zero intialized emulator to make super sure no side effects from previous data remains
auto ptr = calloc(1, sizeof(quickerNES::Emu));
auto e = new (ptr) quickerNES::Emu();
// Creating video buffer
auto videoBuffer = (uint8_t *) malloc(VIDEO_BUFFER_SIZE);
e->set_pixels(videoBuffer, DEFAULT_WIDTH + 8);
return e;
QN_EXPORT void qn_delete(quickerNES::Emu *e)
e->~Emu(); // make sure to explicitly call the dtor
QN_EXPORT const char *qn_loadines(quickerNES::Emu *e, const uint8_t *data, int length)
return e->load_ines(data);
QN_EXPORT const char *qn_set_sample_rate(quickerNES::Emu *e, int rate)
const char *ret = e->set_sample_rate(rate);
if (!ret) e->set_equalizer(quickerNES::Emu::nes_eq);
return ret;
QN_EXPORT const char *qn_emulate_frame(quickerNES::Emu *e, uint32_t pad1, uint32_t pad2, uint8_t arkanoidPosition, uint8_t arkanoidFire, int controllerType)
uint32_t arkanoidLatch = 0;
if ((quickerNES::Core::controllerType_t) controllerType == quickerNES::Core::controllerType_t::arkanoidNES_t ||
(quickerNES::Core::controllerType_t) controllerType == quickerNES::Core::controllerType_t::arkanoidFamicom_t)
e->setControllerType((quickerNES::Core::controllerType_t) controllerType);
// This is where we calculate the stream of bits required by the NES / Famicom to correctly interpret the Arkanoid potentiometer signal
// The logic and procedure were created based on the information in https://www.nesdev.org/wiki/Arkanoid_controller
// - The arkanoidPosition variable is the intended value
// - The centeringPotValue is a calibration parameter. The arkanoidPosition value is passed to the console as a relative value to this.
// This can be change tod calibrate a misaligned physical potentiomenter (not relevant in emulation)
// The minumum / maximum ranges for this values are (0x0D-0xAD) to (0x5C-0xFC). NesHawk seems to be calibrated at: 0xAB (171).
// The value of centeringPotValue is calibrated to coincide exactly with that of the NesHawk emulator
uint8_t centeringPotValue = 0xAB;
// Procedure, as expected by the console:
// 1) Obtain the relative value of arkanoidPosition from the centeringPotValue
uint8_t relativePosition = centeringPotValue - arkanoidPosition;
// 2) The result is bit-inverted (required by the console)
// The easiest solution is simply to do this per bit
if ((relativePosition & 128) > 0) arkanoidLatch += 1;
if ((relativePosition & 64) > 0) arkanoidLatch += 2;
if ((relativePosition & 32) > 0) arkanoidLatch += 4;
if ((relativePosition & 16) > 0) arkanoidLatch += 8;
if ((relativePosition & 8) > 0) arkanoidLatch += 16;
if ((relativePosition & 4) > 0) arkanoidLatch += 32;
if ((relativePosition & 2) > 0) arkanoidLatch += 64;
if ((relativePosition & 1) > 0) arkanoidLatch += 128;
return e->emulate_frame(pad1, pad2, arkanoidLatch, arkanoidFire);
QN_EXPORT void qn_blit(quickerNES::Emu *e, int32_t *dest, const int32_t *colors, int cropleft, int croptop, int cropright, int cropbottom)
// what is the point of the 256 color bitmap and the dynamic color allocation to it?
// why not just render directly to a 512 color bitmap with static palette positions?
const int srcpitch = e->frame().pitch;
const unsigned char *src = e->frame().pixels;
const unsigned char *const srcend = src + (e->image_height - cropbottom) * srcpitch;
const short *lut = e->frame().palette;
const int rowlen = 256 - cropleft - cropright;
src += cropleft;
src += croptop * srcpitch;
for (; src < srcend; src += srcpitch)
for (int i = 0; i < rowlen; i++)
*dest++ = colors[lut[src[i]]];
QN_EXPORT const quickerNES::Emu::rgb_t *qn_get_default_colors()
return quickerNES::Emu::nes_colors;
QN_EXPORT int qn_get_joypad_read_count(quickerNES::Emu *e)
return e->get_joypad_read_count();
QN_EXPORT void qn_get_audio_info(quickerNES::Emu *e, int *sample_count, int *chan_count)
if (sample_count)
*sample_count = e->frame().sample_count;
if (chan_count)
*chan_count = e->frame().chan_count;
QN_EXPORT int qn_read_audio(quickerNES::Emu *e, short *dest, int max_samples)
return e->read_samples(dest, max_samples);
QN_EXPORT void qn_reset(quickerNES::Emu *e, int hard)
QN_EXPORT const char *qn_state_size(quickerNES::Emu *e, int *size)
jaffarCommon::serializer::Contiguous s;
*size = s.getOutputSize();
return 0;
QN_EXPORT const char *qn_state_save(quickerNES::Emu *e, void *dest, int size)
jaffarCommon::serializer::Contiguous s(dest, size);
return 0;
