using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.IO.Compression;
using System.Text;
using ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.Compression.Streams;
using ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.Compression;
namespace BizHawk.MultiClient
/// implements IVideoWriter, outputting to format "JMD"
/// this is the JPC-rr multidump format; there are no filesize limits, and resolution can switch dynamically
/// so each dump is always one file
/// they can be processed with JPC-rr streamtools or JMDSource (avisynth)
class JMDWriter : IVideoWriter
/// carries private compression information data
class CodecToken : IDisposable
public void Dispose()
/// how hard the zlib compressor works
public int compressionlevel
/// number of threads to be used for video compression (sort of)
public int numthreads
/// instantiates a CodecToken with default parameters
public CodecToken()
compressionlevel = Deflater.DEFAULT_COMPRESSION;
numthreads = 3;
/// stores compression parameters
CodecToken token;
/// fps numerator, constant
int fpsnum;
/// fps denominator, constant
int fpsden;
/// audio samplerate, constant
int audiosamplerate;
/// audio number of channels, constant; 1 or 2 only
int audiochannels;
/// audio bits per sample, constant; only 16 supported
int audiobits;
/// actual disk file being written
JMDfile jmdfile;
/// metadata for a movie
/// not needed if we aren't dumping something that's not a movie
class MovieMetaData
/// name of the game (rom)
public string gamename;
/// author(s) names
public string authors;
/// total length of the movie: ms
public UInt64 lengthms;
/// number of rerecords
public UInt64 rerecords;
/// represents the metadata for the active movie (if applicable)
MovieMetaData moviemetadata;
/// represents a JMD file packet ready to be written except for sorting and timestamp offset
class JMDPacket
public UInt16 stream;
public UInt64 timestamp; // final muxed timestamp will be relative to previous
public byte subtype;
public byte[] data;
/// writes JMDfile packets to an underlying bytestream
/// handles one video, one pcm audio, and one metadata track
class JMDfile
/// current timestamp position
UInt64 timestampoff;
/// total number of video frames written
UInt64 totalframes;
/// total number of sample pairs written
UInt64 totalsamples;
/// fps of the video stream is fpsnum/fpsden
int fpsnum;
/// fps of the video stream is fpsnum/fpsden
int fpsden;
/// audio samplerate in hz
int audiosamplerate;
/// true if input will be stereo; mono otherwise
/// output stream is always stereo
bool stereo;
/// underlying bytestream that is being written to
Stream f;
public JMDfile(Stream f, int fpsnum, int fpsden, int audiosamplerate, bool stereo)
if (!f.CanWrite)
throw new ArgumentException("Stream must be writable!");
this.f = f;
this.fpsnum = fpsnum;
this.fpsden = fpsden;
this.audiosamplerate = audiosamplerate;
this.stereo = stereo;
timestampoff = 0;
totalframes = 0;
totalsamples = 0;
astorage = new Queue();
vstorage = new Queue();
/// write header to the JPC file
/// assumes one video, one audio, and one metadata stream, with hardcoded IDs
void writeheader()
// write JPC MAGIC
f.Write(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("JPCRRMULTIDUMP"), 0, 14);
// write channel table
writeBE16(3); // number of streams
// for each stream
writeBE16(0); // channel 0
writeBE16(0); // video
writeBE16(0); // no name
writeBE16(1); // channel 1
writeBE16(1); // pcm audio
writeBE16(0); // no name
writeBE16(2); // channel 2
writeBE16(5); // metadata
writeBE16(0); // no name
/// write metadata for a movie file
/// can be called at any time
/// metadata to write
