using System; namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Common.Components.LR35902 { public partial class LR35902 { // this contains the vectors of instrcution operations // NOTE: This list is NOT confirmed accurate for each individual cycle private void NOP_() { cur_instr = new ushort[] {IDLE, IDLE, IDLE, OP }; } private void INC_16(ushort src_l, ushort src_h) { cur_instr = new ushort[] {IDLE, IDLE, IDLE, INC16, src_l, src_h, IDLE, IDLE, IDLE, OP }; } private void DEC_16(ushort src_l, ushort src_h) { cur_instr = new ushort[] {IDLE, IDLE, IDLE, DEC16, src_l, src_h, IDLE, IDLE, IDLE, OP }; } private void ADD_16(ushort dest_l, ushort dest_h, ushort src_l, ushort src_h) { cur_instr = new ushort[] {IDLE, IDLE, IDLE, ADD16, dest_l, dest_h, src_l, src_h, IDLE, IDLE, IDLE, OP }; } private void REG_OP(ushort operation, ushort dest, ushort src) { cur_instr = new ushort[] {operation, dest, src, IDLE, IDLE, OP }; } private void STOP_() { cur_instr = new ushort[] {RD, Z, PCl, PCh, INC16, PCl, PCh, IDLE, STOP }; } private void HALT_() { if (FlagI && (EI_pending == 0)) { if (is_GBC) { // in GBC mode, the HALT bug is worked around by simply adding a NOP // so it just takes 4 cycles longer to reach the next instruction cur_instr = new ushort[] {IDLE, IDLE, IDLE, IDLE, IDLE, IDLE, IDLE, OP}; } else { // if interrupts are disabled, // a glitchy decrement to the program counter happens cur_instr = new ushort[] {IDLE, IDLE, IDLE, OP_G}; } } else { cur_instr = new ushort[] {IDLE, IDLE, IDLE, HALT }; } } private void JR_COND(bool cond) { if (cond) { cur_instr = new ushort[] {IDLE, IDLE, IDLE, RD, W, PCl, PCh, IDLE, INC16, PCl, PCh, IDLE, ASGN, Z, 0, IDLE, ADDS, PCl, PCh, W, Z, IDLE, OP }; } else { cur_instr = new ushort[] {IDLE, IDLE, IDLE, RD, Z, PCl, PCh, IDLE, INC16, PCl, PCh, IDLE, OP }; } } private void JP_COND(bool cond) { if (cond) { cur_instr = new ushort[] {IDLE, IDLE, IDLE, RD, W, PCl, PCh, IDLE, INC16, PCl, PCh, IDLE, RD, Z, PCl, PCh, IDLE, INC16, PCl, PCh, IDLE, TR, PCl, W, IDLE, TR, PCh, Z, IDLE, OP }; } else { cur_instr = new ushort[] {IDLE, IDLE, IDLE, RD, W, PCl, PCh, IDLE, INC16, PCl, PCh, IDLE, RD, Z, PCl, PCh, IDLE, INC16, PCl, PCh, IDLE, OP }; } } private void RET_() { cur_instr = new ushort[] {IDLE, IDLE, IDLE, RD, PCl, SPl, SPh, IDLE, INC16, SPl, SPh, IDLE, RD, PCh, SPl, SPh, IDLE, INC16, SPl, SPh, IDLE, IDLE, IDLE, IDLE, IDLE, OP }; } private void RETI_() { cur_instr = new ushort[] {IDLE, IDLE, IDLE, RD, PCl, SPl, SPh, IDLE, INC16, SPl, SPh, IDLE, RD, PCh, SPl, SPh, IDLE, INC16, SPl, SPh, IDLE, EI_RETI, IDLE, IDLE, IDLE, OP }; } private void RET_COND(bool cond) { if (cond) { cur_instr = new ushort[] {IDLE, IDLE, IDLE, IDLE, IDLE, IDLE, IDLE, RD, PCl, SPl, SPh, IDLE, INC16, SPl, SPh, IDLE, RD, PCh, SPl, SPh, IDLE, INC16, SPl, SPh, IDLE, IDLE, IDLE, IDLE, IDLE, OP }; } else { cur_instr = new ushort[] {IDLE, IDLE, IDLE, IDLE, IDLE, IDLE, IDLE, OP }; } } private void CALL_COND(bool cond) { if (cond) { cur_instr = new ushort[] {IDLE, IDLE, IDLE, RD, W, PCl, PCh, INC16, PCl, PCh, IDLE, IDLE, RD, Z, PCl, PCh, INC16, PCl, PCh, IDLE, DEC16, SPl, SPh, IDLE, IDLE, IDLE, IDLE, WR, SPl, SPh, PCh, IDLE, IDLE, DEC16, SPl, SPh, WR, SPl, SPh, PCl, IDLE, TR, PCl, W, TR, PCh, Z, OP }; } else { cur_instr = new ushort[] {IDLE, IDLE, IDLE, RD, W, PCl, PCh, IDLE, INC16, PCl, PCh, IDLE, RD, Z, PCl, PCh, IDLE, INC16, PCl, PCh, IDLE, OP }; } } private void INT_OP(ushort operation, ushort src) { cur_instr = new ushort[] {operation, src, IDLE, IDLE, OP }; } private void BIT_OP(ushort operation, ushort bit, ushort src) { cur_instr = new ushort[] {operation, bit, src, IDLE, IDLE, OP }; } private void PUSH_(ushort src_l, ushort src_h) { cur_instr = new ushort[] {IDLE, IDLE, IDLE, IDLE, IDLE, DEC16, SPl, SPh, IDLE, WR, SPl, SPh, src_h, IDLE, DEC16, SPl, SPh, IDLE, WR, SPl, SPh, src_l, IDLE, IDLE, IDLE, OP }; } // NOTE: this is the only instruction that can write to F // but the bottom 4 bits of F are always 0, so instead of putting a special check for every read op // let's just put a special operation here specifically for F private void POP_(ushort src_l, ushort src_h) { if (src_l != F) { cur_instr = new ushort[] {IDLE, IDLE, IDLE, RD, src_l, SPl, SPh, IDLE, INC16, SPl, SPh, IDLE, RD, src_h, SPl, SPh, IDLE, INC16, SPl, SPh, IDLE, OP }; } else { cur_instr = new ushort[] {IDLE, IDLE, IDLE, RD_F, src_l, SPl, SPh, IDLE, INC16, SPl, SPh, IDLE, RD, src_h, SPl, SPh, IDLE, INC16, SPl, SPh, IDLE, OP }; } } private void RST_(ushort n) { cur_instr = new ushort[] {IDLE, IDLE, IDLE, DEC16, SPl, SPh, IDLE, IDLE, IDLE, WR, SPl, SPh, PCh, DEC16, SPl, SPh, IDLE, IDLE, WR, SPl, SPh, PCl, IDLE, ASGN, PCh, 0, ASGN, PCl, n, OP }; } private void PREFIX_() { cur_instr = new ushort[] {PREFIX, IDLE, IDLE, OP }; } private void DI_() { cur_instr = new ushort[] {DI, IDLE, IDLE, OP }; } private void EI_() { cur_instr = new ushort[] {EI, IDLE, IDLE, OP }; } private void JP_HL() { cur_instr = new ushort[] {TR, PCl, L, IDLE, TR, PCh, H, OP }; } private void ADD_SP() { cur_instr = new ushort[] {IDLE, IDLE, IDLE, IDLE, IDLE, RD, W, PCl, PCh, IDLE, INC16, PCl, PCh, IDLE, ASGN, Z, 0, IDLE, ADDS, SPl, SPh, W, Z, IDLE, IDLE, IDLE, OP }; } private void LD_SP_HL() { cur_instr = new ushort[] {IDLE, IDLE, IDLE, TR, SPl, L, IDLE, TR, SPh, H, IDLE, OP }; } private void LD_HL_SPn() { cur_instr = new ushort[] {IDLE, IDLE, IDLE, RD, W, PCl, PCh, IDLE, INC16, PCl, PCh, IDLE, TR, H, SPh, TR, L, SPl, ASGN, Z, 0, ADDS, L, H, W, Z, OP }; } private void JAM_() { cur_instr = new ushort[] {JAM, IDLE, IDLE, IDLE }; } } }