
60 lines
2.5 KiB

#include gamedb_a2600.txt
#include gamedb_a7800.txt
#include gamedb_appleII.txt
#include gamedb_coleco.txt
#include gamedb_e_cards.txt
#include gamedb_intv.txt
#include gamedb_gb.txt
#include gamedb_gba.txt
#include gamedb_gbc.txt
#include gamedb_jaguar.txt
#include gamedb_lynx.txt
#include gamedb_msx.txt
;#include gamedb_msx1-L.txt (legacy?)
;#include gamedb_msx2-L.txt (legacy?)
#include gamedb_n64.txt
#include gamedb_nds.txt
#include gamedb_nes.txt
#include gamedb_odyssey2.txt
#include gamedb_pce_cd.txt
#include gamedb_pce_hucards.txt
#include gamedb_psx.txt
#include gamedb_sega_sg1000.txt
#include gamedb_sega_gg.txt
#include gamedb_sega_sms.txt
#include gamedb_sega_md.txt
#include gamedb_snes.txt
#include gamedb_vectrex.txt
#include gamedb_ws.txt
#include gamedb_wsc.txt
#include gamedb_zxspectrum.txt
#include gamedb_amstradcpc.txt
#include gamedb_ngp.txt
#include gamedb_channelf.txt
#includeuser gamedb_user.txt
; so, there's just zero explanation anywhere for B vs V status flag
; really, I checked
; (if link dies, it's last page of history for `/BizHawk.MultiClient/output/gamedb.txt`)
; and it's not a borrowed convention from no-intro or bootgod either as far as I can tell
; based only on the unstructured comments in the inital upload (054ad76ac), I'm guessing B = bad and V = very bad --yoshi
; ************ TI-83 ************
4EDF419CAA9FB0542B4FED8BCD8B54C2 TI-83 v1.02 TI83 initPC=6ce
28308683219BC1242B3A423F05061E69 TI-83 v1.03 TI83 initPC=6ce
02D48EAAD98A74619E2F68DE23AC212F TI-83 v1.04 TI83 initPC=6ce
552338D93033ECCA7B06CAB4D9DA789B B TI-83 v1.06 TI83 initPC=6ce
D4448D09BBFDE687C04F9E3310E023AB TI-83 v1.07 TI83 initPC=6ce
13B0ACA73319CD7617705DD6BD509B8B B TI-83 v1.08 TI83 initPC=6ce
163B7CECDD3862116DFA7F0D650D56AB B TI-83 v1.10 TI83 initPC=6ce
5ACB6614E0004AAF8B9EC706D4E47DFB B TI-83 v1.12 TI83 initPC=6ce
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;bad PSX (not many, so collecting here for now);;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;licensed by sony... string erased:
C94257E7 B Looney Tunes - Sheep Raider (STATiC Dump) PSX dh=00000000
829A295C B Monster Rancher 2 (U) (EXE Patched) PSX dh=00000000