public void writemetadata(MovieMetaData mmd)
byte[] temp;
// write metadatas
writeBE16(2); // data channel
writeBE32(0); // timestamp (same time as previous packet)
f.WriteByte(71); // gamename
temp = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(mmd.gamename);
f.Write(temp, 0, temp.Length);
f.WriteByte(65); // authors
temp = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(mmd.authors);
f.Write(temp, 0, temp.Length);
f.WriteByte(76); // length
writeBE64(mmd.lengthms * 1000000);
f.WriteByte(82); // rerecords
/// write big endian 16 bit unsigned
void writeBE16(UInt16 v)
byte[] b = new byte[2];
b[0] = (byte)(v >> 8);
b[1] = (byte)(v & 255);
f.Write(b, 0, 2);
/// write big endian 32 bit unsigned
void writeBE32(UInt32 v)
byte[] b = new byte[4];
b[0] = (byte)(v >> 24);
b[1] = (byte)(v >> 16);
b[2] = (byte)(v >> 8);
b[3] = (byte)(v & 255);
f.Write(b, 0, 4);
/// write big endian 64 bit unsigned
void writeBE64(UInt64 v)
byte[] b = new byte[8];
for (int i = 7; i >= 0; i--)
b[i] = (byte)(v & 255);
v >>= 8;
f.Write(b, 0, 8);
/// write variable length value
/// encoding is similar to MIDI
void writeVar(UInt64 v)
byte[] b = new byte[10];
int i = 0;
while (v > 0)
if (i > 0)
b[i++] = (byte)((v & 127) | 128);
b[i++] = (byte)(v & 127);
v /= 128;
if (i == 0)
for (; i > 0; i--)
f.WriteByte(b[i - 1]);
/// write variable length value
/// encoding is similar to MIDI
void writeVar(int v)
if (v < 0)
throw new ArgumentException("length cannot be less than 0!");
/// creates a timestamp out of fps value
/// fpsnum
/// fpsden
/// frame position
/// timestamp in nanoseconds
static UInt64 timestampcalc(int rate, int scale, UInt64 pos)
// rate/scale events per second
// timestamp is in nanoseconds
// round down, consistent with JPC-rr apparently?
var b = new System.Numerics.BigInteger(pos) * scale * 1000000000 / rate;
return (UInt64)b;
/// actually write a packet to file
/// timestamp sequence must be nondecreasing
void writeActual(JMDPacket j)
if (j.timestamp < timestampoff)
throw new ArithmeticException("JMD Timestamp problem?");
UInt64 timestampout = j.timestamp - timestampoff;
while (timestampout > 0xffffffff)
timestampout -= 0xffffffff;
// write timestamp skipper
for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
timestampoff = j.timestamp;
f.Write(, 0,;
/// assemble JMDPacket and send to packetqueue
/// zlibed frame with width and height prepended
public void AddVideo(byte[] source)
var j = new JMDPacket(); = 0;
j.subtype = 1; // zlib compressed, other possibility is 0 = uncompressed = source;
j.timestamp = timestampcalc(fpsnum, fpsden, (UInt64)totalframes);
/// assemble JMDPacket and send to packetqueue
/// one audio packet is split up into many many JMD packets, since JMD requires only 2 samples (1 left, 1 right) per packet
public void AddSamples(short[] samples)
if (!stereo)
for (int i = 0; i < samples.Length; i++)
doaudiopacket(samples[i], samples[i]);
for (int i = 0; i < samples.Length / 2; i++)
doaudiopacket(samples[2 * i], samples[2 * i + 1]);
/// helper function makes a JMDPacket out of one sample pair and adds it to the order queue
/// left sample
/// right sample
void doaudiopacket(short l, short r)
var j = new JMDPacket(); = 1;
j.subtype = 1; // raw PCM audio = new byte[4];[0] = (byte)(l >> 8);[1] = (byte)(l & 255);[2] = (byte)(r >> 8);[3] = (byte)(r & 255);
j.timestamp = timestampcalc(audiosamplerate, 1, totalsamples);
// ensure outputs are in order
// JMD packets must be in nondecreasing timestamp order, but there's no obligation
// for us to get handed that. this code is a bit overcomplex to handle edge cases
// that may not be a problem with the current system?
