// // Copyright (c) 2004 K. Wilkins // // This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. // In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from // the use of this software. // // Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, // including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it // freely, subject to the following restrictions: // // 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not // claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software // in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be // appreciated but is not required. // // 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not // be misrepresented as being the original software. // // 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution. // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Handy - An Atari Lynx Emulator // // Copyright (c) 1996,1997 // // K. Wilkins // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // 65C02 Macro definitions // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // This file contains all of the required address mode and operand // // macro definitions for the 65C02 emulation // // // // K. Wilkins // // August 1997 // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Revision History: // // ----------------- // // // // 01Aug1997 KW Document header added & class documented. // // // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Addressing mode decoding // #define xIMMEDIATE() {mOperand=mPC;mPC++;} #define xABSOLUTE() {mOperand=CPU_PEEKW(mPC);mPC+=2;} #define xZEROPAGE() {mOperand=CPU_PEEK(mPC);mPC++;} #define xZEROPAGE_X() {mOperand=CPU_PEEK(mPC)+mX;mPC++;mOperand&=0xff;} #define xZEROPAGE_Y() {mOperand=CPU_PEEK(mPC)+mY;mPC++;mOperand&=0xff;} #define xABSOLUTE_X() {mOperand=CPU_PEEKW(mPC);mPC+=2;mOperand+=mX;mOperand&=0xffff;} #define xABSOLUTE_Y() {mOperand=CPU_PEEKW(mPC);mPC+=2;mOperand+=mY;mOperand&=0xffff;} #define xINDIRECT_ABSOLUTE_X() {mOperand=CPU_PEEKW(mPC);mPC+=2;mOperand+=mX;mOperand&=0xffff;mOperand=CPU_PEEKW(mOperand);} #define xRELATIVE() {mOperand=CPU_PEEK(mPC);mPC++;mOperand=(mPC+mOperand)&0xffff;} #define xINDIRECT_X() {mOperand=CPU_PEEK(mPC);mPC++;mOperand=mOperand+mX;mOperand&=0x00ff;mOperand=CPU_PEEKW(mOperand);} #define xINDIRECT_Y() {mOperand=CPU_PEEK(mPC);mPC++;mOperand=CPU_PEEKW(mOperand);mOperand=mOperand+mY;mOperand&=0xffff;} #define xINDIRECT_ABSOLUTE() {mOperand=CPU_PEEKW(mPC);mPC+=2;mOperand=CPU_PEEKW(mOperand);} #define xINDIRECT() {mOperand=CPU_PEEK(mPC);mPC++;mOperand=CPU_PEEKW(mOperand);} // // Helper Macros // //#define SET_Z(m) { mZ=(m)?false:true; } //#define SET_N(m) { mN=(m&0x80)?true:false; } //#define SET_NZ(m) SET_Z(m) SET_N(m) #define SET_Z(m) { mZ=!(m); } #define SET_N(m) { mN=(m)&0x80; } #define SET_NZ(m) { mZ=!