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namespace BizHawk.Analyzers;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Linq;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Diagnostics;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Operations;
public sealed class LINQOnStringsAnalyzer : DiagnosticAnalyzer
private static readonly DiagnosticDescriptor DiagLINQOnStrings = new(
id: "BHI3102",
title: "Prefer specialised methods over LINQ on string receivers",
messageFormat: "{0}",
category: "Usage",
defaultSeverity: DiagnosticSeverity.Warning,
isEnabledByDefault: true);
public override ImmutableArray<DiagnosticDescriptor> SupportedDiagnostics { get; } = ImmutableArray.Create(DiagLINQOnStrings);
public override void Initialize(AnalysisContext context)
context.RegisterCompilationStartAction(initContext =>
const string CHAR_ZERO_WARNING = " (but did you intend to get `default(char)`?)";
static string DisambigNameFor(IMethodSymbol sym)
=> $"{sym.Name}#{sym.Parameters.Length}";
// var hasHawkStringExtensions = initContext.Compilation.GetTypeByMetadataName("BizHawk.Common.StringExtensions.StringExtensions") is not null;
var hasStringContainsChar = initContext.Compilation.GetSpecialType(SpecialType.System_String)
.GetMembers("Contains").Length > 1;
var linqMethodSyms = initContext.Compilation.GetTypeByMetadataName("System.Linq.Enumerable")!.GetMembers();
Dictionary<string, (IMethodSymbol SymToMatch, DiagnosticSeverity Level, string MsgFmtStr)> banned = new();
foreach (var (identifier, msgFmtStr) in new[]
("Append", "Use concatenation or interpolation"),
("Concat", "Use concatenation operator"), // we have special handling for when the "other" string is only `IEnumerable<char>`
("ElementAt", "Use `({0})[i]`"),
("ElementAtOrDefault", "Use `i < str.Length ? str[i] : default`" + CHAR_ZERO_WARNING),
("Prepend", "Use concatenation or interpolation"),
("Skip", "Use `({0}).Substring(offset)` (or `.AsSpan(offset)`)"),
("Take", "Use `({0}).Substring(0, count)` (or `.AsSpan(0, count)`)"),
("ToArray", "Use `({0}).ToCharArray()`"),
// only one overload, simply add to list
var foundSym = linqMethodSyms.OfType<IMethodSymbol>().FirstOrDefault(sym => sym.Name == identifier);
if (foundSym is not null) banned[DisambigNameFor(foundSym)] = (foundSym, DiagnosticSeverity.Warning, msgFmtStr);
foreach (var (identifier, msgFmtStr) in new[]
("Any", "Use `({0}).Length is not 0`"),
("Count", "Use `({0}).Length`"),
("First", "Use `({0})[0]`"),
("FirstOrDefault", "Use `str.Length is 0 ? default : str[0]`" + CHAR_ZERO_WARNING),
("Last", "Use `({0})[^1]`"),
("LastOrDefault", "Use `str.Length is 0 ? default : str[^1]`" + CHAR_ZERO_WARNING),
("LongCount", "Use `(long) ({0}).Length` (`String` cannot exceed `int.MaxValue` chars)"),
("Single", "Use `str[0]`, asserting `str.Length is 1` beforehand if desired"),
("SingleOrDefault", "Use `str.Length is 1 ? str[0] : default`" + CHAR_ZERO_WARNING),
// for these, the overload with a delegate param (combined `Where`) is allowed, and the overload without is banned
var foundSym = linqMethodSyms.OfType<IMethodSymbol>()
.FirstOrDefault(sym => sym.Parameters.Length is 1 && sym.Name == identifier);
if (foundSym is not null) banned[DisambigNameFor(foundSym)] = (foundSym, DiagnosticSeverity.Error, msgFmtStr);
var linqBinaryContainsSym = linqMethodSyms.OfType<IMethodSymbol>()
.FirstOrDefault(static sym => sym.Parameters.Length is 2 && sym.Name is "Contains");
if (linqBinaryContainsSym is not null)
banned[DisambigNameFor(linqBinaryContainsSym)] = (
"Call the instance method from `String` (why would you do this)");
foreach (var sym in linqMethodSyms.OfType<IMethodSymbol>().Where(static sym => sym.Name is "DefaultIfEmpty"))
banned[DisambigNameFor(sym)] = sym.Parameters.Length is 2
? (sym, DiagnosticSeverity.Warning, "Use `str.Length is 0 ? [ defaultValue ] : str`")
: (sym, DiagnosticSeverity.Error, "Use `str.Length is 0 ? [ default(char) ] : str`" + CHAR_ZERO_WARNING);
var linqReverseSym = linqMethodSyms.OfType<IMethodSymbol>().FirstOrDefault(static sym => sym.Name is "Reverse");
if (linqReverseSym is not null)
banned[DisambigNameFor(linqReverseSym)] = (
"This will reverse the order of `char`s, which are NOT Unicode graphemes or even codepoints, and thus the result may be malformed;"
+ " to reverse text, use `str.EnumerateRunes().Reverse()` (.NET Core) or `Strings.StrReverse(str)` (from VB.NET helpers),"
+ " and to reverse a list of 16-bit values, use `Array.Reverse` on a `char[]`/`ushort[]`");
oac =>
var operation = (IInvocationOperation) oac.Operation;
var calledSym = operation.TargetMethod.ConstructedFrom;
var disambigName = DisambigNameFor(calledSym);
if (!banned.TryGetValue(disambigName, out var tuple)) return;
var (symToMatch, level, msgFmtStr) = tuple;
if (!symToMatch.Matches(calledSym)) return;
var receiverExpr = operation.Arguments[0];
var receiverExprType = operation.SemanticModel!.GetTypeInfo(receiverExpr, oac.CancellationToken).Type!;
if (receiverExprType.SpecialType is not SpecialType.System_String) return;
switch (disambigName)
case "Concat#2" /*when operation.SemanticModel!
.GetTypeInfo(operation.Arguments[1], oac.CancellationToken)
.Type!.SpecialType is not SpecialType.System_String*/:
// other string is only `IEnumerable<char>`
level = DiagnosticSeverity.Warning;
msgFmtStr = "Use concatenation if both are strings and the value is being enumerated to a new string";
case "Contains#1" when !hasStringContainsChar:
level = DiagnosticSeverity.Warning;
var arg = operation.Arguments[1].ConstantValue;
msgFmtStr = arg.HasValue
? $"Use `({{0}}).Contains(\"{arg.Value}\")`"
: "Use `str.Contains(c.ToString())`";
additionalLocations: null,
properties: null,
messageArgs: string.Format(msgFmtStr, receiverExpr.Syntax)));