using BizHawk.Emulation.Common; using BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Waterbox; using BizHawk.Emulation.DiscSystem; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.IO; using BizHawk.Common; using System.ComponentModel; namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Consoles.Sega.PicoDrive { [Core("PicoDrive", "notaz", true, true, "0e352905c7aa80b166933970abbcecfce96ad64e", "", false)] public class PicoDrive : WaterboxCore, IDriveLight, IRegionable, ISettable { private LibPicoDrive _core; private LibPicoDrive.CDReadCallback _cdcallback; private Disc _cd; private DiscSectorReader _cdReader; private bool _isPal; [CoreConstructor("GEN")] public PicoDrive(CoreComm comm, GameInfo game, byte[] rom, bool deterministic, SyncSettings syncSettings) : this(comm, game, rom, null, deterministic, syncSettings) { } public PicoDrive(CoreComm comm, GameInfo game, Disc cd, bool deterministic, SyncSettings syncSettings) : this(comm, game, null, cd, deterministic, syncSettings) { } private PicoDrive(CoreComm comm, GameInfo game, byte[] rom, Disc cd, bool deterministic, SyncSettings syncSettings) : base(comm, new Configuration { MaxSamples = 2048, DefaultWidth = 320, DefaultHeight = 224, MaxWidth = 320, MaxHeight = 480, SystemId = "GEN" }) { var biosg = comm.CoreFileProvider.GetFirmware("32X", "G", false); var biosm = comm.CoreFileProvider.GetFirmware("32X", "M", false); var bioss = comm.CoreFileProvider.GetFirmware("32X", "S", false); var has32xBios = biosg != null && biosm != null && bioss != null; if (deterministic && !has32xBios) throw new InvalidOperationException("32X BIOS files are required for deterministic mode"); deterministic |= has32xBios; _syncSettings = syncSettings ?? new SyncSettings(); _core = PreInit(new PeRunnerOptions { Filename = "picodrive.wbx", SbrkHeapSizeKB = 64, SealedHeapSizeKB = 18 * 1024, InvisibleHeapSizeKB = 1024, MmapHeapSizeKB = 4096, PlainHeapSizeKB = 64, }); if (has32xBios) { _exe.AddReadonlyFile(biosg, "32x.g"); _exe.AddReadonlyFile(biosm, "32x.m"); _exe.AddReadonlyFile(bioss, "32x.s"); Console.WriteLine("Using supplied 32x BIOS files"); } if (cd != null) { _exe.AddReadonlyFile(comm.CoreFileProvider.GetFirmware("GEN", "CD_BIOS_EU", true), ""); _exe.AddReadonlyFile(comm.CoreFileProvider.GetFirmware("GEN", "CD_BIOS_US", true), ""); _exe.AddReadonlyFile(comm.CoreFileProvider.GetFirmware("GEN", "CD_BIOS_JP", true), ""); _exe.AddReadonlyFile(gpgx.GPGX.GetCDData(cd), "toc"); _cd = cd; _cdReader = new DiscSectorReader(_cd); _cdcallback = CDRead; _core.SetCDReadCallback(_cdcallback); DriveLightEnabled = true; } else { _exe.AddReadonlyFile(rom, ""); } var regionAutoOrder = (LibPicoDrive.Region)( (int)_syncSettings.FirstChoice | (int)_syncSettings.SecondChoice << 4 | (int)_syncSettings.ThirdChoice << 8); if (!_core.Init(cd != null, game["32X"], regionAutoOrder, _syncSettings.RegionOverride)) throw new InvalidOperationException("Core rejected the file!"); if (cd != null) { _exe.RemoveReadonlyFile(""); _exe.RemoveReadonlyFile(""); _exe.RemoveReadonlyFile(""); _exe.RemoveReadonlyFile("toc"); _core.SetCDReadCallback(null); } else { _exe.RemoveReadonlyFile(""); } if (has32xBios) { _exe.RemoveReadonlyFile("32x.g"); _exe.RemoveReadonlyFile("32x.m"); _exe.RemoveReadonlyFile("32x.s"); } PostInit(); ControllerDefinition = PicoDriveController; DeterministicEmulation = deterministic; _core.SetCDReadCallback(_cdcallback); _isPal = _core.IsPal(); VsyncNumerator = _isPal ? 