QN_EXPORT const char *qn_state_load(quickerNES::Emu *e, const void *src, int size)
jaffarCommon::deserializer::Contiguous d(src, size);
return 0;
QN_EXPORT int qn_has_battery_ram(quickerNES::Emu *e)
return e->has_battery_ram();
QN_EXPORT const char *qn_battery_ram_size(quickerNES::Emu *e, int *size)
*size = e->get_high_mem_size();
return 0;
QN_EXPORT const char *qn_battery_ram_save(quickerNES::Emu *e, void *dest, int size)
memcpy(dest, e->high_mem(), size);
return 0;
QN_EXPORT const char *qn_battery_ram_load(quickerNES::Emu *e, const void *src, int size)
memcpy(e->high_mem(), src, size);
return 0;
QN_EXPORT const char *qn_battery_ram_clear(quickerNES::Emu *e)
int size = 0;
qn_battery_ram_size(e, &size);
std::memset(e->high_mem(), 0xff, size);
return 0;
QN_EXPORT void qn_set_sprite_limit(quickerNES::Emu *e, int n)
QN_EXPORT int qn_get_memory_area(quickerNES::Emu *e, int which, const void **data, int *size, int *writable, const char **name)
if (!data || !size || !writable || !name)
return 0;
switch (which)
return 0;
case 0:
*data = e->get_low_mem();
*size = e->low_mem_size;
*writable = 1;
*name = "RAM";
return 1;
case 1:
*data = e->high_mem();
*size = e->high_mem_size;
*writable = 1;
*name = "WRAM";
return 1;
case 2:
*data = e->chr_mem();
*size = e->chr_size();
*writable = 1;
*name = "CHR";
return 1;
case 3:
*data = e->nametable_mem();
*size = e->nametable_size();
*writable = 1;
*name = "CIRAM (nametables)";
return 1;
case 4:
*data = e->cart()->prg();
*size = e->cart()->prg_size();
*writable = 1;
*name = "PRG ROM";
return 1;
case 5:
*data = e->cart()->chr();
*size = e->cart()->chr_size();
*writable = 1;
*name = "CHR VROM";
return 1;
case 6:
*data = e->pal_mem();
*size = e->pal_mem_size();
*writable = 1;
*name = "PALRAM";
return 1;
case 7:
*data = e->spr_mem();
*size = e->spr_mem_size();
*writable = 1;
*name = "OAM";
return 1;
QN_EXPORT unsigned char qn_peek_prgbus(quickerNES::Emu *e, int addr)
return e->peek_prg(addr & 0xffff);
QN_EXPORT void qn_poke_prgbus(quickerNES::Emu *e, int addr, unsigned char val)
e->poke_prg(addr & 0xffff, val);
QN_EXPORT void qn_get_cpuregs(quickerNES::Emu *e, unsigned int *dest)
QN_EXPORT const char *qn_get_mapper(quickerNES::Emu *e, int *number)
int m = e->cart()->mapper_code();
if (number)
*number = m;
switch (m)
default: return "unknown";
case 0: return "nrom";
case 1: return "mmc1";
case 2: return "unrom";
case 3: return "cnrom";
case 4: return "mmc3";
case 5: return "mmc5";
case 7: return "aorom";
case 9: return "mmc2";
case 10: return "mmc4";
case 11: return "color_dreams";
case 15: return "k1029/30P";
case 19: return "namco106";
case 21: return "vrc2,vrc4(21)";
case 22: return "vrc2,vrc4(22)";
case 23: return "vrc2,vrc4(23)";
case 24: return "vrc6a";
case 25: return "vrc2,vrc4(25)";
case 26: return "vrc6b";
case 30: return "Unrom512";
case 32: return "Irem_G101";
case 33: return "TaitoTC0190";
case 34: return "nina1";
case 60: return "NROM-128";
case 66: return "gnrom";
case 69: return "fme7";
case 70: return "74x161x162x32(70)";
case 71: return "camerica";
case 73: return "vrc3";
case 75: return "vrc1";
case 78: return "mapper_78";
case 79: return "nina03,nina06(79)";
case 85: return "vrc7";
case 86: return "mapper_86";
case 87: return "mapper_87";
case 88: return "namco34(88)";
case 89: return "sunsoft2b";
case 93: return "sunsoft2a";
case 94: return "Un1rom";
case 97: return "irem_tam_s1";
case 113: return "nina03,nina06(113)";
case 140: return "jaleco_jf11";
case 152: return "74x161x162x32(152)";
case 154: return "namco34(154)";
case 156: return "dis23c01_daou";
case 180: return "uxrom(inverted)";
case 184: return "sunsoft1";
case 190: return "magickidgoogoo";
case 193: return "tc112";
case 206: return "namco34(206)";
case 207: return "taitox1005";
case 232: return "quattro";
case 240: return "mapper_240";
case 241: return "mapper_241";
case 246: return "mapper_246";
QN_EXPORT uint8_t qn_get_reg2000(quickerNES::Emu *e)
return e->get_ppu2000();
QN_EXPORT uint8_t *qn_get_palmem(quickerNES::Emu *e)
return e->pal_mem();
QN_EXPORT uint8_t *qn_get_oammem(quickerNES::Emu *e)
return e->pal_mem();
QN_EXPORT uint8_t qn_peek_ppu(quickerNES::Emu *e, int addr)
return e->peek_ppu(addr);
QN_EXPORT void qn_peek_ppubus(quickerNES::Emu *e, uint8_t *dest)
for (int i = 0; i < 0x3000; i++)
dest[i] = e->peek_ppu(i);
QN_EXPORT void qn_set_tracecb(quickerNES::Emu *e, void (*cb)(unsigned int *dest))