using BizHawk.Common; using BizHawk.Common.NumberExtensions; using System; namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Nintendo.GBHawk { // Timer Emulation public class Timer { public GBHawk Core { get; set; } public ushort divider_reg; public byte timer_reload; public byte timer; public byte timer_old; public byte timer_control; public byte pending_reload; public byte write_ignore; public bool old_state; public bool state; public bool reload_block; public bool TMA_coincidence; public byte ReadReg(int addr) { byte ret = 0; switch (addr) { case 0xFF04: ret = (byte)(divider_reg >> 8); break; // DIV register case 0xFF05: ret = timer; break; // TIMA (Timer Counter) case 0xFF06: ret = timer_reload; break; // TMA (Timer Modulo) case 0xFF07: ret = timer_control; break; // TAC (Timer Control) } return ret; } public void WriteReg(int addr, byte value) { switch (addr) { // DIV register case 0xFF04: divider_reg = 0; break; // TIMA (Timer Counter) case 0xFF05: if (write_ignore == 0) { timer_old = timer; timer = value; reload_block = true; } break; // TMA (Timer Modulo) case 0xFF06: timer_reload = value; if (TMA_coincidence) { timer = timer_reload; timer_old = timer; } break; // TAC (Timer Control) case 0xFF07: timer_control = (byte)((timer_control & 0xf8) | (value & 0x7)); // only bottom 3 bits function break; } } public void tick_1() { if (write_ignore > 0) { write_ignore--; if (write_ignore==0) { TMA_coincidence = false; } } if (pending_reload > 0) { pending_reload--; if (pending_reload == 0 && !reload_block) { timer = timer_reload; timer_old = timer; write_ignore = 4; TMA_coincidence = true; } else if (pending_reload == 1 && !reload_block) { // set interrupts if (Core.REG_FFFF.Bit(2)) { Core.cpu.FlagI = true; } Core.REG_FF0F |= 0x04; } } } public void tick_2() { divider_reg++; // pick a bit to test based on the current value of timer control switch (timer_control & 3) { case 0: state = divider_reg.Bit(9); break; case 1: state = divider_reg.Bit(3); break; case 2: state = divider_reg.Bit(5); break; case 3: state = divider_reg.Bit(7); break; } // And it with the state of the timer on/off bit state &= timer_control.Bit(2); // this procedure allows several glitchy timer ticks, since it only measures falling edge of the state // so things like turning the timer off and resetting the divider will tick the timer if (old_state && !state) { timer_old = timer; timer++; // if overflow, set the interrupt flag and reload the timer (4 clocks later) if (timer < timer_old) { pending_reload = 4; reload_block = false; } } old_state = state; } public void Reset() { divider_reg = Core._syncSettings._DivInitialTime; timer_reload = 0; timer = 0; timer_old = 0; timer_control = 0xF8; pending_reload = 0; write_ignore = 0; old_state = false; state = false; reload_block = false; TMA_coincidence = false; } public void SyncState(Serializer ser) { ser.Sync("divider_reg", ref divider_reg); ser.Sync("timer_reload", ref timer_reload); ser.Sync("timer", ref timer); ser.Sync("timer_old", ref timer_old); ser.Sync("timer_control", ref timer_control); ser.Sync("pending_reload", ref pending_reload); ser.Sync("write_ignore", ref write_ignore); ser.Sync("old_state", ref old_state); ser.Sync("state", ref state); ser.Sync("reload_block", ref reload_block); ser.Sync("TMA_coincidence", ref TMA_coincidence); } } }