53203424 : 53693175; VsyncDenominator = _isPal ? 3420 * 313 : 3420 * 262; } public bool Is32xActive => _core.Is32xActive(); public static readonly ControllerDefinition PicoDriveController = new ControllerDefinition { Name = "PicoDrive Genesis Controller", BoolButtons = { "P1 Up", "P1 Down", "P1 Left", "P1 Right", "P1 A", "P1 B", "P1 C", "P1 Start", "P1 X", "P1 Y", "P1 Z", "P1 Mode", "P2 Up", "P2 Down", "P2 Left", "P2 Right", "P2 A", "P2 B", "P2 C", "P2 Start", "P2 X", "P2 Y", "P2 Z", "P2 Mode", "Power", "Reset" } }; private static readonly string[] ButtonOrders = { "P1 Up", "P1 Down", "P1 Left", "P1 Right", "P1 B", "P1 C", "P1 A", "P1 Start", "P1 Z", "P1 Y", "P1 X", "P1 Mode", "P2 Up", "P2 Down", "P2 Left", "P2 Right", "P2 B", "P2 C", "P2 A", "P2 Start", "P2 Z", "P2 Y", "P2 X", "P2 Mode", "Power", "Reset" }; protected override LibWaterboxCore.FrameInfo FrameAdvancePrep(IController controller, bool render, bool rendersound) { var b = 0; var v = 1; foreach (var s in ButtonOrders) { if (controller.IsPressed(s)) b |= v; v <<= 1; } DriveLightOn = false; return new LibPicoDrive.FrameInfo { Buttons = b }; } private void CDRead(int lba, IntPtr dest, bool audio) { if (audio) { byte[] data = new byte[2352]; if (lba < _cd.Session1.LeadoutLBA && lba >= _cd.Session1.Tracks[2].LBA) { _cdReader.ReadLBA_2352(lba, data, 0); } Marshal.Copy(data, 0, dest, 2352); } else { byte[] data = new byte[2048]; _cdReader.ReadLBA_2048(lba, data, 0); Marshal.Copy(data, 0, dest, 2048); DriveLightOn = true; } } protected override void LoadStateBinaryInternal(BinaryReader reader) { _core.SetCDReadCallback(_cdcallback); } #region ISettable public class SyncSettings { [DefaultValue(LibPicoDrive.Region.Auto)] [Description("If set, force the console to this region")] public LibPicoDrive.Region RegionOverride { get; set; } [DefaultValue(LibPicoDrive.Region.Auto)] [Description("When region is set to automatic, highest priority region to use if the game supports multiple regions")] public LibPicoDrive.Region FirstChoice { get; set; } [DefaultValue(LibPicoDrive.Region.Auto)] [Description("When region is set to automatic, second highest priority region to use if the game supports multiple regions")] public LibPicoDrive.Region SecondChoice { get; set; } [DefaultValue(LibPicoDrive.Region.Auto)] [Description("When region is set to automatic, lowest priority region to use if the game supports multiple regions")] public LibPicoDrive.Region ThirdChoice { get; set; } public SyncSettings Clone() { return (SyncSettings)MemberwiseClone(); } public static bool NeedsReboot(SyncSettings x, SyncSettings y) { return !DeepEquality.DeepEquals(x, y); } public SyncSettings() { SettingsUtil.SetDefaultValues(this); } } private SyncSettings _syncSettings; public object GetSettings() { return new object(); } public SyncSettings GetSyncSettings() { return _syncSettings.Clone(); } public bool PutSettings(object o) { return false; } public bool PutSyncSettings(SyncSettings o) { var ret = SyncSettings.NeedsReboot(_syncSettings, o); _syncSettings = o; return ret; } #endregion #region IDriveLight public bool DriveLightEnabled { get; private set; } public bool DriveLightOn { get; private set; } #endregion #region IRegionable public DisplayType Region => _isPal ? DisplayType.PAL : DisplayType.NTSC; #endregion } }