192 lines
8.6 KiB
192 lines
8.6 KiB
{ system ? builtins.currentSystem
, pkgs ? import (builtins.fetchTarball {
url = "https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/archive/24.05.tar.gz";
sha256 = "1lr1h35prqkd1mkmzriwlpvxcb34kmhc9dnr48gkm8hh089hifmx";
}) { inherit system; }
, lib ? pkgs.lib
, stdenv ? pkgs.stdenvNoCC
# infrastructure
, buildDotnetModule ? pkgs.buildDotnetModule
, dpkg ? pkgs.dpkg
, fetchFromGitHub ? pkgs.fetchFromGitHub
, fetchFromGitLab ? pkgs.fetchFromGitLab
, fetchpatch ? pkgs.fetchpatch
, fetchzip ? pkgs.fetchzip
, makeDesktopItem ? pkgs.makeDesktopItem
, mkNugetDeps ? pkgs.mkNugetDeps
, runCommand ? pkgs.runCommand
, symlinkJoin ? pkgs.symlinkJoin
, writeShellScript ? pkgs.writeShellScript
, writeShellScriptBin ? pkgs.writeShellScriptBin
, writeText ? pkgs.writeText
# source
, hawkSourceInfoDevBuild ? let # called "dev build", but you could pass whatever branch and commit you want here
version = "2.9.2-local"; # used in default value of `BIZHAWK_DATA_HOME`, which distinguishes parallel installs' config and other data
in {
inherit version;
src = builtins.path { path = ./.; name = "BizHawk-${version}"; }; # source derivation; did have filter here for speed, but it wasn't faster and it wasn't correct and it couldn't be made correct and I'm mad
# makedeps
, dotnet-sdk_8 ? pkgs.dotnet-sdk_8
, dotnet-sdk_6 ? pkgs.dotnet-sdk_6
, dotnet-sdk_5 ? let result = builtins.tryEval pkgs.dotnet-sdk_5; in if result.success
then result.value
else (import (fetchzip {
url = "https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/archive/a8f575995434695a10b574d35ca51b0f26ae9049.tar.gz"; # commit immediately before .NET 5 was removed
hash = "sha512-3ysJjKK1lYV1r/zLohyuD1fiK+8TD3MMA3TrX9fb42nKqzfGGW62Aom7ltiyyxbVbBYOCXUy41Z5Y0j2VOxRKw==";
}) { inherit system; }).dotnet-sdk_5
, git ? pkgs.gitMinimal # only when building from-CWD (`-local`)
# rundeps
, coreutils ? pkgs.coreutils
, kate ? pkgs.kate.overrideAttrs (oldAttrs: {
patches = (oldAttrs.patches or []) ++ [ (fetchpatch {
url = "https://invent.kde.org/utilities/kate/-/commit/9ddf4f0c9eb3c26a0ab33c862d2b161bcbdc6a6e.patch"; # Fix name of OmniSharp LSP binary
hash = "sha256-a2KqoxuuVhfAQUJA3/yEQb1QCoa1JCvLz7BZZnSLnzI=";
}) ];
, libgdiplus ? pkgs.libgdiplus
, libGL ? pkgs.libGL
, lua ? pkgs.lua54Packages.lua
, mono ? null
, nixGLChannel ? (pkgs.nixgl or import (fetchzip {
url = "https://github.com/guibou/nixGL/archive/489d6b095ab9d289fe11af0219a9ff00fe87c7c5.tar.gz";
hash = "sha512-GvV707ftLvE0MCTfMJb/M86S2Nxf3vai+HPwq0QvJylmMBwliqYx/nW8X2ja2ruOHzaw3MXXmAxjnv5MMUn07w==";
}) { inherit system; })
, nixGL ? nixGLChannel.auto.nixGLDefault
, omnisharp-roslyn ? pkgs.omnisharp-roslyn
#, nixVulkan ? nixGLChannel.auto.nixVulkanNvidia
, openal ? pkgs.openal
, SDL2 ? pkgs.SDL2
, udev ? pkgs.udev
, zstd ? pkgs.zstd
# other parameters
, buildConfig ? "Release" # "Debug"/"Release"
, debugPInvokes ? false # forwarded to Dist/launch-scripts.nix
, debugDotnetHostCrashes ? false # forwarded to Dist/launch-scripts.nix
, doCheck ? true # runs `Dist/BuildTest${buildConfig}.sh`
, extraDefines ? "" # added to `<DefineConstants/>`, so ';'-separated
, extraDotnetBuildFlags ? "" # currently passed to EVERY `dotnet build` and `dotnet test` invocation (and does not replace the flags for parallel compilation added by default)
, forNixOS ? true
, initConfig ? {} # forwarded to Dist/launch-scripts.nix (see docs there)
}: let
isVersionAtLeast = lib.flip lib.versionAtLeast; # I stand by this being the more useful param order w.r.t. currying
replaceDotWithUnderscore = s: lib.replaceStrings [ "." ] [ "_" ] s;
/** you can't actually make hard links in the sandbox, so this just copies, and we'll rely on Nix' automatic deduping */
hardLinkJoin =
{ name
, paths
, preferLocalBuild ? true
, allowSubstitutes ? false
, __contentAddressed ? false
}: runCommand name {
inherit __contentAddressed allowSubstitutes paths preferLocalBuild;
passAsFile = [ "paths" ];
} ''
mkdir -p $out
for d in $(cat $pathsPath); do
cd "$d"
find . -type d -exec mkdir -p "$out/{}" \;
for f in $(find . -type f); do cp -T "$(realpath "$f")" "$out/$f"; done
inherit (import Dist/historical.nix {
inherit lib
isVersionAtLeast replaceDotWithUnderscore