/// collection of JMDpackets yet to be written (audio)
Queue astorage;
/// collection of JMDpackets yet to be written (video)
Queue vstorage;
/// add a sound packet to the file write queue
/// will be written when order-appropriate wrt video
/// the sound packets added must be internally ordered (but need not match video order)
void writesound(JMDPacket j)
while (vstorage.Count > 0)
var p = vstorage.Peek();
if (p.timestamp <= j.timestamp)
/// add a video packet to the file write queue
/// will be written when order-appropriate wrt audio
/// the video packets added must be internally ordered (but need not match audio order)
void writevideo(JMDPacket j)
while (astorage.Count > 0)
var p = astorage.Peek();
if (p.timestamp <= j.timestamp)
/// flush all remaining JMDPackets to file
/// call before closing the file
void flushpackets()
while (astorage.Count > 0 && vstorage.Count > 0)
var ap = astorage.Peek();
var av = vstorage.Peek();
if (ap.timestamp <= av.timestamp)
while (astorage.Count > 0)
while (vstorage.Count > 0)
/// flush any remaining packets and close underlying stream
public void Close()
/// sets default (probably wrong) parameters
public JMDWriter()
fpsnum = 25;
fpsden = 1;
audiosamplerate = 22050;
audiochannels = 1;
audiobits = 8;
token = null;
moviemetadata = null;
public void Dispose()
// we have no unmanaged resources
/// sets the codec token to be used for video compression
public void SetVideoCodecToken(IDisposable token)
if (token is CodecToken)
this.token = (CodecToken)token;
throw new ArgumentException("codec token must be of right type");
/// obtain a set of recording compression parameters
/// hwnd to attach to if the user is shown config dialog
/// codec token, dispose of it when you're done with it
public IDisposable AcquireVideoCodecToken(System.Windows.Forms.IWin32Window hwnd)
CodecToken ret = new CodecToken();
// load from config and sanitize
int t = Math.Min(Math.Max(Global.Config.JMDThreads, 1), 6);
int c = Math.Min(Math.Max(Global.Config.JMDCompression, Deflater.NO_COMPRESSION), Deflater.BEST_COMPRESSION);
if (!JMDForm.DoCompressionDlg(ref t, ref c, 1, 6, Deflater.NO_COMPRESSION, Deflater.BEST_COMPRESSION, hwnd))
return null;
Global.Config.JMDThreads = ret.numthreads = t;
Global.Config.JMDCompression = ret.compressionlevel = c;
return ret;
/// set framerate to fpsnum/fpsden (assumed to be unchanging over the life of the stream)
public void SetMovieParameters(int fpsnum, int fpsden)
this.fpsnum = fpsnum;
this.fpsden = fpsden;
/// set resolution parameters (width x height)
/// must be set before file is opened
/// can be changed in future
/// should always match IVideoProvider
public void SetVideoParameters(int width, int height)
// each frame is dumped independently with its own resolution tag, so we don't care to store this
/// set audio parameters. cannot change later
public void SetAudioParameters(int sampleRate, int channels, int bits)
// the sampleRate limits are arbitrary, just to catch things which are probably silly-wrong
// if a larger range of sampling rates is needed, it should be supported
if (sampleRate < 8000 || sampleRate > 96000 || channels < 1 || channels > 2 || bits != 16)
throw new ArgumentException("Audio parameters out of range!");
audiosamplerate = sampleRate;
audiochannels = channels;
audiobits = bits;
/// opens a recording stream
/// set a video codec token first.
public void OpenFile(string baseName)
string ext = Path.GetExtension(baseName);
if (ext == null || ext.ToLower() != ".jmd")
baseName = baseName + ".jmd";
jmdfile = new JMDfile(File.Open(baseName, FileMode.Create), fpsnum, fpsden, audiosamplerate, audiochannels == 2);
if (moviemetadata != null)
// start up thread
// problem: since audio chunks and video frames both go through here, exactly how many zlib workers
// gives is not known without knowing how the emulator will chunk audio packets
// this shouldn't affect results though, just performance
threadQ = new System.Collections.Concurrent.BlockingCollection