MainWindow 0 0 800 600 0 0 PPSSPP 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 800 21 &File &Emulation Debu&g &Options Lo&g Levels G3D HLE Default &Language &Video &Anisotropic filtering &Zoom Co&ntrols &Core &Help &Open... &Close - Quickload state F4 Quicksave state F2 &Load State File... &Save State File... E&xit &Run F7 &Pause F8 R&eset true &Interpreter true &Dynarec false Load &Map File... false &Save Map File... false &Reset Symbol Table &Disassembly Ctrl+D false &Log Console Ctrl+L Memory &View... Ctrl+M &Keyboard &Toggle fullscreen F11 true &Buffered Rendering F5 true &Hardware Transform F6 true &Linear Filtering true &Display Raw Framebuffer true Show &debug statistics true Screen &1x Ctrl+1 true Screen &2x Ctrl+2 true Screen &3x Ctrl+3 true Screen &4x Ctrl+4 true &Fast Memory (dynarec, unstable) true I&gnore illegal reads/writes &Go to &About PPSSPP... true &Use VBO true Debug true Warning true Error true Info true Debug true Warning true Info true Error true Debug true Warning true Info true Error &Gamepad Run on loa&d D&ump next frame to log true &Vertex Cache Memory View Texture... DisplayList... true Simple 2xAA true Off true 2x true 4x true 8x true 16x true Show &FPS counter true S&tretch to display true &Sound emulation true Frameskip QtEmuGL QWidget