/* This file is part of SevenZipSharp. SevenZipSharp is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. SevenZipSharp is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with SevenZipSharp. If not, see . */ using System; using System.IO; namespace SevenZip.Sdk.Compression.LZ { internal class BinTree : InWindow, IMatchFinder { private const UInt32 kBT2HashSize = 1 << 16; private const UInt32 kEmptyHashValue = 0; private const UInt32 kHash2Size = 1 << 10; private const UInt32 kHash3Offset = kHash2Size; private const UInt32 kHash3Size = 1 << 16; private const UInt32 kMaxValForNormalize = ((UInt32) 1 << 31) - 1; private const UInt32 kStartMaxLen = 1; private UInt32 _cutValue = 0xFF; private UInt32 _cyclicBufferPos; private UInt32 _cyclicBufferSize; private UInt32[] _hash; private UInt32 _hashMask; private UInt32 _hashSizeSum; private UInt32 _matchMaxLen; private UInt32[] _son; private bool HASH_ARRAY = true; private UInt32 kFixHashSize = kHash2Size + kHash3Size; private UInt32 kMinMatchCheck = 4; private UInt32 kNumHashDirectBytes; #region IMatchFinder Members public new void SetStream(Stream stream) { base.SetStream(stream); } public new void ReleaseStream() { base.ReleaseStream(); } public new void Init() { base.Init(); for (UInt32 i = 0; i < _hashSizeSum; i++) _hash[i] = kEmptyHashValue; _cyclicBufferPos = 0; ReduceOffsets(-1); } public new Byte GetIndexByte(Int32 index) { return base.GetIndexByte(index); } public new UInt32 GetMatchLen(Int32 index, UInt32 distance, UInt32 limit) { return base.GetMatchLen(index, distance, limit); } public new UInt32 GetNumAvailableBytes() { return base.GetNumAvailableBytes(); } public void Create(UInt32 historySize, UInt32 keepAddBufferBefore, UInt32 matchMaxLen, UInt32 keepAddBufferAfter) { if (historySize + 256 > kMaxValForNormalize) { throw new ArgumentException("historySize + 256 > kMaxValForNormalize", "historySize"); } _cutValue = 16 + (matchMaxLen >> 1); UInt32 windowReservSize = (historySize + keepAddBufferBefore + matchMaxLen + keepAddBufferAfter)/2 + 256; base.Create(historySize + keepAddBufferBefore, matchMaxLen + keepAddBufferAfter, windowReservSize); _matchMaxLen = matchMaxLen; UInt32 cyclicBufferSize = historySize + 1; if (_cyclicBufferSize != cyclicBufferSize) _son = new UInt32[(_cyclicBufferSize = cyclicBufferSize)*2]; UInt32 hs = kBT2HashSize; if (HASH_ARRAY) { hs = historySize - 1; hs |= (hs >> 1); hs |= (hs >> 2); hs |= (hs >> 4); hs |= (hs >> 8); hs >>= 1; hs |= 0xFFFF; if (hs > (1 << 24)) hs >>= 1; _hashMask = hs; hs++; hs += kFixHashSize; } if (hs != _hashSizeSum) _hash = new UInt32[_hashSizeSum = hs]; } public UInt32 GetMatches(UInt32[] distances) { UInt32 lenLimit; if (_pos + _matchMaxLen <= _streamPos) lenLimit = _matchMaxLen; else { lenLimit = _streamPos - _pos; if (lenLimit < kMinMatchCheck) { MovePos(); return 0; } } UInt32 offset = 0; UInt32 matchMinPos = (_pos > _cyclicBufferSize) ? (_pos - _cyclicBufferSize) : 0; UInt32 cur = _bufferOffset + _pos; UInt32 maxLen = kStartMaxLen; // to avoid items for len < hashSize; UInt32 hashValue, hash2Value = 0, hash3Value = 0; if (HASH_ARRAY) { UInt32 temp = CRC.Table[_bufferBase[cur]] ^ _bufferBase[cur + 1]; hash2Value = (temp & (((int) kHash2Size) - 1)); temp ^= (uint) ((_bufferBase[cur + 2]) << 8); hash3Value = (temp & (((int) kHash3Size) - 1)); hashValue = (temp ^ (CRC.Table[_bufferBase[cur + 3]] << 5)) & _hashMask; } else hashValue = _bufferBase[cur] ^ ((UInt32) (_bufferBase[cur + 1]) << 8); UInt32 curMatch = _hash[kFixHashSize + hashValue]; if (HASH_ARRAY) { UInt32 curMatch2 = _hash[hash2Value]; UInt32 curMatch3 = _hash[kHash3Offset + hash3Value]; _hash[hash2Value] = _pos; _hash[kHash3Offset + hash3Value] = _pos; if (curMatch2 > matchMinPos) if (_bufferBase[_bufferOffset + curMatch2] == _bufferBase[cur]) { distances[offset++] = maxLen = 2; distances[offset++] = _pos - curMatch2 - 1; } if (curMatch3 > matchMinPos) if (_bufferBase[_bufferOffset + curMatch3] == _bufferBase[cur]) { if (curMatch3 == curMatch2) offset -= 2; distances[offset++] = maxLen = 3; distances[offset++] = _pos - curMatch3 - 1; curMatch2 = curMatch3; } if (offset != 0 && curMatch2 == curMatch) { offset -= 2; maxLen = kStartMaxLen; } } _hash[kFixHashSize + hashValue] = _pos; UInt32 