(m); mN=(m)&0x80; } #define PULL(m) { mSP++; mSP&=0xff; m=CPU_PEEK(mSP+0x0100); } #define PUSH(m) { CPU_POKE(0x0100+mSP,m); mSP--; mSP&=0xff; } // // Opcode execution // #define xADC()\ {\ int value=CPU_PEEK(mOperand);\ if(mD)\ {\ int c = mC?1:0;\ int lo = (mA & 0x0f) + (value & 0x0f) + c;\ int hi = (mA & 0xf0) + (value & 0xf0);\ mV=0;\ mC=0;\ if (lo > 0x09)\ {\ hi += 0x10;\ lo += 0x06;\ }\ if (~(mA^value) & (mA^hi) & 0x80) mV=1;\ if (hi > 0x90) hi += 0x60;\ if (hi & 0xff00) mC=1;\ mA = (lo & 0x0f) + (hi & 0xf0);\ }\ else\ {\ int c = mC?1:0;\ int sum = mA + value + c;\ mV=0;\ mC=0;\ if (~(mA^value) & (mA^sum) & 0x80) mV=1;\ if (sum & 0xff00) mC=1;\ mA = (uint8) sum;\ }\ SET_NZ(mA)\ } #define xAND()\ {\ mA&=CPU_PEEK(mOperand);\ SET_NZ(mA);\ } #define xASL()\ {\ int value=CPU_PEEK(mOperand);\ mC=value&0x80;\ value<<=1;\ value&=0xff;\ SET_NZ(value);\ CPU_POKE(mOperand,value);\ } #define xASLA()\ {\ mC=mA&0x80;\ mA<<=1;\ mA&=0xff;\ SET_NZ(mA);\ } #define xBCC()\ {\ if(!mC)\ {\ int offset=(signed char)CPU_PEEK(mPC);\ mPC++;\ mPC+=offset;\ mPC&=0xffff;\ }\ else\ {\ mPC++;\ mPC&=0xffff;\ }\ } #define xBCS()\ {\ if(mC)\ {\ int offset=(signed char)CPU_PEEK(mPC);\ mPC++;\ mPC+=offset;\ mPC&=0xffff;\ }\ else\ {\ mPC++;\ mPC&=0xffff;\ }\ } #define xBEQ()\ {\ if(mZ)\ {\ int offset=(signed char)CPU_PEEK(mPC);\ mPC++;\ mPC+=offset;\ mPC&=0xffff;\ }\ else\ {\ mPC++;\ mPC&=0xffff;\ }\ } // This version of bit, not setting N and V status flags in immediate, seems to be correct. // The same behaviour is reported on the 65C02 used in old Apple computers, at least. // (From a pragmatic sense, using the normal version of bit for immediate // mode breaks the title screen of "California Games" in a subtle way.) #define xBIT()\ {\ int value=CPU_PEEK(mOperand);\ SET_Z(mA&value);\ \ if(mOpcode!=0x89)\ {\ mN=value&0x80;\ mV=value&0x40;\ }\ } #define xBMI()\ {\ if(mN)\ {\ int offset=(signed char)CPU_PEEK(mPC);\ mPC++;\ mPC+=offset;\ mPC&=0xffff;\ }\ else\ {\ mPC++;\ mPC&=0xffff;\ }\ } #define xBNE()\ {\ if(!mZ)\ {\ int offset=(signed char)CPU_PEEK(mPC);\ mPC++;\ mPC+=offset;\ mPC&=0xffff;\ }\ else\ {\ mPC++;\ mPC&=0xffff;\ }\ } #define xBPL()\ {\ if(!mN)\ {\ int offset=(signed char)CPU_PEEK(mPC);\ mPC++;\ mPC+=offset;\ mPC&=0xffff;\ }\ else\ {\ mPC++;\ mPC&=0xffff;\ }\ } #define xBRA()\ {\ int offset=(signed char)CPU_PEEK(mPC);\ mPC++;\ mPC+=offset;\ mPC&=0xffff;\ } #define xBRK()\ {\ mPC++;\ PUSH(mPC>>8);\ PUSH(mPC&0xff);\ PUSH(PS()|0x10);\ \ mD=FALSE;\ mI=TRUE;\ \ mPC=CPU_PEEKW(IRQ_VECTOR);\ } // KW 4/11/98 B flag needed to be set IN the stack status word = 0x10. #define xBVC()\ {\ if(!mV)\ {\ int offset=(signed char)CPU_PEEK(mPC);\ mPC++;\ mPC+=offset;\ mPC&=0xffff;\ }\ else\ {\ mPC++;\ mPC&=0xffff;\ }\ } #define xBVS()\ {\ if(mV)\ {\ int offset=(signed char)CPU_PEEK(mPC);\ mPC++;\ mPC+=offset;\ mPC&=0xffff;\ }\ else\ {\ mPC++;\ mPC&=0xffff;\ }\ } #define xCLC()\ {\ mC=FALSE;\ } #define xCLD()\ {\ mD=FALSE;\ } #define xCLI()\ {\ mI=FALSE;\ } #define xCLV()\ {\ mV=FALSE;\ } #define xCMP()\ {\ int value=CPU_PEEK(mOperand);\ mC=0;\ if (mA >= value) mC=1;\ SET_NZ((uint8)(mA - value))\ } #define xCPX()\ {\ int value=CPU_PEEK(mOperand);\ mC=0;\ if (mX >= value) mC=1;\ SET_NZ((uint8)(mX - value))\ } #define xCPY()\ {\ int value=CPU_PEEK(mOperand);\ mC=0;\ if (mY >= value) mC=1;\ SET_NZ((uint8)(mY - value))\ } #define xDEC()\ {\ int value=CPU_PEEK(mOperand)-1;\ value&=0xff;\ CPU_POKE(mOperand,value);\ SET_NZ(value);\ } #define xDECA()\ {\ mA--;\ mA&=0xff;\ SET_NZ(mA);\ } #define xDEX()\ {\ mX--;\ mX&=0xff;\ SET_NZ(mX);\ } #define xDEY()\ {\ mY--;\ mY&=0xff;\ SET_NZ(mY);\ } #define xEOR()\ {\ mA^=CPU_PEEK(mOperand);\ SET_NZ(mA);\ } #define xINC()\ {\ int value=CPU_PEEK(mOperand)+1;\ value&=0xff;\ CPU_POKE(mOperand,value);\ SET_NZ(value);\ } #define xINCA()\ {\ mA++;\ mA&=0xff;\ SET_NZ(mA);\ } #define xINX()\ {\ mX++;\ mX&=0xff;\ SET_NZ(mX);\ } #define xINY()\ {\ mY++;\ mY&=0xff;\ SET_NZ(mY);\ } #define xJMP()\ {\ mPC=mOperand;\ } #define xJSR()\ {\ PUSH((mPC-1)>>8);\ PUSH((mPC-1)&0xff);\ mPC=mOperand;\ } #define xLDA()\ {\ mA=CPU_PEEK(mOperand);\ SET_NZ(mA);\ } #define xLDX()\ {\ mX=CPU_PEEK(mOperand);\ SET_NZ(mX);\ } #define xLDY()\ {\ mY=CPU_PEEK(mOperand);\ SET_NZ(mY);\ } #define xLSR()\ {\ int value=CPU_PEEK(mOperand);\ mC=value&0x01;\ value=(value>>1)&0x7f;\ CPU_POKE(mOperand,value);\ SET_NZ(value);\ } #define xLSRA()\ {\ mC=mA&0x01;\ mA=(mA>>1)&0x7f;\ SET_NZ(mA);\ } #define xNOP()\ {\ } #define xORA()\ {\ mA|=CPU_PEEK(mOperand);\ SET_NZ(mA);\ } #define xPHA()\ {\ PUSH(mA);\ } #define xPHP()\ {\ PUSH(PS());\ } #define xPHX()\ {\ PUSH(mX);\ } #define xPHY()\ {\ PUSH(mY);\ } #define xPLA()\ {\ PULL(mA);\ SET_NZ(mA);\ } #define xPLP()\ {\ int P;\ PULL(P);\ PS(P);\ } #define xPLX()\ {\ PULL(mX);\ SET_NZ(mX);\ } #define xPLY()\ {\ PULL(mY);\ SET_NZ(mY);\ } #define xROL()\ {\ int value=CPU_PEEK(mOperand);\ int oldC=mC;\ mC=value&0x80;\ value=(value<<1)|(oldC?1:0);\ value&=0xff;\ CPU_POKE(mOperand,value);\ SET_NZ(value);\ } #define xROLA()\ {\ int oldC=mC;\ mC=mA&0x80;\ mA=(mA<<1)|(oldC?1:0);\ mA&=0xff;\ SET_NZ(mA);\ } #define xROR()\ {\ int value=CPU_PEEK(mOperand);\ int oldC=mC;\ mC=value&0x01;\ value=((value>>1)&0x7f)|(oldC?0x80:0x00);\ value&=0xff;\ CPU_POKE(mOperand,value);\ SET_NZ(value);\ } #define xRORA()\ {\ int oldC=mC;\ mC=mA&0x01;\ mA=((mA>>1)&0x7f)|(oldC?0x80:0x00);\ mA&=0xff;\ SET_NZ(mA);\ } #define xRTI()\ {\ int tmp;\ PULL(tmp);\ PS(tmp);\ PULL(mPC);\ PULL(tmp);\ mPC|=tmp<<8;\ } #define xRTS()\ {\ int tmp;\ PULL(mPC);\ PULL(tmp);\ mPC|=tmp<<8;\ mPC++;\ } #define xSBC()\ {\ int value=CPU_PEEK(mOperand);\ if (mD)\ {\ int c = mC?0:1;\ int sum = mA - value - c;\ int lo = (mA & 0x0f) - (value & 0x0f) - c;\ int hi = (mA & 0xf0) - (value & 0xf0);\ mV=0;\ mC=0;\ if ((mA^value) & (mA^sum) & 0x80) mV=1;\ if (lo & 0xf0) lo -= 6;\ if (lo & 0x80) hi -= 0x10;\ if (hi & 0x0f00) hi -= 0x60;\ if ((sum & 0xff00) == 0) mC=1;\ mA = (lo & 0x0f) + (hi & 0xf0);\ }\ else\ {\ int c = mC?0:1;\ int sum = mA - value - c;\ mV=0;\ mC=0;\ if ((mA^value) & (mA^sum) & 0x80) mV=1;\ if ((sum & 0xff00) == 0) mC=1;\ mA = (uint8) sum;\ }\ SET_NZ(mA)\ } #define xSEC()\ {\ mC=true;\ } #define xSED()\ {\ mD=true;\ } #define xSEI()\ {\ mI=true;\ } #define xSTA()\ {\ CPU_POKE(mOperand,mA);\ } #define xSTP()\ {\ mSystem.gSystemCPUSleep=TRUE;\ } #define xSTX()\ {\ CPU_POKE(mOperand,mX);\ } #define xSTY()\ {\ CPU_POKE(mOperand,mY);\ } #define xSTZ()\ {\ CPU_POKE(mOperand,0);\ } #define xTAX()\ {\ mX=mA;\ SET_NZ(mX);\ } #define xTAY()\ {\ mY=mA;\ SET_NZ(mY);\ } #define xTRB()\ {\ int value=CPU_PEEK(mOperand);\ SET_Z(mA&value);\ value=value&(mA^0xff);\ CPU_POKE(mOperand,value);\ } #define xTSB()\ {\ int value=CPU_PEEK(mOperand);\ SET_Z(mA&value);\ value=value|mA;\ CPU_POKE(mOperand,value);\ } #define xTSX()\ {\ mX=mSP;\ SET_NZ(mX);\ } #define xTXA()\ {\ mA=mX;\ SET_NZ(mA);\ } #define xTXS()\ {\ mSP=mX;\ } #define xTYA()\ {\ mA=mY;\ SET_NZ(mA);\ } #define xWAI()\ {\ mSystem.gSystemCPUSleep=TRUE;\ }