70 lines
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70 lines
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using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis;
namespace BizHawk.SrcGen.VersionInfo;
public class VersionInfoGenerator : ISourceGenerator
public void Initialize(GeneratorInitializationContext context)
private static string? ExecuteGitWithArguments(string arguments)
var startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo("git", arguments)
RedirectStandardOutput = true,
CreateNoWindow = true,
UseShellExecute = false // this is just required for visual studio (:
using Process git = Process.Start(startInfo) ?? throw new Exception("Failed to start git process");
return git.StandardOutput.ReadLine();
catch (Exception e)
return $"{e.GetType()}: {e.Message}";
catch (Exception)
return null;
public void Execute(GeneratorExecutionContext context)
// Finds the current project directory in order to pass to git commands.
// This is written in a way to (hopefully) work both for build and IDE analyzers
// FIXME: This should probably be done in a better way, but I haven't found any
string projectDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(context.Compilation.SyntaxTrees.First(x => x.HasCompilationUnitRoot && x.FilePath.Contains("BizHawk.Common")).FilePath)!;
var rev = ExecuteGitWithArguments($"-C {projectDir} rev-list HEAD --count") ?? string.Empty;
var branch = ExecuteGitWithArguments($"-C {projectDir} rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD") ?? "master";
var shortHash = ExecuteGitWithArguments($"-C {projectDir} log -1 --format=\"%h\"") ?? "000000000";
// Generated source code
string source = $@"namespace BizHawk.Common
public static partial class VersionInfo
public const string SVN_REV = ""{rev}"";
public const string GIT_BRANCH = ""{branch}"";
public const string GIT_SHORTHASH = ""{shortHash}"";
// Add the source code to the compilation
context.AddSource("VersionInfo.g.cs", source);