ptr0 = (_cyclicBufferPos << 1) + 1; UInt32 ptr1 = (_cyclicBufferPos << 1); UInt32 len0, len1; len0 = len1 = kNumHashDirectBytes; if (kNumHashDirectBytes != 0) { if (curMatch > matchMinPos) { if (_bufferBase[_bufferOffset + curMatch + kNumHashDirectBytes] != _bufferBase[cur + kNumHashDirectBytes]) { distances[offset++] = maxLen = kNumHashDirectBytes; distances[offset++] = _pos - curMatch - 1; } } } UInt32 count = _cutValue; while (true) { if (curMatch <= matchMinPos || count-- == 0) { _son[ptr0] = _son[ptr1] = kEmptyHashValue; break; } UInt32 delta = _pos - curMatch; UInt32 cyclicPos = ((delta <= _cyclicBufferPos) ? (_cyclicBufferPos - delta) : (_cyclicBufferPos - delta + _cyclicBufferSize)) << 1; UInt32 pby1 = _bufferOffset + curMatch; UInt32 len = Math.Min(len0, len1); if (_bufferBase[pby1 + len] == _bufferBase[cur + len]) { while (++len != lenLimit) if (_bufferBase[pby1 + len] != _bufferBase[cur + len]) break; if (maxLen < len) { distances[offset++] = maxLen = len; distances[offset++] = delta - 1; if (len == lenLimit) { _son[ptr1] = _son[cyclicPos]; _son[ptr0] = _son[cyclicPos + 1]; break; } } } if (_bufferBase[pby1 + len] < _bufferBase[cur + len]) { _son[ptr1] = curMatch; ptr1 = cyclicPos + 1; curMatch = _son[ptr1]; len1 = len; } else { _son[ptr0] = curMatch; ptr0 = cyclicPos; curMatch = _son[ptr0]; len0 = len; } } MovePos(); return offset; } public void Skip(UInt32 num) { do { UInt32 lenLimit; if (_pos + _matchMaxLen <= _streamPos) lenLimit = _matchMaxLen; else { lenLimit = _streamPos - _pos; if (lenLimit < kMinMatchCheck) { MovePos(); continue; } } UInt32 matchMinPos = (_pos > _cyclicBufferSize) ? (_pos - _cyclicBufferSize) : 0; UInt32 cur = _bufferOffset + _pos; UInt32 hashValue; if (HASH_ARRAY) { UInt32 temp = CRC.Table[_bufferBase[cur]] ^ _bufferBase[cur + 1]; UInt32 hash2Value = (temp & (((int) kHash2Size) - 1)); _hash[hash2Value] = _pos; temp ^= ((UInt32) (_bufferBase[cur + 2]) << 8); UInt32 hash3Value = (temp & (((int) kHash3Size) - 1)); _hash[kHash3Offset + hash3Value] = _pos; hashValue = (temp ^ (CRC.Table[_bufferBase[cur + 3]] << 5)) & _hashMask; } else hashValue = _bufferBase[cur] ^ ((UInt32) (_bufferBase[cur + 1]) << 8); UInt32 curMatch = _hash[kFixHashSize + hashValue]; _hash[kFixHashSize + hashValue] = _pos; UInt32 ptr0 = (_cyclicBufferPos << 1) + 1; UInt32 ptr1 = (_cyclicBufferPos << 1); UInt32 len0, len1; len0 = len1 = kNumHashDirectBytes; UInt32 count = _cutValue; while (true) { if (curMatch <= matchMinPos || count-- == 0) { _son[ptr0] = _son[ptr1] = kEmptyHashValue; break; } UInt32 delta = _pos - curMatch; UInt32 cyclicPos = ((delta <= _cyclicBufferPos) ? (_cyclicBufferPos - delta) : (_cyclicBufferPos - delta + _cyclicBufferSize)) << 1; UInt32 pby1 = _bufferOffset + curMatch; UInt32 len = Math.Min(len0, len1); if (_bufferBase[pby1 + len] == _bufferBase[cur + len]) { while (++len != lenLimit) if (_bufferBase[pby1 + len] != _bufferBase[cur + len]) break; if (len == lenLimit) { _son[ptr1] = _son[cyclicPos]; _son[ptr0] = _son[cyclicPos + 1]; break; } } if (_bufferBase[pby1 + len] < _bufferBase[cur + len]) { _son[ptr1] = curMatch; ptr1 = cyclicPos + 1; curMatch = _son[ptr1]; len1 = len; } else { _son[ptr0] = curMatch; ptr0 = cyclicPos; curMatch = _son[ptr0]; len0 = len; } } MovePos(); } while (--num != 0); } #endregion public void SetType(int numHashBytes) { HASH_ARRAY = (numHashBytes > 2); if (HASH_ARRAY) { kNumHashDirectBytes = 0; kMinMatchCheck = 4; kFixHashSize = kHash2Size + kHash3Size; } else { kNumHashDirectBytes = 2; kMinMatchCheck = 2 + 1; kFixHashSize = 0; } } public new void MovePos() { if (++_cyclicBufferPos >= _cyclicBufferSize) _cyclicBufferPos = 0; base.MovePos(); if (_pos == kMaxValForNormalize) Normalize(); } private static void NormalizeLinks(UInt32[] items, UInt32 numItems, UInt32 subValue) { for (UInt32 i = 0; i < numItems; i++) { UInt32 value = items[i]; if (value <= subValue) value = kEmptyHashValue; else value -= subValue; items[i] = value; } } private void Normalize() { UInt32 subValue = _pos - _cyclicBufferSize; NormalizeLinks(_son, _cyclicBufferSize*2, subValue); NormalizeLinks(_hash, _hashSizeSum, subValue); ReduceOffsets((Int32) subValue); } //public void SetCutValue(UInt32 cutValue) { _cutValue = cutValue; } } }