using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Linq; using Newtonsoft.Json; using BizHawk.Common; using BizHawk.Emulation.Common; namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Nintendo.Gameboy { public partial class Gameboy : ISettable { public GambatteSettings GetSettings() { return _settings.Clone(); } public bool PutSettings(GambatteSettings o) { _settings = o; if (IsCGBMode()) SetCGBColors(_settings.CGBColors); else ChangeDMGColors(_settings.GBPalette); return false; } public GambatteSyncSettings GetSyncSettings() { return _syncSettings.Clone(); } public bool PutSyncSettings(GambatteSyncSettings o) { bool ret = GambatteSyncSettings.NeedsReboot(_syncSettings, o); _syncSettings = o; return ret; } private GambatteSettings _settings; private GambatteSyncSettings _syncSettings; public class GambatteSettings { private static readonly int[] DefaultPalette = new[] { 10798341, 8956165, 1922333, 337157, 10798341, 8956165, 1922333, 337157, 10798341, 8956165, 1922333, 337157 }; public int[] GBPalette; public GBColors.ColorType CGBColors; public bool DisplayBG = true, DisplayOBJ = true, DisplayWindow = true; /// /// true to mute all audio /// public bool Muted; public GambatteSettings() { GBPalette = (int[])DefaultPalette.Clone(); CGBColors = GBColors.ColorType.gambatte; } public GambatteSettings Clone() { var ret = (GambatteSettings)MemberwiseClone(); ret.GBPalette = (int[])GBPalette.Clone(); return ret; } } public class GambatteSyncSettings { [DisplayName("Force DMG Mode")] [Description("Force the game to run on DMG hardware, even if it's detected as a CGB game. Relevant for games that are \"CGB Enhanced\" but do not require CGB.")] [DefaultValue(false)] public bool ForceDMG { get; set; } [DisplayName("CGB in GBA")] [Description("Emulate GBA hardware running a CGB game, instead of CGB hardware. Relevant only for titles that detect the presense of a GBA, such as Shantae.")] [DefaultValue(false)] public bool GBACGB { get; set; } [DisplayName("Multicart Compatibility")] [Description("Use special compatibility hacks for certain multicart games. Relevant only for specific multicarts.")] [DefaultValue(false)] public bool MulticartCompat { get; set; } [DisplayName("Realtime RTC")] [Description("If true, the real time clock in MBC3 games will reflect real time, instead of emulated time. Ignored (treated as false) when a movie is recording.")] [DefaultValue(false)] public bool RealTimeRTC { get; set; } [DisplayName("RTC Initial Time")] [Description("Set the initial RTC time in terms of elapsed seconds. Only used when RealTimeRTC is false.")] [DefaultValue(0)] public int RTCInitialTime { get { return _RTCInitialTime; } set { _RTCInitialTime = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(1024 * 24 * 60 * 60, value)); } } [JsonIgnore] int _RTCInitialTime; [DisplayName("Equal Length Frames")] [Description("When false, emulation frames sync to vblank. Only useful for high level TASing.")] [DefaultValue(true)] public bool EqualLengthFrames { get { return _EqualLengthFrames; } set { _EqualLengthFrames = value; } } [JsonIgnore] [DeepEqualsIgnore] private bool _EqualLengthFrames; public GambatteSyncSettings() { SettingsUtil.SetDefaultValues(this); } public GambatteSyncSettings Clone() { return (GambatteSyncSettings)MemberwiseClone(); } public static bool NeedsReboot(GambatteSyncSettings x, GambatteSyncSettings y) { return !DeepEquality.DeepEquals(x, y); } } } }