fetchFromGitHub fetchFromGitLab mkNugetDeps
dotnet-sdk_5 dotnet-sdk_6 dotnet-sdk_8;
}) depsForHistoricalRelease populateHawkSourceInfo releaseArtifactInfos releaseFrags releaseTagSourceInfos;
launchScriptsFor = bizhawkAssemblies: isManualLocalBuild: import Dist/launch-scripts.nix {
inherit lib
writeShellScript writeText
bizhawkAssemblies nixGL
debugPInvokes debugDotnetHostCrashes initConfig isManualLocalBuild;
mkfifo = coreutils;
mktemp = coreutils;
pp = import Dist/packages.nix {
inherit lib stdenv
populateHawkSourceInfo replaceDotWithUnderscore
buildDotnetModule fetchpatch fetchzip hardLinkJoin launchScriptsFor makeDesktopItem
releaseTagSourceInfos runCommand symlinkJoin writeShellScriptBin
libgdiplus libGL lua openal SDL2 udev zstd
buildConfig doCheck extraDefines extraDotnetBuildFlags;
mono = if mono != null
then mono # allow older Mono if set explicitly
else if isVersionAtLeast "" pkgs.mono.version
then pkgs.mono
else lib.trace "provided Mono too old, using Mono from Nixpkgs 23.05"
(import (fetchzip {
url = "https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/archive/23.05.tar.gz";
hash = "sha512-REPJ9fRKxTefvh1d25MloT4bXJIfxI+1EvfVWq644Tzv+nuq2BmiGMiBNmBkyN9UT5fl2tdjqGliye3gZGaIGg==";
}) { inherit system; }).mono;
monoBasic = fetchzip {
url = "https://download.mono-project.com/repo/debian/pool/main/m/mono-basic/libmono-microsoft-visualbasic10.0-cil_4.7-0xamarin3+debian9b1_all.deb";
nativeBuildInputs = [ dpkg ];
hash = "sha512-bPXbsVrViHAJz6PWuryo9HA6Nlv0bNqgc72pNKM/MUQM7JTUcfM0VDUzkz8vzXSqp/nt2LlAOIqIsS5D5iBIvQ==";
# tried and failed building from source, following https://aur.archlinux.org/cgit/aur.git/tree/PKGBUILD?h=mono-basic
emuhawk-local = pp.buildEmuHawkInstallableFor {
inherit forNixOS;
hawkSourceInfo = hawkSourceInfoDevBuild;
fillTargetOSDifferences = hawkSourceInfo: lib.optionalAttrs forNixOS { needsLibGLVND = true; } // hawkSourceInfo; # don't like this, but the alternative is including `forNixOS` in `hawkSourceInfo` directly
asmsFromReleaseArtifacts = lib.mapAttrs
(_: a: pp.splitReleaseArtifact (a // { hawkSourceInfo = fillTargetOSDifferences a.hawkSourceInfo; }))
# the asms for from-CWD and latest release from-source are exposed below as `bizhawkAssemblies` and `bizhawkAssemblies-latest`, respectively
# apart from that, no `asmsFromSource`, since if you're only after the assets you might as well use the release artifact
releasesEmuHawkInstallables = lib.pipe releaseFrags [
(builtins.map (versionFrag: [
name = "emuhawk-${versionFrag}";
value = pp.buildEmuHawkInstallableFor {
inherit forNixOS;
hawkSourceInfo = releaseTagSourceInfos."info-${versionFrag}";
name = "emuhawk-${versionFrag}-bin";
value = pp.buildEmuHawkInstallableFor {
inherit forNixOS;
bizhawkAssemblies = asmsFromReleaseArtifacts."bizhawkAssemblies-${versionFrag}-bin";
(lib.filterAttrs (name: value: lib.hasSuffix "-bin" name
|| isVersionAtLeast "2.6" value.hawkSourceInfo.version))
latestVersionFrag = lib.head releaseFrags;
combined = pp // asmsFromReleaseArtifacts // releasesEmuHawkInstallables // {
inherit depsForHistoricalRelease populateHawkSourceInfo releaseTagSourceInfos;
bizhawkAssemblies = pp.buildAssembliesFor (fillTargetOSDifferences hawkSourceInfoDevBuild);
"bizhawkAssemblies-${latestVersionFrag}" = pp.buildAssembliesFor
(fillTargetOSDifferences releaseTagSourceInfos."info-${latestVersionFrag}");
discohawk = pp.buildDiscoHawkInstallableFor {
inherit forNixOS;
hawkSourceInfo = hawkSourceInfoDevBuild;
"discohawk-${latestVersionFrag}" = pp.buildDiscoHawkInstallableFor {
inherit forNixOS;
hawkSourceInfo = releaseTagSourceInfos."info-${latestVersionFrag}";
"discohawk-${latestVersionFrag}-bin" = pp.buildDiscoHawkInstallableFor {
inherit forNixOS;
bizhawkAssemblies = asmsFromReleaseArtifacts."bizhawkAssemblies-${latestVersionFrag}-bin";
emuhawk = emuhawk-local;
IDEs = {
kate = [ kate omnisharp-roslyn ];
launchScriptsForLocalBuild = launchScriptsFor emuhawk-local.assemblies true;
in combined // lib.listToAttrs (lib.concatLists (builtins.map
(f: [
{ name = f "latest-bin"; value = combined.${f "${latestVersionFrag}-bin"}; }
{ name = f "latest"; value = combined.${f latestVersionFrag}; }
[ (s: "bizhawkAssemblies-${s}") (s: "emuhawk-${s}") (s: "discohawk-${s}") ]))