using System.Linq; using System.IO; using BizHawk.Client.Common; namespace BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk { public partial class TAStudio { /// /// Only goes to go to the frame if it is an event before current emulation, otherwise it is just a future event that can freely be edited /// private void GoToLastEmulatedFrameIfNecessary(int frame) { if (frame != Emulator.Frame) // Don't go to a frame if you are already on it! { int restoreFrame = Emulator.Frame; if (frame <= Emulator.Frame) { GoToFrame(frame); } if (!_autoRestoreFrame.HasValue || _autoRestoreFrame.Value < restoreFrame) _autoRestoreFrame = restoreFrame; } } // SuuperW: I changed this to public so that it could be used by MarkerControl.cs public void GoToFrame(int frame) { // If seeking to a frame before or at the end of the movie, use StartAtNearestFrameAndEmulate // Otherwise, load the latest state (if not already there) and seek while recording. if (frame <= CurrentTasMovie.InputLogLength) { // Get as close as we can then emulate there StartAtNearestFrameAndEmulate(frame); MaybeFollowCursor(); } else // Emulate to a future frame { if (frame == Emulator.Frame + 1) // We are at the end of the movie and advancing one frame, therefore we are recording, simply emulate a frame { bool wasPaused = GlobalWin.MainForm.EmulatorPaused; GlobalWin.MainForm.FrameAdvance(); if (!wasPaused) GlobalWin.MainForm.UnpauseEmulator(); } else { CurrentTasMovie.SwitchToPlay(); int lastState = CurrentTasMovie.TasStateManager.GetStateClosestToFrame(frame).Key; // Simply getting the last state doesn't work if that state is the frame. [dispaly isn't saved in the state, need to emulate to frame] if (lastState > Emulator.Frame) LoadState(CurrentTasMovie.TasStateManager[lastState]); // STATE ACCESS StartSeeking(frame); } } RefreshDialog(); UpdateOtherTools(); } public void GoToPreviousFrame() { if (Emulator.Frame > 0) { GoToFrame(Emulator.Frame - 1); } } public void GoToNextFrame() { GoToFrame(Emulator.Frame + 1); } public void GoToPreviousMarker() { if (Emulator.Frame > 0) { var prevMarker = CurrentTasMovie.Markers.Previous(Emulator.Frame); var prev = prevMarker != null ? prevMarker.Frame : 0; GoToFrame(prev); } } public void GoToNextMarker() { var nextMarker = CurrentTasMovie.Markers.Next(Emulator.Frame); var next = nextMarker != null ? nextMarker.Frame : CurrentTasMovie.InputLogLength - 1; GoToFrame(next); } public void GoToMarker(TasMovieMarker marker) { GoToFrame(marker.Frame); } /// /// Makes the given frame visible. If no frame is given, makes the current frame visible. /// public void SetVisibleIndex(int? indexThatMustBeVisible = null) { if (!indexThatMustBeVisible.HasValue) indexThatMustBeVisible = Emulator.Frame; TasView.ScrollToIndex(indexThatMustBeVisible.Value); } private void MaybeFollowCursor() { if (TasPlaybackBox.FollowCursor && !mouseButtonHeld) SetVisibleIndex(); } } }